"Guys?" I asked doing everything in power to not let my legs shake from fear.

"Yeah?" Jasper asked calmly.

"Can I talk to him aloneā€¦?" I asked frightened.

They all gazed at me curiously and confused but slowly trotted away. Thank god!

"Hello." I heard James voice say again. I looked at him and saw at his roots there was blonde just like his natural hair. His eyes still held that odd glint they had always had. No! NO, NO, NO! This could not be James! If it was then he could easily get arrested right now.

"What's your name?" I asked shakily.

"Oh, Izzy. Why are you scared? We both know who I am." He said confirming my deepest fears. I drew a gasp still too scared to do anything else.

"I- I can call the police." I threatened or more like stated nervously. Way to hold my ground.

"Oh, Izzy. Oh wait. You go by Bella now right? Anyways, my history is completely erased. There is no way to get me arrested. If you try you will soon see my name is John Glinton and I am eighteen. I have a whole new identity. Also, you don't want anyone having the same fate as your mother. Now do you?" He asked.

"Don't hurt anyone. Take me, hurt me, no one else." I offered.

"Look, I just want us to be in a relationship. I could never hurt you. I will visit you everyday, we can go on dates, be a normal couple. That is all I want." He said. He is a psycho!

"You're lying about the identity." I guessed hoping it was true.

"Oh, Bella." He chuckled pulling out a passport and handed it to me. I opened it up and saw it his name was John Glinton. New birthday, and he was eighteen.

"This doesn't mean anything. You can get these fake, but not erase your old identity." I said as confidently as I could.

"I know people, Bella. Trust me, it was like James never existed. You can try to find him in police records but it's impossible." He told me.

My breathing started getting louder and becoming more shallow.

"I got to go." I replied and went to my truck racing home.

As soon as I got home I called Charlie and asked him to check on James.

"I can't find him!" He shouted confused.

"He's completely wiped out of the system!" He repeated.

"Look, your safer here than anywhere else, I can call the department and tell them. I will be home soon. I am on my way right now. Have you seen him around school? Anything?" Charlie asked me nervously.

I thought about this question. It wasn't something I said on the spot. I actually knew I was going to say this answer.

"No." I said.