RyuXHayato FF – 3,162 words (about)

If history could be rewritten…

Part 11: Protecting What's Most Important

Waking up in Hayato's arms was something Ryu knew he would never forget. When he opened his eyes the following morning, it took him a few moments to remember where he was and why. But shortly thereafter, any anxiety he might have felt was washed away as he felt Hayato's arms tighten around him slightly. Looking over at his boyfriend, Ryu could see he was still asleep. There was a peaceful smile on Hayato's face that he just couldn't bring himself to break, so, carefully shifting his body, he laid back down so that he was facing the larger boy; so that he could watch him sleeping.

Ryu watched Hayato's eyelids shift slightly as his eyes scuttled back and forth beneath them. He watched his lips quiver; felt the deep rise and fall of his chest as he breathed in and out. At that moment, Ryu knew, without a doubt, that he would do anything for this boy beside him. He knew that any chance he had at turning back had passed long ago. He was completely and irrevocably in love with Hayato, and whatever happened now, they would handle together.

There was school that day, but neither of the boys attended. Ryu, for obvious reasons, had been forbidden by his doctor to go anywhere, and Hayato refused to leave him home by himself. The only resident of the Yabuki household who seemed upset by this arrangement was Taku, who argued furiously with his brother about why he couldn't stay home as well. Once he was off to school though, it was just the two of them alone together.

Ryu watched Hayato work in the kitchen from where he laid, resting on the couch. The boy was making him lunch, but Ryu's thoughts were not focused on food at the moment. Instead, he was preparing himself to have a serious conversation with Hayato. As if sensing something was troubling him, Hayato came over to the couch and sat down on it's arm, facing Ryu.

"What is it?" he asked, trying to keep his tone light. Ryu swallowed.

"Hayato, will you help me with something?" Ryu looked up into his boyfriend's face, uncertain how to proceed.

"Of course!" Hayato exclaimed vehemently. Why would you think I wouldn't?! he wondered to himself.

"It's about my father," Ryu continued, never dropping his serious gaze. Hayato nodded, aware that they were entering dangerous territory. "I want to go and speak to him… and tell him that I am moving out. I'll get an apartment," Ryu finished, struggling to hide the sudden surge of fear he felt at the prospect of having that conversation with his father. Who am I kidding? he inquired of himself. It wouldn't be a conversation; it would be a blood bath. That's where Hayato comes in…

"Hayato, I'm asking you to go with me," he finished hurriedly, at last tearing his eyes away from the other boy's face and staring at the floor uncertainly. Hayato sucked in his breath harshly, causing Ryu to glance up again.

"Ryu," he began angrily, "there's no way I'm letting you go anywhere near your dad, at least not while you're still injured. Can't this wait?" Ryu was surprised. So wait… he thought. Does that mean he's agreeing?

"So you'll go with me?" he clarified. Hayato looked furious.

"OF COURSE I'M GOING WITH YOU!" he shouted. Ryu glanced around nervously, as though afraid the neighbors might hear; Hayato had such a loud voice. "I wouldn't let you within one kilometer of that guy unless I was with you!" he proclaimed, still at top volume. Ryu sighed.

"Alright then," he decided. "I'll wait. How about we go the day after tomorrow? The doctor said I could be up and about by then." Hayato was about to protest, but reconsidered. The most important thing right now is making sure that man can't touch Ryu ever again, he thought quickly. The sooner Ryu officially no longer lives in that house, the better. He's eighteen legally, so there shouldn't be problems after that.

"Fine," he agreed tersely, "but on one condition." Ryu raised his eyebrows suspiciously. "I don't want you living in an apartment by yourself, at least not right away. You should stay here for now, and if you really want to, we can find you your own place once you're completely healthy again." Ryu blushed, unwilling to admit that he was hoping Hayato might say something like that. He didn't want to stay too long and burden their family, but still; he liked staying with Hayato, and a week or so more couldn't hurt.

"Deal," he agreed happily. He smiled up at his friend who in turn smiled back. Feeling glad they had finally decided what to do, Hayato went back to his cooking and Ryu continued to rest, determined to be at his full strength when they went to confront his father. He wouldn't admit it to Hayato, but his stomach twisted at the thought.

The next day passed in much the same fashion as the previous. Hayato skipped school again, ignoring Ryu's protests and insistence that he could look after himself for at least a few hours. No one bothered to check and see why they weren't coming to school. With Hayato's attendance record, it was nothing unusual for him to miss three or four days at a time. Everyone ignored Ryu's absence as well, figuring that since the two boys spent so much time together, he must be with Hayato, goofing off somewhere. Only their three close friends, Take, Tsuchi, and Hyuuga worried that something was wrong, but decided to hold off on calling them. Yankumi also felt as though something was up, and decided that she would go to Odagiri's house the following day and see what was going on.

In what felt like no time at all, it was Wednesday and Ryu and Hayato set out from Hayato's house. They were definitely nervous about what they were doing, but at the same time felt that it was necessary. There was no doubt in Hayato's mind about what had to be done, and likewise, Ryu was finally ready to put an end to the terror he had endured for so long. Rounding the corner, the two boys headed down Ryu's street, gripping each other's sweaty palms for support.

As they neared the Odagiri residence, Ryu gulped. He had spotted his father's car in the driveway; he was there, and no doubt very upset that his son hadn't been home in several days. Hayato glanced over at him and, seeing his expression, squeezed his hand tightly. Ryu squeezed back and they kept walking until they were just outside the front gate. It was then that Ryu froze.

Coming up the front walk, as though anticipating their arrival, was his father, already fully dressed for work. He did not pause as he saw them standing there, instead opening the gate and proceeding until he stood directly in front of the two boys. On his face was an expression so furious that Ryu felt himself tremble and quickly looked to the ground. Remember why you're here! he urged, trying to get a grip on his fear. You have to end this!

"Ryu, tell him," Hayato said, gentle but firm. Ryu looked over at his friend who was glaring at his father with a look of pure hatred and felt strength surge through him. As long as he had Hayato…

"Father," he said, his voice perfectly steady, "I am moving out. Hayato is here with me to help me get my things." He indicated the boy next to him. There was a deadly silence that permeated the air for a few moments as Ryu's father appeared to take in what his son had just said. Beside him, Hayato could feel Ryu tense up, waiting for his father's reaction. Suddenly, the man broke into a frightening leer, leaned his head back, and unleashed a burst of hysterical laughter.

Ryu inched back in spite of himself; he had seen his father like this before, and it never ended well. His every instinct was screaming for him to run away as fast as he could, but Hayato's grip kept him in his place, reminding him of their purpose.

"I said, I'm lea…" But he was cut off as his father abruptly backhanded him across the face with such force that his neck snapped around with an audible crack. Stumbling from the impact, he fell to the ground, barely registering Hayato's howl of rage. The larger boy quickly planted himself in front of Ryu where he lay on the pavement, still trying to recover himself. Hayato was angrier than he could ever remember.

"YOU BASTARD!" he shouted at Ryu's father, purposely blocking his view of his son. Hayato saw the approaching fist seconds before it made contact with the side of his head, but was still unable to react quickly enough to block it. However, after years of fighting, he was able to twist to the side slightly, preventing himself from receiving the full impact of the hit and ensuring that he remained standing.

Although reeling slightly from the blow, he lashed out at his aggressor, landing a kick squarely on the larger man's chest. For a moment, Hayato believed he had knocked the wind out of him, but Mr. Odagiri recovered so quickly, he had almost no time to react as he was attacked yet again. This time, it was a booted foot that made contact with the side of his head, and he had no way to prepare for it. Desperate to protect Ryu, he tried to fall back beside him, but the kick sent his body flying.

Hayato felt every jolt of pain has he crashed to the ground several feet from his fallen friend, before he came to a stop. He could feel a sticky wet heat pooling on his forehead, but couldn't reach up to confirm that he was bleeding. He could only watch in agony as Ryu's father moved to stand over his son, and began to kick him in the ribs with all his might. Ryu's cries of pain were unbearable to Hayato, and with each one he felt as though his heart was being stabbed.

Finally, his father paused and Ryu looked up at him, barely able to breathe; sure that his ribs had been re-broken. He was breathing harshly, a fiery gleam in his eye as he stared down at his son.

"You are not leaving," he explained softly, as though to an elementary student who had given the incorrect answer to a simple problem. He pointed his finger down at Ryu threateningly. "You will do as I say, and I say you live here! Did you really think that if you brought one of your pathetic friends to help you, I would let you go?" He laughed maniacally again and moved his arm to point off into the distance. Ryu turned his head and say Hayato lying on the pavement, blood dripping from a wound on his head.

Shock surged through him at the sight of his injured love. It was as though a trigger inside of him had been released without warning, fueling him with years of pent up emotions: rage, hatred, crazed wrath at his father for treating him the way he did. For the first time in his life, he was filled with a powerful will to destroy his father; to hurt him and punish him as he himself had been hurt and punished so many times before.

Hayato was looking at him, pleading with him with his eyes. Don't worry Hayato! Ryu called out silently. There is no fear anymore. I will protect what is most important to me! He tore his gaze from Hayato and looked up at his father through a haze of fury. For a moment, he saw surprise in his father's face, as though he was unnerved by the sudden change in his son. Recovering quickly, he once again drew his leg back to kick Ryu in the ribs, but Ryu was ready now. He was ready as he had never been before.

With a cry he rolled on his side towards the impending foot and grabbed onto it before it could come crashing into him again. With a violent twist, he unbalanced his father, causing the man to fall to the ground with a yell. Getting up on his knees before his father could recover, Ryu smashed his bony fist into the face on the man who had caused him so much pain. Blood spurted from his father's nose, but he ignored it. Again and again, he savagely beat into his father's face, unable to stop the torrent of resentment and wrath that compelled him to continue. He will pay! he cried out to himself. He will pay for everything! For hurting Hayato; for hurting me! HE WILL FINALLY PAY!!!!

Yankumi had rounded the corner, turning onto the street that housed Odagiri's address just in time to see a tall man in a suit violently kicking a fallen boy. Even from this distance, she was able to recognize Ryu's reddish-tinted hair from where he lay on the ground, screaming in pain each time the man's booted foot made contact with his side. A few meters away, she saw Yabuki lying motionless, something red dripping from his face onto the ground. Without another thought, she started running.

As she ran, she saw the man point down at Odagiri and say something before pointing at Hayato. There was a pause while she saw Ryu's head shift to look at his friend, and then back up at his attacker. The man drew back to resume kicking the boy, when Yankumi almost stopped dead at the sight of Ryu launching himself on the man's leg and pulling him to the ground. Ryu pinned the man to the pavement and began punching him with more energy and ferocity than she had ever seen her student release before. Finally reaching the fighters, she grabbed Odagiri by the arms, trying to pull him off of the man.

"Odagiri!" she shouted, trying to make herself heard over his incoherent shouts. He fought her hold, trying to resume smashing every inch of his father's flesh within arm's reach. She jerked him back more forcefully.

"Odagiri, stop!" she ordered. The man was coughing, blood streaming from his mouth and nose. As Yankumi pulled him away from his enemy, Ryu suddenly stopped fighting her and collapsed, exhausted by his anger and his actions. Less than a moment later though, he had jumped up and out of her slackened grasp. Leaping over his father's body, he lunged for Hayato, but his injuries made him trip and land next to him instead. Picking himself up slightly, he pulled Hayato's head into his lap.

"Hayato," he whispered, stroking his boyfriend's face gently. He was crying, and as tears fell from his eyes, they dropped onto Hayato's bloody face. His eyes opened slowly and he looked up at the person he had fought to defend. "Hayato!" Ryu sobbed, unashamed. It was as though the emotional wall he so often hid behind had been obliterated, making him completely susceptible to whatever emotion he was feeling at the time.

"Ryu?" Hayato whispered inquisitively. His head was pounding, but he otherwise felt fine, if still a bit dizzy. Sitting up, he turned to face Ryu, pulling him into a passionate embrace, as though he would die if he couldn't. Ryu gasped in relief and pain as Hayato gripped his newly wounded ribs. As if suddenly remembering all that had happened, Hayato whipped around to see Yankumi sitting next to Ryu's father, a mixture of concern and disgust on her face.

"Who is this man?" she asked, noticing the two of them looking at her. Hayato was filled with fury again.

"That's my father," Ryu answered softly, lowering his gaze to the ground. Yankumi looked appalled.

"WHAT?!" she screeched disbelievingly. The two boys shook their heads at her.

"We'll explain everything to you later," Hayato told her simply. Wanting to get out of the street, he stood up slowly, testing his balance. Once he was sure he could walk, he bent down and gently lifted up Ryu by the arms. Pulling his arm around his shoulder, Hayato helped Ryu hobble down the street in the direction of home. Yankumi hurried to follow them.

"And what are we supposed to do, just leave him there?!" she inquired scathingly.

"Yes," Ryu whispered. "He won't die." He looked over at Hayato. "We can come back to get my things some other time. He won't try and stop us again." He felt sure of this. Hayato smiled at him. Yankumi hovered around them nervously as though wanting to help but also not wanting to get in the way.

"I saw what you did back there," Hayato murmured. Ryu glanced up at him as they continued to limp along the street. "Where did all that sudden energy come from?" he asked. "I've never seen you so angry before. You were amazing." Ryu looked at him shyly.

"I was stronger because I had to protect something," he answered seriously. "I had to protect what was most important to me." Stopping, he turned an slung his other arm around Hayato's shoulder, leaning up to kiss him gently on the mouth, not even caring that Yankumi was there to witness it. "You are more important to me than anything else," he said simply.

Hayato felt as though he didn't have enough room inside of him for all the things he wanted to say to Ryu, but he held onto them securely. They would have plenty of time to talk about today's events and other things in the near future; there was no need to rush. Smiling, he thought, I love you more than anything Ryu. You are my most important person.

As they continued walking, Ryu felt sure that everything would be fine. He had finally found the one thing that made standing up to his father worth it. He had found his motivation for living and loving. He had found the one person able to break down the wall he put up to everyone; the one person who had made an irremovable mark on his heart. Everything is perfect, he thought peacefully.

~ The End ~

Thank you all so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed Ryu's and Hayato's journey as much as I enjoyed writing about it. And to anyone who's not satisfied with how I ended this, don't get too upset yet. I have a sequel in the works as we speak, and in it, Ryu and Hayato's relationship will definitely develop up to "that point", if you catch what I mean. So look for it when it comes out, ok?