Scarlet: You're writing again! That was quick.

Choco: Yeah, I had a good idea this time though

Scarlet: Ah.

Rena: (Holding cake): Hey guys….OMG CHOCO YOU"RE WRITING!


Rena: Fine…I won't.

Shinji: Yeah right. (Sees Scarlet) Oh snap. Rena, I 'm leaving.

Rena: Why?

Shinji: Because if I don't Scarlet will trip my head off.

Scarlet: You got that right.

(Shinji leaves)

Scarlet: God that kid drives me up the fricking wall.

Choco/Rena: We see.

Light: Why did some strange person run out the door just now?

Scarlet: Don't ask.

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%I just couldn't get that image out of my head. I lay on my bed listening to my family sleep, and I tried to surf the Internet, but all I could see was that scene…

I turned the corner at the grocery store. I passed an alleyway when I heard a muffled cry. I looked into the darkness and could see two men hunched over something…a girl. One man was going slightly grey, the other, I could see, was young.

"Yes, Harriet" the older man growled at the girl.

"Father, no" the raven-haired girl replied.

"YES!" The older man slapped the girl hard across the face. The younger one laughed, turning his head to the side; I could see he was younger than me. The man slumped and with fumbling fingers pulled at the girl's shirt buttons; she shoved him away. The boy went and grabbed her hands, pulling them behind her back. The man pulled her jeans off…and I intervened. I couldn't have stopped myself flying down that alleyway if I tried. I grabbed the man's arm; he turned to glare at me. When he opened his mouth I could smell liquor on his breath.

"No," I told him. "Leave her alone."

"F**k off," he slurred at me. "This aint' none o your business." I felt my glare go cold; red began to tinge the edge of my vision.

"The assault of an unwilling and innocent girl is EVERYONE'S business." I told him. The boy came up behind and me whacked me over the head, trying to knock me out; I barely felt it. I twirled around faster than I thought possible, and grabbed his arm.

His eyes widened, and I twisted it back. I heard the snap; he screamed. I let go, and his arm was at an unnatural angle. The girl had crawled a little ways away while this had been going on. Her father noticed, and he turned and grabbed her. He yanked her back.

"Where the hell do you think you're going, you Jewish slut?" He asked her. He backhanded her. She looked at me helplessly. He slipped a hand under her shirt, and I struck. I felt my teeth growing pointed, and I sunk them into the vain at his neck. His eyes flew open in surprise; his hands went to his neck. Some instinct drove me; I sucked in. I kept sucking until he went limp.

His son hit me over the head again; I dropped the old man and turned to him. I couldn't help myself; I attacked him too. When they were both lying pale and still on the slimy alley ground, I turned to the girl. Her eyes were wide open, her breathing panicked. She covered her face with her hands.

"Don't hurt me," she begged. "I'll do whatever you want, just please don't hurt me." I slowly out my hand out; she flinched away.

"Harriet, that's your name isn't it," she nodded. "Listen Harriet. I'm not going to hurt you." She looked up at me.

"But you killed my brother and father…not that I'm not glad you did, but why wouldn't you kill me?" I shook my head.

"You are innocent; they were not. I won't hurt you." I put out my hand; she took it and stood. She adjusted her clothes, thanked me then walked out of the alley. I heard her footsteps change, and I knew she was running. I turned back to my crime. I ripped the corpses apart on instinct, and scattered the pieces.

Then I went for eggs. On the way to the door, I passed an odd-looking guy. His hair stuck up all over the place, his shirt was crumpled and his face was ghostly pale. He stared at me for a minute, then walked away. I bought eggs, and when I was passing the alleyway suddenly sank to my knees. The reality of what I ha just done had finally gotten to me. I slowly got up and walked home. I met Scarlet; she was quiet, and didn't pry. I gave hr the eggs, and then went around to the back. Her window was open; mine wasn't. I tensed, then sprang up; I easily made it through. I landed in the middle of her room and waited for her. She came in about 10 minutes later, and stopped. She asked me questions, then I left and locked myself in my room. I sat there through the night, thinking about my fate, that girl and what the strange man had done….



Choco: Yep. And I see you're not eating my cake this time

Rena: I'm too excited for cake

Scarlet: Sure. Light, why are you still here?

Light: We need an OC and an OOC. That emo purple haired kid is gone, so I had to take over.

Choco: No you didn't.

Light: Yes I did. It was me or Blackstar.

Rena: Oh.

Blackstar: I am AWESOME! (Looks at Light) You stole my place! I will fight you for it!

Light: Whatever short stuff.


Choco: Will Rena and I somehow deal with these two, we'll end this. See ya later!