Title: Der Strom Chapter 1: Cherry Lips
Rating: M
Word Count: 6,501
Chapter count: 1 of 4
Character/Pairings: Jotaro/Kakyoin
Disclaimer: Jojo's Bizarre Adventure is property of the crazy genius Hirohiko Araki. I just write fan fiction.
Summery: Kakyoin dwells on not wanting regerts before he dies. Hot man sex ensues.
Author's Notes: I haven't written a fan fic since…2007? Yeah, it's been a while since I wrote anything, much less something that was M.

*Ahem* Anyway, this is YAOI. This means men having a relationship with other men. If you don't like that, don't continue to read and then give me a flame of "OH MY GOD, WHY DID YOU WRITE MAN SEX PORN OF JOJO?! THAT'S TOTALLY NOT RIGHT!!" I'm not responsible for your masochism.

Also, this is based off the manga, not the OVA. So if you only watched the OVA and had no idea what went on in the manga, you're going to be lost.

This takes place after J. Geil's fight and during the Empress one (which did not show up in the OVA).

Thanks to megyal for betaing! Especially since I had to give her the biggest crash course.


The packed bazaar was full of the loud voices of tourist and venders. From every direction the exchanges of bad English were heard, mangled attempts to scheme the unsuspecting tourist out of their cash.

"This? This only twenty dollar," one vender said, holding up an elaborately decorated purse to a rather large blonde haired woman. The woman began to inspect it before haggling with the vender to push his price down.
The rabid exchange began, the sounds of which began to get lost in the sea of bedlam.

However, the chaos was completely disregarded by a tall, muscular male eyeing a box of cherries. His green eyes lit up behind his strawberry bangs at the box. A soft pink tongue darted among his red lips. The young man's mind began to race; should he buy? Should he spend the money on this simple but wonderful pleasure?

His train of thought was derailed by a strong hand on his shoulder. A gruff yet quite voice spoke in his


Kakyoin looked over his shoulder to see his even taller companion standing behind him. He noticed under his Jotaro's large arm was cradled a basket of apples and another basket of something else he couldn't see behind it. The reality snapped Kakyoin back into what they were doing and why they were here; collecting food to eat for tonight at the hotel.

He looked into the darkened eyes of his companion, unable to read the detached look that was shaded by the black cap. Jotaro went on to look at other produce, deciding on what they could eat for tonight and what would not spoil on their trip. He wore that same unreadable expression while making the selections.

Kakyoin could only sigh and look upon the cherries again. He could probably eat the whole thing, but would there be enough money in their budget to make such a purchase? He pressed his lip before picking up some cherries. If he had to take money out of his pocket to pay for this sweet temptation, then so be it.

"Jojo, you finished?" he turned to ask. The same stoic expression lay on Jotaro's face as he looked up and he seemed to pay no attention to the girls giggling behind him, he nodded before picking up a bushel of strawberries.

When they came to the vender, Kakyoin placed the cherries down. Jotaro looked down before meeting Kakyoin's eyes. Kakyoin was almost expecting the same, indifferent expression, but somehow there was an unreadable light in Jotaro's eyes. Kakyoin thought it was an odd reaction, after all Jotaro knew Kakyoin loved cherries.

He watched as Jotaro said nothing and pay. Kakyoin picked up the cherries and apples while Jotaro picked up the rest. He looked up at Jotaro and noticed that whatever spark that was there was gone. Only apathetic eyes looked back.


The walk back to the hotel was fraught with venders, beggars, and girls. Kakyoin remembered when he was first annoyed by all of this, but he was beginning to see the charm of India. Abdul was right about the generosity.


It seemed like yesterday that he died saving Polnareff's life. He remembered how heavy Abdul felt,the lifeless body no longer breathing or responding as Kakyoin tried to get a response out of Abdul. Kakyoin couldn't believe that this man could be done in like that. He was still in utter disbelief, trailing Jotaro like a zombie. He didn't even hear the girls bothering Jotaro for useless things just so they could talk to him.

It wasn't till he heard the gruff "Go the fuck away," that he woke up from his train of thought. Kakyoin couldn't help but let out a small laugh as he watched the disappointed girls disperse with frowns on their faces. Despite being in a slightly depressing funk, he found Jotaro's cold treatment to girls humorous.
He just prayed the man didn't hear him.

Kakyoin looked down at the cherries. He was going to wait to go back to hotel to eat them, but he couldn't help but thinking about Abdul once more. Kakyoin knew this mission was dangerous but that fact hadn't actually hit home until he watched one of his comrades die in front of him. Could he possibly die as well? Would this be the last time he'll be able to snack on cherries before meeting an untimely death?

He gave a look at Jotaro again and continued to follow the man through the crowd. Jotaro always seemed almost indifferent about everything. Kakyoin wondered if Jotaro even had the same fears he did on this mission. It was always so hard to tell by the way Jotaro acted in a fight; always stoic yet full of anger and vigor. It seemed like nothing was going to get in the way from killing Dio.


Kakyoin didn't really want to think about that now, how the man took advantage of him so easily and controlled his body. A pain began to throb on the center of his forehead as if to remind him.

He tried to put his mind elsewhere, to his family waiting for him at home. They were surprised when Kakyoin told them he was going back to Egypt with a friend. They couldn't help but wonder what happened to their boy and why he wasn't staying at home to finish his studies. He couldn't tell them about the mission of course, for they would worry enough to convince him to stay home, but he couldn't help but wonder if now he would ever see their faces again.

Another girl then tried to make a pass at Jotaro. She asked if he needed any help with finding a hotel and perhaps a place to eat later. Kakyoin could only smirk again as Jotaro completely ignored her. It made him forget about the other thoughts racing through his head.

Instead it only gave way to thoughts about Jotaro. Admittedly, the man had some charisma, but he often acted so cold that Kakyoin didn't know why girls would go after him; probably because of fact that Jotaro was rather handsome. His tall frame and muscles complimented his rather bad-boy attire of the trench coat and black school cap. The ever indomitable face only added to that appeal; his ruffled black hair emerging the back of the cap and piecing green eyes were anything to make a girl swoon.

Kakyoin could only think about the night he stayed at Jotaro's home.

It had been the night Jotaro pulled the flesh bud from Kakyoin. Holly had insisted that Kakyoin stayed to recover instead of returning to his home, fussily making guest bed for him. He didn't know why he couldn't refuse her hospitality but there was just something about her kind smile that he couldn't say no to.
Kakyoin hadn't slept well that night and had ended up wandering around the house. To his surprise, he saw Jotaro sitting outside, puffing away at a cigarette. Kakyoin couldn't help but stop and notice the fact the man was shirtless, sitting in nothing but pants as he looked up at the moon.

Jotaro's brow had been furrowed in thought as the moonlight decorated every curve of his muscles. Kakyoin had eyed at his bare arms. While they showed up well against the fabric of the jacket, it really didn't do them proper justice. The tone of his arms as they flexed to reach the cigarette to take a drag off was an eye-opener; so defined and toned to the point of near fighting perfection. It almost made Kakyoin wonder what it would like to be held.

The hand holding the cigarette reminded him of how Jotaro's hands felt against his face. His fingers were rough but somehow soothing. It was enough to calm him down through the pain of having that bud removed. Kakyoin's mind had begun to wonder on how that hand would feel against his chest, trailing his body to explore.

The lips pressed against the cigarette were what did Kakyoin in. He hadn't even known if Jotaro noticed his gaze glued to the mouth, exhaling smoke. All Kakyoin had done at that point was quietly walk back to the guest-room.

Now, he licked his lips at that thought. Kakyoin noticed another girl trying to buy Jotaro's attention and again Jotaro gave her the cold shoulder. It only reminded him of the fact that Jotaro didn't seem to be interested in anybody at the moment. Unlike Polnareff who was currently trying to woo the girl they found, Jotaro just didn't seem to be into trying to find someone, even if it was for one night.

Kakyoin couldn't help but wonder if he was going to die without telling Jotaro about his little crush. About the fact he would want spent at least one night if he knew he was going to die the next day. Kakyoin really didn't care about a romantic relationship with the man, but he wouldn't mind feeling some reciprocation.

But Jotaro was so hard to read. Could he really be into guys? Could he really be into any type of sexual experience at all? The way he acted, it was just too hard to tell so Kakyoin really didn't pursue. The only thing he could read was when Jotaro was in battle or that time Jotaro had watched him eat the cherry.

Even though he had been staring out the window at the time, he couldn't help but notice Jotaro's unusually unsettled expression face as Kakyoin had twisted the cherry along his tongue. He hadn't decided if Jotaro had been creeped out or... or enthralled by it.

The hotel in sight now melted away Kakyoin's thoughts on the matter. They were to check in and wait for the others. He had a feeling Joseph might be a while, due to visiting the doctor and Polnareff would be too busy trying to get with Nena; it was just going to be Jotaro and him.

Kakyoin let out a soft sight. He had to not think about that right now. After all, it was just a pipe dream.


Kakyoin felt those impassive green eyes on him again. He was tongue- twisting his sixth cherry as he watched puffs of smoke mix with the intense stare. Kakyoin felt a shudder go along his spine. Jotaro had been doing that since Kakyoin began to snack. The facial expression never changed except for some brow-furrowing. The man just sat there in the chair, puffing cigarette after cigarette, paying no mind to the TV going on in the background.

His jacket lay on the table next to the ashtray and Kakyoin couldn't help but notice the muscles again. He took another cherry in his mouth and began to stare back at the man. His bare feet curled against the soft sheets of the bed as he watched Jotaro take the cigarette from his mouth and exhale more smoke.

Finally, the low voice spoke, "Why do you do that?" The question was followed by his fingers deftly
extinguishing the cigarette in the ashtray. Kakyoin paused, putting the tip of the cherry on a plate. Was that why he was staring at him? Just curiosity as to why Kakyoin ate the cherries in that way?

Jotaro pulled another cigarette from his pack as Kakyoin answered "I really don't know. Just something I did since I was a kid."

He eyed Jotaro for a moment, then picked up another cherry and placed it on his tongue. The other man continued to stare at him while Kakyoin's tongue began to work at the cherry. The question was answered but why did he persist on staring at Kakyoin?

Another puff of smoke came out of Jotaro's mouth before he spoke again, "I wonder what's taking Grandpa so long."

Kakyoin sighed and looked down as his green pajamas. Business as usual. Though Kakyoin knew it was also out of concern for Mr. Joestar, it just seemed like Jotaro completely no-nonsense with this trip. He couldn't blame the guy; his mother was home dying because of Dio. If Kakyoin was in the same situation, he would probably act like Jotaro.

But still, he wanted to just get to know Jotaro. Not just out of being a comrade on the road, but as a person. There were rare times when Jotaro would do that, along long rides and hotel stays. But generally, it just seemed like the stoic man didn't have anything else on his mind.

Kakyoin played with the stem of his next cherry, looking down at it. "It looked pretty infected. The doctors
are probably doing something to make sure it doesn't spread." Kakyoin looked back up at Jotaro before wrapping his tongue around the cherry.

After a nod, there was that stare again. Kakyoin paused. What was so damn interesting about him eating cherries?

Several cherries and a random Indian show later, Jotaro surprised Kakyoin with a question.

"You have any regrets about this?"

Kakyoin was a bit shocked. Jotaro wasn't one to make small talk. He often just listened as everyone else discussed the journey, family, or Mr. Joestar talking about his fight against the Pillar men. Every time Jotaro would pop up to speak, it would be about what was going on or some snarky remark to someone's statement.

Kakyoin swallowed and played with the steam of his next cherry. "Not really. I want to face what happened to me in Egypt and help you out. You did save my life and I feel like I owe you." Kakyoin's pink tongue swirled around the crimson cherry as Jotaro nodded.

He watched the man take another drag of his cigarette before responding, "Even if it means your life?"
Kakyoin nodded. He consumed another cherry as Jotaro took another puff. Jotaro's expression remained bland but he just kept piercing Kakyoin's skin with his gaze. It was like the cherry-eating had some weird effect on him.

"Would you have any regrets now if we were to be attacked?" Kakyoin asked, placing yet another cherry in his mouth. If Jotaro was in the mood to talk, by god he was going to take advantage of it.

Jotaro paused, taking another puff. "Some."

Kakyoin figured that answer would come out. Even in small talk, Jotaro was not a man of many words. It almost made Kakyoin wonder if he really was related to Mr. Joestar.

"What about you?"

Kakyoin watched the man put out the cigarette. He couldn't say he would regret not telling Jotaro how he felt about him. That might make the whole thing awkward and the last thing he needed was to have that with a friend in combat. Kakyoin picked up another cherry as Jotaro lit up another cigarette.

Kakyoin could tell Jotaro was silently worrying about something. Jotaro only chain-smoked when something was bothering him.

Maybe that was the reason for all the small-talk, to keep his mind off something.

Kakyoin finished his cherry before replying, "Not being able to see my family again would be at the top. They were pretty worried when I left home and didn't explain why. I guess some other things as well."

"Like what?"

Kakyoin looked up at Jotaro. Should he? His mind was racing at how to exactly explain the fact that he wouldn't mind having a connection, even for a moment, before he passed on. Kakyoin never felt that before in his life and he didn't exactly want to go to his grave without experiencing it.

"I guess being with another person. You know, the way Polnareff is wanting to things to go with Nena."

He couldn't help but let out a chuckle as he placed another juicy cherry on his tongue. To his surprise, Jotaro let out a laugh. Kakyoin couldn't help but notice how his eyes would close and how handsome Jotaro was when he smiled. It was almost adorable.

Jotaro placed the used drag in his ashtray before looking at Kakyoin, "So, you've never?"

Kakyoin shook his head. It was slightly embarrassing, but Kakyoin was only seventeen right now. It wasn't as if that was top priority, like it had been at thirteen. He plucked at another cherry and looked back at
Jotaro. "What about you?"

Jotaro shook his head. Kakyoin was not really that surprised considering how coldly he treated women. He placed the next cherry along the tip of his tongue when Jotaro spoke up again.

"Do you want to die with those regrets?"

Kakyoin didn't really want to think about that at the moment as he chewed on the cherry. He paused as the juices began to fill his mouth. The sweet tang of the cherry seemed to soften his mind from the thought of dying. It was possible that Dio's henchmen could burst down the door and take both of them out now. Even though Jotaro's Star Platinum was powerful, there have been close calls.

And even then, someone like Abdul was easily taken out.

Kakyoin swallowed. Did he really want to think about the possibility that he could die at any moment on this mission? That he could never see the smiling faces of his parents again? That he wouldn't again know the touch of those callous hands that were currently holding a cigarette?

He was so deep in thought that he didn't notice the extra weight on his bed. A hand was placed along Kakyoin's shoulder and he looked up to meet Jotaro's eyes again. While those green eyes were still hard to read, he couldn't help but wonder if that was concern glittering in them.

"Didn't mean to depress you."

Kakyoin's eyes went a bit wide. Did... Jotaro just apologize? Half-assed, but still. This was a rare side he was seeing at the moment. The man's stare pierced through his skin again and he barely suppressed a shiver. Silence filled the room; Kakyoin was just in awe of this moment.

"It is fine," he finally answered. He sighed and picked up another cherry. "I've been thinking about this a lot lately since Abdul died."

Kakyoin placed the cherry against his tongue and noticed something he hadn't before. Jotaro's eyes seem light up, sparkling as they fixed on his tongue rolling the cherry about. Did Jotaro like this?

He felt the hand lift from his shoulder and he saw Jotaro look to the side. The man took out another cigarette from his pocket and placed it in his mouth. "Me too," he admitted quietly as he lit it.

Kakyoin didn't know what came over him, but he reached out and placed his hand on Jotaro's back. He was amazed at how the exposed skin felt almost smooth. The muscles were tense as he felt the man breathe in the tobacco.

Jotaro looked over at Kakyoin, blowing out the smoke before speaking, "I don't want to die with those regrets."

Sympathetic green eyes met with wide ones. Kakyoin was again shocked at how open he was being but even more shocked at the fact Jotaro wasn't telling him to move the hand.

Kakyoin continued to stroke the man's back, marveling at the muscles. He lit out another sigh as Jotaro let out another puff. "I don't want to as well."

Silence fell around then again as the two men just looked at each other. Kakyoin didn't know what to say as he watched Jotaro stare. The youth's eyes were starting to show hints of emotion as the cigarette hung from his lips, burning to the filter. It seemed that all Kakyoin could do was stroke the man's back, as if everything was going to be okay somehow.

Finally Jotaro spoke up. He put the cigarette on the plate that held the cherry-stems and looked up at Kakyoin again.

"Eat one of the cherries, slowly."

Kakyoin pulled his hand away from that smooth back. That was… an odd request, especially after discussing something so deep. What in the living hell was going on here? Did another enemy replace Jotaro and was trying to gain Kakyoin's trust? No. There was already someone who did that, using Kakyoin's face. There couldn't be another person out there like that.


"….you are Jotaro, right?" Kakyoin couldn't help but ask this question. Since when did Jotaro say "please" for anything?

"Remember the night after I pulled the bud out of your head? The one where my mother insisted you stay the night?"

Kakyoin nodded in reply, noticing Jotaro pulling out another cigarette from his pants' pocket.

"I saw you staring at me that night."

Kakyoin froze and felt his face go warm. "Oh," was the only thing he could say to that. He looked away, not wanting to meet Jotaro's gaze, but he felt strong fingers lightly lift his head. He looked up at Jotaro, who had an almost pleading look on his face... if that slight glaze in one's eyes while the rest of the face was expressionless could be called 'pleading'.

"It's me. So could you do what I requested?"

The cool voice coupled with the cool expression and embarrassing memory was convincing enough. Kakyoin nodded and took a cherry from the bushel. He dropped it on his tongue and wrapped it around the fruit slowly. He used his tongue to squeeze the tart juices out it, noticing a small lick Jotaro did across his lips, dropping the unlit cigarette on the bed. Kakyoin slowly let the cherry fill his mouth while he unraveled it, slowly letting out a rero, and he closed his eyes. The tangy, sweet taste was so savory along his tongue and he couldn't help but let out a soft moan from the experience.

When he swallowed, his eyes opened and met Jotaro's. There was no mistake in the dilated pupils and slight rapid breathing that Jotaro liked it. Kakyoin couldn't help but feel heat return to his face as Jotaro's hand moved to take the cherry-stem out of Kakyoin's mouth. Kakyoin felt the palm touch his chin and the rough fingers cup his cheek. He didn't know what came over him, but he leaned into the touch, enjoying whatever this was bringing out of Jotaro. His eyelids fell shut as he nervously lifted his hand to wrap it around Jotaro's wrist, making sure his hand stayed in its current position.

The tension was a little thick in the room but it was somehow relaxing. Jotaro's thumb began to press against Kakyoin's lip, stroking the cherry moistened lips with a surprisingly gentle touch. Kakyoin tilted his head and kissed Jotaro's palm. It was then that his eyes snapped open and he let go of Jotaro's wrist.

"...Fuck... I'm sorr.."


Jotaro pressed his thumb against Kakyoin's red lips again and began to lean in. Kakyoin felt his heart pound inside his chest. Jotaro was inching closer, using the other hand to move up Kakyoin's strong calf muscle, and he couldn't help but feel frozen. He felt his heart stop as rough lips pressed against his own and a strong hand gripping his hip.

Kakyoin didn't know how to react to this. He had imagined a moment like this but never thought it would actually happen. Jotaro just didn't seem the type to just kiss someone, much less the type that would tease Kakyoin's inner thigh with his other hand. It wasn't until he felt a soft tongue dart across his lips that Kakyoin actually snapped out of his haze and began to respond. Closing his eyes, he parted his lips and wrapped his arms around Jotaro's back. He ran his hand through the jet-black hair, knocking the hat off, as Jotaro slowly pushed Kakyoin on his back.

Kakyoin could taste the flavor of tobacco mixed with strawberries as Jotaro pressed his tongue against Kakyoin's. He wasn't surprised at how aggressive the kiss was as he tried to push into Jotaro's mouth. Jotaro wasn't going to let him invade so easily even as his hand began to snake from Kakyoin's hip to underneath Kakyoin's buttoned shirt.

Kakyoin bucked his hips up against Jotaro's and broke away, gasping as Jotaro's rough hands began to explore every curve of Kakyoin's heated skin. He moaned and gripped the smooth hair tightly when Jotaro gave a quick, experimental tug at his nipples. He moved his head to lock lips with Jotaro again, pushing his way against Jotaro's tongue while moving his hands to tug at the black tank top.

Kakyoin's hands found their way to Jotaro's bare back and he began to rake his nails against it for every time Jotaro tweaked his nipples. It caused both their hips to jerk against each other, the friction obviously beginning to take its toll in Jotaro's tight pants. Kakyoin broke away to gasp again, feeling Jotaro's hair brush against his face before letting out, "Ah!"

He felt Jotaro's teeth scrape against the heated skin of his neck and electricity ran up his spine. Kakyoin almost wished he didn't react like that as Jotaro licked that same spot before biting down on it again.
Kakyoin's toes began to curl as Jotaro continued his way down Kakyoin's neck. It was met with back scratches, nails digging deep into Jotaro's flesh and a husky moan escaped from Jotaro's mouth. A shift in movement happened as Jotaro moved his hands from underneath Kakyoin's shirt to unbutton it.

Every inch of uncovered flesh was met with a wet kiss. Kakyoin gasped and pulled away his grasping arms to prop himself up on his elbows. He looked down and saw the mess of black hair moving down his chest and along his belly before lying back down again.

His body jerked up at Jotaro's bites along his stomach. Kakyoin couldn't help but yank on Jotaro's hair, barely aware if he was hurting the other man or not. He rolled his head back and moaned when he felt Jotaro's hand move against his crotch. Jotaro cupped his erection, so gently when compared to his harsh sucks and bites, and began to rub it. The teasing satin fabric was pushed by Jotaro's strong fingers and Kakyoin felt his cock grow hard with every suck, pat, bite and kiss Jotaro was giving his body.

Panting, he lifted Jotaro's head up by his handful of black hair. Kakyoin tried to catch his breath but Jotaro's hand was still teasing him. He closed his eyes and bit his lip before gasping out, "...you know what you're doing?"

"I've read about it."

"That's reass--FUCK!" Kakyoin's words were interrupted by Jotaro planting a kiss along his clothed erection. His hips gave another involuntary trust as Kakyoin reached for something to grip with his other hand. The cotton sheets underneath his hands slid roughly his palms before he spoke again, "You have anything?"

Jotaro stopped and positioned himself above Kakyoin. Kakyoin looked up, breathing heavily as he watched Jotaro's brow furrow again. He was slightly amazed that even though Jotaro's face was flushed, the man's expression was almost as imperturbable as ever.

After what seemed like ages, Jotaro grabbed Kakyoin's arm and lifted him from the bed. His breathing was heavy as he pushed the unbutton shirt from Kakyoin's shoulders to the ground.

"Shower," was the only thing that came out of Jotaro's lips before he pressed them against Kakyoin's again.

Kakyoin responded back by pushing him in the direction of the hotel bathroom.

It seemed like a blur. The flash of kissing, pushing, pulling, and undressing each other as they reached the shower didn't seem like any part of it at all. Kakyoin's full consciousness only seemed to kick in when Jotaro had him pushed against the bathroom wall.

Jotaro pressed his own erection against Kakyoin's while he started the water. Kakyoin closed his eyes and let out another grunt. His hips started to match the tempo of Jotaro's, enjoying the feeling of flesh against flesh with the mist of warm water coming out of the shower head. He raked his nail along Jotaro's back before he felt himself being spun around and pushed inside the stall.

Warm water hit his body and the cold tiles against his back were an odd sensation as Jotaro stepped in after him. The shower could barely fit the two of them but it didn't stop them from pressing their bodies together. A flurry of touching and kissing began again, making Kakyoin's head spin. He shuddered as Jotaro moved his lips against his earlobe, his tongue flickering against the inner shell before giving a commanding whisper: "Suck my cock."

Kakyoin shuddered as Jotaro warped his lips around the ear lobe and gave a tug. The command was almost enough to make him want to just keel over, but he wasn't going to go down so easily.

"Make me," he grunted back, tugging Jotaro's hair and leaning in to leave a bite along his shoulder. He was met by a growl and a hard push against the wall. Kakyoin gasped as Jotaro bit down on his neck hard while gripping his cock tightly. He shook again as he felt Jotaro's thumb pass above the head before he began to glide it up and down. He bit his lip and tried to resist what Jotaro was doing to him, feeling the man's bites move down to his chest. Kakyoin's breath began to get heavy as Jotaro sped up his pace, swiping his thumb every once and while before he felt a bite on his nipple.

Kakyoin gasped and gave a thrust. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck! The suction along his nipple coupled with the teasing , slow strokes made him cave in.

"Fine," he let out, not really wanting to satisfy Jotaro with a simple "okay." Kakyoin opened his eyes as Jotaro pulled away, a smirk appearing on his face.

Kakyoin lowered himself on the ground. He could feel the warm shower hit his back as he wrapped his hand around Jotaro's dick. He gave it a bit of a tug, savoring the husky moan that came out before wrapping his lips around it.

He gave slow, teasing sucks while allowing his tongue to trail along the vein. He could feel Jotaro squirm as he began to only work along the head. Kakyoin tried to hold back a bit of a gag as his tongue moved against the slit, tasting the precum that was starting to come out of it. The bitter taste of that mixed with the sweat was almost enough to make Kakyoin pull away.

However, a hand gripping his hair tightly and pushing down was telling him he wouldn't be allowed to do that. He looked up at Jotaro, whose eyes were closed and his teeth were starting to grind together. Kakyoin was starting to take more inside his mouth, letting his tongue explore the skin.

Kakyoin began to roll his tongue around Jotaro's cock and a muffled "Rero" came from his lips. This gave Jotaro's hips a jerk forward and Kakyoin gagged as he felt Jotaro's cock press against the back of his throat. He looked up at Jotaro to see those intense eyes staring back. Kakyoin knew his own expression was probably pleading. When Jotaro didn't respond, Kakyoin rolled his tongue again. A husky moan and a tightened grip was the response before Jotaro released his grip.

Kakyoin slowly pulled off, savoring the small grunts coming from the other man. He caught his breath as he looked up with Jotaro, lust filling his eyes. Before he could even react, he felt Jotaro pick him up and push him against the shower wall. Kakyoin shivered as Jotaro pressed his hips against Kakyoin's ass, rubbing his erection against the cleft. Fucking tease, he thought.

Kakyoin felt Jotaro's fingers slipping against his hip. He saw a muscular arm part the shower curtain and grab the bottle of lotion that was placed on the sink. Kakyoin couldn't see what was going on, but he could hear Jotaro opening the bottle. Before long he felt a thick finger slowly enter him.

Kakyoin bit his lip, letting himself relax. It wasn't as if Kakyoin was used to this, he had tried this before on himself, but it never got any easier. He breathed heavily as Jotaro began to move it slowly, testing around, it seemed, before he felt another finger slip in. Kakyoin's breathing began to hitch as they twisted inside him.

A sudden gasp escaped him when Jotaro found that one spot. Jotaro seemed to take the non-verbal hint and pressed against it again. Kakyoin's fingers dug into his palms as Jotaro began to press and rub that spot over and over again. It was before long that another finger entered, stretching and putting even more pressure there. Kakyoin nearly let out a yelp and breathed out a small "Fuck," instead.

Slowly, all the fingers were pulled out. Kakyoin gasped and began to take some deep breaths. He couldn't help but be a tad nervous as to what was about to happen, but he knew he had to relax. The last thing they needed was another person injured.

It didn't take long before he felt something thick press inside him. Kakyoin let out a shudder and tensed up. It wasn't really anything he was used to and even with the preparation it stung a little. He felt a kiss along his spine and a hand wrapping his waist before more of that thickness pressed in even more.

It was slow and painful, but Kakyoin was surprised at how gentle Jotaro was being about this compared to the frenzy they were in before. The gentle kissing along the spine and shoulder blades was soothing. Kakyoin relaxed.

He felt warm breath against his ear and a warm, husky whisper, "Ready?" Kakyoin nodded and the slow, rhythmic thrust began.

Kakyoin grunted as Jotaro moved inside him. He didn't imagine it would feel this good as he pressed up to meet with each thrust.

Gasps, moans, and grunts echoed in the shower. Kakyoin could feel Jotaro rotating his hips, trying to find that one spot again while increasing his pace. It didn't take long before Kakyoin let out a loud gasp again, grunting loudly when Jotaro pushed further inside.

The pace began to get frantic again as Jotaro picked up speed, biting Kakyoin's ear lobe. "Fuck, you're so tight," the husky voice purred against Kakyoin's ear. Shivers raced down his spine as he met with the ever increasing speed. Soon he felt nips and tugs along his neck as Jotaro burrowed into him.

Fuck. Kakyoin never thought this would feel this good. The fast rhythm moving in and out of him coupled with the bites along his back. He felt Jotaro's hands grip tighter. Kakyoin groaned slightly, knowing that Jotaro might have very well left hand-shaped bruises along his hips.

It didn't take long before Jotaro's rhythm began to get a little jerky. He snaked one his hands to grip Kakyoin's cock. He rested his head against Kakyoin's shoulder and began to jerk hard, letting his hand glide smoothly along the skin.

Kakyoin bit his lip as Jotaro continued to push inside him, now moving at a rather frantic pace. It was slightly painful but god did it feel so good. With the hand jerking him off at the same pace, it didn't take long before Kakyoin felt his knees begin to buckle and his entire body tighten. He came, feeling the hot liquid move along with Jotaro's hand as it kept going.

He heard a rather loud grunt and felt the sharp jerks of Jotaro's hips. Kakyoin quivered as he felt warm come fill him before Jotaro rested heavily against his back.

They both were catching their breath, just listening to the sounds of the water hitting the shower floor. Kakyoin's mind raced with complete nonsense, most of it being curses that couldn't escape his lips. Finally he felt Jotaro slip out of him and could hear the water being turned off.

Jotaro kissed Kakyoin's cheek before going to grab a towel. As soon as he was released, Kakyoin slid down onto the floor. Fuck was the only thing that could escape his thoughts. He felt a soft cotton towel against his head and he grabbed it out of the way to look up at the grinning Jotaro.

"Don't think that I'm done with you, yet."

Kakyoin couldn't help but chuckle. After all, it was Jotaro smiling and emoting for once.


The rest of the day was interesting. Almost as soon as they got dressed, Joseph and Polnareff finally arrived, entertaining them with the story of The Empress over dinner, though Kakyoin didn't really have much of an appetite as Joseph described how the "infected scab" breathed a life of its own. Polnareff couldn't seem to really get over the fact Nena was actually being a shell for the Empress and mumbled to himself about maybe checking out the bar hotel later tonight.

Eventually Joseph and Polnareff were given the keys to their room and everyone retired for the evening.

Kakyoin and Jotaro spent the rest of the evening almost never leaving the bed. The flesh, sweat, and experimenting was all a blur. The only thing he seemed to remember was the dark room being lit by the flicker of a lighter.

The amber of Jotaro's cigarette soon became the only light source. Kakyoin couldn't help but move closer to the man, shifting under the covers and resting his head on Jotaro's chest.

He heard Jotaro breathe in the smoke before exhaling it. Kakyoin draped an arm around Jotaro's chest. He heard an inhale and that low voice reverberating on his ear.

"He's alive, you know."



Kakyoin looked up, watching the glow light the lines of Jotaro's face before diming. Smoke came out of Jotaro's lips before Kakyoin replied, "How?"

"He was just severely injured. Keep this between us, okay? Grandpa was going to tell you but we don't want Polnareff to know. He might accidently leak it."

Kakyoin rested his head against Jotaro's chest and closed his eyes. "I see," he replied, counting Jotaro's deep inhales. Kakyoin took comfort, not only in the news, but Jotaro's rhythmic breathing.

However, his mind began to wonder about what he thought before. How he'd like to see his parents one last time. How he hoped that he would survive through this whole ordeal and come back alive.

About how it could all be over in an instant with one of Dio's men coming in the room and killing them while they were distracted. Kakyoin kissed Jotaro's chest and closed his eyes.

At least he wouldn't die with the regret he didn't go through with this. He started to drift to sleep, wondering if they would even get a chance to do something like this again. Kakyoin doubt was squashed by an arm draped around him and a kiss to the forehead.

And with that small comfort, Kakyoin finally feel asleep.


C&C are very much welcomed. Especially since this is my first fic in the Jojo fandom and you only learn about things through other people's comments (like characterization, ect).