Chapter 3

''So whose your friend?'' Lorelai asks Rory

''I don't know but this is Tristan. I don't know if you remember or have ever even met before.'' Rory says

''Hi I'm Lorelai I'm Rory's mom.'' she tells him and stick's her hand out to his

''Tristan Dugrey'' he says ''wow she's your mom isin't she like...'' he says

''Tristan if the next words out of your mouth are she's too possibly young to be your mom I'm going to have to cause you some severe physical pain.'' Lorelai tells him

''mother wow I would of guessed sister maybe but never mother.'' he tells them

''she had me at a very young age ok.'' Rory says

''aww your so sweet.'' Lorelai says ''so can your friend/he join us for lunch?'' Lorelai asks both Rory and him

''no he was just leaving.'' Rory tells her

''I can stay if it's ok with Rory I'm free.'' he tells her

''fine whatever.'' Rory says

''so do you really like my suit?'' Rory asks her mom

''oh hunnie I do I really do.'' Lorelai tells her

''what about you do you like your new suit?'' Lorelai asks her

''yea I do'' Rory tells her

''good I think your going to stun them at your interview.'' Lorelai tells her and smiles

''thank's mom'' Rory says and smiles

''are you happy sweetie?'' Lorelai asks her

''yea really happy.'' ory tells her

''good'' Lorelai says