A/N: Oh... GOD! That's the first thing I have to say right now. I can't believe this chapter took a little over a week to do. And that was with rewrites! I have no idea how many times I reworked certain sections. It was insane! And THIS is the LONGEST chapter so far. I'm hoping it will stay the longest until I get closer to the end... or come to a chapter just as important.

Anyhow... still, I think it's one of those chapters that screams BioWare fan with so much dialog. XP And I would have split it into two chapters... if I could figure out where. Just it doesn't have a nice sort of 'dramatic cliffhanger possibility' that happened with Chapter Three. So you've got a bunch of reading here. It could have been less, but an argument between Morrigan and Alistair popped up and I just could not cut that out and it brought up a few points that I did want covered.

I also think there's a LOT going on in this chapter and it's the one that sets up where the story's going, I'd say. What all will be dealt with, hints to what's to come... blah blah blah... all that jazz. Although most of that I'd say happens pretty late in the chapter, but still. At least that is my thought as things should kick into gear soon. Should. Not next chapter, but soon.

Also, whatever weird things I have pop in, explanation, appearances, things like that... I hope they don't prove to be bothersome. They're either how my mind perceives things and ideas that popped in my brain that I thought were interesting. Just to give you a heads up. Especially for one thing to pop up. It'll probably come across as weird and you might blame me for messing with the Dragon Age 'verse, but I tried to formulate it so it didn't. But it was something I couldn't cut it out because it started in 'Don't Let Go,' and I wasn't about to mess with the storyline there. I would go on about this, but... I don't want to... my head hurts already...

Song Suggestions: Just had to say that over the course of this chapter there was one song that I listened to over and over again (it's play count is at 328 as I write this... and I'm still listening to it) - Ezio's Family from Assassin's Creed II. To be honest, this soundtrack is as good as Halo 3 ODST which is the BEST soundtrack I've ever listened to. Yes... blasphemy in saying that Dragon Age's soundtrack is not as good or any other BioWare game... although I am looking forward to the Mass Effect 2 soundtrack. Jack Wall is back. He's my fave vg soundtrack composer and the snippets sound AWESOME. ANYHOW... wanted to mention that I'm posting the link on my profile to that track if you want to hear and you should, because I think the track fits our little family. ^_^ (also I wanted to mention that I'm in a gaming geek phase...)

And now... you may read...

Chapter Five


When the third day arrived, it was hard for Aliea to believe that the day had actually came.

She had almost forgotten about the decision to be made this day, instead relishing the fact that it was the weekend, Eudon let her stay home, and she was going spend the entire day with her family and Leliana.

But that changed the moment Leliana had gone to the door… to let in Morrigan.

The four of them had been sitting at the table for lunch, enjoying Alistea's enthusiasm. While Alistair had already began to train the girl in basic stance, grip, and movements, today was the first time that both Aliea and Leliana would be joining the two in the girl's training. It was certainly something that thrilled the girl and for her parents, nothing was more heartwarming that to see her in utter bliss.

Which was why it hurt Aliea greatly to see her daughter disappointed.

"Why do you have to go with her?" Alistea griped when the former Warden returned after getting dressed appropriately for an audience with the Orlesian empress. Alistea was seated in her father's lap, evidently too upset to proceed with her training as they sat in the small fenced in area behind their home. Finding such a place had not been easy for Leliana, but she had done a tremendous job in finding a place suitable to Aliea's request, a place that might be able to give them the same peace she had once known growing up.

Unfortunately, it seemed that there would be no peace today…

"Mama's just trying to get some things worked out, Sweetheart," Aliea tried to reason with the girl as she knelt before her, shifting a worried gaze over to her husband while their daughter continued to stare at her hands. "I'll tell you when I get back…"

"But you're not going to tell me why now? You said you were going to spend the day with me and now you can't?" Alistea grumbled as she snapped glare onto her mother and suddenly screamed, making everyone – Alistair, Aliea, Leliana, Morrigan… everyone – jump at the abrupt flare of the child's rage. "Why are you leaving?! You never did this before! If you promised to stay, you stayed! You always told me when you were going somewhere! You never just left!"

"Ali… it was just something that slipped your mama's mind," Alistair tried to calm the girl down, trying to make her turn to face him. She wouldn't, instead settling her shoulders stiffly and glaring back at her hands. "She thought she had the day to spend time with you and wanted to…"

"Then why won't she?" Alistea mumbled beneath her breath, still keeping her head down.

"Perhaps sharing the truth with the child earlier would not have caused such hostility to emerge," Morrigan interject with amused mockery, striking a chord of annoyance in Aliea. But again, the woman continued on too quickly for the warrior to get a word in. Of course… that did not mean whatever she had to say didn't only worsen that aggravation… "Although what can be expected of a child of Alistair? She probably inherited his daft nature…"

And it certainly didn't calm any of the high strung nerves of those present…

"Don't talk bad about my papa!" Alistea immediately snarled, leaping to her feet. Immediately Aliea threw her arms around the girl, not wanting to see her child start a fight with a mage. But the child continued to holler, as always, unaware of the trouble she could get herself in when her temper flared. "You talked bad about him the other day too! I don't like you! What are you doing here and why are you making my mama leave me?!"

"Ali… calm down," Aliea tried to silence the girl and looking over to Alistair helplessly. In the back of her mind, she knew that Morrigan would not harm the child for the simple fact that this was the child of, perhaps, the only person the witch ever considered a friend. But there was also the knowledge that if Alistea never learned to control her temper, terrible things could – and would – happen to her.

That was the last thing Aliea wanted to let happen to her only little girl.

"You're not helping things by getting angry," she continued, struggling against a child so eager to fight. Hard to believe that – aside from her outbursts in the last few days – Alistea had done her best to keep from fighting.

"Neither are you!" Alistea turned her rage onto her mother, her brown eyes consumed with a dark ferocity.

"Alistea… don't start arguing with your mama," Alistair said firmly as he quickly took hold of the girl's shoulders, turning her to face him as Aliea loosened her hold to allow the motion as the girl went still in her father's grasp. "Your mama is just trying to make sure you will be safe, so don't start getting mad at her…"

"How is that mean woman going to help us?!" Alistea blasted back, pointing a finger at Morrigan with disdain. "I don't trust her. Don't tell me you trust her, Papa. She doesn't like you! I can tell!"

"And I know that as well, but does it look like I'm trying to pick a fight with her?" he questioned raising an eyebrow and pausing. It took only a few seconds before Alistea's hand fell to her side and her shoulders slumped, making Aliea give a sigh and Alistair nod with relief. "Besides… what did we tell you before?"

"I know," Alistea grumbled, apparently too aggravated to repeat her parents' rule against fighting as she glared at Morrigan then returned her gaze to her father. "I still don't like her. And I don't see why Mama has to go with her…"

"Because, contrary to what you might think… I can help. Your mother has the favor of many people… powerful people… including mine," Morrigan returned, her eyes narrowed as she looked over the girl with frustration.

"So you're like one of those stupid nobles that think your better than everyone else!"

"Alistea!" Aliea cried out, spinning the girl around to face her. "Are you even listening to your papa and I? You're not making this any easier or better, Honey…"

But Alistea didn't stop. Instead she only screamed louder, this time with all her fury focused on her mother. "I don't want you to go out today! You're supposed to stay home with me! I hate that you're always out! It's always been like that! Either you or Papa is out! We're never all together unless we're traveling! I thought that was going to change here!"

"Ali… things will. We just have to figure out what to do and take the time to make it work," she tried to persuade the child but found it hard as her heart began to break. She hadn't realized that their old life really had been such a strain on Alistea, though knew it should have been. Nor that Alistea had expected life to change so much, so quickly. The mother had always thought that despite everything, Alistea understood and didn't mind that life was the way it was; not that she actually accepted it grudgingly and was eager to see it cast aside.

The elder Cousland wished they could do so now rather than later…

However, she didn't get the chance to say so as Alistea shoved away from her parents and stormed off to the other side of the fenced in area, slumping down there and taking hold of some random twigs that lay in the grass. Aliea gave a sigh as she watched the girl sulk off, barely taking notice to Alistair as he brought her up onto her feet as he stood. They shared a brief glance before her hand fell away from his and her eyes were back on the angry child… but her attention was quickly whisked away by the sound of her husband's furious voice.

"By Andraste's flaming sword! If you're going to help, Morrigan, help. Don't make things worse than they have to be," he snarled lowly at the witch, the malice in his voice making the mother spin around to regard him. "I don't care if you're going to keep to your old habits and insult me, but keep your words to yourself around my daughter. I don't want her to be more upset about everything when we're trying to get her to settle in…"

"I can imagine 'twill be an impossible task for you given that… since when have you ever 'settled into' a situation 'twas not of your own desire?" the woman challenged with her own perturbed annoyance leaking from her voice. "The child has to be corrupted by your influence. I still believe that Aliea should have found someone better than you…"

"Morrigan… this isn't helping. And it doesn't matter what you say. Aliea and Alistair have both come to terms with the past. It's best to leave it as such," Leliana spoke up as she joined the three.

But if there was one thing Aliea knew about Morrigan and Leliana… it was that they never agreed.

"Leliana… I have no care to hear your beliefs when you are a fool yourself to be devoted to a god that abandoned his creation twice," the black-haired woman snapped back with violence. "Especially when people like you only encourage Aliea to be the naïve fool that she's always been! Especially in regards to this man!"

"If you're going to spend all your time insulting my family, get your ass out, Morrigan," Alistair returned, his wife finding herself in a shocked daze. "Whatever help you have to offer isn't worth the unease you seem eager to cause…"

"You shut up, yourself!" Morrigan returned, surprising them all as one hand lashed out and grabbed Alistair by his collar, jerking him forward, a move that called for silence as the witch ranted. "You deserve every wretched insult to ever be thrown your way for what you did. You didn't see Aliea as the shattered thing I saw after you left her. And if you did and then left… you are a far crueler creature than you claim I am. After everything that woman did for you, you left her to carry and raise your child. And because 'twas your child, Aliea has to run…

"You left her after a childish fit, because you couldn't have things your way. You never understood exactly what you sacrificed to be a Grey Warden. You never thought about anything but your own sense of righteousness, leaving on the eve of a battle that could have very well claimed her life and would have if Loghain had not survived to that end and been, not only willing, but keen to have been the sacrifice.

"Otherwise not only would Aliea have been lost but your own child as well… have you ever cared about that?"

"I have and don't assume that I've never felt guilt in not being there," Alistair snarled once his shock dispersed and his anger settled back in, evident as he slapped her hand away. "Think of me as you will but the last thing I care to be is the kind of father to my child or lover to my wife as my father was to me and my mother.

"And don't you try preaching to me, apostate. You left the final battle as well…"

"Because I was afraid she was going to make it so that she would be the sacrifice because of you," Morrigan countered, not backing down and without a hint that Alistair's words had affected her in the least. Instead the venomous anger in her eyes said otherwise. "I did not want to see her throw away her life for you. And I'm not willing to see her do the same again. Not for you and not for your child if she is going to be as foolish and selfish as you are."

"Morrigan… don't speak that way of Ali," Aliea warned in a low growl. "She's my child as much as she is Alistair's. If you're going to think so lowly of her, I'd rather not have your help…"

"And you still hold onto your naïve foolishness! What will it take for you to realize how vain your idealism is?" the mage demand, clearly growing irate. "The man you love left because you made a choice that did not coincide with his…"

"I made other choices he didn't agree to before that one…"

"And that justifies that he left you on the eve of a major battle? That never struck you as selfish and heartless? Strange that even I thought it did. And yet… you still made yourself a traitor for his sake. Tell me… did he seek you out or – as I imagine – were you the one that found him…"

"I did…" Aliea murmured cautiously. And that was all she got out.

"My! What a surprise! And you readily accepted this man into your life and let him be the father of your child? What kind of fool are you?" The witch gave a scoff and crossed her arms as she shook her head. "Fine be this way, Aliea. Continue to live as a fool with a man whom is selfish, a liar, and able to leave without looking back. Continue to refuse what aid I offer simply because I am far from your ideals. I offer you a greater opportunity in life, to be taken care of, and with more than you can want or need, all within a well guarded establishment compared to this quaint home of yours…

"Live in your foolish ideals then if 'tis what you want…"

Aliea remained silent and shocked, left uncertain in the words of Morrigan. She had no thought of doubt towards her husband and his love… at least aside from the question if she should. Could she really consider Morrigan's words untrue? She didn't want to find herself untrusting of Alistair now, not when… didn't he already express his regret in every wrong he had done and desired to never repeat those mistakes? Hadn't he been everything and more as a father to their baby? How could she hold it against him when she already knew his heart was heavy with regret and that was why he did everything he could to give their daughter the love she deserved… and remain in that of his wife's?

"Morrigan… all I'm asking of you is to not upset Alistea… Aliea's daughter," her lover spoke, breaking her from her depressive thoughts as his arm slipped around her waist. "You can think of and call me whatever you want. I don't care. I just don't want Ali upset. Not with how everything has to be for her.

"If you want to help Aliea… do so. And if you must, do it at my expense. Not Ali's."

A moment of silence drifted amongst them, making both Aliea and Leliana's eyes shift nervously while Morrigan and Alistair stared each other down. Even when the smirk appeared on Morrigan's lips, Aliea didn't know whether to take it as a good sign… or a bad one. And the laugh that escaped the woman only left Aliea more uncertain…

"My my… perhaps there is hope for you after all," the witch trilled with a smirk. But her amusement fell as she turned her gaze over to Aliea. "It is your choice. If you'd rather whatever existence you have now… I will leave…"

"No… I would be a fool to refuse your aid, just… let me speak with Alistair and Ali first…" Aliea sighed, quickly directing her husband out of Morrigan and Leliana's earshot. She glanced over at Alistea, still sulking as she shifted her gaze towards her parents, but with an attempt at being subtle… and she was actually doing pretty well at it.

It made Aliea give a small smile, thinking that perhaps there was a bit more Cousland in the girl after all…

"Hmm. I thought you were going to talk to Ali," Alistair spoke up, making Aliea's head jerk back to her husband, his brows cocked, regarding her with confusion on that expressive face that she so loved. She would have smile at it as well if she didn't hear the humorless tone of his voice. "She'll need more explaining than I do. I get what Morrigan said…"

"What? No, Love," she whispered, rising on her toes to kiss his lips, her hand resting tenderly against his cheek. "Don't think about what she said. It doesn't matter and she's wrong…"

"This is why I don't want you to talk to me about this," her lover sighed, unresponsive to her kiss, which was enough of a shock to make her back away and stare up at him with confusion now. "As much as I hate to admit this again… Morrigan is right. What I did to you wasn't right. I cared more about myself than you in that moment. You worried about my death, but… did I worry about yours? I didn't. I know I didn't. I didn't care at all that day.

"I didn't care that you could have died… and so could have Ali…" he added, his hand resting on her stomach.

"Shh. You didn't know I was pregnant then. No one knew…" she tried to assure, again trying to kiss him. She got a response this time, but not the one she wanted.

Not as he shoved her away… though still held onto her elbow.

"By the Maker… Aliea… please, as much I love the innocence you still retain… it worries me too. How trusting you are with nearly everyone," he bit out, his voice restrained and agitated as he didn't meet her gaze. "Morrigan's right…"

"Alistair… you never cared to listen to Morrigan before. Don't start now," she ordered firmly, but softly, pressing a finger to his lips. "She's not right about this. About you, not when we both made mistakes. We've both been fools. But we regret what we did and we've done our best not to stay true to our love, as we should have in the first place…

"And I don't want to hear you facing more regret about all of this. You've suffered enough of it," she breathed, leaning in close to his lips, her hand returning to his cheek while her other hand fell to his at her stomach. She felt his hand clench and his gaze fall away from hers, instead to turn toward Alistea. It was enough to make her cry, knowing where his thoughts lay. Though the tears did not fall, her voice did tremble.

"Alistair… Honey… I know you regret not being there when Alistea came into the world, but, Love… please, don't focus on that," she said, willing him to face her, but he refused to follow the gentle nudge her hand gave. "Please… it's my fault as well. I should have tried harder to find you, so you could have been there…"

"I should have been there. I shouldn't have waited for you to come after me," he sighed then pressed to her lips a pleading, warm kiss, placing a hand at her nape, drawing her in closer as they both allowed it to deepen… only splitting away as Aliea gave a gasp at feeling his wet tongue slide over her lips.

Then she was staring back up at the same sad, brown eyes that had drawn her to him, to put a laughing light in them, that had urged her to spend that first night with him. She treasured that night, the first time she completely unveiled herself to anyone, physically, mentally, and emotionally… and it still amazed her that it had been the same for Alistair. It had been an embarrassing encounter for them both, in truth. Awkward, painful, and disappointing, but… somehow that was what made it perfect. It hadn't been anything about mere carnal pleasure but showing their love to the other. And if you couldn't love someone at the worst of times… could you truly believe that you loved them at the best of times?

That single encounter that had changed almost everything of Aliea's thoughts on love and sex, but in a way that only strengthened her certainty that Alistair was the one man she could and would ever love.

She wasn't willing to let that change now or risk losing it every again…

"Alistair, please… just stop," she whispered, sliding her arm around his neck, uncaring if Leliana and Morrigan – the witch especially – were watching them. And of course she didn't worry of their daughter; they wanted her to see them like this… to see and know that her parents loved each other. "We've suffered enough. Don't make us suffer more…

"And if you're not going to believe my words… then tonight… just you and me again. Believe our love."

A groan escaped him this time as his shoulders slumped and his head tilted to the side while his eyes stared at her jadedly. "You know… the last thing I want to do is refuse an offer like that, but… we do have an enraged little girl that misses her mother more than we realized," he reminded, looking over at Alistea, his wife joining him. "I doubt she'll easily fall asleep in her room tonight… and I don't want her thinking we'd shove her aside when she's an inconvenience…"

"You know that's not what I'm thinking…"

"No, but she's upset and I know when we're both upset, we overact. Knowing my luck… she'll do the exact same," Alistair said with a mocked groan, the teasing evident in his voice.

And it was teasing she had to return "Oh? And what about my luck?"

"Well… obviously you can't have good luck given that you're stuck with a bastard like me." Had his mouth and eyes not been smiling, Aliea would have known him to be meaning his words seriously and she would have had to assure him again that he was far from a bastard, at least in treatment…

But he was smiling, so she saw no need to disagree…

"Being married to a royal bastard isn't so bad. At least he's good in bed… with such strong hips that makes me pur…"

"Maker's breath… you're going to make it impossible for me to refuse that offer, aren't you?" he chuckled, shifting one hand to take hold of hers and he began to tug her to the spot where their daughter sat. "Come on… before your risqué talk starts to have some embarrassing effects…"

Aliea wanted to continue the teasing but only gave a short laugh, as it was all she had time to give before they stood before their girl and the jovial air around them became consume with the atmosphere, rife with Alistea's anger.

"Ali… Baby… Mama's going to go soon," she began, kneel before the child once more… only to watch the girl jerk her head to the side. "Hopefully this won't take too long, Sweetheart and Mama can be home soon. We can play then and tomorrow. Mama shouldn't have anything going on tomorrow…"

"And then tomorrow, someone will come and you'll have to go again," Alistea returned bitterly, her arms crossed, making it clear that she was hardly approachable right now.

Though that wasn't going to make Aliea give up in righting her mistake.

"No one will come. I'm sure of it. And… Mama will take you to the cathedral. Wouldn't you like to go there again?"

"Not if you try to make me play with the kids afterwards…"

"I won't make you, but… Sweetheart, don't you want to play with other kids. It has to be boring with only adults around. You don't even have Markus to play with…"

"Mama and Papa aren't boring," Alistea muttered, scrunching her nose with disgust, but her voice betrayed a hint of shame, her gaze shifting to look up at her mother from the corner of her eye and reflecting that shame as well… like she was afraid she ever said anything along such lines. "And I like Auntie Leli's stories. And you never make fun of me.

"But other kids do. They always do…"

Aliea gave a sigh, wishing that such wasn't an issue for the girl. It wasn't fair for her, unable to find acceptance amongst those her age, just because her beliefs diverged from the norm, how no one believed that she had faced more danger than most adults even, and that – aside from her adjustment trials – Alistea seemed to have such a mature mind.

But she didn't know what could be done to make others more accepting of the girl.

"Well… this is Orlais. People might be a little different. You never know," the mother tried to say, though doubted her own words, swiftly changing the subject as she reached out a hand for her daughter's cheek. "But it doesn't matter. We can do whatever you want tomorrow, Baby. Mama will spend tomorrow with her little girl… I promise…"

"I don't want to spend tomorrow with you. I wanted to spend today with you," the child retorted, shifting her head again to break her gaze from her mother.

"Ali… come on, be nice to your mama. She's just trying to make things safe for you," Alistair added, also kneeling before Alistea. "If you don't behave, she's not going to let you train… even to see how well you're doing…"

"Fine… then she can go and do whatever she wants," the child grunted, jerking from Aliea's touch and jumping to her feet. "It doesn't matter what I want anyway. You want to go with the mean woman… go. I don't care."

Aliea wanted to speak against her daughter's words and she saw Alistair open his mouth as well. But neither of them could make a sound before the child ran of again, closer to the house, but still remained far from Morrigan.

"Don't worry about her," Alistair sighed, once more helping his wife to her feet as he stood. "I'll try to talk to her once she's cooled down. Hopefully though she won't be so mad with you since you tried to talk to her before leaving…"

"You're probably right," Aliea nodded, still holding onto her husband's hand as they strode back up to Morrigan, at which point she gave him a last tender kiss before separating her hand from his. "I'll try to be back before supper, Love."

He merely gave a nod and stepped back while Morrigan raised an eyebrow when Aliea stepped towards her.

"Then I take it you're ready to go?"

"It seems so…"

With a smirk, Morrigan turned and the two of them began to make their way back into the house to exit the front door. But… before they had made two steps towards the back door, Aliea noticed in her peripheral that Morrigan had jerked to a stop. She made to turn to regard her and in the split second that she did, she saw the flash of annoyance on Morrigan's face, something that left her baffled. But for only a split second…

Before her daughter's form was racing towards them… and crashed into the witch's leg.

As Morrigan toppled backwards, Aliea felt a rush of fury flood her mind as her hand lashed out and grabbed Alistea by the wrist, who only continued to scream at mage with claims that she was taking away her 'mama.' To that, the former Warden picked the girl off the ground, ignoring the child's struggles and griping as she carried her into the house and up the stairs, not even bothering to speak until they reached Alistea's room, where Aliea sat the girl on her bed.

"Don't you ever try to pull that again, young lady," she rebuked, crossing her arms and pressing them close to her torso, feeling herself tremble violently as she glared down at the girl who still stared away with defiance. "Your papa and I have been trying for so long to get you to stop fighting and you're still at it. And we've been trying for you, Alistea. You're going to get in more trouble than you can handle if you keep it up. Especially if you attack an adult mage again."

"I don't care if she's an adult or a mage," Alistea bit back, her brown eyes dark with anger as she now turned her gaze up to her mother, neither one of them fazed in the face of one another's anger. "I wouldn't care if she was a queen or a knight. She was talking bad about Papa, me, Auntie Leli… and you too! And I don't care about what trouble I get in! You and Papa always told me that we're supposed to stand for what's right! That mean lady isn't right!"

If anger wasn't raging in her veins, Aliea imagined she would have felt a moment of pride in the girl for having such a strong conviction… and would have felt glad that at least there had been some noble purpose behind the girl's actions. And it wasn't like Alistea had started fighting outright either. She was no negotiator, but she did at least voice her opinions before making a physical move.

But there was still so much more Alistea needed to learn in dealing with people.

"But it doesn't mean what you just did was right either," the warrior continued to reprimand. "We've talked to you time and time again about forcing your opinion. And that's exactly what you just tried to do."

"Because no one listens to my opinion just because I'm a child!" Alistea screamed back, throwing her fists against the mattress of her bed. "I just want you to stay home today! Why won't you?"

"Ali… we've already been over this…" Alistair soft voice interrupted them, making Aliea spin around to face her husband, closing the door without a sound and moving to stand next to her, his arm sliding around her waist. "Your mama wants to stay but for you she's going somewhere to make sure you stay safe. Stop arguing with her and maybe you'll get to have your day with her tomorrow. But only if you're good and behave for the rest of the day.

"Now, Aliea… come on, I told you that I'll talk to her," he whispered to his wife, nudging her towards the door.

Grudgingly, Aliea relented and left her daughter's room with her husband… but not without a last glance back at the girl who had thrown herself into the pillows on her bed, leaving the mother's heart warring with anger and sorrow.

"Alistair… that girl needs to understand that fighting isn't going to resolve anything," she said the moment they closed the door behind them, her husband still steering her down the hall.

"Yes… and you she'll believe that while the both of you are fighting on that topic?" he challenged, making Aliea's face fall in realizing that he was right. But as they reached the small stairwell, she felt her husband halt their movements as he pressed a kiss to her temple. "Aliea… I know you're worried about Ali and I know she's stubborn enough to not listen when her temper's at full blast, but… you've gotta let the both of you calm down right now.

"Especially as you both can have the same stubborn defiance."

"Yea… I suppose so," Aliea sighed before casting a questioning stare at Alistair. "But… why are you smiling?"

"Smiling? I'm not smiling," he tried to deny… even though the evidence was obviously spread across his lips.

"Yes… you are," she pressed as they descended the stairs. "Ali just started back up with her fighting tendencies and you're smiling… Alistair! Maker's blood! You know we can't praise her for doing something like this!"

"I wasn't going to…"

"But you want to," Aliea accused, seeing the glimmer in his eyes. "By the Maker… Alistair! Is this just about Morrigan, because that kids took a shot at her?" she hissed, jerking out of his hold and reaching a hand out to make sure the man kept his gaze on her, though he made no motion to break eye contact.

Or that damn smile…

"It's a bit relieving after all these years, given all the abuse I've had to put up with the woman," he shrugged. "But… no, that's not the thought that was on my mind. Just… I'm used to seeing her rush headlong into someone. No planning involved. But that's not what happened today. You didn't see it, I suppose and it happened too fast for me to be aware of what was going on at the time.

"She tried to distract and unbalance Morrigan when she threw the stone at her head, just before she broke into a sprint and slammed her shoulder into the back of Morrigan's knee. And she waited for when it seemed like nothing was going to happen, as if waiting for the woman to let her guard down…"

"No wonder the girl's still at this," the mother growled, stepping back as she shook her head, pinching the bridge of her nose. "And if she knows you think this… she's never going to stop…"

"I'm not going to tell her anything of what I just told you, Aliea," he assured, gently prying her finger from her nose and directing her gaze back up to him. "But you have to admit… she is smart…"

"I know that. But I wish she was smarter and better at things other than fighting…"

"She's been surrounded by fighters since the day she was born, Aliea. She's going to want to fight. And it doesn't help that she's seen us fighting others time and time again. She's going to want to be a warrior too," her lover told her, speaking a truth Aliea knew… but didn't want to face.

She didn't need her baby getting herself into the thick of battle, all for honor and glory… to end up dying.

"Aliea… look, we'll talk about this later. Morrigan's been waiting a decent enough time to bring you to the palace and given that she's pissed… it would be best if you kinda hurried…

"For Morrigan and Ali…"

"But I wanted to train today! Why can't I?!"

It was a repeated cry since Alistair had allowed his daughter to leave her room some time after Aliea had left with Morrigan. He hadn't let her out because he didn't want to punish her for what she did – even though he did think that Morrigan was only asking for it and had held a certain amount of pride in seeing his girl take the witch down; even if she was having a rough adjustment period, Alistea's temper was starting to get out of control and he was far from willing to let his girl get herself into too much trouble. And Aliea was right; praising and rewarding the child for what she did wasn't going to help prevent that situation.

But he also was in no mood to punish the girl too severely. How was it really expected that a child was going to react completely cool and collected when she had to face a woman that insulted her whole family as well as having that woman's appearance effectively instigate the girl's 'perfect day' to be ruined? And he didn't realize that Alistea was really under so much strain with Aliea spending her days mostly away from the family as she saw to ascertaining their safety. They had both thought this sort of thing was something Alistea was used to. Evidently, she was… but was already hoping that that part of life would already be done away with quickly.

So seeing as he knew that training the girl was out of the question, Alistair figured that was enough of a punishment for her.

Turned out he was right… judging by the fit she was giving.

He tried to resist giving a sigh – as he had probably at least ten times by now – and forced a stern look on his face as he turned to regard the girl. "Alistea… you know that letting you train now is out of the question. If you can't control your temper, your mama and I can't trust you with a weapon. We've had this talk when you first got your present. And like I said before… you're a smart girl. You know what we were telling you then and why.

"And I'm not changing what I told you earlier. No training for a few days now… at least…"

He braced himself for the coming complaint of unfairness to come from the girl, expecting it as it had escaped her several time for he had already said this several times. He did not repeat himself because he thought he needed to make Alistea understand and remember what her punishment had to be, but because he knew her as well as she knew him. Alistea knew that it was Alistair that was most lenient with her, under the right circumstances. She always had a better chance in getting his sympathy over her mother's – which said a lot as she already got a lot from Aliea.

Aliea could be a little more strict and drastic in their girl's life as she was more prone to worrying about letting Alistea getting away with any behavioral issues. Not that Alistair had no concern for his daughter, but it was hard to go about seeing her unhappy and he had to admit, there was a part of him that had no desire to find himself in his daughter's enmity, not with how he knew that Eamon had once been in his; Aliea had never really come close to hating anyone close to her as a child, not even with her mother for wanting the younger to conform to the 'quaint noble woman' archetype.

And there was always the guilt in missing Aliea's pregnancy, Alistea's birth and the first years afterwards…

But the complaint didn't come. At first there had only been silence, prompting him to turn a questioning glaze over to the girl… only to be met with her confusion in the contorted expression they shared.

"You're really not to going to change your mind, are you, Papa?"

He almost laughed at that. He knew not to and tried hard to hold it back, but… Maker's mercy, this girl could make it so hard to be stern with her. And he always did a terrible job in that field when she made that face. He didn't laugh, but he did feel the smile break onto his lips and knew that Alistea saw it.

"Not if I'm going to have to worry about your mother coming after me with her blades," he returned, unable to suppress the smile as he continued to hold her gaze. But his smile didn't last long. "Your mama's not happy about what you did to Morrigan. Especially since you can get in a lot of trouble if you keep picking fights…

"And I'm not training you so that you'll start to pick fights…"

"I didn't pick that fight. She did," Alistea grumbled, her face scrunched up with her declaration of injustice.

"Ali… keep talking like that and your mama seriously is not going to let you have that blade of yours," he warned, now finding himself concerned. He really didn't need her getting into fights with the excuses like 'they had it coming.' How many times had he already heard such lines before?

The girl gave a gruff scoff and though Alistair only responded with a sigh, the room did not go silent.

"Ali… listen to your papa," Leliana said, only coming into the conversation when it was evident that Alistair was becoming strained. She usually kept out of conversations… unless she saw that the parents needed help. Even if she took the child's side from time to time, the bard knew better than to challenge the parents and risk encouraging Alistea's defiance. "Your parents do worry that you'll get yourself into more trouble than you – or they – can handle. You know they don't like to worry about you and they're trying to get you to understand to back out of getting in trouble…"

"But Auntie Leli! Mama and Papa get in fights too!" the child protested before spinning around to face her father. "And don't tell me again that it's because you don't have a choice sometimes. That mean woman wasn't listening to you or Mama either! No one could talk to her!"

"And I'm pretty sure there was the reminder that those are 'life-or-death' situations. And I don't mean making it into one," Alistair returned with a jaded glare. "Now… stop making excuses. You know what you did was wrong and it did break one of your mama's conditions with your dagger…"

"You and Mama said about fighting kids…"

"And which is more dangerous? Fighting kids… or adults? Ali, you're a bright girl. I know that you can tell you're asking for more trouble in a fight with an adult than another kid." He then gave a groan, but still kept a stern look on his daughter. "Ali… please… like Leliana said… your mama and I don't like worrying that you're going to get yourself into trouble when we're trying to keep you out of it.

"If you're just going to keep at it though… of course we're not going to let you continue your training…"

Alistea didn't scowl or pout as she continued to hold her father's gaze. Instead, her face only held doubting confusion. "If I'm supposed to be punished…" she started slowly and cautiously as she lifted the bowl by her hands as if to show her father the contents of which she had been stirring, "why are we making cookies?"

This time when Alistair felt the urge to laugh, he did and Leliana joined him as well, which only made Alistea turn her gaze over them both, her brow furrowed deeply now.

"Well… since today's schedule changed…it's the best thing I could come up with," he smiled just as Leliana stood with a tray covered with small, round clumps of cookie dough, bringing to the oven to be baked. "Besides… I thought your mama might like some as well. After all, Sweetheart, she did want to spend the day with you…"

"Doesn't answer why you're letting me help and let some of the dough," she still challenged, dipping her finger into the dough before plopping it in her mouth of good measure. "Mama would be mad about both…"

"Then I suppose it might be best to at least let her out on letting you eat some cookie dough. I always thought it was the right of all kids," he added with a smirk, continuing to drop dollops of the dough on another tray. It was the fourth tray with two more planned and with a child with a sweet tooth, two Grey Wardens, and Leliana to pick up the rest… he figured six batches would only last for a few days amongst them.

"Now, you do remember that your wife's best friend is in the room here. But on that other topic… I take it that means you're a child too," Leliana teased, stealing some dough as well. "I've seen you sneaking a few bites yourself…"

"And what about you? What do you think that is in your mouth?"

"Obviously I'm entitled as well. Perhaps indulging in childish things is what keeps me looking so young."

"With the giggle you give… I do have an easier time believing your Ali's age rather than the fact that you're actually older than me," Alistair admitted with his own disbelief as the bard moved to help Alistea in making sure her mixture was blended well.

"That is weird to think," Alistea murmured, turning back to her father and ignoring the cookie dough in her bowl – and covering her shirt and pants. "But how are cookies going to make Mama happy. I know she likes roses…"

"It's a favorite treat of an old friend of your mama's," Leliana answered the girl, taking the dough to place on a fifth tray as the girl no longer seemed keen to stir and had already proved to be unwilling to spoon the dough onto the trays. "You know how your mama reminisces often…"

"What friend? Shale doesn't eat. And Oghren likes to drink mostly. And I don't understand what Zev really likes…"

"I'd like you to stay unaware of that for now," Alistair mumbled under his breath before giving a shudder. If he and Aliea were far from willing to let Alistea know why exactly her parents liked some privacy as well as 'where babies came from'… having his daughter find out about how Zevran enjoyed spending his time was far from desirable.

Especially when the former Templar thought about how the elf wanted to spend his time like that with Aliea…

As Leliana gave one of her childish giggles in hearing Alistair's disgust, Alistea responded with simply a baffled stare at both adults before taking some more of the cookie dough onto her finger and asking, "Well… if it's not Shale, Oghren, or Zev… who liked cookies so much? I know it's not you, Papa, or you, Auntie Leli…"

"I suppose we never told you about Sten did we?" the redhead questioned.


"I imagine that's a no," Alistair interpreted with smile, finishing readying the tray before him and moving to place it on the counter, waiting for the still baking cookies to be finished first. "Yeah, we never told you that your mama had a friend that was a qunari before you were born…"

"A que… que… You really met one?! You mean he was a real friend… or Mama just knew him?"

"Perhaps not a friend like myself, Oghren, or Zev, but… your mama did earn his respect and trust, which is rather difficult to do," the bard said. "And your mother had a certain fondness for the soldier. He was dedicated to his profession and culture and a strange sense of humor…"

"And you could say… that in a way, he loved your mother. As we all do. How she is strong and dedicated, determined to face overwhelming odds… all for the sake of others. She's the perfect character of a legend. It's hard not to love her…"

"Yea… I guess you're right," Alistea nodded, her lower jaw shifting and her eyes trembling as she turned towards Alistair… proceeded to clamber down from her chair and then onto her father's lap to his surprise. "Papa… Mama's mad at me… isn't she?"

"Well… she's not happy that you were throwing a fit," he admitted, forgetting the cookies and instead wrapping an arm around his daughter's waist as his other hand tenderly brushed her hair behind her ear. "But your mama still loves you. She'd never stop, Sweetheart…"

"Do… do you think that… she won't take me out tomorrow because… because of the way I was acting?"

"If you behave, I'm sure Mama will take you out," he smiled before kissing her forehead. "Mama and Papa knows that this isn't easy for you, but, Baby… you're going to have to understand that your mama and papa are trying to get things settled for you. So that things can be better for you here than before.

"So don't get mad at Mama when she's trying her hardest…"

"Okay… and I'm sorry Papa…"

"You're going to have to apologize to your mama, Ali. Not me."

"Oh… okay. I will," the child nodded sullenly before speaking up again in a faint voice. "Um… Papa?"


"So… how did you and Mama met everyone? I mean Auntie Leli is a bard. Zev is an assassin. Oghren was a dwarven warrior. And Shale's a golem. And then there's a qunari and a witch? How did you meet all these people. We don't really run into a lot of people like them.

"Is it because you and Mama were Grey Wardens?"

"Yes and that's also how your mama and papa met. Because your mama joined the Wardens shortly after I did," he nodded before nudging his head towards Leliana. "But if you really want the story… you might want to ask your auntie Leliana sometime. She was there for most of that adventure, Mama and Papa filled her in on the parts she wasn't there for… and you know Leliana is better at storytelling than me…"

"Ooo! Storytelling and cookies! Mama would like that wouldn't she!" Alistea suddenly cried out, clapping her hands together. "Oh! Can we get the cookies done now? I wanna be ready for when Mama comes home!"

Standing before the nobility of Ferelden had never left Aliea intimidated. She had met just about everyone at court and knew them since she was a child. The Landsmeet during the Blight has be only the last of numerous ones she had attended. Aiding the Banns Alfstanna and Sighard had been more than seeing good prevail or seeking support against Loghain; their families had long been friends of hers. She knew the Guerreins, Theirins, she even knew Loghain since childhood; she could still remember how the teyrn of Gwaren had once congratulated the teyrn of Highever in having such a spirited fighter for a daughter and voiced his own praise to the youngest Cousland sibling.

Being on such familiar terms with Fereldan nobles and being aware of her own high status as a teyrn's daughter, Aliea had never found herself fazed in standing before any of them, even King Calian or his father before him.

But sitting in the lounge of the Orlesian empress… that was one a completely different level.

She had met the Empress Celene I before, but only a few times and mostly only at the various parties her father had brought her to since she had turned eighteen. And never did she actually speak with Celene. Her father spoke with her a few times and the empress had found it amusing that Aliea was comparable to Anora even, both possessing the beauty of a rose… along with its thorns. But Aliea had never had a chance to really converse with the woman.

Until now…

It was odd to find her body being overtaken by a slight shiver, making it hard for her to drink the tea set before her. It was strange to find herself quiet and unsure of what to say while Celene delightedly spoke about the latest gossip and fashion, a few business and political affairs, but the brunette had brushed such talks off hastely. It was stranger yet because Celene was in no way intimidating, clearly of a more jovial attitude than Loghain and as friendly as Eudon.

Yet somehow, here Aliea sat, feeling her tongue tied in knots for once, uncertain when and what to speak.

It was probably the fact that she was so worried about her daughter's survival… and wondered if Alistea would still be mad when she came home…

"Now… I imagine I've been rather rude to our guest, haven't I?" the empress suddenly called out, breaking from her conversation about the latest of fashionable shoes – which Morrigan had grudgingly offered vague opinions on – and now turned to face Aliea, her smiling mouth filled with such great amusement as her soft green eyes regarded the Fereldan noble born. "I suppose you haven't been here long enough to be able to indulge in the fashion trends of late, have you? It's advisable that you do so. Oh, not for anything in regards to appearance or call to impress. I've simply learned that Morrigan has such a hate of the… impractical, as she calls it and I enjoy teasing her so."

"Oh, I… I have an idea of what you mean," Aliea tried to speak confidently, her voice failing her as she began, but it grew stronger as she went on. "I know the fashion of Ferelden is incomparable to that of Orlais, but I had once tried taking Morrigan on a bit of dress shopping in Denerim when she was still in my company. She was… tolerant of it but in the end… well, let's just say it did not end well…"

"Truly?! My, I've never had the experience of shopping with Morrigan. She's ever so adamant to not go. I am so envious that you've at least had such a chance," the woman laughed… much to the present mage's chagrin.

"I am glad that the two of you have already found common ground… speaking about me as though I'm not here as you see to my aggravation…"

"Oh, but it's because you make it so easy, Morrigan," the empress returned with her laughing smile as she straightened the skirt of her gown, clearly belonging to that of a noble, but also of a plain make to give the woman a casual and easy-going look. "The simple fact is that you seem to hate everything and if you must be so impossible, it would be for our own sanity to find your hate amusing. Otherwise, I might have already degraded to a wretched and insane hag by now." Celene gave another delighting laugh before turning towards Aliea and speaking, "But I suppose continuing such would only worsen things so I suppose it's in our best interest to change the subject.

"And it would be rude to continue picking on Morrigan when I should be speaking with you, Lady Cousland. After all, I can't imagine why you'd want to work for me if all I do is ignore you. Very thoughtless of me…"

"Think nothing of it, Your Majesty," Aliea bowed her head and smiled, something that was becoming very easy to do, now that she was warming up to this woman. "Not when it is myself that should be grateful that you would consider giving me a place in your court…"

"And if I didn't, Eudon would give me an earful and the next party I have he'd wreck horribly… all in my honor," the woman scoffed, before waving a dismissive hand. "Oh, I'm not speaking ill of the man. I just know how crazy he can be and that's why he's such a sight at court… and why I love that man dearly. He's such a charmer.

"And I know he loves you like a daughter… given that his was an ungrateful brat that ran off with one of his rivals in court… only to die by the poisoning of one of her husband's other rivals. It is a sad circumstance, but… Eudon has never shed a tear over it." Suddenly Celene gave a loud, amused laugh and shaking her head. "Here I go again, simply rambling. My… Morrigan, I hope that your friend won't be like you, making me be the one holding the conversation."

Morrigan only gave a disinterested shrug, ignoring the empress who then gave a sigh and rolled her eyes.

"Oh, I'm used to her," Celene said, turning back to Aliea and leaning forward. "She only speaks when she thinks there is anything worth wasting her breath on… and usually she does have some interesting things to say.

"Like how she was of your party when you were a Grey Warden, combating the Fifth Blight…

"It is sad though… your father would have been proud, had he lived to hear of your exploits."

"But of the last years, I doubt he'd be so pleased to know of how I fair," Aliea whispered, her hands resting in her lap and wringing each other. And now was why she realized she was so nervous before Celene. After all… she was a traitor in Ferelden. She had never been accused of treason before… "Your Majesty… I don't know if you've heard, but… I am a traitor in my native land. With such, I don't see how you would come to trust me…"

The empress stood, placing her cup back down on the table before she began to pace, waving a hand at Morrigan. "Your friend has informed me of your situation. Of why you are a traitor. And I believe her. Especially given that Anora has refused to allow the Grey Wardens to rebuild in Ferelden once more, a terrible move on her part. Particularly given that it was your lands that had been afflicted by the Blight. Certainly, it had barely begun, but it was only ended so quickly because of the Warden's efforts…

"Because of your efforts…"

"Loghain is the hero. He lived and died one," Aliea countered, knowing that her name was no longer on the lips of Fereldans, hardly aware of her and her friends' effort in uniting the races of Ferelden to combat the Blight. And Loghain's sacrifice did what Morrigan claimed it would do – it overshadowed Aliea's own fame.

"And you think I am one to believe only that which lies on the surface?" Celene questioned with incredulity as she came to a stop and faced Aliea. "Lady Cousland… I am aware of how the nobles of Orlais operate, the corruption and hate beneath the smiles and greetings. Perhaps Fereldans aren't as… manipulative and ambitious as those here, but I'm aware that corruption exists within every country's government and there are always secrets that nobles try to hide.

"And I have long heard – and received Morrigan's confirmation – that you are deemed a 'traitor' for remaining loyal to Ferelden. So before you try to deny anything… I know that you have been on the move for the last six years because you have denounced Anora for the sake of the Theirin line.

"I have heard of Maric's illegitimate son, Alistair, that he is your lover… and that you have bore him a daughter."

Aliea flashed a look of betrayal towards Morrigan, her face set with defiant calm as she sipped at her tea. "If you think that I have attempted to manipulate anything against you and your family, I have not. But if the empress is to harbor you… she needs to know what trouble she might arouse with Ferelden…"

"I would have preferred to mention it myself," Aliea replied, restraining her anger, but understanding that Morrigan had anticipated that her friend would not speak of her predicament otherwise. And she was right. "And you still wish to lend me aid with this knowledge?" she questioned Celene, beginning now to see that the woman was not simply the warm socialite she had been just moments ago. But also a stern ruler, commanding the power most would think she could not.

"You will be aiding me and I you. This is not charity," the Orlesian returned firmly, striding to stand before one of the large windows of her room, pouring in the soft, warm sunlight of the afternoon. "While Ferelden might have forgotten you, I have not. And with your exploits in the Blight… I can think of no one better suited in advising diplomatic solutions. It takes a significant amount of skill to persuade dwarves to leave their underground homes to fight an affliction that attacks the surface. And to gain the allegiance of the Dalish, people that hate humans… I would think that an impossibility. Yet you did so. And I hear that you also earned the favor of nearly all nobles at the Landsmeet. Seven to one odds, I believe.

"Too bad you did not gain the favor of your lover at that assembly…"

Aliea gave a gulp, lowering her head as she admitted, "It is because I choose to spare Loghain and make him a Grey Warden. After what the teyrn did to the Wardens, Alistair was far from willing to accept that notion. He wanted Loghain to die a traitor's death, instead of that of a hero's."

"So I see. I'm surprised that you acted against your lover's wishes. And not only that, but… am I correct in saying that this man wronged you as well? Not only in the fate of your order, which could have been yours, but also the fact that he had aligned himself with a man that betrayed your entire family…"

"Yes… he did ally with Arl Rendon Howe, knowing what the man had done and continued to do, and simply brushed it over his shoulder when faced with the charge. But… this was for Ferelden's sake," Aliea explained, her head still low as she continued to speak for the empress. "As well as for Alistair…"

"Oh? And how so?"

"There were few Grey Wardens, only Alistair and myself and we were both new to the order. We had no idea what had to be done to kill this dragon and the only other addition we gained was Riordan. I didn't really see how three Wardens could face an Old God, defeat it, and live…"

"So you feared for your lover's life and thus sought to strengthen your numbers…"

"Yes… but unfortunately there was nothing I could say or do to make Alistair suffer through such a reality," Aliea sighed, remembering the look of dark rage and betrayal on the bastard prince's face after the choice she had made then.

But that didn't matter anymore. Not while they both lived, together with their child.

"I must admit that I find it surprising that this Alistair is at your side once again, even for the sake of a child…" Celene spoke her mind, turning around to face Aliea with a look of intent, wishing to find out all that encompassed the former Warden's life.

"Alistair grew up believing he was unwanted and nothing more than an inconvenience," Aliea confessed, her hand clenching as she thought about how different she and her husband had been raised, how wrong it had been for him to be treated in the way he was. "The last thing he wants is his own child growing up as his bastard… or to cast off her mother as a one-time lover…"

"So it's for the sake of the child that he's returned to you?"

"No. He already agreed to return to me before he even knew he was a father. We had already forgiven each other of the wrongs we had made and no longer wished to live without the other… if such a desire had ever been there…"

"Ah… but I'm curious… if you are a Theirin loyalist… then why haven't either of you returned to Ferelden, to attempt to claim the throne? With the three of you… you have a stronger claim. Alistair, the claim of blood. Yourself, a Cousland, has the claim by power, given your brother has retained your family's lands and power. And let's not forget your family's popularity. And then your child… she has all this and more. She is an heir. Alistair has already sired an heir and Anora has failed to bear one, either of the Theirin bloodline or her own.

"So why still evade her?" the brunette prodded, returning to her seat and looking very interested in this point.

"Because even with all those things… Alistair and I lack one: ruthlessness. Anora is determined to hold onto her seat of power. Alistair and I… all we want is to keep our child alive and well. I do not see how instigating a coup could allow such for our daughter. Even at best, Alistea's life would be placed in more risk than even it is now…

"So you could say that my husband and my weakness is the fact that we cherish our daughter too greatly to put her life in greater risk. After all… it doesn't help that we… were Grey Wardens and we have yet to conceive another child since Alistea. If she's the only one we'll ever have… I'd rather that she live…

"Even though I know Anora would never believe that if she knew of my daughter…"

"My… that is sad and romantic… especially for the sort that is sappy and enjoys such stories," Celene commented, smiling her warm smile again before laughing as Morrigan gave a groan. "Yes, yes… I'm sure we're all very aware that you are far from the sappy sort.

"But matters at hand… Lady Cousland…"

"Empress, if I may…" the youngest amongst them began, raising a halting hand, "please. Just Aliea. I have no title anymore and unfortunately my name is forfeit since I left Ferelden…"

"Perhaps, Aliea," the empress returned with a nod, testing the name on her lips as if a foreign word to have only been spoken a few times eons ago. "Might I correct you? If you accept to become part of my court, you will have your own standing and the right to be addressed as a noble. And if your brother still regards you as a Cousland, in my eyes you are one. And you will always be a Cousland in the eyes of the Orlesian court…

"Well… that is unless you have actually chosen to take on the Theirin name…"

"We married, but… we never made a decision regarding surname," Aliea shook her head. "We rarely use them anyhow. I've only used mine here, speaking with Eudon and well, it's how you know me.

"We never even agreed on our daughter's surname, though my brother always refers to her as a Cousland."

"Truly? That's rather interesting," the woman murmured, slightly baffled before waving a hand and going on, "Now… as I was saying… the issue of accepting you into my court, I'm certain you understand that most likely your name will become known and I'm certain news will reach Ferelden eventually…"

"I imagined such…"

"You do realize that that will official brand you as a traitor and I doubt returning to your homeland will be possible."

"I've been under the assumption that there would be no return. I only worry of what fate would follow my family…"

"Morrigan has insisted that I allow you to live within the palace and I have no qualms with the notion. Your family will be provided for and protected. I'll even see that your child is given the finest education…"

"You are too kind."

"Yes… I suppose I am, given that I imagine that this will strain ties with Ferelden however," Celene warned, her eyes narrowing and her mouth setting into a thin, straight line. "This is hardly a diplomatic move, I'm sure you can tell…"

"So… what are you saying?"

To that, a grin cracked onto the empress's lips as she leaned back. "Nothing except that I will be invoking a dragon's fury, I imagine. And I suppose we'll see how foolish Anora can be." Then the woman gave a sigh, her eyes falling shut and her head shaking. "It's hard to believe I once respected the woman. But that was before I realized she is her father's daughter, as enchanting and as treacherous as a serpent…

"Had Calian lived though… I doubt such would have happened…"

"He was Maric's son. He might have been impetuous and eager for glory, but he also had a good heart. Pure and innocent… and dedicated to the people," Aliea murmured softly and sadly, her hands wringing each other. "Like his father… and brother…"

"I have to say… I'm eager to meet this son of Maric's. To see the man that has captivated a woman like you…" Celene smiled, her words invoking a harsh scoff from Morrigan, making the other two women turn to face the witch, who had turned her face away… but not far enough that Aliea could not see the look of utter disgust on her friend's face.

And that look prompted a thought from the former Warden…

"Empress, I'd like to make a request," she began, waiting for the permissive nod before continuing. "I'm not trying to be ungrateful or disregarding to your graciousness, but… I'd like some time before I'd have to move my family here. My daughter is used to a simple life. Very simple. It… this is the first time she's really had a room to herself or to actually live in an actual house. And she's already having a tough time with adjusting to her life here.

"I just… I want the transition to palace life to be smoother for her. And I want her to be able to prepare herself for it, let her be more ready. And a friend help acquire the house and it was easy. I hate to push her efforts aside like this…"

"Always playing the peacemaker," Morrigan scoffed, but her comment went unnoticed.

"I understand," Celene said with a soft, but slightly sad smile. "But bring her here from time to time, if that would ease the transition. I have been curious of not only what man could capture your heart, but also the sort of child you would birth. I have been eager to meet the granddaughter of the late Teyrn Cousland after all…"

"I'll do that. I'm certain she'll be thrilled to come here. She's in love with Val Royaeux's sights," Aliea said warmly, before feeling a slight tremble in her body again and continuing, "I hope you don't mid though if this takes weeks… or months even."

"Take your time. From what I've heard, instability has dire results on children…"

"It's not only that, it's…" She paused, giving a gulp and trying to force her body to stop trembling. But the more she forced herself, the tenser her body became and the more violent those trembles felt. "Ali doesn't know that she's the only grandchild of Maric. I… she's found out too many things by accident and… I want her to hear this from her father and myself. I don't what her coming here and suddenly learning about her heritage before I can tell her…"

"As I said, take your time before your family has to move once more," Celene murmured softly, reaching over to rest a hand on Aliea's shoulder, a warm touch that swiftly relaxed the shaking mother. "To have you as an advisor is for my benefit. Allowing you to live within my walls, be protected by my guard… it is as much the payment in you working for me as it is a gift in memory of your father.

"This is for your sake… not mine…"

"Are you so bothered by the notion of moving your family again as well as informing your daughter of the truth that you have been rendered speechless?"

Aliea jerked her head up at the sound of Morrigan's jaded voice, the witch staring up at the pink and orange sky over a residential district as evening drew in closer… staring out just as the warrior had been. She gave a sigh, drumming her fingers along the side of the open carriage, as they made their way back to the home where her family waited for her.

"It's not exactly a prospect I'm looking forward to… telling Ali of her father's father," the mother admitted with a sigh. "I don't want to face all the questions she'll have… or any of her rage, if she ends up holding some towards me…"

"I would know nothing to say to you. I have forgotten what 'tis like to be a child and I hardly can guess what your child is like except… brazen…" the black-haired woman added with a tone of repugnance.

"You've seen her in her worst of times," the noble born excused, trying to smile… but her mind did not wander to the happier memories of her child… "She's not nearly so… violent. Although… she's doesn't get along with kids her age. They tend to not accept her because she's different from them. She thinks differently than them…"

"In what way? Are you going to try to tell me she has a purer soul than the rest?"

"No… in that she's more aware of the dangers of this world because she knows that Anora wants us dead and she's faced enough bandits and darkspawn to know that life can end swiftly," Aliea bit back, rather perturbed.

Her words called Morrigan's attention to her, her yellow eyes wide with surprise… before dimming with a sense of sorrow. "I… I'm sorry, Aliea. I didn't realize that life has been that hard on her…"

"Alistair and I had no choice but to make her live such a life. I've hidden the true reason why Alistea's life is at risk from her, but I haven't hidden the enemy," she explained, looking away and back into the sky. "And we try to take the less traveled roads… which unfortunately led us into foes far too often.

"I'm sick of making her live that why though. That's why we're here."

She then gave a sigh and turned back to her friend, murmuring in an apologetically voice, "But… speaking of children facing enemies… what of you?"


"Have you sense or heard anything of Flemeth? Has she found form yet?"

"Oh… no. Not that I am aware of yet…" Morrigan said with a small shake of the head.

"At least that means more time for you. How has your studies of her grimores gone?" the former warden added. "Do you think you're gaining a greater chance against her?"

"Perhaps. Perhaps not. I've learned much of her skills and how to better them… or the ways around them or to devastate them," the mage went on. "But I feel like I've barely touched the surface of my mother's knowledge. 'Tis much within her grimores that others would declare impossible. And 'cures' that many would consider forbidden…

"But I suppose it depends on the desperation of those seeking it…"

Aliea turned to regard the woman again and there was a dark look in the witch's eyes, something… directed at her, but… Aliea didn't want to think about it or ask. She wasn't going to partake of blood magic or anything else forbidden. She couldn't even think of anything that would leave her so desperate to go down such a route…

It forced her to change the topic.

"Morrigan… how do you know if someone is a mage?"

The question made the witch give a bit of a jerk before she regarded the speaker with a strict, curious stare. When Aliea made no other comment, Morrigan gave a shrug. "I imagine Wynne told you of the time she set a boy's hair on fire. Such actions would be good indicators…"

"Is there any way you can sense it? Like if you met someone?"

"If they're powerful enough perhaps…"

"But… like a child…"

"A child?" Morrigan's eyebrows quirked as she stared at Aliea with confusion… before her face began to relax with understanding. "Are you wondering about your daughter? Why?"

"It's just… sometimes I wonder if she's not like other kids and not just because of everything that's happened in her life," Aliea began to admit slowly and in a low voice as her hands nervously fidgeted again. "I mean… the girl spoke exceedingly clearly when she was two… much better than she should have. She's never had a hard time understanding anything if it's explained to her, but… certain things… abstract things, kids don't always understand what going on around them. And…

"I know that Ali can navigate through the Fade. She was doing that when she was two…"

"'Tis unusual…"

"I didn't think much of it at first because… I… it was the same way with me," she admitted quietly, watching Morrigan's eyes grow a little wider. "I know that time with the Sloth demon… Niall had said that the demon controlled that section of the Fade and Wynne thought that I could consciously make my way throughout because the demon allowed such… as if to make it a game for someone to defeat him and finding amusement as everyone fails…

"But I never told Wynne that… I didn't wander aimlessly in my dreams. And I scared my parents several times when I'd somehow find them in the Fade when I had my nightmares. My mother… she was worried I was a mage…"

"But you're not…" Morrigan returned, her voice slow and measured, not as if begging for an answer, but stating what she knew… yet remaining confused.

"To my family's relief, I wasn't. My connection with the Fade didn't allow me to draw on magic or anything so it didn't seem that I could attract the attention of any demon. I just wasn't as lost there as most others are," Aliea sighed, but drew her hand up to her mouth with worry. "And Ali's never lost either. And… she's smarter than I was her age.

"I'm just worried if… if she does have magical tendencies…"

"I've sensed nothing from the girl, but then again, she's still young and I've barely been around her," Morrigan replied evenly and… Aliea thought she could hear a hint of assurance. "But I would still think that I would have felt something around her. All I sense is a never ending amount of stubbornness, inherited from both her parents…"

To that, Aliea could laugh and she was surprised to see the witch was even smiling. She hoped that meant her fears were unfounded, but… still there was something else that had been bugging her far longer than the fear that her child was a mage…

"Morrigan… do you remember that last night, before you left and the offer you made?"

"Did I not allude to it that first time we meant at your home?" the witch reminded, cocking an eyebrow.

"Yes… of course, but… just…" The words were stumbling in on each other as Aliea found herself nervous and unwilling to ask this question, but… she needed to know. She had a chance to find out. She didn't want to wait anymore. Taking a deep breath, she steadied herself to talk. "What exactly was involved with the ritual and everything that would allow the archdemon's essence to inhabit and take over the conceived child?"

"Magics and a child that was between the stages of being a living being… and not. Enough that there would be something to possess, but was empty itself…" Morrigan explained in a way so disconnected… it sent chills down the former Warden's spine. She had to wonder how the mage would have reacted, the thoughts she would have held if Aliea had convinced Loghain to take part in the ritual. For herself, Aliea had a hard time imagining it…

Conceiving a child with a man she did not love and letting that child become something akin to an abomination?

The thought chilled her, even more so as she quietly asked, "How old is too old?"

Morrigan's look suspicion grew ever more as she held a strict gaze on the blonde. "Why are you asking?"

She wanted to scream at Morrigan to figure it out herself, to come to her own conclusion… but to not speak them… because Aliea knew she didn't want to face her own fears. She didn't want to admit them.

But she started this conversation, didn't she? She wasn't to find out the truth to either banish or be certain of her thoughts. Better to know than to wonder, right? That's what they said…

"I… I was a month pregnant when we face the Archdemon…" she said with a deep exhale, rushing to say it, but keeping her voice low, almost too low for Morrigan to hear her. As if… her silence would keep the fear vain and unreal.

"'Tis too old," the witch hastily snapped, making the warrior jerk her eyes over to her friend with surprise from the abruptness. "A week is the oldest the developing child can be for it to be successful. And as I said, magic must have been used at the time of conception in order that the essence will bind to the vessel and obviously… you did not have that. And why are you even asking this?"

"I just…" she admitted fearfully, speaking of a fear that had been part of her soul for so many years now… with no one she knew to confirm or deny it. "I wonder if Ali could have been affected by the archdemon's demise in any way…"

"Did Loghain not die? Then you have nothing to worry about," the witch said with finality, the dismissive wave of her hand emphasizing such. But… something about it… it didn't feel final to Aliea. It felt cut off.

She felt no better about her fears than before. Perhaps actually worse…

The rest of the ride was made in silence, but that didn't even last long. They arrived at her home shortly and Aliea didn't know whether to be relieved or scared. She wanted to be with her family again, but… could she forget her fear now that she felt more uncertain than before? And not only that, but… was Alistea still mad with her? Would she be mad with her daughter when they came face to face? She didn't feel it. All the worried mother knew was that she just wanted her baby back in her arms, hug her tightly to her chest and cry over… everything.

"One more thing, Aliea…" Morrigan spoke, signaling the carriage driver to wait as she disembarked with the former party leader. "I just want to warn you what else will happen when your name spreads throughout Val Royaeux… the Grey Wardens," she added softly, a sense of fear actually lingering in her voice. "They did not need the record of recent recruits to know you are technically one of them. You're name was spoken of during and after the Blight enough that they'd know. And your brother has never denounced the fact that you did not perish with the family, but had joined the Wardens instead. And the Warden at least… doubt the aspect that you might have died.

"When they find out that you are here…"

"They'll come…" Aliea finished, turning to glance at the house where her family lived, worrying what then would happen. Alistair would never return with the Wardens, she knew that. And she herself… how could she? She had long ago forsaken duty when duty still had done nothing to better the world she lived in. Perhaps it was saved, but from what? Death? Was it better to live when it was a world of corruption and injustice that continued to prevail around you?

As it wasn't a world she wanted her daughter to live in… Aliea did not agree.

And what of her daughter? What would happen if the Wardens found out about her?

Then, as though reading her thoughts and speaking to confirm them, Morrigan began to say, "And I doubt things will go over well given that you are married with another Warden and you are raising your child…"

"I know," Aliea cut her off, not wanting to hear anymore of this. It was bad enough that now she needed some privacy with Alistair, to talk about this. And she knew she'd feel troubled, knowing there was no way that conversation could leave her assured that everything would be fine. She knew what would happen then and that Alistair would be far from willing to withhold any comfort from her…

She just wished that a night of passion wasn't going to come to ease troubled minds…

What happened to nights like just a few days ago that simply came because her family gave her roses? Something blissful like that?

"I better get back in. I don't think Ali would be happy if she thought I was stalling," Aliea then added with a soft nod. "I'll see you in a few days I suppose…"

"I will see you then and… Aliea…" Surprising the troubled mother and wife, Morrigan placed a hand on her shoulder. It was startling, but comforting, even though there was no smile to convey the same on the mage's straight set lips. "No matter what you think, how things have gone, I know you are still that obstinate leader of ours years ago. After all if you weren't… you wouldn't be alive. Either by sacrifice or childbirth, if you were the persistent woman I met, one or the other would have been the circumstance to claim your life. And you would not have reunited with Alistair. And if you did live… I have the notion that you would have given up on your daughter's survival as well.

"If you're still the woman I marveled at in the Wilds… I know you will continue to find the way to survive.

"However running is not the answer to survival. You can only run so far. And when you've reached the end and are cornered… you'll have fight… and your attempt at survival would have been all in vain.

"It's best to face your foes before they can corner you because it's going to happen sooner or later…"

Speechless, Aliea couldn't help but stare at the witch with her mouth agape, surprised to hear these words to come from her. Since when was Morrigan ever the comforting type? Although… part of her believed that with the years that have passed… it was probably only to be expected, knowing how grateful the woman was to have a friend and seeming eager to repay the favor she owed.

But Morrigan waited for no thanks, for no words. Swiftly separating from her companion and returning to the carriage and leaving… without looking back.

Blinking, still finding herself reeling in shock, Aliea eventually shook her head and remembered where she was and what she was about to do.

She entered the house surprised to see no one around and hear nothing but a soft melodic hum from the dinning room… at least until a distant thump sounds from above. Baffled, Aliea hurried into the dinning room, smelling the faint aroma of baked cookies coupled with the warmer scent of spiced pork stew as she did. There was Leliana, smiling and humming as she set the table.

"Aliea? Oh, good you're back!" the bard suddenly cried out in delighted greeting, ignoring the half set table and rushed towards her friend and embracing her. "Ali was worried you might not be home in time for supper."

"I imagine that's why Alistair's upstairs playing with her?" the warrior assumed and as if on cue, another thump sounded from above… around where Alistea's room was.

"She's calmed done since earlier," the redhead added, returned to straightening up the table, but abandoned the task as Aliea helped. Instead Leliana disappeared into the kitchen, returning with the pot of stew and setting it on the table. "She's hasn't thrown any fits or anything since…"

"Probably because Alistair barely gives her reasons to throw fits," Aliea chided with a scowl. "Tell me he didn't train her today…"

"No. He told her she wouldn't be able to train for a few days, at least…"

"But he's playing with her right now? After how she attacked someone today?"

"She is a child, Aliea. You know that. She'll be a bit… stunted if she doesn't get healthy social attention, especially at such a young age… not that I mean to say I know more about raising a child," Leliana quick put in before walking around the table and grasping her friend's hands. "And you and Alistair both know she's bright little girl. She knows what she did was wrong. You shouldn't punish her too much more if she's already feeling bad over things."

"And you don't ignore problematic issues, unless you want the child thinking they're things she can get away with," the blonde returned, her voice growing a little rough as she heard another thump, this time able to catch the faint echo of laughter. This time, the noise prompted her to make her way upstairs, releasing her hands from Leliana to do so. "I know Alistair's a great father to Ali and everything, but she's always too sure that Ali knows more than she probably does…"

She didn't listen to anything else from Leliana and quickly proceeded up to the second floor, practically in a rushed charge as she moved to her daughter's room. She took a deep breath, trying to calm herself, even as she continued to hear her husband and daughter laugh from behind the bedroom door. She didn't feel herself grow calmer, but at least she didn't feel like she had a temper of fire. Just a little perturbed… and worried. She didn't want her girl growing up to be little more than a 'justified criminal'… perhaps even worse…

Slowly she opened the door… and she almost forgot her worries and a smile spread onto her lips and she watched Alistair indulge in Alistea's simple pleasures… one of them being something of mock bedfights, where Alistea would try to push her father off the bed, laughing as she succeeded… because he let her. It was a silly, childish thing, but it did remind Aliea that as much as Alistea seemed so different from other kids… she was still a child, enjoying silly, little things that children did, things always brightened when their parents would indulge them.

But the smile fell from the mother's face as she remembered what Alistair told her before she left. Alistea probably wanted to be a warrior when she grew up, a fighter… like her parents… like everyone that had surrounded her in life. She'd want to think that she would be strong one day and this little game… it gave that illusion of strength…

Aliea couldn't help but find herself worrying her lower lip…

"Looks like someone's here to see you, Sweetheart…"

"Huh? Mama!" And it took no time for the girl to bounce down from her bed, run over to her mother, and jump up. Aliea realized her daughter's expectance and was ready with open arms, picking up the girl and forgetting her own words to Leliana in being strict with important matters. After all, with that smile and glee… it was hard to remain mad at Alistea.

"Oh, Mama! I was worried you wouldn't be home for supper! I'm so glad your home!" the little girl cried out with delight, hugging her arms around her mother's neck… making it impossible for the loving mother to return the embrace.

"It didn't take too long, now did it?" she whispered back to her daughter, kissing her cheek as Alistair stood and moved to stand amongst the rest of his family.

"No… and Mama," Alistea replied, her voice falling to a whisper as her arms went tense, "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I just… I don't like that woman. She's mean and I don't like her. I felt like she was trying to take you away from me…"

"Oh, Baby… no one's going to take your mama or your papa away from you," she whispered, giving her daughter another kiss and holding the child tightly against her. The girl did make it so hard to rebuke her, but right now… she was thinking she didn't need to worry about any more reprimands. Not as she turned to face Alistair. "So you did talk to her?" she whispered to him, edging in to rest against his body as he slipped an arm around her waist.

"I said I would, didn't I?" he smiled before he leaned down to give a soft, lingering kiss on his wife's lips. "Besides… she's had tomorrow on her mind, worrying her about how she's been acting…"

To that, Alistea's head picked up, but slowly and cautiously, worriedly looking up at her mother as she whispered, "I didn't mean it, Mama… that I didn't want to spend tomorrow with you… I do.

"But… I can't… can I? Because of earlier today?"

"Did Papa tell you that you can't train for a while?" Aliea asked instead, despite knowing the swift change of topic would confuse the girl.

And it did judging by the confused blinks Alistea gave. But she didn't ask any questions. She eventually nodded and murmured, "Papa said I can't train for a few days. Maybe a week. Or more if I keep acting up…"

"So are you going to try to stop throwing your fits?"

The girl gave a eager nod, sitting upright in her mother's arms. "I'll try and I'm sorry, Mama. I'm sorry if things are hard for you too and I'm making it worse… especially if you are just trying to make things better for me…"

"Would I be a good mama if I didn't? But I should have told you earlier and I wish I had remembered so you wouldn't have been so upset today," Aliea admitted, kissing Alistea's cheek once more. "But we won't worry about it now.

"And since you're trying to be a good girl… we'll go out tomorrow. You, me, and Papa." Her words were punctuated by a delighted cheer from the girl, which Aliea couldn't help but laugh to. But once the laughter died away, she touched a finger to the top of Alistea's nose and added, "But you're going to have to stay good to go out. And we won't be buying any new toys. So no fits, okay?"

"Okay," her daughter nodded, before struggling out of her mother's arms and took hold of her hand, pulling to towards the hallways outside. "Now come on, Mama. Papa and I are hungry. And the sooner we eat and sooner we can have the cookies I helped make with Papa and Auntie Leli.

"And I wanna hear Auntie Leli tell the stories of when you and Papa were Grey Wardens. So come on Mama!"

Endnote: So there it is Chapter Five. Can I faint now? Just to say, I particularly enjoyed the fact that Morrigan was at odds with Alistair and Alistea. Looks like she inherited the hate for Morrigan from her dad. XP And that is something fun for me.

Now... I hope everything regarding Aliea's worry about Alistea well... I hope it's not too far-fetched and ridiculous and all that. If there's anything to be explained, it will come later. But I will say that one thing I hate are characters with super-mega-ultra powers. That's all I'm saying.

Hope you don't mind my portrayal of Celene. I don't know why, but this is how I always thought of her (I think this is what I think of all French people, fun loving on the surface, hiding a dark, cunning mind… don't ask). And for some reason she strikes me as a brunette as well (with curls, but I think I failed to mention that and I'll get that thrown in the edit...), also with green eyes, but a softer color. I don't know why, but she does. As far as I know, there's not much mentioned about who she is in the codex, so I hope she doesn't deviate from what is established

And the seven-to-one odds at the Landsmeet… I did get seven nobles to side with me at the Landsmeet. The nobody noble on the ground and then some other guy claiming that I did a personal favor for him. I've no idea who the later is, but whatever. I got his vote. I just wish I knew how… I've read you have to get 5-1 to win, but I got 7-1.

But last thing... with the spring semester begun and me being back in school as an art major along with all the crazy video games coming out soon (Mass Effect 2 in LESS THAN A WEEK!)... the story is a lesser priority anymore. As such, Chapter Six is the last chapter I plan to write in the near future... unless I do actually get a decent number of reviews. Yeah, I'm being a bit whiny, but in truth, I'd rather be told what I'm doing wrong rather than not. It comes with getting your skin toughened in art class and realizing that if you're never told what you're doing wrong... you can't fix it. And I do want to know if people are actually reading this and whether or not they like it because frankly, I'm a paranoid idiot (like Loghain!). Being told nothing is basically telling me this sucks. And as much as I do enjoy this story, I would like to know there is a point to writing it. I have other things I can - and would rather write - but this is the only fanfiction I have in my head that I can write, thus the only thing I can and will put up on the web, and figured others might like it. If I don't think that's true, then I might as well cut things short and take whatever plans I do have and integrate it in something else. Neh... I'm just saying... I am putting something else that is truly dearer to my heart to write this story. And if there's no point in writing this story and returning to working with my other world (which I was planning on giving a break as I sort things through)... I might as well do that.

Sorry about that... for many different reasons... mostly because I'm whining...

So... R&R... or Chapter Six will be last chapter for either a long time... or ever *gasp!* 0o0 (but don't write a review if you think I'm whiny if you think I don't deserve a review... unless you want to flame me, then by all means... let the flaming commence!)