Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight or any thing else that is familiar.


Not for Edward lovers. Bella and Edward are engaged to be married. What happens when a young woman shows up at there apartment? And what is it she tells Bella that changes everything.

Bella's POV

I rushed around planning for my wedding. Edward and I had been dating since the ninth grade. We were both graduating college this year. I had been to the caterer, the bakery, the dress shop for a final fitting, and a few other places that day. My wedding was in a week. I rushed home and started on dinner. I had just put the lasagna in the oven when the door opened. I glanced around the corner to see my fiance walk in.

"Hey baby." Edward said stepping into the kitchen next to me. "YOu look exhausted."

"I am." I yawned as I poured a glass of milk. The door bell rang. Me and Edward both walked to the door. A young blonde headed woman stood there with a baby in here arms. I saw a look on Edward face I didn't quiet understand.

"Can I help you?" I asked her kindly. The woman looked at me with pity in her eyes and I stood there confused.

"No you can't but he can." She answered me. "He can take care of his child." I froze in place. His child. I dropped the glass of milk on the floor and it shattered. I grabbed the door knob to support myself.

"I'm guessing she didn't know." The woman spoke. I finally found the strength to move away from the door. I walked to the kitchen and cut the oven off. I sank to the floor. I pulled my phone out and dialed the only number I could think of my best friend Rosalie's because Alice was out of town with her brother Emmett. Rosalie lived with her twin Jasper.

"Hey." Rose said when she answered.

"Rose can I come over?" I asked her weakly. I could hear the woman and Edward arguing in the next room.

"Sure whats wrong." She asked me. I took a deep breath and choked back the sob.

"Can you come get me I don't think I can drive right now Rose." I told her. She must of realized the pain in my voice.

"I'm on my way." She said and hung up. I walked to the bedroom and packed a bag of clothes, my razor, and my tooth brush. Edward stepped into the bedroom.

"Baby what are you doing?" He asked me quietly.

"I'm going to stay with Rose for awhile." I told him softly.

"Why?" He asked me softly.

"Why? Why Edward? Because I just found out the guy I spent eight years of my life with cheated on me and has a baby with another woman." I told him, "Thats why. I need to think Edward." The door bell ran and I grabbed my bag and jacket and went out the door. Rose helped me to her car. The drive to her place was silent. When we got there Jasper was sitting in the living room. He looked at me curiously as we walked in.

"Whats going on?" He asked.

"Just don't worry about it Jasper." Rose told him.

"No he can stay in here and worry about it. After all its his best friends fault." I told her as she led me over to the couch and sat next to me.

"Bella what happened?" She asked softly. A tear leaked out of my eye.

"I went through with all of my appointments today the carter, the dress and stuff. I came home started dinner. Edward came in being as loving and sweet as always. I poured myself a glass of milk. The door bell rang and we both went to answer it. A woman stood there with a baby. I asked her if I could help her. She told me no. " I told them sobbing slightly. "Then she said that Edward could by taking care of his baby. He cheated on me Rose after he purposed to me. That baby couldn't have been much older than three months and we have been engaged for a year and a half." Jasper's mouth fell open and Rose's covered with anger. I sobbed slightly and Rose pulled me to her. I heard something shatter and looked up to see Jasper had broken the vase that sat on the side table.

"I'm going to kill that mother fucker." Jasper cursed. I screamed and Rose pulled me to her trying to get me calm. "I'm sorry Bella." Jasper spoke more calmly.

"Rose take her in my room and let her lay in there. I'll take the couch tonight." Jasper said softly. "Don't argue with me on this Bella." Rosalie led me in there and I lay on the bed and curled up. I was so tired but I couldn't sleep. I heard a knock on the front door. A few minutes later I heard Jasper yelling.

"Damn it Edward." Jasper yelled."She doesn't want to see you right now. It won't do you any good by trying to argue." Rose stepped into the bedroom.

"Edward wants to see you." Rose said softly to me. "What do you want?"

"Tell him I don't want to see him." I told her softly. "Never mind yes I do." I jumped from the bed and walked quickly into the living room. A smile appeared on Edwards face. I drew back and slapped him hard.

"The weddings off." I spat at him. I slapped him again. "Thats for cheating on me you stupid bastard." I slapped him again. "Thats for getting that girl pregnant and leaving her to deal with it herself." I slapped him again. "Thats for the baby who has you a sorry excuse for a man as a father." I slapped him again. "And thats just because I felt like it." I went to slap him again when Jasper grabbed me and pulled me away. I sobbed hard into Jasper's chest and he softly shushed me. He stood there glaring at Edward.

"Its alright darlin',"Jasper said softly. "Its okay." He gently pulled me towards his bedroom and sat with me on his bed gently trying to calm me.