Kendall locked the door behind, just to be assured that we would get a full hour. I assumed all the guys knew about it, because Seth didn't try to break in the door. He had an acute sense of hearing when it came to me and Sara, any little sound that included us was heard. I sat at the edge of the bed I was supposed to share with Sara. No offense to her, but I like Kendall's bed more. He is so warm and comfy, and cuddling is always a plus.

"How was your day beautiful?" Kendall sat next to me, his arm around me waist. He was hesitant to even touch me, I noticed. I know I'm accident prone but I'm not that fragile.

"It was good. My boss didn't fire me, or mind you guys necessarily. He said you could continue to go to the library, but you guys can't cause a ruckus." He chuckled but nodded. He was staring at me intently, making me a bit uncomfortable.

"Anything else?" He was pushing for more information, but I didn't know what to say. I hate talking about myself, I'm not that interesting. I shuffled my feet on the floor, realizing I was still in my flats from work. I kicked them off blindly, hoping they were remotely close to where I needed them to be.

"I don't think so? What do you want me to say?" He looked down at that; I knew I said it a little too harsh. "I'm sorry, I just, you're staring as if you expect something, but I don't know what."

"I just want to know you, to get into your mind. You're such a mystery to me." I nodded. I was a mystery to everyone.

"I don't really like talking about myself. I don't think I'm that important, or interesting." I looked down. I knew it was a mistake the moment it happened. Kendall stood and faced me with a stony look.

"You're amazing, not matter how often I tell you, it doesn't sink in. I think you just do this for attention. Maybe I don't want to know about you. You're such a downer!" I kept my head down as tears gathered in my eyes. I knew everyone heard that out in the other room. Was I really that bad?

"Kendall, I don't think I'm amazing because the only people who have ever said that are teachers and my siblings. I feel as though they say it because they have to, not because it's true. Sorry if I have self-esteem the size of a cell. My parents didn't want me, or my siblings, so I feel as if no one will want me. If your parents, the ones who are supposed to care for you and love you don't you feel broken inside. That's all I am, broken, and I need to be fixed. I thought, for the first time, you could be the boy with a glue gun. That you could fix me, but it turns out, I was just a mystery, so now that I've been solved, I'll be kicked to the curb. There are more mysteries to be solved." I kept my voice as strong as I could. Kendall knelt in front of me and smiled. I took it as he was happy I was broken and lost. I looked away from him.

"Sam, I'm so sorry. I just want you to know that I love you. I really and truly love everything about you. You make me happy. And you're still a mystery, I think you always will be, but I don't mind, I like trying to figure you out." He pushed my face up and kissed me. "Please never believe you are anything short of amazing." I nodded and pulled him back onto the bed so I could hug him. There was pounding on the door and I looked over.

"You're hour is up! I want my sister back!" Kendall sighed, but complied with what Seth said. I was surprised. It hadn't felt like an hour, but I guess time just goes faster for me when I'm around Kendall. Seth pushed past him and tackled me onto the bed. "I love you Sam." He smiled happily and kissed my cheek.

"Seth, have you completely lost your marbles?" He shook his head. I tried, in vain, to push him off of me. Something happened in the last hour that made him crazy, and I was determined to figure out what it was.