Hi People I'm Shock2fade as you can see this is my first time doing this as said in my bio but yeah I wanna give myself a crack at it so I said why not if I ain't good I' ll keep writing till I get good so yeah and now it's time for that disclaimer I know you all love so much. DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT OWN NARUTO NOR WILL I EVER EVEN IF I TRIED TO.

(Sakura's Pov)

It had been raining in the Leaf Village, Its been like this for almost a month now. They say that when it rains someone who had a pure soul has passed on to the next life. Oh how right they where. I don't really care now anymore for anything ever since my beloved died from that monsters hands and with the help of many others I just didn't care about my life. Now here I am in this jail cell chained and dead tired and rapidly dying on the inside. Perfect.

All my life I've been debating, all the crows they sit there waiting.

Wondering what I'm going to eat, until I have it I cant breath.

(flashback still Sakura's Pov)

That wretched man how could I believe that I loved this man once I thought he could be saved and to make things worse he had help from our village to do it, and now when I was so deeply in love with this man right here in my arms dying from the huge hole on the right side where his heart should be, the heart that I have captured from him all these years as my heart for him, these cold hearted people kill him and whats worse they actually celebrated they fucking celebrated. This will always be my worst day in my life.

I can see you on the floor your hearts not beating anymore.

My lust for you just cannot wait your skin it tastes like chocolate.

I scream loud at the man before me why cradling my beloved, screaming like a woman possessed asking the evil madman before me why did he kill him. He just Tell's me that he was a dope, a nobody just a demon, my anger rose how dare he call my Naruto-kun a demon him and these fucking demon not him, never him I still scream at him my tears falling saying to sasuke that "he brought you back and this is how you repay him!" or "he thought of you as a brother! A family". Sasuke just stares at me with a cold expression didn't care no one did. Except me.

Staring Blankly at the sun, waiting for my time to come.

Your happy life it makes me sick, all the screaming sounds like music.

They were all cheering every goddamn single one of them cheering that my naruto-kun was dead, the villager's, the rookie nine, even the hokage, why would they be this cruel to a man that has helped and done nothing but kindness to his village, this kind of happiness made me sick and very angry, I heard a call from my former best friend Ino she had told me to come and celebrate the "demon is dead" she said, I just look at her in disgust and walk away from her she rolls her eyes then turns away walking in the opposite direction but not before muttering two word's that broke any last sanity I had left for this village and it's people. "Demon's Whore". Uh oh that did it. I stopped walking and just looked at her with pure anger.

Losing all my holy dreams, someone tell me what they mean.

There's an iron smell of blood in the air but I can't find it anywhere.

I was going insane, my life held no meaning if naruto-kun wasn't there with me. I just have one goal now make all those who made my naruto-kun suffer, suffer back with death. I laughed as how I remembered falling in love with naruto-kun ever since he came back from his training trip with Jiriya-sama ,it started out as a crush but the more time me and him spent the more I fell head over heels in love with him, and it was vice versa with him he even marked me on my eighteenth birthday what a birthday it was. But now he's gone never to be in my arms, no one for me to kiss, no one for me to hold or cry to, no one to love me. So I planned in my insane head that going to kill as many konoha nin, civilian no matter how old small or young they will suffer my pain I know my naruto-kun would be pleased. Everyone was still partying, I was setting up the plan when the time was right there will be no laughter just the wonderful sounds of their anguish screams.

I've been waiting for someone to find me and become a part of me.

I've been waiting for you to come kill me and set me and set me free.

I walk the the doors that lead straight to the main party, In my party outfit, my "friends" all look at me happily saying "finally over that demon" My anger rose I was this close to annihilating every one of them but I kept my composure and told myself to wait for when the time is right. The party goes on for hours the torture of all these people talking about my naruto-kun, I'm pretty sure I'm going to love this massacre, ha. Soon a drunk man came stumbling over to me asking me if he wanted to dance I nodded so no one would think I was planning anything, After dancing with this man he looks at me then bend's down and whispers something in my ear saying "wanna continue having fun at my place" I look at him with a blank stare then bend down to his ear while smiling and say " I will always love naruto-kun", The drunk fuck looks at me like I have three heads then he yells out "The demon!?" I quickly silenced him with a nice quick stab to the heart with a kunai and the I make one simple hand sign and several explosive tags that I had placed around the building went off, Now there was nothing to celebrate, now there is no happiness just the pleasant sound of screaming.

Blood's flavor so metallic, smell makes me go phrenetic.

Texture that I find in you thick vicious glue.

Some nights I become so clean with all I touch and all I see,

There's an iron smell of blood in the air and now I see it everywhere.

I take out two kunia's and start hacking and slashing at every man, woman, child, shinobi, Now I was the one making them suffer I was in total bliss to see them in pain it was so....fun, I think I have completely lost it but I did not care, just like they didn't care for him and now they die for it. I stop for minute blood covering ever part of my face, jeez if I didn't know any better I could look like the main star of a horror film, ha!. Oh look at what I see is that Choji oh this just keeps on getting better. I approach the rather large man "hey Choji" I said in a sweet almost too sweet voice. He looks at me like the devil came up from hell himself he asks me "Sakura w who did this?" he asked in fear of knowing of who it was, I mean come on look at me blood all over my face hm I wonder why that could be, sometimes I wonder if all men are this stupid. I smile evilly at him creeping ever so close to him then I bent over to his ear I could feel the fear radiating of him the I tell him " it was me" suddenly I did a number of hand sign's I was gonna play a little genjutsu on him revealing his worst nightmare, a little mean but hey at least I"m not killing him right, everyone loves Choji right?. This would give me something to laugh about. I watch as Choji withered in pain from, I hear him mumbling something about food and I shake my head in disappointment how sad even in a a bad situation he still thinks about food, that's Choji for you.. I laugh lightly, that is until I hear a voice cry out "Choji!!" I stand over the unconscious body of Choji with a blank expression on my face. Oh this day can't possibly get better first Choji now Shikamaru how wonderful., Shikamaru was one of naruto-kun's "friends" but is really a traitor but I'll fix that up, I notice Shikamaru looking at Choji then back to me he asks me "what did you do to him !?" I look at him with my dull emerald eyes a twisted smile playing my lips I tell him "why are you worried about him when you should be worried about yourself". I charge at him with my kunai In hand. We clash our kunia's making spark's then I go into punch Shikamaru with a chakra infused fist, I tried to hit him but to no avail I could not move, I realized that I had been caught all I heard was "kagemane no jutsu a succes. I look at him with a blank expression on my face, but then my face turned into a twisted madman smile. He looks at me saying "why are you doing this sakura why!?" I look at him with a burning hate then I tell him " You too my naruto-kun away from me you were supposed to be his friend but no you were like everyone else a TRAITOR and now I'm gonna kill you" I tell him never losing my insane smile.

I've Been Waiting for someone to find me and become apart of me.

I've been waiting for you to come here to kill me and set me free.

I've been waiting for the one.

I started focusing my chakra to my feet and slowly started walking towards him, Shikamaru was in a state of shock he didn't know what to think "how can y you be moving?"notice's a slight tap on his shoulder. He turns around only to see another me as my clone whispered "Having fun!" then he was greeted with a nice slash across the chest. Blood Splattered everywhere, he looks at me as the life from his eye's start to fade " naruto-kun taught me some good jutsu like the kagebunshin" I laughed but then I stopped I look at him straight in the eye's he was scared "and now" I raised my chakra infused fist "you" I move over his head "DIE!" I bring my fist down on his head crushing it, I laugh sadistically oh if my naruto-kun would see me now I know that he would be pleased. I look around me to see dead civilians and two rookie nine members and I was having so much fun, but the fun didn't last long as I was knocked but unseen enemy "perfect"

I've Been waiting for the one.

I've been waiting for someone.

I've been waiting for you to come here and kill me and set me free

(end of flashback, still Sakura's Pov)

Now I am here trapped in this creepy cell, I tried to move but my legs wouldn't budge and I tried moving my arms but they were stuck as well it took me a minute to realize that I was wrapped up in chakra ropes "great" I said to myself, then I hear a door opening and some footsteps to see two people who I absolutely despised in my life, there in front of me smiling was the rokudaime himself danzo and his littler helper Sasuke uchia. I try and reach my way to them only to be strangled by the ropes "YOU I SWEAR TO KAMI HIMSELF THAT ONCE I GET OUT OF HERE I WILL KILL BOTH OF YOU, ESPECIUALLY YOU UCHIA" I yell at them but they just look at me like I'm nothing, Suddenly danzo snapped his fingers and suddenly to anbu were around me and grabbed my arms I struggled to get out of there hold but they had a firm grip on me so I gave up, suddenly there was a sharp pain in my neck and everything went black.

I've been waiting for someone to come here and become apart of.

I've been waiting for you too come here and kill me and set me free.

I open my eye's and look around my surroundings I notice that I'm on top of thehokage tower and all I see are villager's and the rookie nine I look to see anbu still holding my arms and legs, then I heard a voice it was danzo" Fellow citizens of Konoha it seems as though we still have one demon lover in our hands and what a dangerous on to not only did she kill civilians she also hurt one rookie nine member and put another rookie member into death" he tells them the citizens went into a uproar screaming "kill the demon lover" he continued with his speech " I have come up with a decision for this harmonious crime" he grabs my chin harshly "you Sakura Haruno are sentenced to Execution in two days"he yells to everyone I just look down in shock, the crowd was happy I could tell by their screams of "good riddance to the demon lover" I really really hate these people.

I've been waiting fooooorrr yeaaaaaahhhh.

I've been waiting for you to come here and kill me, set me free.

Its been two whole days now, today was my execution today and the thing I was feeling was....happiness I was finally going to my naruto-kun again, I was ecstatic, the sayings are true love make's you do crazy things, Ha, I hear doors opening up and in steps back danzo and Sasuke along with three anbu who drag me outside. When we got outside I noticed it was still raining as I look out more I can all the villager's and ninja in the village looking at me laughing at me. I noticed ino walking up right next to me a smug smirk on her face, it pissed med off but was what really got me infuriated was when sasuke came up and wrapped his arms around her and smirked at me, I tried break free from the anbu's grasp but yet again they that firm grip on me. I sighed they continued dragging me while ino and sasuke where behind me following me I could hear them laughing which is really scary cause I have never heard sasuke laugh like this before he must enjoy this kind of torture. Ino then come's up behind me saying "you should have chased for sasuke instead of that demon naruto, now look where this has got you" she laughed. We stopped at what looks like the center of konoha, I looked up to see a awful sight, it was Sasuke smirking at me, now if I was young I would have blushed but now I hate it so much, "what are smirking about teme" I look at him with rage, he says nothing but still smirks as he pulls out his blade from his sheath, Then I hear danzo he walks with a smile on his face towards me like this execution was going to be enjoyable....i guess it was to everyone here. "ladies and Gentlemen" danzo spoke raising my head to hear what was going on. "Today your are going to witness the death of the last demon lover known as Sakura Haruno!" he says gaining a cheer from the whole village, what jerks. " Death shall be by removal of the head by non other then our own Sasuke uchia" he says with glee, Really killed by the man who killed my beloved what an asshole. danzo Turns to me "Do you have anything left to say before your executed?" he asks. I look at him, then sasuke, then the village, then I started to chuckle which turned into a mad psychotic laugh "You think this is a punishment no no no you feels you are merely rewarding me to reuniting with my beloved naruto-kun" I yell with no regret for my words. " But I do curse you all that one day I don't know when and I don't know how but this village will burn by me and naruto-kuns hands, we will watch this place and all its inhabitants die" I laugh Psychotically. I turn towards sasuke, "well o' noble Uchia are you not gonna do what your master tells you to" I laugh, he scowl's at me obviously not liking what I was implying. He turns his head to the hokage and the hokage nods his head, he nods back, I guess it's time. I look too see sasuke have his sword at my neck he then proceeds to lift his sword up and then with one big grunt brings the sword down to my neck. The Rest is silent.

(Other Point of View)

It has been almost a full year since the execution of Sakura Haruno lover of the jailer of the kyuubi no kitsune. The village has buried these two in a grave not a separate grave no the village thought that they should be together, but the village has been growing and postions have started to shift, but soon that was all gonna change.

(outside Konoha)

There was a figure outside the gates of Konoha, he just stared at the village, then his presence was interrupted by two ninja one of the ninja walked up to him" sir we found them, both of them" the figure spoke, The main figure nodded it's head " Good take them back to the village for Immediate revival" he ordered, both figures nodded and bowed to him" yes kabuto-sama" they said together before disappearing. Kabuto look up an evil smile on his lips" well konoha your biggest mistake was killing these two, now they will come for revenge, won't you naruto, sakura" he laugh. "this will be a beautiful annihilation" he said as he vanished out of sight. They would be back, They shall burn it all down.