Summary: As the title says… a one-shot by me. Hope you like it!

Me: Hi, ya'llz!!!!!

Pai: Please use correct grammer…

Me: Aww, but Pai-kun… It's fun to say that!

Pai: …

Kisshu: Just do the frickin disclaimer!!!!!

Pai: Mew Tapix does not own Tokyo Mew Mew or any of its aspects.

Me: But I do own you, right, Pai-kun? *Bats eyelashes*

Pai: …In your mind.

Me: *Winks*

The Amethyst and the Emerald: A One-shot by Tapix


She was sleeping so peacefully.

Eyes closed, her body perfectly still, she could have been mistaken for a beautiful statue. Her dark green hair fell in graceful curves around her face, free from its twin braids after a long, hard day at work. Her face was peaceful, with a hint of a smile, so she must have been dreaming good thoughts.

She was in a very deep sleep…

So deep, an alarm would not have woken her.

So deep, an alien teleporting into her room would do nothing to disturb her…


He appeared from his rippling portal, making a soft whoosh as he touched the ground. His angular, pointed face was tight and stressed, as if he had had a bad day; yet once he saw her, her beautifully angelic face, vacant of their thick glasses, his face was calm. One hand clutched at his side and the other loose and relaxed, he made his way to her bedside table.

Once he had reached it, he took his clenched hand and laid it on the table. He carefully arranged the objects he had had in his fist on the dark mahogany wood of the table, so that they were in perfect alignment where she would see them when she woke up.

Before he teleported away, he stood over her, watching the peaceful rise and fall of her chest. Suddenly, she stirred. Rolling over, she murmured, "Pai-san…" He knew that this had been the right thing to do.

…Smiling serenely, he teleported away.


She awoke with a start. Her dreams had been calm, until she had seen someone enter her room in the dream. He had approached her bedside, saying nothing, only staring down at her, hovering there like an angel of death. Only when he had reached toward her had she awoken. But she had not felt fear; she had only felt love and sorrow when he had vanished, and she had left the world of dreams.

Grabbing her glasses from the bedside table, she placed them on her nose and noticed two objects glittering in the morning light. She gasped.

They were aligned in perfect harmony, right next to each other, yet barely touching…

…An amethyst and an emerald, lying in wait.

Smiling, she pushed them closer together, the green emerald blending perfectly into the purple amethyst, then got up and headed out of the room, gliding across the floor with only a tiny grin.

Yet inside, she was elated.

He had spoken.

He loved her.

And looking inside her heart, she found that she felt the same about him.

A/N: Yay! PaixLettuce fluff! Well… not fluff exactly…

Lettuce: So beautiful! *Sobbing*

Pai: …Random.

Me: Aw, you know you like it!!!!

Pai: …

Me: …Right? You like it, don't you, Pai-kun?

Pai: …

Me: Right? Right?!?!?!

Lettuce: ... ; )