Hi! This is a quick poem I wrote about Eunice when I was bored ,since I noticed that no one had wrote anything about her.I know the title is less than fantastic, but bear with you like it!

I sat alone each single day,
with comfort piled upon my tray,
with fat - stretched skin and sobs unheard,
my joys destroyed by hurtful, hating words,

I was ignored ,unloved, forgot,
referred to as weird and God-knows what,
I was just the fat chick ,forever alone,
I cried every night ,aching to go home,

If someone had listened, perhaps they would see,
That there was more than blubber to me,
How much better would my life have been,
If someone had bothered listened to me?,

Boys weren't interested -perhaps that was good,
that boys didn't use me just since they could,
a few girls i knew left heavily pregnant,
their crime being scared to be frigid or different,

No one would have thought it then,
That I'd be a model in 2010,
They would faint if they realised the photos were of me - The freak of Bullworth Academy!