I just though I'd write this because no one wrote about the homeless guy in the game and homeless people don't seem to get as much help as they need .

Disclaimer : I own nothing .

On the Streets

How long have I been here ? I don't know .
Time flies when you have no place to go .
I witnessed death , war , blood and pain ,
To rescue this place - I am truly insane .

You'd think after all of those valliant tasks,
A dollar or two isn't too much to ask .
But no - how dare I beg that they give coins to me ,
When all I've given them is their liberty ?

You think I'm a nuisance - you're ignoring my cries .
You hear but won't listen , you're passing me by.
Don't look ; don't listen ; Don't say a word ,
Walk by - pretend you haven't heard .

Worse still is the callous 'get-a-job' remark ,
Which won't help the lost souls still stuck in the dark ,
The first thing you get asked is 'where do you live' ,
You never get work by replying 'in the bins' ,

Maybe I'm beyond help , now I'm half-dead and old.
I sleep on the streets ; scared , alone , in the cold ,
And wait for an angel with half of a heart ,
to give me a few coins before they depart .