This is my first Fanfiction submittion to this site so be gentle! Will be a long story about Ichigo and other favourite characters continued existence after the eventual fall of Aizen (we all know its coming). This first chapter is just how I envisioned the ending with Aizen. I just felt I had to edit it after Isshin mentioned "the final Getsuga Tensho" in last week's manga though.

This will be a multi-chapter story and, if my current count is anything to go on, will probably clear 60,000 words. Have written a lot already, so expect weekly updates at least. I will update immediately if I get 12 reviews though.

It may change to M for lemons and gore etc... later on, and I'm not exactly sure what the guidelines wanted in terms of language, so please slap me if I get that wrong.

You can look forward to a slight Harem as the story develops. Pairings Include IchigoxYoruichi, IchigoxLisa Y., IchigoxOlder Yachiru, also some HitsuMatsu, and whole bunch of others. Will try not to make this romance centric though. You'll just have to read and see I guess.

Oh and Character death

R&R! =)

Disclaimer: I do not own the concept, characters, or any IP pertaining to Bleach. The plot is mine, for all the rest hats off to Tite Kubo. Meant for fan and promotional purposes.

Chapter 1:

Karakura Town, Soul Society.

Kurosaki Ichigo lay, unmoving, amongst the littered rubble and other detritus that he would once have called his home. It bore little resemblance now to the place where the Kurosaki family had lived out their lives – the indiscriminate slashing of Gin's bankai had seen to that...

Ichigo didn't know where Gin and Aizen were now. He knew it couldn't be over, comfort and pain though that was. Karakura town would surely disintegrate into a gigantic mass of spirit particles when the time came for the Ouken to be formed, and he was still very much alive. They hadn't lost, but they hadn't won either.

'Get up... damn you GET UP!' he mentally screamed at himself, and weighed down by doubt and fear though he was, he managed to force his rebellious limbs into obedience.

Ichigo sat up and looked around him. For the first time throughout this whole ordeal he felt like he wanted to cry. He'd tried to stop Gins sword before it reached the Kurosaki clinic, and instead all he had done was become the wrecking ball.

At that moment he felt a shadow cross his form and looked up in time to see an all too familiar fist crash into his face.

"Stop moping and get up!" Kurosaki Isshin yelled

Effectively snapped out of his reverie by the punch, Ichigo leapt to his feet

"Ow – Crap that Hurt!" he muttered. Whirling to face his grinning maniac of a parent he yelled back, also smiling.


As family rituals went it was enough to make even the unflappable Unohana Retsu raise an eyebrow, but it served to goad the young soul reaper back into action. Sighing, he picked up Zangetsu and

"Karin and Yuzu..."

"Are safe." His father cut in. "Lets go, we wouldn't want to keep the freak show waiting huh ?"


And with that the two shunpo'd into the distance, if they had looked back they'd have seen the miraculously undamaged image of Kurosaki Masaki smiling after them.

In front of Urahara Shoten, Karakura Town, Soul Society

Ichigo and Isshin flashed into existence outside the all too familiar store. Ichigo didn't have to look at his father to know this was bad. It made sense really, where else would Urahara have put everyone he felt might need protecting?

"Ichigo …" Isshin began in an uncharacteristically shaky voice. That in itself served to scare Ichigo more than Aizen's new form or Gin's smile.

"I know. We'll draw them away dad. If we can."

The amused drawl of Aizen's voice rang out over the courtyard.

"My, my. You got here awfully fast. Kenpachi, Ryoka Boy." He nodded to each of them in turn, his black gold eyes full of contempt. They reminded Ichigo of his own eyes when he nearly lost the battle for control against his inner hollow.

Ichigo shunpo'd to the building at their backs, taking himself away from the shoten, and pointing Zangetsu at the two renegades shouted "You're nothing but a simple monster Aizen, and come hell or high water I'm gonna prove it to you!"

Aizen just smiled, sending shivers down his spine "Not yet Kurosaki. You don't hate me enough yet."

Turning to his ever smiling companion he nodded "Gin". Ichigo prepared himself to dodge, assuming Aizen was giving the order for his dog to attack. However, he saw that Shinso was extending towards the roof of the Urahara Shoten. It pierced the roof like so much paper and Ichigo could only look on in horror as the malevolent blade closed in on the sleeping form of Yuzu.

Time seemed to slow down as Ichigo threw all of his not inconsiderable speed behind a desperate attempt to make it to his sister. Beside him he could feel Isshin doing the same, but Ichigo knew it was useless. He had fought Gin – he knew how fast Shinso was – they had already failed.


From the edge of his vision, Ichigo caught the briefest flash of orange. Then Shinso had reached its target, and time caught up with a bang. Facing Ichigo was not the image of his youngest sister, cruelly run through in her sleep, but himself. His body stood over those of his sisters, pierced through the chest and bleeding all over the rough wooden floor. Ichigo somehow found his voice and said in a choked half whisper "K-Kon...?"

Kon ignored him. Instead he grabbed the blade that was already pulling back with both hands and cried "NOW TESSAI!".

Gin, surprised into opening his eyes, cursed "Shit!"

There was a burst of extreme spiritual pressure and Ichigo saw the huge form of the shop keeper walk from a side ally. Except that he was wearing a purple cloak Ichigo had never seen and exuding a ridiculous amount of spirit pressure.

Gin tried to retract Shinso faster, but Kon was making him fight for every inch of ground. Tessai stopped and clasped his hands together in what Ichigo had come to learn was a spell casting posture.

His booming voice seemed to ring out over the whole town "Bakudo 99 Bankin - First Song: Halting Fabric". A white fabric materialised, seemingly from thin air, and wrapped around the form of Ichimaru Gin hiding his, for once not grinning, features from view. Before his face was completely covered he screamed "A-AIZEN!". But the master did not come to the rescue of his pet. He merely continued to look on as Tessai started to speak again.

"Second Song: Hundred Linked Bolts". Metal blades materialised and pierced the mummified form from all sides.

"Final Song: Great Seal of 10,000 Forbiddings". At this a giant stone covered in markings descended from the sky - seeming to swallow the already sealed form of Gin - whole. The spirit pressure released when the tombstone hit the ground was so immense that Ichigo was physically blown back a few steps. Even Aizen had to raise his arm to stop the blast.

"Ironic" Ichigo thought "Thats the first time since Gin came under attack that the bastard has even moved".

Aizen spoke then, but far from showing regret he merely said "He wasn't strong enough to stand by my side."

Tessai, who was sweating profusely from the exertion of the spell, made one of his trademark grunts and spoke out "Thats cold. Even for you... Aizen Sousuke."

Aizen continued, ignoring him "You are to be congratulated Tsukabishi Tessai. Even for the former Taichou of the Kido corps, that was a truly terrifying spell.". Ichigo's eyes widened at this. Tessai was a Taichou?

"I knew you would remain behind to protect certain assets. Very noble of you. The question you must ask though, is whether your presence at the fake Karakura would have tipped the balance? We will never find out – I am beyond you now."

"You talk to much Aizen!" Isshin yelled. "Getsuga Tenshou"

Despite the arcing attack swiftly closing on where he was standing, Aizen threw back his head and barked a laugh "You have power, both of you!". As he said it the Getsuga hit his body... and passed straight through, only for Aizen to be standing just to the right of where he had been, apparently unharmed. "But" he went on quietly "it's useless."

"Shit!" Isshin swore – the attack was headed straight for the shoten "Tessai, barrier!"

"Hai" he responded, still looking the worse for ware after his binding. But he slapped his hands to the dirt and, not a second before time, an orange barrier materialised to halt Isshin's misplaced blast.

"You have both seen Kyouka Suigetsu … you cannot win."

Ichigo's blood was boiling. His father had nearly killed Karin, Yuzu, Jinta, Ururu and Kami knows who else. He wouldn't hurt them, even if Ichigo had to die, they would survive him.

"I can see you AIZEN!" Ichigo yelled, throwing himself into the fray with reckless abandon. He swang Zangetsu round to the side, aiming for Aizen's neck. His blade was stopped with an almost lazy flick of Kyouka Suigetsu. Ichigo flashed behind his foe aiming to follow up with a long slash to the back, but met a palm raised behind his head.

Grabbing Zangetsu in his palm Aizen span on the spot, and although Ichigo leaned away from the blow he received a deep gash across the stomach. Determined to do damage however he could, Ichigo fired a Getsuga Tenshou from Zangetsu, which was still tightly clasped in Aizen's hand.

In the blinding flash of light that followed, Ichigo felt rather than saw Aizen release his blade. He stumbled back a few steps, hand pressed to his stomach as if that would stem the tide of blood that was flowing. It didn't.

As the smoke cleared he saw Aizen, examining a bloody palm with some interest, but otherwise unharmed. "Its hopeless," Ichigo thought desperately "like trying to stop the sea... Dad."


Aizen spoke then, as if he had all the time in the world "Ah yes... the last hope. It seems that even in this form that is still a dangerous attack. Fate has dealt you a cruel hand Kurosaki Ichigo, with the expectations of a world at your back and the inevitable to your front." He glanced over to the dead form of Ichigo's real body, bloody and beyond repair "It is Ironic really, that I should kill the same person twice in one day."

KING! Ichigo's internal voice grew more insistent "What!"

You can't beat him. A statement... from his inner hollow. And what scared him more was the absence of the ever present mocking tone. No goading, taunting or threats. Ichigo mentally sighed

"I need your power... the power that beat Ulquiorra. I... don't care about after, just give me the power to be this bastard."

It won't be enough. Although he had half expected it, those mental words hit Ichigo like a physical blow. It had always been enough. Byakuya, Grimmjow, Ulquiorra, his hollowfication had always been the last word, wanted or not.

I can't beat him. You can't beat him.

"We can't win..."

NO! I didn't say that. THINK KING! What am I?

"My Hollow, but why..."

Shut up and THINK. I'm more than that

Aizen continued speaking, unaware of his victims inner turmoil "You had such potential. Huge spirit power from the shinigami that sired you, and human from the mother that gave birth to you. Not a plus soul, or a minus. Neither hollow nor shinigami, but both. A uniquely blank canvas with the power to be what you wanted. In a way you were what I dreamed of becoming. I can safely say that you were my most successful experiment. Unfortunately, your continued existence is an indulgence I cannot afford."

Aizen's words were the catalyst for Ichigo's next realisation "You are me?"

FINALLY! For someone supposedly so bright you sure took your time dumb ass.

"I knew before." Ichigo retorted

But you didn't believe, and that is entirely the point. Get up king, this is the last time we'll speak. From now on you'll have all my... all your power. Don't screw this up!

Ichigo regained some of his focus. Aizen had slowly approached him while he monologued. His dad was right, he did talk too much.

"Why I am so calm?" Ichigo thought. "Aizen is about to kill me and I feel nothing... no surge of power... nothing. Maybe my hollo- maybe I was wrong?"

He observed, almost as if removed from his body, when Aizen's sword swung down. He observed as his father flew over him, driving Aizen a step back with his frenzied attack.

"ICHIGO!" Isshin yelled. "C'mon Ichigo GET UP!"

Aizen let himself get driven back another step, looking almost amused.

"I thought I told you its useless." he said "You can't see me.". As he finished his latest sentence he lunged, obviously aiming to pierce Isshin's gut. Except Isshin's sword was there... blocking.

Aizen's eyes widened, revealing shock for the first time Ichigo could remember.

"How did dad block? Has he really not seen Kyouka Suigetsu?" But no, that made no sense Ichigo knew. His father would never have risked his daughter's lives by missing Aizen on purpose with Getsuga Tenshou. Then his face angled to the side and Ichigo saw. "He shut his eyes? My dad is fighting BLIND while I sit here?"

"I see. So you have excellent reaitsu sense, how... unusual... for a Kenpachi. But you aren't blind, how well do you think you can fight like this ?"

As Aizen asked the question Ichigo, unable to tear his eyes away from the unfolding scene, scrabbled around in the dirt next to him for Zangetsu. As his hand finally found what it was looking for and grasped the zanpakutou's hilt, the power flooded through his being.

It wasn't so much that he had more reaitsu than before – he didn't. But his reaitsu now was so much thicker, denser. It was almost as if what he had possessed before was a pale imitation. He looked down at his stomach to see the cut there closing up in front of his eyes. "High-speed regeneration?".

Ichigo didn't let his thoughts linger on the thought that he had become hollow. He had no mask. His hollow had been right - as two halves of a whole they could win. The power was no more than he had when he beat Ulquiorra, but it was stable and not fluctuating. It was his. Now to be smart with the second chance he had been given.

Both Isshin and Aizen had turned to look at him, expressions of shock plastered across their faces.

Then Aizen spoke. His voice, it seemed to Ichigo, was walking the line between sanity and madness.

"Wonderful, WONDERFUL! It is so gratifying to see an experiment come to fruition before it has to come to end. I congratulate you Kurosaki Ichigo …. but your too late." his last words were dripping with so much venom and confidence that even in his current state Ichigo took a step back.

He thought rapidly "I'll just" before he could finish formulating a next step he saw Isshin, grin back in full force, mouthing at him desperately

The Plan …

Ichigo could have smacked himself.

"In the heat of the moment, I nearly forgot!"

An Hour Earlier, The Dangai, Between worlds.

"What do you mean the final Getsuga Tenshou?" Ichigo asked "Zangetsu only ever taught me the one."

Isshin sat down, leaning against the nearby rock wall. "Its not something your zanpakutou can teach you, but it is the most powerful attack our swords are capable of. Quite possible the most powerful single attack any zanpakutou is capable of."

"Tell me then!" Ichigo yelled "I know we have time in here, but I can't stand the feeling of hanging around ."

Isshin looked at his son out of the corner of an eye, a sad smirk playing across his features "You don't wanna talk? There's so much I could tell you, you wanna get rid of your ol' dad so quick huh?"

Ichigo frowned, grabbed his father by the collar and looked him in the eye. "Shut up dad, stop talking like your not gonna be here after. It would take more than some lunatic to stop you from attacking me every time I wake up!". The two stood frozen like that for a few seconds, then Ichigo was drawn into a tight embrace.

"I'm proud of you, you know." Isshin muttered "I laughed and cried for a week when Kisuke and Yoruichi-san told me how you stormed into soul society to rescue Rukia, and then again when you ignored the old man's orders and marched into Las Noches to fetch Orihime. You are a true Kurosaki!"

Ichigo blushed slightly and scratched his head, unused to the serious praise from his dad "Aww crap dad. Don't get all embarrassing on me now!". As he said it he felt a sharp pain in his gut as his father punched him.


Growing serious again, Isshin helped a wincing Ichigo to his feet.

"From what I hear you have already instinctively discovered the final Getsuga Tenshou anyway."

"I have?"

"How did you destroy the Execution grounds in Soul Society Ichigo?"

"Umm … I stabbed the blade of Zangetsu's shikai release into it and fired a Getsuga Tenshou. That was just a normal Getsuga though, I don't get what"

Isshin cut in "Don't you find it odd that the execution grounds, built to withstand the destructive force of 1 million zanpakutous, were destroyed by a single shot? Getsuga Tenshou is a powerful technique but come on... Think, what else did you do?"

Frowning, Ichigo concentrated his memory "Ukitake-san and Kyouraku-san destroyed the Soukyoku so I charged a Getsuga Tenshou, span zangetsu using its hilt fabric and... wait. I span it? My hollow spins zangetsu... why did I?"

"Why does spinning the blade make a difference?" He asked.

Isshin smiled, obviously pleased that Ichigo had caught on so quickly.

"Think of the blade as kinda like a centrifuge in one of your science lessons. The faster you spin the blade, the more the energy used to fire a Getsuga gets pushed to the tip. This allows you to push many many times the energy into zangetsu before you fire. Then when you fire the added pressure serves to push all the energy out of the point of the blade. This creates a beam of immense power."

Ichigo grinned "Its so simple, but now that dad says it, it feels like it should always have been obvious". Speaking out he said "Ok, so lets practice. I.."

"NO! Are you insane? You might destroy the Dangai!" Isshin yelled, hitting Ichigo on the head. "You'll just have to trust that you will know what to do."

"Of course" he continued "the attack does have its disadvantages. Even with the levels of reaitsu we possess its only possible to fire off 1 … maybe 2 in a day. Also, the attack does take about 5 seconds to charge."

Ichigo's heart sank. 5 seconds ? Against Aizen it might as well be a millennia. "Then how..." he began.

"I'll keep him occupied while you charge the attack. Aizen's greatest weakness is his over confidence, so he probably won't even worry that you are doing anything anyway. When you're ready, you'll shoot the Hogyoku and end the bastard!"

"I don't like it" Ichigo mentally protested, and opened his mouth to point out that this plan put his father very firmly in harms way "I"

"Just listen to your dad for once ok Ichigo. Promise me that no matter what, when you see the Hogyoku you'll shoot?"

"Hai" Ichigo agreed resignedly.

"Well thats settled then! Lets go kick some ASS!"

The present, Karakura town, Soul Society

Ichigo nodded to his father. He understood.

Isshin turned to Aizen and spat "I'm your opponent – trash!"

Wiping his face with as much dignity as he could muster, Aizen took the bait and attacked in a fury. Isshin took a hit to the arm and a cut to the cheek. With his eyes still tight shut he barely managed to block the majority of Aizen's killing blows.

It was enough, all the while Ichigo was spinning zangetsu on the last chain link of its Bankai release forcing more reaitsu, and more … and more into the thin black blade. After what felt like an eternity, Ichigo's vast reaitsu reserves were completely spent.

"This is it. If this doesn't work, we've lost." he thought.

"Dad!" he called, anxious that his father move out of the way before he unleash that energy that was humming palpable beneath his fingers.

Isshin turned to Ichigo, saw that he was ready and winked. Instead of flashing away though, Isshin simply dropped his guard, looked at Ichigo and smiled a sad smile as Kyouka Suigetsu ran through this stomach.

"DAAAD!" Ichigo screamed, unable to believe what his senses were telling him.

When Aizen's blade was buried to the hilt Isshin grabbed ahold of his enemies arm and chest as tightly as he could. Aizen looked as if he was only just registering what was happening when Isshin turned to Ichigo for the last time.

"Sorry... couldn't afford to let the bastard dodge. Look after the girls k?" Then he looked almost excited.

"Shoot Ichigo, let me go and see Masaki, and end this monster."

Ichigo knew he was right, and kami how he hated him for it. He nodded, pointing Zangetsu at the black orb that started it all. Tears in his eyes for the first time since his mother died, Ichigo made himself an orphan.

"Bye dad".

The blast was enormous. Ichigo remembered thinking, as he passed out, that it was damned lucky Hat'n'Clogs had built his Shop on the edge of Karakura. He had pointed away from the shoten obviously, but had it been in the middle of town, half of it would have been destroyed in an instant. Dad wasn't kidding, that Getsuga Tenshou was ridiculous.

"Go find Mom for me, you freak of a father." and despite everything, Ichigo smiled.