Hello there! This will be my very first FB fic, so plz excuse andy sort of weirdities. ^^

And also, its been about a year since ive formally read fruits basket, so plz excuse if it is really that bad…

That's cuz im more used to writing for PoT, and decided that I wanted a change for some time.

This is a haruxrin oneshot, so yea…

Haru sat precariously at the edge of the fountain in the park, eagerly and anxiously awaiting the arrival of his beloved, Rin.

Ever since the curse had broken, Rin had started to open up more, to act liker her old, childhood self, Haru smiled at the thought.

His Rin reverie was abruptly cut short, due to the sudden presence of a pair of giggling airheaded girls.

"Are you alone?" one asked coyly.

"Because if you are, we'd be overjoyed to accompany you," continued the other, seductively fluttering her eyelashes.

"Sorry, but I'm waiting for my girlfriend," Haru stated, "Oh look! There she is!"

Bother girls spun around, hoping to catch a glipse of the bishie's girlfriend, and do a quick comparison.

What met their eyes was a hunched over girl wearing a hooded black trench coat, hair covering her eyes and half her face.

Their immediate reaction was that this messy-looking emo girl didn't deserve the hot, white and black haired punk boy standing next to them.

"She's your girlfriend?" the first girl asked skeptically.

"She looks like she came out of a dumpster or something, you could do way better," sneered the other.

"Aww come on," smirked Haru, "you haven't even seen her face yet! Rin darling, take off that trench coat of yours, it makes you look suspicious."

"Fine," floated out a voice from the half covered face.

In a flourish, the trench coat was removed, revealing a pale skinned, long black haired gothic beauty. Long bangs were pushed aside, showing high cheekbones, and dark smoldering onyx eyes. A graceful silk unbuttoned dress shirt allowed a black lacy tank top to peek through, and a plaid skirt with buckles paired with heeled studded combat boots completed the delicate yet tough hot gothic girl look. All the heads of the people around them turned to see the ugly duckling turned goddess. The two girls openly gaped at the drastic transformation.

"Are you sure she's really not good enough for me? Because I'm pretty sure it's me who isn't worthy of such a gorgeous person," Haru said, smiling goofily, pulling Rin close to him, "of course, the reason why she dresses like that to come meet me is so that she doesn't get accosted by weird perverts."

"Let's go Haru," ordered Rin, "I don't see the point of wasting my time entertaining some shallow minded high school girls."

Haru chuckled, but took Rin's hand and started guiding her to a path around the park, "Maybe see you guys around?"

He amiably winked and ran after Rin, who had taken charge while he was saying his goodbyes to the girls. She led him to a secluded spot behind a tree, and finally let go of the tight grip she had on his wrist.

When she turned around to face him, her face was etched with jealousy and anxiety, her pale lips jutting out in an unsatisfied pout.

"Do you always entertain yourself with girls when you're waiting for me?" Rin worriedly asked.

"Of course not love, they're the ones who approached me. Don't fret about it, okay?"

"Hmph," pouted Rin, "fine, as long as I'm number one in your heart."

"You're not only number one, but the only one in my heart, Rin," murmured Haru.

He yanked Rin's arm, causing the rest of her body to follow. He caught her lips in a feverish kiss, and when they broke apart, he huskily whispered in her ear, "I love you Rin, and only you."

I think that was really sappy actually. And Rin's kinda ooc, o well, that was a first attempt, so plz review and tell me what you thought of it!
