Izzy's POV

Carlisle was right; there was truth to be told. Fact was there was one person in this room who did not want the truth to come out, hence why he lied to part of his family about the matter.

"Demetri, when I told you the Cullen's left me after an incident, I didn't go into details on the issue. You could see I was upset and you didn't pressure me for the missing pieces of the story. Thank you for that care, and respect for my privacy." I turned to look at Demetri and smiled at him, a smile which was genuinely returned.

"Izzy I had just met you, I didn't want to push you away, push the boundaries of our already risky friendship. You didn't need to tell me why, and you still don't need to tell me why if you don't want to." Demetri gently grabbed my hand and gave it a human strengthened squeeze for comfort. "No Dem, you must know. Everyone must know; the truth." I looked around the room to study the faces of my close friends and the other vampires. Jasper's face showed slight appreciation and concern. Carlisle, Edward and Alice also knew the truth. Edward looked royally pissed, while Alice and Carlisle looked relieved. Esme Emmett and Rosalie however looked completely confused.

"Carlisle, Jasper, care to help me out here?" I slightly pleaded to my brother and father for support. They came and stood either side of me whilst we faced Demetri and the rest of the family. Carlisle took a slight step forward as he began.

"Whilst our stay in Fork's last year, Isabella here became romantically involved with my son, Edward. I am aware you all know of this, but we must cover all facts. In this time, Isabella turned 18 years old, something we, as a family, thought was a celebration. Alice arranged a party to celebrate for Isabella."

"I could remember Bella, I mean Izzy, complaining. Never a one for attention where you Bells? So a party for her was her idea of hell. Also she kicked up a stink about her "aging". Jeez Bella, 18 is not old!" Alice joked as she interrupted Carlisle, she apologised to him for doing so. I smiled as I remembered all the effort she made for me.

"Thank you Alice, for that input. As I was saying, we arranged a party for Isabella. It was going well, pictures were taken, we were having fun, until it came to Isabella opening her presents. One of the presents was tightly wrapped, and Isabella unfortunately suffered a paper cut as result of tearing the wrapping paper" Carlisle looked at me and smiled apologetically and I hugged his waist to show him I was ok. I looked to Demetri, he looked angry, the worst I have ever seen him in fact. I turned to Jasper and gave him a silent plea for help. Jasper must have understood me as I could visually see Demetri calm down.

"Thank you for that Jasper" Demetri stated, whilst he remained seated he shifted agitatedly in his seat.

"No Problem Demetri. Now I will continue, if I may Izzy?" Jasper turned to check if I was okay for him to carry on. I nodded and smiled to Demetri. I felt myself tense up as I knew finally the truth will be out. Jasper rubbed my shoulder for comfort, and sent me a wave of calm. I was grateful for that.

"I could smell Izzy's blood immediately before it had even surfaced from her skin. I could feel her fear and bewilderedness, but her emotions were hidden amongst the sea of thirst and guilt radiating from my family. I felt severe control from my parents Rosalie and Emmett. All these emotions hit me simultaneously; it is a good thing they register instantly, as I felt fear and panic from Alice. I saw her eyes were glazed over, a sign she is having a vision. The emotions I felt coming off my brother, however, are ones I wish I did not feel."

Jasper paused to look at Edward, whose head still hung as he didn't look at anyone. He knew what Jasper was about to say. He knew the truth now had its moment to shine. I hope he was ashamed he lied. If I am completely honest if he didn't lie, this would not be a big issue. But he made his bed, now he had to lie in it.

"Severe thirst, much stronger than a thirst from a new born. I also felt disgust and hatred radiating from him, that was directed towards Izzy. Murderous intention, he felt no loving emotion towards Izzy, I knew he was going to attack-"

"That is ridiculous! I wouldn't of attacked her, I didn't attack her, I had control!" Edward shot up and squared up to Jasper.

"That's correct Edward. You didn't attack her, thanks to Jaspers actions." Carlisle interjected.

"Carlisle speaks the truth Demetri, I sense your confusion, so now I will explain. " I looked to Demetri who looked quite alone sat on the couch with his head in his hands, as he was probably trying not to attack them both. I walked towards him and sat sideways in his lap, his arms instinctively wrapped around me softly. I whispered in his ear to go easy on Jasper, that he did me a favour. Dem nodded at my comment and gestured for Jasper to continue.

"I knew that if Edward attacked Izzy, he would never forgive himself. Seeming as Izzy is Edward's singer; it would have been one hell of a fight he would make against us to get to her. Therefore I held my breath and attacked Izzy myself."

"Okay, so how on earth is you attacking Izzy helping that already fucked up situation, seriously why attack, when you could defend?" Demetri growled from behind me, he was clearly irritated.

"The slight thought in my head of attacking Izzy knocked Edward out of his blood crazed state, and he rushed to save Izzy from my attack. It all happened very quickly, and it was lucky Carlisle and Emmett were close by to grab Edward just in case he reacted quicker." Jasper smiled at me, knowing that it was now my turn to explain my part in the fake attack. Just on cue, Demetri questioned me to this.

"Izz, babe, how on earth did you react, seriously? All you could have seen was a shit load of thirsty vampires. Didn't you freak out at Jaspers attack?" He hugged me and I let out a small laugh.

"As Jasper said, all the emotion reading happened in mille-seconds. I may not have felt them, but I too saw what he saw. I saw Alice's face drop from a smile and her eyes glaze over, and just before Jasper went for me he winked at me." I winked at Jasper in jest and he let out a small heart laugh in his Texan drawl.

"A wink? Seriously Izzy, a wink that was your only reason not to freak out? I don't like talking about my hunting in front of you, but I have winked at my, targets, before, for fun. You have no idea how lucky you are." Demetri started to mutter under his breath, but at vampire low level, I obviously couldn't make out a word of what he said.

"I'm not finished Dem. Jeez. He winked at me, so I was looking at his eyes. I remembered from the attack in Phoenix last year, the attack from James, the eyes. James' eyes were pure black, it was really scary. But Jasper's eyes were golden. Pure gold in fact, not one slight change of colour. I am real impressed by his control; he was always treated as if he was incapable of being around me, wrapped in bubble wrap. Completely ridiculous, as he deserves a lot of credit for his control; it is just as, if not stronger than everyone else's" I smiled at Jasper widely, to show how proud I was of him. He could feel my pride too; I made sure I was thinking of how proud I was of him at that moment.

"The jet black eyes Izzy, who did they belong to?" Alice pressed, she must have saw what I was going to say, and must be irritated I decided not to say so.

"Edward." I looked down, not ashamed but actually quite fearful of what would happen now. I sighed as I remember seeing my once beautiful loving boyfriends golden eyes swirl, into petrifying dark deep black orbs. I shivered at the memory; it truly made me fear for my life.

"Bella, I mean Izzy, Isabella, whatever you want me to call you. I am so sorry. You have to understand how I couldn't help it, I am disgusted in myself, but it is in my nature." Edward was on his knees in front of me; I reached across to him and placed my hand on his ice cold cheek.

"Edward, from day one I understood your nature. The nature to drink human blood. To crave human blood. To kill for human blood." He closed his eyes, his expression clearly pained. I wanted to comfort him, but I had to continue, this was the time to tell him how I truly felt about this situation.

"However I do not understand the disgust and hatred you felt towards me, Edward. Towards me. All I ever done for you was risk my life" My throat felt as if it was slowly closing up, gradually depriving me of air. I removed my hand from Edward's cheek, got up out of Demetri's lap and walked towards the large window. I stood there and briefly pondered, looking at the trees surrounding the home. Even the trees held memories, these same trees I would stand up top in, talking, hugging, kissing the man I believed to my one true love. I turned around to face everyone, and Edward who had now moved to be stood nearest me.

"It was a risk to be near you, all of you. Yet I took that risk, every single day. It was a risk to be close to you, yet I took it. It was a risk to kiss you, yet I took it. I saw it as life without you, all of you, would be empty, and a life not worth living. So it was worth every single risk. I did love you Edward..."I glanced towards the family, I saw hurt, and upset, and Rosalie's face surprisingly covered in an understanding expression, then I looked back to Edward.

"...But at my party it was clear how much I meant to you as a person, as me. To you I was more of a store of your personal brand of your heroin, pumping through me. Maybe that was the reason why you didn't want Jasper to attack me, I don't know your reasons, I don't know your thoughts so I won't make any accusations." I walked towards the couch and sat down exhaustedly next to Demetri.

"You, Cullen, are so close to being a burning jigsaw. If it wasn't for Izzy making me promise not to hurt any Cullen then you would have been ash already by now." Demetri snarled at Edward.

I decided that it was time to call it a night; Alice must have seen this decision as she brought up the subject that possibly it would be better to continue another time due to my exhaustion. I smiled at her genuinely, I was dying to curl up next to Demetri and fall asleep. That decision however didn't seem to please Alice, nor Edward as he read it in Alice's mind. I giggled at the thought that It was just a cuddle I was after tonight, god knows what they would have done if me and Dem were to go at it tonight.

I said my goodbyes, and asked Rosalie and Emmett and Esme not to be mad at Edward for the revelations that had been made tonight. They agreed but I could see that this could have caused a rift in the family. I felt bad for this.

"Do not worry Izzy, everything will be okay, do not feel guilty, please." Jasper said as he approached me and Dem. He stuck out his hand to Dem, who took it and they had a rather manly handshake. Everyone bar Edward had taken to Demetri already, something I was completely elated with. I was just about to leave the front door when I saw Tanya appear next to me.

"Sorry I left; I felt it was not my place to be, what with you talking about your past and stuff. Don't worry I wasn't listening I went hunting." She flashed me an inhuman smile to show her bright white large teeth, with blood still on them.

"Erm, okay, thanks?" I was stood frozen still; Dem had to get me to move. What was they deal with that, was she trying to scare the shit out of me? And why was she with the Cullen's in the first place? I appreciated she left for privacy but still, I didn't trust her one bit. I made a mental note to ask Rosalie what the deal with her was tomorrow.

It was a short drive home as I allowed Demetri to drive. All I remembered was Demetri carrying me up the stairs to the apartment and being tucked into bed, gradually falling into a deep sleep, while vaguely hearing Demetri sing along quietly to his IPod and curling his arms around me. As soon as he did that I felt safe, and sleep became of me.