I'm really sorry about not updating anymore, I didn't mean to bail on all of you. But I've had some drama with a certain gang of internet, well what's a nice word to describe them–despots perhaps?-who actually seem consider themselves knowledgeable critics.

I joined this site for fun, I never pretended to be an actual competent writer I write out strange stories because I don't know what to do with all of my imagination. I joined this site because it seemed like a fun way to share the strange inner workings of my mind not for people to abuse me and my poor innocent mailbox!

So I kind of got fed up and signed off for a while: you see, I've graduated high school and hence I consider myself too old to get involved in something as juvenile as online fights (note: nobody wins an online argument, both parties just come off as looking like complete idiots). And I'm sorry for those of you who were actually into this story and were actually keeping tabs on it but I hope you get where I'm coming from: every type of online abuse isn't just stupid but also very unpleasant for the "author" involved.

A couple of months after my hiatus the big purge started which was apparently caused by this little group of people and that just made me question the neutrality and fairness of this site. Some of the stories were indeed against the rules I get that, but a lot of them weren't…so who says that when I get targeted again the site won't just delete my story pointblank?

I'm going to take some time to reevaluate the situation; maybe I'll continue posting on this site maybe I'll start up a tumblr or start writing original stuff or something to get away from all this drama.

Anyway yet again I am sorry for ditching this story for so long, but I hope you understand the predicament. I am sorry but I refuse to torn apart by perfect strangers who hide behind the internet!