Chapter 1: Sora

Another night out... Axel thought to him self, poring three half shots of jack at the bar. He sighed to him self as they were taken away by the waitress, who had fixed her hair to look like she was some kind of bug, which fit with her wasp-like personality.

He looked across the room at the DJ, Demyx, strumming his Sitar along with the music. His mullet looked even messier than usual. Next to him was a taller man who had bluish purple hair that hid half his face. Axel had seen him in Kingdom X a few times this week, and he was always up with Demyx.

"Three doubles of jack!" The wasp woman yelled.

"Coming up Larxene..." Axel said under his breath, poring three more shots. The club was busier than normal. He should like that, considering he founded it, but this last year, he wasn't able to feel much of anything... not seance Sora died.

He remembered it like it was yesterday. The coppery smell of blood, the tears, the heart ache. Everything. He wished he didn't. He wished he could be like Riku, and blank it out, but something kept him going back to that night in his dreams.

"Earth to Axel!" Larxene said, waving a trey in his face.

"Eh?" Axel said dumbfoundly, snapping back to reality. She looked concerned, which was new to Axel.

"Are you okay? If you want to take the night off, I can run the bar." She said, looking out over the crowd, then her eyes froze on one person, and she gasped like she had seen a ghost. Axel followed her eyes, and dropped the bottle he was building.

Leaving the building... was Sora...

Axel jumped over the bar, throwing the keys at Larxene so she could lock up. He pushed his way through the crowd, and then through the door into the cold night air. He looked around madly, then spotted the brunet turning down an ally.

Axel sprinted towards the ally, then turned, running smack into someone.

"Oof!" He grunted, falling back onto his butt. He looked up at the man he had run into.

He was tall, but shorter that Axel, with medium length light gray hair that spiked out in every direction. He wore a button up whits shirt, which was open and blowing in the cold night air. His black jeans were ripped at the knees, and flowed over black dress shoes. Axel looked around the man, down the ally.

"He's not there." The man said, looking down ad Axel through his black sunglasses. Axel looked up at him, raising an eyebrow.

How did he know...

Axel stood up, and pushed past the man, walking down the ally nun the less. He ignored the calls the man made, until he reached the end. He fell to his knees, and pounded the ground with his fists.


"I told you... He's not there."

Axel jumped up, turning around to face the gray haired man, who was leaning against the brick wall, arms crossed. Axel's hands fist-ed up, and his jaw clenched.

"What did you do to him...?" Axel growled, his jade eyes frozen over.

The man sighed, and stood strait, uncrossing his arms. He bit his lip, trying to find a way to calm the redhead down. He put a hand on his hip, and scratched the back of his head.

"Look, I didn't do anything to him... he wasn't there. What you saw was another person, who merely reminded you of-"

"Shut up! That was Sora, not someone else!" Axel yelled, swinging a punch at the man, connecting with his face, sending his glasses flying across the ally, hitting the wall with a crack.

"That make you feel better?" The man asked, straining back up. Axel was hunched over and shaking, tears rolling off his face.

"Where are you...?" Axel whispered to him self.

The man just watched Axel. He sighed again, and walked over to him, placing a hand on his shoulder. He felt Axel tense, and let go.

"Well, Axel, I know your name, I guess I can tell you mine. It's Xikan." He said, looking down at Axel. Axel looked up to see light gray eyes full of concern.

"How do you know me?" Axel asked, standing up.

"I've been sent to watch over you." Xikan said, taking a few steps back to give Axel some room. Axel looked up at him in confusion.

"What do you mean?"

Xikan sighed, and scratched the back of his head.

"Well?" Axel said, impatiently.

"I can't tell you. But there is something I can. It's a question, a plea."

"What?" Axel spat out.

"Let him go." Xikan said quietly.

"What?" Axel roared out, glaring at the man.

"Axel. Look, I'm sorry, but you gotta let it go. For your sake and his..." Xikan said before turning away and walking down the ally. Axel couldn't believe his ears. He ran after Xikan, but he was gone.


Okay, sorry about the shortness, but it's just a teaser. I'll be updating soon.

And don't worry, Roxas will make his appearance soon.

Please R&R

- Kian