A/N: Hey, sorry for the delay. I've been caught up in ideas and other random one shots... ^_^;; but I'm back with this story! Hope you guys like this chapter. I'll warn you, it'll be a bit confusing and kinda depressing... but it'll have a cute ending! w

Chapter 8: I lost you again

Demyx dropped Axel on the bed and ran over to Roxas and Sora. He still kept his Shinigami form up in case Axel woke. Roxas was hovering over his brother, who was resting on the carpet. Sora's chest was still bleeding badly, but he refused to let Roxas wrap it up.

"Roxas... I told you... to watch over... Axel." Sora said between pants and bouts of pain.

"Axel's fine, Sora. Let us take care of your wound." Demyx piped up. Roxas jumped a little at the deepness of it. Sora shook his head and pushed them both off him. He stood, staggering slightly as he walked over to Axel. He brushed some strands of red hair off Axel's face and smiled as he woke up.

"Hey Axel." Sora breathed out, feeling faint.

"S...Sora?" Axel questioned, taking in the other's appearance. His hair was fading to white, as well as his eyes and skin color. Axel jumped up and put his hand on Sora's wound.

"Sora! What happened to you?" Axel cried out. Sora laughed lightly.

"Axel... I had to... save you. You... are the only one... that can kill... Xira." Sora whispered out, his eyes starting to close. Axel pulled Sora close and cried out.

"Sora! What's happening here? I'm so confused! Please... Tell me what to do!" Axel cried harder as Sora's body started to stiffen.

"Listen... to Roxas... He'll... Help you... Kill... Xira... Axel... I'm sorry... I have to go... now... I love you... but you need... to let Roxas... love you too... Otherwise... Xira will..." Sora stopped talking. He glowed brightly and started to disappear. Axel tried to clutch him, but Sora had vanished completely.

"SORA!" Axel cried out, pulling at his hair. Demyx was crying, and Roxas had fallen to his knees, staring at the spot where Sora had been a few moments ago. He couldn't believe it. Sora... His brother was really dead.

"He... That wasn't him... That... that couldn't have been him." Axel breathed out, his face twisting into a crazy smile. He knew it wasn't Sora. Sora was already dead. That couldn't have been him.

"It was him Axel..." Roxas breathed out, standing to walk over to where Axel was standing.

"No it wasn't! It's one of your mind tricks!" Axel yelled, throwing a punch at Roxas. Axel's fist collided with Roxas' cheek, sending the smaller man to the ground. Roxas stood again, walking over to him again. Axel kept throwing punches, and Roxas kept taking them

"Axel... stop." Demyx pleaded, he couldn't just stand there and watch, but knew that this was the only way for Roxas to help Axel right now. Roxas managed to get close enough to wrap his arms around the flailing man's torso. Roxas held tight, withstanding all of Axel's blows to him.

"Axel... I'm so sorry..." Roxas cried into the man's chest. Axel's arms fall limp. His knees fell out from under him. He felt weak, broken all over again. He didn't know what to do. He sunk to the floor, dragging Roxas with him. He wrapped his arms tightly around Roxas, crying into his hair.


Xikan was watching the whole thing through the window. He felt a tear rolling down his cheek. He couldn't believe this had happened. He sighed, and flew away.


"Xira... He's dead now." The cloaked figure whispered out. Xira laughed out, the evil sound filling the small room.

"Somehow... I doubt that this is the last we'll see of him." Xira's evil sneer sent chills down the man's spine. He didn't say anything, just nodded and disappeared.

"Oh Sora... your little weapon is very interesting... I might just want to take him for myself." Xira laughed again, slowly disappearing into the darkness.

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter, but it had to end here. Hope you like it, it took a little while to write and get up. Please review! I love reviews!

Karina: Twisted. Loved.