I actually cannot believe that I'm writing a Pokémon fanfiction. I thought I'd out grown Pokémon about six years ago. And yet, all it apparently took for me to be sucked into the world of fandoms was a brief reference to an internet meme. Gary Motherf**king Oak, anyone?

But yeah, as much I cannot believe it, I am writing this. I've completely fallen for the Egoshipping fandom – and it is this (that I shall blame) for making me want to write one of my own.

But anyway, enough of my rambling and disbelief, on with the fanfiction, I guess...

DISCLAIMER: Seeing as Pokémon was originally aired in JAPAN and the fact that the very first console game began being produced a few years before I was born, it kind of suggests that I must have been some freakishly amazing child if I had in fact been the creator of the Pokémon franchise.

In summary: I own nothing.


Ash Ketchum.

You would be hard pressed to find someone these days who doesn't know who he is – 'Ash Ketchum, Pokémon Master'. He's practically a household name. He has legions of adoring fans; is the inspiration to a new generation of Pokemon trainers...


I'd gotten my first pokémon before he had even managed to drag himself out of his bed, beaten him in the race to collect the eight gym badges needed to enter the Johto League – heck, I even had my own cheerleaders and a convertible at the age on ten. I'm richer, more intelligent and definitely better looking. I was the better Pokémon trainer.

I am the better man.

And yet somehow, he manages to be the one to attain the glory; somehow manages to keep that irritatingly naïve grin on his face no matter what. I've already got him beat in every competitive field that there is, and yet he still doesn't give up – he just perseveres on and on and on...

That is why I need to do something to cut him down – make him realise that he isn't so great; that, at heart, he is the same little boy whose Pikachu was so easily crushed by my Eevee.

That is why I'm going to take away one of the things most important to him.

That is why I, Gary Oak, am going to steal away Misty Waterflower.


-sharp intake of breath- Well, there you go. Will it be good? Will it suck so hard it creates its own vacuum? Only time will tell...

Seeing as the last time I watched Pokémon was about 6 years ago, I'm not 100% certain on events so I'll try and keep referencing to a minimum. If I /do/ reference something incorrectly (which I undoubtedly will) please don't hesitate to tell me.

Oh, and on a side note, seeing as MS Word seems to hate me, I'm currently working with no spelling or grammar checkers. So, if you spot something that enrages the Grammar/Spelling Nazi inside you, please drop me a line to let me know and I'll try and fix it a.s.a.p.

Flames shall be used to bake me some cookies.

~TheMasquerade x