Rory Gets Shot

Chapter 1

1 weeks after Rory's graduation Rory gets a job offer to follow President Obama on the Campaign Trail as a reporter.
Rory leaves for Iowa the next day on a plane Monday 11 of October. The whole town throws her a Bon Voyage party which Luke and Lane organize.
Once Rory leaves on the campaign trail a few days after she gets to Iowa Rory starts feeling nauseas and sick also tired.
She just says its from the travelling. Rory makes some new friends on the campaign trail like Lizzy Smith, Darcy Matthews, Simon Barker,
Jack Livingstion and her room mate Amelia Summers.

A few weeks later Rory is still sick and is talking on the phone to her mum in the morning.

"Hey Sweetie, how are you feeling?' Lorelai asks when Rory answers her phone

"Still sick, and haven't had my period in a while" Rory says a little worried

"You should go see a doctor, I have a feeling you may be pregnant" Lorelai says

"Im not..." Rory says crying "We where always careful"

"Rory your nauseas, you have missed your period, and been tired lots for a couple of weeks now, book a doctors appointment
for this afternoon if you can since its your day off" Lorelai says

"Fine" Rory says giving in "Bye mum, say Hi to Luke for me"

"I will Bye Sweetie" Lorelai says "Tell me how the appointment goes" Lorelai hangs up

Rory rings the docors in Chicago, Illinois where the campaign trail is now. She makes the appointment for 2pm that day.
Just as she hangs up from the doctors, Amelia Summers her room mate walks in with Jack Livingston.

"Hey Gilmore, How are you feeling today?" Jack asks

"Still sick, but I made an appointment to see the doctors" Rory says

"You need any company when you go?" Amelia asks

"No I'll be fine" Rory says "Its proberbly just a bug or somthing like that"

Rory hangs out with Amelia and Jack, they watch a couple of movies in there hotel room until she has to her appointment.

Rory leaves the hotel and catches a taxi to the hospital for her appointment. When she gets there she goes to the reception.

"Hi how may I help you?" the Receptionist asks

"I have a 2pm appointment" Rory says

"And what name is it under?" the receptionist asks

"Lorelai Leigh Gilmore-Hayden" Rory says

"Sure take a seat someone will be with you in a few minutes" the Reception tells Rory

Rory takes a seat and waits for a doctor to call her name. Rory is in the waiting room when Dean walks over to the reception with a
tall brown haired woman carrying a 4 month old child. Dean and Brooke the tall brown haired woman with the child sits down beside her.

"Hi Rory, what you doing here in Illinois, Chicago?" Dean asks

"Im on the campaign trail as a reporter, and im here because ive been a little under the weather so my mum
told me I should go to the doctors, so here I am" Rory says

"Oh" Dean says "Rory this is my cousin Brooke and her daughter Rebecca"

"Its nice to meet you Brooke" Rory says

"You too Rory" Brooke says

A female doctor comes out and calls out Rorys name "Lorelai Leigh Gilmore-Hayden"

"Thats me" Rory says to Dean and Brooke "Bye Dean, Brooke"

Rory walks off and follows the doctor into an exam room.

"Ok what seems to be the problem today miss Gilmore-Hayden?" Dr Freedman ask

"I have been feeling nauseas and sick for a couple of weeks and been a little also tired,
I haven't had my period in a while. I might be..." Rory says but can't say it and Dr Freedman finishes Rory sentance

"You think you may be pregnant?" Dr Freedman asks Rory nods

"Ok we will do some blood tests" Dr Freedman says and starts doing the blood tests

Dr Freedman gets Rory's contact details and Rory writes them down.

"Ok, I'll call you in a couple of days with the results" Dr Freedman says

"Ok" Rory says "Thank you"

Rory leaves the doctors room and Dean is the only one in the waiting room. Brooke and Rebecca have gone into the doctors.
Rory walks straight past the waiting room to the reception and pays, She starts walking away from the reception when Dean comes over to her.

"Hey Rory, would you like a ride back to where your staying?" Dean asks walking up to her

Rory is distracted and wasn't really listening to him "What?" Rory asks

"I asked if you would like a ride back to where you are staying" Dean says "Your a little distracted arn't you"

"No thats ok I can get a taxi and don't you need to wait for Brooke" Rory asks

"Yeah, but I still can drop you off saving you to have to take the taxi" Dean says

Rory is about to decline Dean again when Brooke comes over carrying Rebecca after paying for the hospital

"Im ready to go Dean" Brooke says walking over to Dean

"Good" Dean says

Dean, Rory and Brooke walks out and Dean convinces her to let him drop her off. Rory tells him the address of her hotel.

On the ride to Rory's Hotel, Brooke and Rory start to become good friends and gets each others numbers to meet up for lunch when Rory
can because she is only in Illinois for another 3 days. Most of the ride while Rory and Brooke are talking Rory is thinking about Logan and looking at Rebecca.

"Shes cute isn't she?" Brooke asks seeing her keep looking at Rebecca

"She is" Rory says

"She looks like her father you know" Brooke says

"Oh, so your married?" Rory asks

"No, just engaged, we never got around to setting the date. Rebecca came along a few weeks after we got engaged" Brooke says

"What about you?" Brooke asks

"No, um Logan my recent ex broke up after my graduation a few weeks ago, he moved to Palto Alto, San Francisco
and I got the job on the campaign trail." Rory says hoping Dean or Brooke wont ask anything more

Dean arrives at the hotel and Rory hops out of Deans car.

"Bye Dean and thanks for the ride" Rory says "Bye Brooke nice meeting you"

"Nice meeting you too Rory" Brooke says

"Bye Rory" Dean says

Rory walks into the hotel and takes the elevator to the 6th floor where her hotel room is.
She goes in to her Hotel room and lies on the bed. She decides to send some emails to her friends and tells them about the campaign trail.

Later that night Rory, Amelia, Darcy and Lizzy goes out to dinner at the hotels restaurant. They sit down at a table and orders a few minutes later.
There dinner comes and starts eating it. Rory finishes her dinner and Tristan and Claude (Honors friend) starts walking to there table because Tristan spots Rory.

"Iv'e got a headache, so im just going to go back to my room" Rory says
"Heres my share of the cost for dinner, see you tomorrow" Rory puts the money on the table

"Party Pooper" Lizzy and Darcy says at the same time

Rory gets up and is walking out of the restaurant. Tristan stands in front of her stopping her from getting past.

"Hey Gilmore, Long time no see" Tristan says

"Hi, Bible boy" Rory says "Please move out of my way"

"Hi Rory, Sorry to hear about you and Logan, Honor told me" Claude says

"Thanks" Rory says and starts feeling nauseas "Sorry but I have to go"

Rory gets past Tristan and runs to the elevator and hops in taking to her floor. Tristan and Claude watches Rory run off into the elevator.

Rory hops out of the elevator and goes to her hotel room. She unlocks the door and goes in closing the door and rushes to the bathroom
to be sick in the toilet. After a few minutes her nausea calms down and Rory washes her mouth out with mouth wash.
Rory goes out of the bathroom and changes out of her clothes and puts her Pyjamas on and goes into her room and sits on the bed and watches the Tv.

Rory turns it off and her room mate Amelia hasn't gotten back because they went out clubbing with Jack and Simon after dinner.
Rory lies on her bed thinking about everything including Logan and possibly pregnant. Rory falls asleep and not hearing Amelia get in around 10:00pm.

The next morning Monday the 1st of October Rory gets up and has the first shower because Amelia is still asleep.
Once Rory gets out of the shower and the bathroom dressed and with makeup on Amelia is up.

"I'll meet you at the cafe" Amelia says

"Ok, see you at the cafe" Rory says

Amelia goes in to the bathroom and has a shower. Rory grabs her bag and leaves the hotel room.

She hops into the elevator distracted and not seeing Tristan and Claude there.

"Good morning Rory" Claude says

"Morning Claude" Rory says turning around to see Tristan there "Morning Bible Boy"

"Morning" Tristan says and whispers Mary

Just then Darcy, Lizzy, Jack and Simon hop in the elevator.

"Morning Gilmore, did you leave someone behind?" Jack and Simon asks "Wheres Amelia?"

"Still getting up proberbly" Rory says as they hop of the elevator not noticing Tristan and Claude does too "Seems like u all had a late night"

They leave the hotal and walks to the cafe together and talk.

"So I guess shes metting us there?" Jack asks

"Thats what she said" Rory says

They get to the cafe and goes in. They sit a table where there boss is and the rest of the reporters joins the table including Amelia.
Rory and her group orders breakfast and Dean, Brooke, Rebecca, Lucas (Brookes Fiancee) and Clara walk into the cafe.
Rory does a little wave to them seeing them looking over at her table. Rory is listening to her boss talk about the press conference
they are going to after breakfast.

While her boss is talking Rory gets a little distracted when Tristan, Claude, Honor, Josh and Logan walks into the cafe.
Rory sees Logan look staight over to her table. Rory loses focus on what her boss is saying and her boss notices.
Dean see Tristan and the group he is with walk in and Rory get distracted for some reason.

"Focus Rory" Her boss tells her

"Sorry" Rory says turing back to listen to what her boss is saying

The waittress brings Rory's table's breakfast over and Dean, Brooke, Lucas and Clara orders theres.
Tristan, Logan, Claude, Honor and Josh looks through there menus. Rory's group eats there breakfast and once they finish there boss
pays and they all goes to the bathroom before they hop on the bus. While Rory is in the bathroom, a wave of nausea hits her and gets sick in the toilet bowl.

The nausea calms down enough to leave the bathroom. Rory flushes the toilet and wipes her mouth then rinses her mouth out with water, she hadn't noticed Brooke had come in.

"Hey Rory, I hope you don't mind me asking but are you pregnant?" Brooke asks knowing the signs

"Im not sure but maybe thats why I was at the hospital yesterday" Rory says

"I thought as much" Brooke says rubbing her back

"Thanks for this talk, but can you not tell anyone, even Dean" Rory says

"Of course" Brooke says and Rory is looking at her watch

"Thanks, Iv'e got to go. I have to get to work" Rory says hugging Brooke

"Thats fine, call me later and we can talk" Brooke says

"I will, Bye Brooke" Rory says rushing out of bathroom and the cafe straight past Tristans table not even looking at Logan

They all see her leave and Logan wonders why she doesnt go over to him.

Rory gets to the bus and hops on and the bus drives off to the press conference. Back at the cafe over at Tristan's table after
Rory just ran out of the cafe not even looking at Logan.

"She hate me" Logan says

"No she dosen't she just hurt, When I said your name to her she ran of like she was upset not that she hates you" Claude says

"You reackon, then why did she run out of here like she did?" Logan asks

"I know why, she hates me thats why" Logan says

"No she dosn't Logan, I know that, She knows that, Finn, Colin and Steph know that" Honor says "And even deep down you know it too"

When Brooke exits the bathroom she sits back down at her table.

"Did you know Rory just ran out of here fast?" Dean asks

"She said she had to get to work and we would talk later" Brooke says

"You too seem to becoming friends fast" Dean says

"Well she really nice and we get along well" Brooke says

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NOTE: This is Not A Gilmore Girls / OTH Crossover

Story Will Be Updated Soon