Alaia Skyhawk: Well here it is, the final chapter of Whom History Won't Remember. Time to show one final bit summarising Liam's first few weeks in Camelot. This is going to be short, more an epilogue of his thoughts and views on certain events, but after starting this like a regular chapter and finding I didn't like it, I've started over and done it this way. The other way just rambled around too much, when I want to have a clean, crisp ending :)

Disclaimer: I don't own the Merlin TV series etc, but I do own the OCs of this fic.

Music: Flying through the country (Folk Song)


Chapter 69: An End and a Beginning ~Part 3~

"Liam Morranson, the chief of staff wants to see you."

He walked through the castle hallways, green eyes thoughtful beneath recently trimmed blond hair, hearing the bustle of gossip about what had just happened prior to the melee, yet another assassination attempt against the prince. He'd been here just over a month now, and was still in his probation period. He just had to hope he wasn't about to get into trouble.

Like Merlin had...

He frowned a little, remembering it. High-placed people coming down with mysterious afflictions. A king losing his hair, he, his ward, and her maid embarrassed in front of the court by a humiliating bout of flatulence. Merlin accused of sorcery by his own guardian, the Court Physician. The servant's counter-accusation that the physician was possessed by a goblin, his arrest, and then his inexplicable escape from the dungeons.

Liam had to admit he'd been surprised at how easily Merlin appeared to have done it. An unconscious guard and an open cell door were all he'd left behind him when he had. He'd wondered how Merlin, if he was the source of the magical ailments, had managed to hex Prince Arthur when that happened the following day, but then the following morning it was Merlin who had openly gone before the king and the court, with the Court Physician, carrying an audibly complaining cylindrical box.

He'd followed them out of sheer surprise, and snuck into the back of the council chambers to listen as Gaius confirmed the box contained the goblin Merlin had spoken of, and that his ward was the victim of a malicious framing by the creature after it discovered he knew it was in control of his guardian. Liam again had to admit something else at that point, that he felt glad for Merlin as well as guilty for seeing it as an opportunity for advancement when he'd been arrested.

Liam sighed, thinking about his own master. Serving Sir Fernir wasn't all that bad, but he really had sunk into the background among all the other staff because of it. He missed Ulwin; missed the smiles and nods of recognition he'd gotten from everyone back at the manor. He missed his friends, like Fyren, Yale, and Clara. He missed Forwin's gruff manner, that he hid his kindness beneath. He missed the visits from Nellan, and being able to ask how his clan were doing. Catherine went out of her way to be kind to him whenever he was down at the laundry, she'd even invited him to have supper at her house one evening, but it was a poor substitute. He didn't know her well enough for it not to end up stiff and formal, and that evening had been awkward even if he had enjoyed it.

He bowed his head, feeling a touch of resentment. Merlin had everything that he had lost; close friends, respect, a high-ranked position among the staff. And since Liam's arrival in Camelot, that position had gotten even higher. He remembered clearly, standing in the laundry collecting some of Sir Fernir's clothing, when a maid had come rushing in with urgent and shocking news for all the servants in there.

'Prince Arthur's manservant, Merlin! He's been made a Trusted Retainer!'

Liam frowned again. A Trusted Retainer, a commoner given the right to have their word carry the weight of a noble. A commoner whose word would be taken seriously, and would be permitted to accuse a noble of wrongdoing so long as they had proof to back it up. What had made the event so shocking was that just a few days before that, Merlin had been arrested under accusation of sorcery. But then he was rewarded for his capture of the goblin, with that in addition to the pardon he'd already received.

It was enough confuse anyone.

He shook his head, looking up to see he was almost to the office of the chief of the castle staff. All these odd events, the odd impression he'd gotten of Merlin during the times he'd seen him around the castle. That the other servant had become such an untouchable figure for anyone among the staff was almost unbelievable. He was supposed to be lazy and clumsy, if the regular remarks from Prince Arthur were any indication, and yet he'd held his job for over three years now. If a man like Merlin could climb so high, then maybe he still had a chance to do the same.

He reached the office, knocking on the door and going in. The man behind the desk looked in a foul mood, enough so to make him hesitate to approach him, but he did it anyway. If he didn't, what was to say it wouldn't cause him to be sacked.

"You wanted to see me, Sir?"

The Chief of Staff regarded him with a hint of dislike, scowling somewhat as he pushed aside the document he'd been reading.

"You're being temporarily reassigned for this week. I've appointed someone to tend to Sir Fernir in your place. From tomorrow morning, until his regular servant can return to service, you are to attend to the needs of Prince Arthur."

Liam went rigid, staring in shock.

"W-what? Prince Arthur? But what about Merlin?"

The Chief of Staff started to grumble.

"Merlin injured his leg while exposing the assassins to protect the prince at the melee earlier. The Court Physician requires that his ward rest, and let his leg heal for the next week before returning to his duties. In light of him saving the prince's life, the king was happy to approve it."

Merlin was temporarily out of action, and he was being drafted in to take his place. Liam was still staring.

"But... why pick me to fill in for him?"

"Because... Out of all the other useless drivel I have to pick from, you're the one with the most experience serving those of high rank. Ten years, serving the Lord of Ulwin, is not a history that any of you fellows can compete with." He thudded a hand down on his desk, making Liam flinch. "Now get out of my sight, and make sure you aren't late attending to the prince in the morning."

Liam beat a hasty retreat, coming to a wide-eyed stop outside the office when the implications of all this sank in.

He was going to be serving Prince Arthur for the next week! A jump from a reasonably high-ranked role to the third highest among the entire staff. For one whole week, only the king's two servants would outrank him, that is if he conveniently ignored that Merlin still did.

Clenching his fists, a determined glint forming in his eyes, Liam started to smile to himself. Here was a chance to prove himself, to earn some respect among the servants, and maybe even get himself a better position afterwards. All he had to do was be the best servant he could possibly be, try and out do Merlin's normal standards, and impress Prince Arthur. After all, Merlin was supposed to be a bit of a slacker when he could get away with it.

That thought in his mind, Liam strode away down the hall with the smile still on his face. Maybe this was a new beginning for him, a real new beginning. And he, Liam Morranson, besting Merlin to get a better position for himself?

Seriously, given talk about the other servant, how hard could it be?


Alaia Skyhawk: Hehehe, I like this ending much better than my deleted attempt. This, of course, being a direct follow in to the scene in "Sick Leave" where Liam is introduced for the first time... and he proceeds to drive Arthur up the wall by being a perfect servant. It's been great fun writing this fic, and I hope you guys have all enjoyed it. All there is to do now is wish you all Happy Reading, and that I hope you enjoy the rest of my Merlin fics :)