okay so this is the last chapter to the story. thank you all for coming on this journey with Quinn and myself. i hope it was a fun and enjoyable read. i really love writing Quinn, i think she is so much more interesting than the writers let us see. anyway, i hope i did Brittany justice through the eyes of one Quinn Fabray.

read and review:):) tell me your secret thoughts;)

I wasn't sure how things were going to be after that late afternoon rendezvous in the auditorium. I told myself that my stalker days were over but it seems that I am waiting for something more, something to tell me that this whole thing has worked itself out. But it had been well over a week and it was like nothing happened. Like Santana never wrote on that post-it, like Brittany never found her singing and like they didn't finally put it all out there.

Things obviously were better. Instead of the looks of longing going noticed and unnoticed by one another and instead of walking past each other and avoiding, they were whispering, giggling and pinky holding like they used to. Though I would assume I'm the only one who could see the slight difference in their lingering touches. But even still, with those fingers grazing that second longer and their eyes traveling the length of the other's body it was very much the same as it had been before the whole situation started.

I couldn't help but wonder if maybe things hadn't ended up the way that I had expected. That they wound up deciding or maybe not deciding to do anything about their obvious feelings for each other. Because, let's be serious, I mean if Santana was right about one thing it was that this is high school and kids are not very kind. But, I would hope that both of them would over look that small factor. It's irrelevant when it comes to things of the heart and such. In my mind, being in love at 16 with your best friend isn't hard, try being pregnant at 15 years-old now that's hard.

During our free period Santana was all smiles as we doodled in our marble notebook. She freely wrote out little hearts with 'B' and 'S' all over the pages. At one point she even told me that she was grateful for our, hopefully, new found friendship. I didn't tell her, but I was happy for it as well. It was something I hadn't realized I missed very much. But considering I had never really had any real friends other than her and Brittany I guess I would never really over think being alone so much.

I passed Brittany in the hallway during sixth period and she smiled at me with an over excited wave and told me we needed to hangout this weekend. I grinned to myself as she practically skipped to class, probably the only time I had ever seen the girl that happy about going to a classroom. Perhaps she just forgot where she was, but then again, the place she was in at that moment was not a physical place. She was in love, and who wouldn't be happy to be there.

But even with all of the happy go lucky faces, over enthusiastic use of the English language from both girls, Santana became a lot chattier during out classes together, it was just as though they were best friends, and that's it. I don't know, after everything that had gone down I thought that Santana would be proving herself to Brittany. Proving that she wanted to do this, no smoke and mirrors, but straight up and down do this out right.

I was afraid that they were going to fall right back into everything that they had before. The whole 'I love you but keep me a secret' thing, which clearly did not work for either one of them considering the mess they had fallen into. I feared that everything both of them had worked hard for, what I had worked hard for them to achieve, for them to see, was slowly going to back track and they'd be right back where they started.

I know Santana's scared of the talk behind her back, maybe even a slushy facial or a few and how different people may treat her. But sometimes it doesn't matter and you have to suck it up and take it as it comes because when it comes down to it, it's who is next to you through it all. And I know that Brittany would stand beside her through anything and everything. That's one of her best qualities.

So before last period on Friday, I wasn't surprised to find them standing kind of quiet at their lockers. At my locker I was obviously aware of the weird yet not so weird and definitely not subtle glances the two were throwing each other. The tension permeating the hallway was so thick I could literally feel it on my skin and I could taste it, it was everywhere. To anyone passing by it would go unnoticed, but I guess because I know everything, I was on the edge of my seat in a way waiting for something to happen, to be said, anything for God sakes. But I can't blame them for wanting to take all of this slow, they've done everything at a snail's pace thus far anyhow.

I can't help but think that guys have this radar in their brain, unbeknownst to them of course, that tells them to interrupt deep and meaningful moments at the worst times. Like whenever there is alone time to be needed between people, especially girls a guy just slips right on in stealing the focus and thus, stealing the moment.

Puck came over, seemingly out of nowhere, sliding into the small space between Santana and Brittany. He leans against the locker separating the two and grips onto his backpack that is halfway hanging off of his shoulder. I see him tip his chin up to Santana and his eyes are saying 'hey baby', which, really? Puck needs some new moves.

Her hand hesitates on the door of her locker and I see Brittany's eyes search hers and then look down. Puck starts talking about some party or something else 'macho' and distracts Santana's attention from Brittany momentarily. I see Brittany shut her locker and stand there for a second, probably wondering if she is supposed to wait for Puck to leave or maybe for Santana to push him aside. But when neither one of those things happen I understand why I haven't seen or heard of anything since that 'Santana concert of love'.

Santana was obviously still scared of everything. I could read it on Brittany's face, the way her eyes tentatively moved from Santana and away from the boy blocking her from the girl she loved. She turned around and started walking away, and I wondered if Santana was even seeing what I was seeing.

"So…" Puck was still talking, oblivious to the fact that no one ever listens to him, I roll my eyes and turn my attention back to my locker because anything is more interesting than hearing him talk. "Since then, all I've been thinking…." Santana shuts her locker which stops his most likely lame attempt at trying to get her to go back to his place after school.

"Hey Britt." I hear Santana call out which makes my head whip up back to the scene before me. She pulls away from Puck and jogs over to Brittany who turns when Santana gets closer.

They stand there for an odd amount of time looking at one another. I take note to Santana nervously opening and closing her mouth and shifting from foot to foot while Brittany stands there and waits. Puck has turned to face them at this point pretty clueless to everything and Santana looks back to him but quickly looks back to Brittany. She hesitates, for a split second, before she lifts her hands reaching around Brittany's head to her ponytail.

"You better tighten this a little more or Quinn will have a fit." She sighs out.

I can hear the amusement in her voice as she jokes and I shake my head. Brittany lets her play with her ponytail and watches her intently. Santana keeps her hands there fiddling with blonde hair for longer than necessary and then she stops shuffling her feet, she breathes out and she stops moving her hands through B's hair.

They're motionless and quiet for a brief moment but it feels like they have had an entire conversation.

Santana pulls her hands away from Brittany's pony resting them on her cheeks, cupping Brittany's face in her hands. They stand like that for a few seconds, probably taking in the meaning of every action taking place right now. Santana takes a small half step to Brittany leaning in and up slowly and gently presses her lips to her best friends.

I feel a small smile tug at the corner of my lips and I comfortably lean against my locker. From my peripheral vision I see Puck's shoulders slump a little and his head tilt to the side and I do my best to suppress my laughter. But I'm able to focus more on my subjects when he shrugs and walks the other way.

When Santana pulls away Brittany has this serene smile on and her eyes sparkle when they pop open. Santana grins back at her letting her hands fall from her cheeks and lifting one only to rub her thumb across Brittany's bottom lip.

"So," Santana breaks their comfortable silence, sliding her hand down Brittany's arm and taking her hand in her own. "I was thinking that tonight we go out on a legit date." She relays to Brittany as she leads her down the hallway and I smile to myself. I don't hear the rest of the conversation, but I don't need to.

As I watch them walk away and slip between other students and faculty, with their hands clasped together and all smiles and close whispers, I wonder.

Santana had spent so much time trying to bury her feelings deep down not only in herself but with all of those boys she had been with. Thinking about it now, it's a sad state of affairs when you force yourself into a situational relationship just to save face as well as your feelings.

I find myself standing outside of the weight room where I see Sam standing in front of the mirror pinching at the sides of his stomach. He looks pretty into whatever it is he is thinking or doing for that matter. I just watch him for a few minutes.

I wouldn't put myself through half of the things Santana had for this guy. I wouldn't drink a bottle of Jack to feel numb because the thought of him with someone else was too much to handle. And like Brittany, I wouldn't be spurred by his inability to act like a human being to go off and date someone to make him jealous. And I most definitely would not sit alone in an auditorium and sing songs for him or write cute things on foggy mirrors for him.

I'm not going to be delusional into thinking I'm never going to find that thing that Santana and Brittany have. I'd like to remain optimistic when it comes to matters of the heart I guess. You shouldn't be bitter until at least your first divorce, i.e. Mr. and Mrs. Fabray. But I'm also not delusional enough to think that I'm going to find any of what they have for each other in Sam, or with him.

It was probably selfish to even get involved with him in the first place. It had been a long, long year last year and the summer was like my recovery time of heartbreak and loss. I guess the first person to pop up on my radar was him, though looking back it was rather forced. He was quick with his love declaration and I know in my heart of hearts I could never and would never return the sentiment. I'd even go as far to say he would never actually fall in love with me for real either. Like I had said before, I think he just loves the idea of me and maybe in some way, I loved the idea of him. At one point anyway.

But I know what I have to do, and for once in my entire life, something like this was actually easy.

He didn't say anything. He just looked at me and nodded a few times. His eyes looked a little sad but I assume that is something to be expected. It's never a good feeling to have someone break up with you. But, he didn't beg for me to give him another chance and didn't ask me if it was something he did. He accepted my words at face value, and for that I was grateful. Considering I couldn't really decipher my feelings it was comforting not to have to try and relay my brain and my heart to someone else.

My way home was so different than the days prior. There was a little hop in my step, I felt a small pleased smile spread across my face and I took a deep breath of the oddly warm winter day. Snow was finally melting away preparing us for spring to soon come upon us and I couldn't be happier for the change in season. It felt meaningful.

On Saturday I got a text message from Kurt inviting me over to watch a movie with him and Blaine. He told me that Santana and Brittany were coming over and I caught myself smiling into the phone. I was pleased to hear that news. I was on my way to Kurt's when I realized I was going to be the fifth wheel of some really strange gay double date gathering.

For literally a hot second I had almost wished I wasted time in breaking up with Sam, because then I would have someone to drag along with me. But I quickly shook my head to get that thought out of my mind, I didn't need a stupid boy beside me for things like this. In fact I didn't really need anyone, but I did realize that maybe someone else did need me.

Before I even realized it I was walking up the steps of Rachel Berry's front porch. She was surprised to find me on her front steps but smiled none the less. I suggested she come and join us, Rachel's another one who doesn't really have friends, but I know her and Kurt get along so it wouldn't really be all that awkward.

"Thanks for inviting me." Rachel says as we turn on to Kurt's block. I shrug my shoulders and was close to saying 'you'd have done the same', but I didn't because there was no truth to that statement.

"No problem." I tell her. "I know I've been a bitch to you for most of our lives, but…" I glance over to her just in time to see her nod at my statement. "You're really not that bad." She turns her head to face me and she smiles, and I know right then that I have another friend and it feels so much better than I thought it would.

The six of us sit in Kurt's basement and watch some stupid horror movie that Santana picked out. I caught Rachel eyeing Brittany and Santana a few times with a small smile of approval and envy, I shared her feelings. They were cutely sitting side by side, Brittany had one leg draped over Santana's and their hands never left each other. They whispered into the other's ears and giggled, clearly not paying attention to the movie, but I don't think tonight the movie with friends was really the point.

I think that it was Santana proving to Brittany that they could be them in front of people. I don't think I had ever really seen either of them as happy and comfortable. I felt movement beside me and when I turned my head Rachel was right by my face and she whispered 'they are really the most adorable couple'. I smiled, glanced over at them briefly before turning my attention back to Rachel.

"Yeah, I know." I sighed with a bit of relief because finally after all this time someone else could really see what they had been hiding for so long.

It wasn't about being able to make out in public, or show off their relationship, it was simply just being able to be open about it. They weren't showing anything off the point was they weren't hiding it. I too envied this and I wondered if I would ever find something so natural and real for myself.

Afterwards, Rachel and I walked with Brittany and Santana. We trailed a little behind them, I knew both of us still had such a approving smiles on our faces as watched them walk down the street hand in hand.

"I think you're too good for Finn." I told her and she quickly shot her head up towards me. I could read her expression and it was kind of shock. "Hear me out." I let out. "You are smart, talented and, well you're pretty Rachel." I explain and I can sense her waiting for a 'but' to come out of my mouth. "And yeah, I mean Finn's a good guy, most of the time, he's just not up there with you. I think you're too good for him, and maybe that's just my opinion."

"Why are you telling me this?" She hesitantly asks and I look her in the eyes and shrug my shoulders.

"Because friends tell each other the truth." I said easily enough.

I got distracted by the two girls in front of us laughing, which I was grateful for because I knew Rachel's brain was probably spinning. We had never really been friendly, ever. But I could feel that we had a connection, maybe mentally we were on the same page and I could feel that. I could sense her appreciation for the word friendship that I had thrown out there and I know, I appreciated the sentiment as well. Who would have thought that this journey would have brought me a friend in Rachel Berry?

Before homeroom the three of us were bullshitting, just wasting time before the warning bell rang. Rachel had come over and joined in on conversation. It would figure that when things were going so smooth and so right that a bump in the road needs to happen, and that bump was in the shape of one Dave Karofsky. He was walking by our lockers and eyed up Brittany and Santana and then Rachel and myself.

"Wow, guess Glee club doesn't just turn guys into flaming gaymos but turns the girls too." He spit out, stopping briefly so that he could get all of his words out, and of course Azimio was right behind him laughing. I looked to Santana who had looked down at her feet and Brittany who looked at Santana, I could see disappointment in her blue eyes. "Sylvester is going to have to change her squads name to the 'Queerio's'." He laughed and continued to walk away.

"Oh wow that was original." I shouted at him loud enough for him to hear but he didn't come back to fight with me about me talking back.

"What a jerk." Rachel shook her head and turned to me, I could tell she was disgusted at his disregard for other people's lifestyles and his lack of filter.

"Well what do you expect from a meat head like that?" I shrugged my shoulder's because someone like Karofsky was just a lost cause and really didn't deserve to be paid attention to when spitting out hateful things like that.

I looked back over to the couple who had shared in the harsh words and Santana was still looking to the ground and was shaking her head. Brittany was taking deep breathes, I'm sure to help let her understand that her and Santana were still in the beginnings of being a couple.

"Whatever, he's an ass." Santana finally spoke up lifting her head, glancing down the hallway at the asshole's retreating figure. "Umm, I'll see you later?" She asked Brittany who tentatively smiled and nodded. Brittany leaned in to give Santana a quick peck on the lips but at the last second she turned and Brittany caught her cheek. "Come on Rach." She said and dragged Rachel away to get to homeroom.

I just tried to make it seem like it wasn't a big deal, it's understandable and all really. So I pulled on Brittany's arm and led her with me to our homeroom and our first period class, not once bringing up what had happened. Spanish class was so boring, I seriously could not pay attention what so ever. Brittany was beside me and I could tell that her mind, like always when it came to this class, was somewhere else. I knew where it was too, which I think is what aided in my own thought disruption.

"B, don't worry about it." I whispered to her. She smiled at me and nodded. "It's still an adjustment and she's been doing so well. You know she loves you, she says it all the time." I assured her.

Before she could even respond or I could add something else there was a light knock at the classroom door. I could feel one of my eyebrows quirk up when I saw Santana standing in the doorway. Mr. Schu looked over and he turned to walk over to her.

"Yeah?" He asked, which I thought was highly unintelligible for a teacher to say to a student, but I guess since we are always together as a group in Glee formalities are moot.

"Mr. Schu, sorry to interrupt but there's something I have to give to Brittany." Santana told him quietly, she didn't want to make a scene as they spoke hushed by the door. He looks over at the Brittany who was staring at the two in front of the room curiously.

"Santana can't you wait to gossip with Brittany at lunch?" Mr. Schu joked but only he laughs. When he realizes he's not funny at all, Santana's eye roll and sigh helped a lot, he stood up and crossed his arms. "Is it Spanish related?" He asked knowing that the answer was no. Santana looked over at Brittany and grinned.

"Okay, yeah, something like that." She said softly and walked between the rows me and B were sitting in. She stopped at Brittany's desk and placed her hands on her desk leaning down slightly. "B you forgot this, this morning." She told her and before Brittany could even respond Santana's lips were on her best friends, no wait scratch that. She was kissing her girlfriend.

Some people gasped, I heard a few boys say something about it being hot, but I thought it was sweet. When she pulled away Brittany had this expression of pride and awe and Santana wiped her thumb across her own lips as she stood up.

"See you later babe." She said and then she walked out of the class. Mr. Schu hushed the class, but I kept my eyes and full attention on Brittany who still had that silly smile on her face.

It was amazing. After holding everything in for so long, keeping things locked away and hidden Santana was finally able to let go. And I realized that we all care too much about the little things like about whether or not we are dating the right person, whether we will be homecoming or prom queen, if we will get the solo or if we will get hurt. But once we stop caring about those stupid truly insignificant things, we can actually find happiness, peace, friendship and sometimes if we're lucky, love.