Part 2 of Walking the Path

A/N Welcome to Part 2 of Walking the Path - I would advise reading Walking the Path first.


Chapter 1 – New Beginnings


Harry and Luna stood together watching as Isengard's newest residents gathered around them in a rough semi-circle. It had taken several dozen trips but eventually the two dozen men and elves along with all their supplies were relocated to the grounds outside the entrance to Orthanc.

Harry stepped forward and the diverse group grew silent, "Welcome my friends to Isengard. We have a vast amount of work to do to set aright the occupation of Saruman and to establish our new home,"

Harry paused to look around at those gathered in front of him, "I freely admit that I have little idea what needs to be done to build a town. So first thing in the morning, I would like to call together everybody to decide who'll be in charge of what. Till then I suggest that we all pitch in and build our tents and get some food into us." Harry's speech was met with laughter and smiles as those gathered slowly split up into smaller groups.

Harry felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned to see Maglor standing behind him with an eyebrow raised and an amused half smile, "Harry you do realise that was your first speech as the ruler of Isengard don't you?"

Harry smiled ruefully and shrugged as he replied, "What of it? If I had my way we would have a town council and a mayor and I'd happily run the school."

Maglor shook his head at Harry's words, "I think you will find that many here will still look to you for leadership regardless of your role or indeed your desire for it to be otherwise."

Harry shrugged again, he was remarkably uncomfortable with the concept of being a feudal lord or some such nonsense, but both Elrond and Maglor were adamant that the men and elves would expect it of him. So rather than have the same discussion he gestured to the pile of gear, 'I suppose we should pitch our tents."


"I don't bloody like it" complained Harry as he sat fuming by the swift running Isen River.

"I know love but….well we did warn you that most of them would be unwilling to accept another as their Lo…..commander," replied Luna in a calm voice.

"I know you all did, but I still don't like it, I didn't want to be the bloody Lord of Isengard and I certainly won't need the responsibility once we start teaching."

The morning meeting had gone exactly as Harry had feared and the others had predicted. Everyone had basically expected him to take up the rulership of Isengard and its peoples. Oh, they had allowed him to delegate much of the day to day decision-making but in the end it was still Harry at the top of the of the bloody archaic feudal pyramid. Eventually, his vision of voting had become Harry delegating roles to 'his people'; never had it been so clear to him that this world was very different from his home. There was no Great Charter of the Liberties of England, and of the Liberties of the Forest, no Bill of Rights, it was truly a feudal society. That meant that he was responsible for the land, lives and wealth of his rather small holding and he found it truly frightening.

"I'm here to help," offered Luna as she gently caressed his neck.

"I know it's just, well a bit overwhelming I've gone from Boy Who Lived to Ministries Most Wanted Ascendant Dark Lord to Immortal servant of the Valar to Lord of Isengard. Part of me wants to yell 'stop I want to get off' and the other half is pointing out that I should have known that this would happen."

"Harry you will be fine, you have plenty of support from you and most of those living in Isengard are the cream of the crop, hand-picked by the council to represent their people. I know that you didn't want this; I think everyone knows you didn't want this but you have it and that is a fact not likely to change in the near future."


The council met three days later in the large pavilion in front of Orthanc. Harry and Luna sat with Maglor as the leaders of the various town projects came in with their plans for Harry's approval.

The first group was in charge of buildings and was led by a tall, dark-haired elf dressed in a stained and dusty smock along with two heavily built and equally dirty men of Rohan. The elf, Belian was the first to speak, "Lord Istari we have inspected the main buildings and while many have fallen into disuse, they are sound. I believe they could be adapted to our purposes with little difficulty. Indeed, they are far more spacious than I had considered. We should have no problem with space for some time to come. I've drawn up some rough plans and some estimates for you," the elf placed the rolls of parchment on the small table, nodded and stepped back.

The shorter man, Hillath stepped forward and inclined his head respectfully, "We checked the wells and the reservoirs and they appear clean and in good repair. Although with the river running clear we may not need them for a while. As for the other works well the channels are in good condition and it appears that the waste runs off into a pond outside the walls, a small fen in truth. It's a well-devised system and should put a halt to the need to dig pit latrines."

The last of the group stepped forward and offered a half bow to Harry. "Much the same my Lord. The storehouses are in good repair and indeed many are full of good quality grain and other supplies. The main kitchens near the gatehouse are also sound. We may want to think of building some others nearer the main buildings. As to workshops, well I fear that is one area I've found sorely lacking. There just ain't enough of them and they're all small. It doesn't make a lot of sense, but there doesn't seem to be a proper smithy anywhere on the grounds. Mayhaps it's elsewhere but that doesn't make sense either."

Harry nodded, "My thanks well it sounds like we can begin converting the buildings for our use. Please start on that immediately." The three tradesmen nodded and left the room already talking about what they would need to do.

Harry looked over to Luna, "Who is next?"


As the months passed Isengard slowly but surely became a small town. The old Númenórean buildings were being converted to homes or workshops and new fences marked out fields and grazing land. The groves and gardens surrounding Orthanc which had long been neglected by Saruman were now being tended by the Elves and were returning to their former glory and adding a living beauty to the impressive stonework.

After six months, the population had risen to almost two hundred as more men arrived from Rohan along with a score of Elves, mostly hunters and trackers from Lothlorien. Throughout this busy time Harry and Luna were working tirelessly as they struggled with the challenges of building and leading a small town, a task both had underestimated. Neither Harry nor Luna had ever been to so much as a medieval fair. Their time in Valinor had exposed them to the challenges of life in a less technological world it hadn't actually prepared them for building a town and the myriad of problems that came with the job.

Then there was the problem of the school. They were trying to develop some sort of system to teach their students, but the lack of teaching resources was a major hurdle. So a nightly routine had developed as they both worked to write down what information they could, mostly in Luna's flowing script to give them a master volume. As the work as it progressed Maglor and Azanath were also drawn in to read over Luna's notes, it was a slow process but slowly it had begun to come together.

Their growing library with it's priceless books was growing thanks to those who delivered Maglor copies from their own collections. The loremaster missed his own vast collection that still sat safely hidden in Gil Imrad with the Laiquendi. Lord Denethor had sent messengers saying that the collection would soon be ready to be transported but still Maglor worried.


"My lord, there are riders at the gate, elves my lord."

Harry nodded and looked to Luna, who shook her head letting him know she had no foreknowledge of any guests arriving.

"Well let us see who has come calling."

It turned out that Harry recognised the newcomers at his gate before questioning became needed. "Lord Denethor it is a pleasure to welcome you to Isengard. Luna will be overjoyed to see you my Lady Elia."

It wasn't long however before the reunion turned to serious matters.

"I am growing worried, at first when Lord Elrond's warning arrived about the dark sorcerers we had little concern we would be targeted. Gil Imrad is well hidden and only a small few outside my people know it's location and the importance of what we protect. Elia was chaffing to join you here to explore her gifts, but something had changed in our woods. The shadows grew longer and we began to sense a darkness. Elia and my people increased our patrols, venturing further even to the borders of the Shire but found nothing. Still my disquiet grew.

A week ago Latharien, my steward was slain. His body was burned as if by acid before he was dispatched. I decided it was one ill omen too many. We need to move treasures as I fear our lands have now been marked by the enemy."

"Latharien...I am sorry my friend," said Maglor.

"Yes, he is missed greatly," said Denethor sadly.

"Then we will relocate the library and your people if you wish. There is good woodland covering at least a third of my land and there is Fangorn forest," said Harry. "I am sure Lord Elrond and the Elves of the Greenwood and Lothlorien would want to help as well."

"And the offer to study here is still open to you Elia," added Luna with a smile as she took the elf maid's hand. "Or we could ward your lands. That would offer your people some security."

Denethor smiled at the offers, "I thank you, Lord, and Lady Maia. The warding would be appreciated as I will lead my peoples defence of the forest. I am loath to simply leave, as that would open the Shire and Breeland up to attack. The Rangers do a fine job, but we too have played a part keeping the dark at bay. Hunting the dark things in the woods. The majority of my folk, however, will be relocating. Most likely to the Greenwood as they are our kin. I would, however, like to ask if a number may settle here if that meets with your approval."

"Of course it does," said Luna. "They would be most welcome but before we go much further I think we can help more your library..."


The Master Library – Tower of Orthanc

It was late in the evening, but the work was continuing. Harry was discussing shielding against fire based spells with Azanath as Luna took notes. In the corner, Maglor and Ayrica were looking over some old tomes but recently arrived from Rivendell and occasionally offering an alternate turn of phrase.

An evening of quiet study ground to a halt as Luna suddenly made a strange noise, halfway between a gasp of surprise and a pained moan.

Harry looked over at his partner and took note of the strange expression on her face, "Are you okay Luna?"

Luna looked over at him and grimaced as a shudder seem to run through her, "Um Harry could you give me a hand here?"

Alarmed Harry started to stand even as he asked, "What's the matter?" noticing her hands on her belly he immediately leapt up, "Is something wrong with the baby?"

Luna grinned at Harry, "I think my waters just broke."

"Shit…I mean….shit, what do I do?" Harry summoned his staff and rushed to Luna.

Ayrica was trying not to laugh at the image of the powerful wizard running around like a headless chicken, "Harry! Calm down, she's having a baby not dying, I'd suggest that you summon the town healer and then she can decide what next."


Selene Lily Lovegood was born just as the sun crested the horizon after a trouble-free delivery. Her father was the first to hold her as the midwife wordlessly passed the newborn to him. After a moment of 'new father,' panic Harry gave Selene a gentle hug and positioned her next to her exhausted mother.

Harry watched Luna gently caress their daughters face for a few moments before kissing both the women in his life, "She looks like you Luna."

"What wrinkly and bald?" replied Luna with a mock frown.

Harry laughed, "I meant of course that she was as beautiful as her mother."

"Wise words Harry," contributed Ayrica from the doorway. "But you are right, Selene is a beautiful baby."

Harry smiled at Ayrica as he adopted a serious tone, "I'm glad you think so as I'd hate to think that her honorary Aunt thought she was ugly."


Mordor – Tower of Cirith Ungol

Khamûl regarded the charred remains of the orc and frowned at yet another failure.

Whatever sorcery the wizard had conjured had seemingly sealed the borders of Mordor behind an invisible, magical wall. The Dark Lord had tried every conceivable way to breach it and failed, even projecting his will beyond the invisible wall was proving nearly impossible.

The Nazgûl shuddered as he remembered the pain he had been subjected to because of those failures and now he had to report that the latest tactic had also failed. For this new failure, he would pay again. One day he promised himself he would return this pain tenfold on the cursed wizards.


Well, here is the long awaited first chapter of part 2 of Walking the Path. I hope you all enjoy it.