Basic Facts

Hair color ~ Ebony Black with neon blue highlights.

Eye color ~ Icy blue

Languages ~ English, French, Spanish.

Body~ Slim, hourglass figure.

Clothing Worn (All the time)

Black tee shirt with red letters 'Freedom' in paint drip format.

Black sweat shirt with rips in the arms.

Blue jeans with tears in the knees.

Chocolate colored Bearpaw boots.

Small chain around her neck with a small key on it.


Fun to be around

Short tempered


Has no respect for ANY authority. (Hehe, like Rex. Lol!)

Has very... colorful... language.


Can Shapeshift.

Can heal others. Takes alot of her strength away. Often passes out afterwards.

Shifts into a bird or prey, a wolf, a cat, a Heanune ( a mix of cat and a bird.) and a dragon. Each shifter has a same set of shifts.

Able to turn others into her forms.

Shapeshifting History ( My way)

The Beginning

In the beginning, there were five. Five shapeshifters. This was many many years ago. Before Time itself. The shapeshifters had a set time to live. Ten days and ten days only. On the tenth day, they shared a dream. A dream of war. A dream of the end. The only way to stop this end, was continue their history. They left their energy, their very souls, to take over in a new body. Within this new body, they reproduced. They knew what they had to do. They had to form the Ceranian Circle.

The Ceranian Circle

Many years after the death of the founders, the Ceranain Circle cam across issues. Issues that they had been warned about in the beginning. The time of war was arising! Past lives of other shapeshifters were corrupting. They rose against the current time shifters. The number of shifters dropped dramatically. Only 196. This also happens to be the number of countries there are in the world. The number of past life shifters , the Dark Heed, as they are called, also dropped. Only 257 remain of the Dark Heed. Although this is much greater than the current time shifters, the Ceranain Circle, they would not back down. they devised a war plan.

Every full moon, they would meet in a cove at Fletcher's Grove. They would discuss what had happened from the time of the last meeting. Many of times, there was a small rebellion of Dark Heed soldiers. Durring these small skirmishes, they would fight for land. When the one side was defeated or backed down, the other side won rights to this land. The land would often be a grassy plain, a snowy wasteland, a desolate beach, something no one had discovered, not even humans. Fights over the same land could happen many times before the land was claimed for good. The reason land was so valuable is because of natural ores and work space. They would work on armor, weapons, anything to help fight this war.

The war, the actual one, the War of Time, was on a set date. The time of the full solar eclipse. This is when the fight that would decide the real fate of the world was to begin.

The leader of the Dark Heed was named Varyonious. He was a cruel man, who only had his eyes set on the death of the Ceranian Circle. By any means...

The leader of the Ceranian Circle was named Ophilous. A gentle man, yet a powerful fighter. He would fight and command his soldiers to fight with mercy, if possible. Sometimes they killed, but only if necessary.

Now, with the War of Time only 6 months away, the Ceranian Circle desperately needed outside help.

They sent Leyona, a commanding captain of the Howlers Sanctum, a group in the Ceranian Circle, to seek help. She had seen news reports of Providence and Rex. She had thought that Rex would make a great addition to the Ceranian Circle. Maybe even a leader of a group! She had high hopes. But she also believed that Providence will not allow Rex to join. Oh well. Leyona guessed she'd just make him see it her way. By any means!

I hope this clears up somethings! This long background info was never meant to be so boring. But anyway, I hope you aren't too confused to keep reading! LOL!

BTW Rex's headaches WILL return! I'm waiting for the right time! THE RIGHT TIME I SAY! They play a huge roll in this story!

Oh yeah! The cove in Fletcher's Grove idea came from Peacexfreedom

Peace thought that my story had slipped into a hidden cove and started snooping around. Thanks for the idea! LOL

Everything is a little crazy, I know, but it will smooth out as time passes. K? Good? Kewl?

Dont stop reading cuz I screwed up! Please! Review if you like? Yeh...its 10:30 pm now sooo...Thanks and bye bye!