Edited after a Misunderstanding in the Reviews:

I've got a bit of bad news.
The reason I haven't been updating, is because this is going on a hiatus, and I don't know when or if it will come off it.
I make it a rule to never quit a story unless you're really unhappy writing it, and unfortunately, it's a big struggle emotionally, and to a point, physically, for me to continue with it.

Even after just a year, my writing style and ability changed fast (thankfully for the better), and this story's style is just so different from how I write now. It's like trying to apply art techniques you learned in high school to a drawing you made when you were five; it just won't click.

I shouldn't have to explain anything to anyone, and I decided to do away with the long explanation.

I'm not writing this anymore because I feel AWFUL whenever I consider posting something Fire Emblem-related.

I'm a talented writer.
But like all writers, I could use work.

As for my future, it's better than this, at least.
I'm extremely happy in my new fandom, which I've been in for two years now, and I write, draw, and cosplay for it avidly. I'm working on a Fan Novel, and if you'd like to read it when it comes out, be my guest; it'll be much better than this old thing.

So, as a parting gift, here's chapter 13.

...You know, 13 is my lucky number.

"No! No! No! I can't be in love with him!" Florina exclaimed. She couldn't! Maybe she couldn't exactly be afraid of him anymore, and maybe he considered her his friend, but she could not be in love with Hector! How was this even possible?

"Florina, it's okay." She felt Nino's hand on her shoulder. "It's alright, don't panic."

"I can't be in love with him!" She cried again, voice forlorn. "I can't! I can't! I can't!"

"Calm down." Nino locked eyes with her. "Florina, it's not the end of the world."

"I'm scared of him! I can't love him!" That was a lie. She wasn't afraid of him anymore. She was nervous around him, and maybe she was a little cautious and was in the right to be . . . no matter how hard she insisted it, she wasn't afraid of him anymore. But she couldn't be in love with him!

"Why not?" Nino's azure eyes were firm, but not harsh.

"There are so many reasons!" Florina's eyes held all the melancholy of the world.

"Go on, what are they?"

"He's a noble; I'm just a Pegasus knight."

"Lyn loves Kent, Ninian here loves Eliwood, what's wrong with you loving Hector?"

"Even if that wasn't enough of a reason!He's loud, silly, strong, wild, and . . . he's Hector." She sighed. He was everything she wished she could be. She couldn't love someone who was her exact opposite. "I can't love him, he's everything I'm not."

"Florina . . ." Nino took her hands. "You don't have to love people who are just like you. If you did, no one would fall in love in the first place! I'm in love with an assassinFlorina, an assassin! He's quiet, his fighting skill is amazing, and he's independent. I wouldn't love him if he was just like me, he'd be boring!" Nino dug into Florina's eyes. "Florina, do you feel happy around him?"

"I don't know." she let out a sigh. "I get so confused whenever I see him. My mind doesn't know if I should be happy or scared."

"I see . . .," Nino mumbled, lost in thought. She gazed back into Florina's eyes. "Florina, Hector may not get a lot of slack from most people. He's insensitive sometimes, he's gentlemanly only when he wants to be, and he has a short temper. But if you love him, I will stand by you and be happy for you. And Ninian will too, right?" Ninian nodded sympathetically. "And so will Lyn and all of your other-"

"Lyn!" Florina interrupted, horror covered her visage. "You can NEVER tell Lyn, she hatesHector!"

"Lyn would support you!" Nino moved a hand to Florina's shoulder.

"Please never tell her! She can't know!" Florina begged. Nino may have disagreed; she personally thought that Lyn would understand how Florina felt. But if Florina were so shaken up at the thought of Lyn knowing, she'd keep it secret.

"Alright, I'll let you tell her when you're ready." Nino gave a solemn nod to Florina.

"Florina, I know that Lord Eliwood will be very happy. He'd send you his blessings and cheer you on." Ninian spoke up after contemplating what to say.
"Could you two please not tell anyone? This will spread like a wildfire if it gets out to even one person." Florina pleaded.

"We promise."

"Thank you so much."

"It's nothing to thank us for, it's what friends do." Ninian shook her head.

"Then thank you for being my friends." Florina looked at them endearingly. Suddenly they heard shouting fill the camp. They began to worry when they heard Lucius' horrified voice.

Lucius didn't lose his self-control.

But they heard him loud and clear.

"Oh gods no! Oh Saint Elimine! Nils!" He howled. Ninian's eyes widened and she began to look anxious.

"Calm down, it looks like he just needs a thorough healing." Priscilla's voice was calm, though a little shocked at whatever was going on outside. Ninian was making her way towards the tent flap and peeking out. Under the fire pit's tarp lay Nils, covered in scratches with eyes tightly shut. Priscilla, Lucius, and Oswin stood around him. Ninian's fears were confirmed.

"Oh Nils! My poor brother, Nils!" She cried before running out to meet the group, closely followed by Florina and Nino.

"Don't worry Ninian, Nils will be alright." The Cornwellean healer responded calmly. "Serra! Get the Elite Staff; Nils had an accident!" She turned back to Nils' petrified sister. "From what it looks he's just got scratches. The scratches are all over his body, and he's probably in a lot of discomfort, but I don't think it's anything a healing won't fix. I promise he'll be okay." Serra pounced out of the clerics' tent with the staff. Florina hadn't forgotten it; it was the one used to save Hector.

"I wanna do it! Let medo it!" Serra squealed.

"Fine." Priscilla rolled her eyes. Serra closed her eyes and focused her energy into the staff.

"Nils? Can you hear me?" Priscilla asked soothingly after the healing was complete. Nils shuddered before sitting up, a shaken up look spread across his face.

"Th-they're going to attack the camp!" Nils exclaimed.

"Who Nils? Tell us." Ninian took Nils' hand and looked into his eyes.

"Those bandits! I saw them! They've got a whole fresh troupe ready to ambush!" This made everyone's eyes go wide with shock. Lyn, Eliwood and Kit made their way over as soon as they heard. Kit rubbed her temples before whistling to get everyone's attention. That didn't work, as the crowd continued to chatter. Lyn stood up on one of the logs used as benches around the fire and let out what sounded like a nomadic battle cry. That however worked, and everyone turned their attention to her.

"Hey! The tactician is trying to speak!" Lyn called out.

"Thank you Lyn." The uneasiness in Kit's voice implied that Lyn's shrill screaming startled her. "Anyways, we all need to calm down; panicking will not make the situation better. Let's prepare for battle and get ready to defend the camp at all costs." A few voices shouted out remarks and Kit let out a huff. "And yes, this time I dohave people protecting camp. Matthew, I need you to see what you can find out about their formation and tactics; ride with Kent out of the forest and report back as quickly as you can."

"Yes ma'am!" Matthew nodded and sprinted over to Kent, who was already making his way towards the stables.

"Everyone else, get fresh equipment if you need it." Kit pointed towards the supplies tent. "If you are unable to fight, come to the strategy tent with me." Kit whirled around and marched straight into the tent. Florina turned to look at Ninian, who held lightly to Nils.

"I don't want him out there." Ninian's eyes pleaded. "He may be healed, but I don't want him out there, at least not without me there to watch him."

"Maybe Kit will let you stay behind and take care of him." Florina suggested. "I won't be much help to the army without Huey, so maybe we'll be together." Nils' didn't argue; a vulnerable bard would not be of use in this battle. Ninian gave a silent nod and helped Nils to his feet. The three made their way to the strategy tent and slipped in. Kit looked up at them briefly before fumbling with equipment.

"Alright guys. I can't have any of you in danger, so I'm going to have you escape and meet up with us later. I'm sending Nino, Guy, and Matthew along the back route to guard you, so there shouldn't be any problems. If you run into serious trouble, then retreat to camp. Give either of the boys the order to run for help and I'll send in backup as fast as I can. Head to the supplies tent and get yourself some vulneraries and weapons in case you need to fend for yourself." Kit directed. The three nodded and left the tent.

Soon the group was sneaking through the forest, Guy up front, Matthew in the back. Ninian remained close to Nils, while Nino walked alongside Florina, who was at ease to be with her two friends. Matthew and Guy made her slightly uneasy, but she accepted their presence and focused on the current situation.

"Nino," Florina turned to the mage, whom had a thunder tome in her hand.


"If. . ." Florina kept a hushed voice, only those who had tempered their ears to her already soft tone could notice her whispers. ". . . If he found out that . . . I like him, what do you think he'd say?" Florina wondered if she should imply that Nino suggested that she was in love. Though Nino's eyes cast the murky gray of the clouds above them, her tone spoke otherwise.

"I wouldn't know. But if I were him, I'd be happy." Nino replied after some thought.

"Do I have to tell him?" Florina's words sounded painful on her lips.

"Florina, of course not. You don't haveto tell anyone." Nino sighed. "That doesn't mean you shouldn't consider telling him, but you shouldn't feel compelled."

"Alright. Thanks Nino." Florina gave a breath of relief as she played with the javelin strapped to her back.

"You're welcome." Nino smiled. The group remained silent for only a moment more before Ninian spoke up.

"Oh, Florina?"

Ninian leaned in and brought her mouth to Florina's ear.

"This may seem a bit . . . arbitrary, but I was wondering, what did you want for your birthday?"

"Ninian?" Florina asked. Ninian only broke out into that secretive smile of hers.

"Um . . ."Florina pondered.

Matthew suddenly whirled around and glanced from side to side. A frown danced across his face.

"Hear something Matthew?" Guy pivoted on his heel to see what was wrong. It was a few seconds before Matthew responded.

"C'mon, let's keep moving." He lightly nudged them forward, glancing over his shoulder one last time. "Let's get out of here before anything big happens." The four sandwiched between him and Guy did not need to be told twice. Florina turned to Ninian to finish her exchange of whispers.

"I'm sorry, I didn't catch that; could you repeat that just a bit louder Florina?" Florina's whisper was slightly louder the second time, but only a person with sharp hearing could pick up what she had said.
Someone like a spy.

Upon reaching the edge of the forest, Matthew ushered them out before turning to Guy.

"Hey kid," He drew his sword and wedged it into the trunk of an ancient tree. "Stay alert and keep an eye on the girls."

"Right." Guy gave a nod and drew his own lethal blade.

"Nino, tell me when the thunder gets closer."

"Okay." Nino gave a nod and directed her attention at the sky.

"Matthew, why did you stick your sword in the tree?" Nils asked.

"I'm feeling for vibrations in case someone is coming." Matthew explained. "But I'm also making a path for the lightning to get to the ground, meaning I'll be fried if the tree gets struck. That option's none too appealing to me, so Nino's going to tell me when the lightning is close enough that I could be hit."

"Oh." Nils murmured. Matthew closed his eyes and felt for vibrations for a minute. Eventually his tongue ran across his thin lips and his russet eyes shot open.

"There's a group of bandits coming." He finally spoke again. "Small group, but something tells me that reinforcements for the enemy will be plentiful." With a swift yank, his sword was freed from the wood. "Guy, protect the girls. Nino, can you help him hold them off until I get back with some reinforcements?"

"Yes sir!" Nino gripped her tome.

"Ninian, Nils, I suggest you hide. I'll be back in a few minutes!" Matthew took off, only a blur of red and brown. Guy now turned his trained ear took to the noise that was drawing closer.

"Matthew said only a small troupe, right?"

"Yes." Nino nodded. Guy's face looked slightly muddled.

"So why do I hear such tremendous noise?" Guy's voice sounded even more confused. Florina felt a tingling worry; she knew that noise.

She'd have to know the sound of pounding hooves.

Sometimes, I want to beat my younger self with a lead pipe.

This is one of those times.

I'm going to say that reviewing this chapter is rather unnecessary; chances are, if there's something wrong, I know how to fix it now. If you really want to, however, feel free to give your questions, comments, and beef.
We can both laugh at my younger self.

Thank you all for your time, and God Bless. ;)
