Hey, i thought up this idea at school the other day, the whole school crossed lovers kinda thing, but a realistic version. I haven't written anything in a while so my style might be a bit rusty, but i did my best for a good first chapter :D

anyways, enjoy and review! :)

Beauty and the Geek

Chapter one

The new school school day began, and I looked at the first lessons of the year I had to endure today, they read: Science, Maths, Geography, P.E and Technology. The new school year was going off with a bang I see. Ino turned out to be in my science set, much to my relief, and we walked there together.

'Do you think the teacher will let us sit where we want?' Asked Ino 'Or will they have a seating plan?'

I groaned at the mention of a seating plan, I always ended up by myself, surrounded by popular people who always breathed down your neck. I just wanted to sit next to Ino.

'I hope not, for my sanity's sake'

We turned the corridor and saw the queue of people lining up for the science lesson. They were talking about who they thought the new teacher was going to be. We stood at the back, having our own conversation. Slowly the line began to move forward, and people poured into the classroom. I followed reluctantly into the science lab.

Not much to my surprise, our new teacher for the year was Professor Orochimaru, and his weedy assistant Mr. Kaboto. Everyone was ordered to line up around the classroom. This could only mean one thing, a seating plan. I hate being an outcast all the time, I had very good friends, but they were few: Ino, Hinata, Tenten and Temari. They were the people I could tell anything to. And my only friends in the school.

'On the front table' Said Mr Orochimaru, clearing his throat 'is-' he pointed to two seats on the left side of the table. 'Kiba and Naruto' They cheered and raced over to their seats, making everyone laugh.

'Next to them is..' he continued for a while, until the end of table two was being read out. 'Sakura, and Sasuke' he pointed to the seats on the right hand side of the table. In the inside I gaped with horror. Not Sasuke, anyone but him.

He waltzed over to the table and slung his bag over his shoulder onto the table. I took a deep breath and made my way over to the lab stool next to him. I carefully placed myself onto the stool and got out my pencil case and planner from my bag. Mr. Or professor Orochimaru I should say, continued reading names and pointing to seats, until everyone was sitting down.

'My name is Professor Orochimaru, I will be your new science teacher for this year. And this-' He pointed to Mr Kaboto, who was tweaking his overly sized glasses 'is Mr Kaboto, my assistant. You will address us as such, any questions?'

He scanned the class, and seeing as no one put up their hand or even showed any sign of listening he continued.

'Okay. Kaboto!'

'Yes Mr Orochimaru?'


'Oh, yes- What is it Professor Orochimaru?'

'Give out the new books'

Mr Kaboto handed them out quickly, before returning back to examining his glasses.

'Right, everyone write your name and details on the front of your new books, then copy down the title on the board'

The scrabbling noise of people trying to get their pens out and asking the person next to them if they can borrow one was heard. Though why anyone wouldn't have a pen on the first day back was beyond me.

'Hey can I borrow a pen?' I looked to my left. Sasuke Uchiha, the biggest bastard in the whole year group was asking me for a pen. Well, I couldn't just say no.

'Yeah' I passed him a biro.

'Thanks' He didn't even look at me when he said that, he started talking to Gaara, who was at the opposite end of the table. I grinded my teeth. The lesson begun and Naruto started the professor off on one of those science teacher lectures with the question 'Sir, why do men have nipples?' Soon it turned into a class discussion, with stupid comments flying everywhere that were a bit funny I had to admit. Mr Orochimaru had finally had enough after he caught wind of the word 'penis'

'Right, well let's get back on track, shall we?' The lesson continued at a normal pace again, we were doing biology (A/N: it's a fan fiction! What other science topic would they be doing? ^^) and we were looking at cloning. I was drawing little sheep all over my page when I was jogged by Sasuke.

'Oops, sorry' He said deliberately. Karin and her minions laughed hysterically at Sasuke's attempt at humour. I ignored them and continued drawing. I hated them so much.

'Why the hell are you drawing sheep in your book?' Asked Karin in a slurry, slutty voice.

'I thought it would go with the theme of cloning' I muttered half to myself

She stared at me blankly; I think I could see drool forming in her gaping mouth.

'You know,... the sheep that got cloned?' I pressed on, hoping her brain would start to function again in my lifetime.

'Oh, the dolly, polly thing?'


'Have fun with that' She said, and glanced at her friends who all laughed some more. I leaned forward so that my pink locks covered my view of them, and continued to draw sheep. Suddenly, something hit me in the head. I looked up to see a scrunched up note on my desk. I looked over to Ino, who winked at me. I opened the note, it read:

Do you want me to beat them up for you?

I laughed inwardly, and scribbled underneath it:

Believe me, I would have done that a long time ago if I could

I threw it back at her when Professor Orochimaru was drawing a diagram on the board. She caught it and then threw it back to me after writing on it. I opened it and read it, the notes passed back and forward throughout the lesson:

If you could? If anyone is macho enough it's you with your iron fist, forehead

Oh I can, I just don't want to hurt them, me being so kind and all 3

Right, well, you stick with that plan.

I will

You do that

MOVING ON, how are you finding the seating arrangements?

Not too bad. Though Neji isn't exactly the most sociable person ever.

You're telling me. I'm next to Sasuke D:

Hah, I see him. Isn't he the one who's been out with almost half the girls in our year group?

Wouldn't surprise me. I wonder what hypnotist method he used...*strokes beard*

Maybe it was just his lovely personality? OR his fake charm and jerkiness.

I think the second one. You'd think most girls would be able to see past a nice face and a fake smile

You would think so, but blessed they are with brains smaller than peas, it's not likely they can work out how to zip up their coat.

The conversation and the lesson ended there. The ball rang and everyone packed their stuff away and stood behind their stools. I tried not to look next to me. Out of the corner of my eye I could see him subtly texting away to some person with his iPhone under the desk.

We were let out and I gratefully returned to Ino's side. We hooked up arms and walked to the library, where we normally met up at break. Tenten, Hinata and Temari were already chatting away in the corner and we ran over to them.


'Oh my god hey!' There was much hugging and talking about what we'd done over the summer since we'd seen each other last. Temari broke out a box of celebration smarties and we sat around eating them. But the joy of the reunion wasn't to last, because, I HAD MATHS NEXT.

I sucked at maths so much it was unbelievable. Somehow last year I had got moved into the A-A* set. And I have no idea how. What I do know is that it is really hard and everyone else seems to be better than me, and I am always being given detentions for not doing my homework because I didn't understand. And the reason I didn't understand is because I am too afraid to ask the teacher for help because the teacher I has last year was like Godzilla.

They always do that breathing down your neck thing in maths, and they always make you answer questions on the spot with stresses me out. Just thinking about it makes me feel all tense. I sat next to Shikamaru last year who was a complete genius, which didn't help either.

But, in all seriousness, me and maths shouldn't be mixed together. All of us walked to the maths department together, and then we all split off into our new different classes. I lined up for maths by myself at the end of the line. I was spacing out into the lockers opposite when the fire alarm went off.

Whenever the fire alarm goes off it's always the most exciting thing ever. Everyone started screaming and running for their friends or cheered at the prospect of missing the first half of maths. I was one of the cheering people. Everyone in the building made an exit for the two tiny doors at either end of the facility. It was like a stampede and everyone got stuck in the door. I saw Hinata and Tenten in the crowds and shoved my way over to them.

'Fire drill!' Shouted the teachers, trying to maintain order 'Means keep quiet! Everyone in line!'

Coach Gai seemed to be giving the opposite advice, 'Run students! Run for the hills! Don't let the flames off terror burn you!'

We were swept along by the crowd into the school tennis courts, out near the field. Each class in each year was lined up alphabetically. I went over to my form and got in line. Soon the chaos died down and everyone in the whole school was lined up. Registers were taken and then we were all made to go back to lessons. I had to say I was disappointed in the amount of time we missed of maths. Not much to my surprise, Godzilla was my teacher again this year, and she continued to put me on the spot and I continued to fail miserably throughout the lesson.

She kept on telling me to 'take responsibility for my maths learning' but I really don't give a rat's fart about maths. But I couldn't really say that to her.

The school day was drawing to a close after lunchtime, with only two lessons left before we got to go home. Already the novelty of the first day back had worn off.

I had P.E next with Hinata in the sports hall. I must say it was really off putting trying to do a slam dunk with all the boys out in the corridor watching you. Unfortunately I wasn't able to unleash my awesome basketball skills, because I don't have any. Last lesson was tech with Ino. We trudged to our new tech room, right at the top of the school. I was completely out of breath by the time we reached the classroom.

Much to my disappointment again, we had a seating plan, and much to my extreme disappointment, I was next to Sasuke bum hole Uchiha. I reluctantly took my seat next to him. He was chatting up one of Karin's lot. She just looked at him and giggled at everything he said. I rolled my eyes. Our new tech teacher, Mr Itachi, looked a lot like Sasuke. He looked less of a man-whore though.

'Welcome to year 10 technology class. Our project this term is to design a CD case and a promo idea alongside it'

He held up a CD case. Then, noticing for the first time that Sasuke was still talking to the gormless girl cleared his throat until they turned around.

'Please return to your seat young lady'

'Yes Mr Itachi' she winked at Sasuke and went to her seat.

'As I was saying' Continued Mr Itachi 'your project for this term is going to be a CD case. Now, for today's lesson I would like you to think up some ideas for what your imaginary band is going to be and do some research etcetera'

The class looked at him.

'Well start then'

Everyone went and got paper and started mapping out ideas. I already had my idea...VISUAL KEI! I love that look so much. I notice Sasuke staring blankly at his piece of paper. He caught me looking.

'Hey. Its Sakura isn't it?'


'Hey Sakura' He gave me a little wave. I hate being patronised.

'Hey' what else could I say? (A/N: that rhymes!) I gave him an awkward smile and got back to looking at my work.

'What are you doing for your CD thing?'

That stumped me, how could I explain my strange taste in music to him? A thousand answers ran through my brain all at once. Would he know what visual kei was? Would I have to explain it and get more weird looks? Would he care? Why do I even care what he thinks in the first place?

'Visual Kei'

He looked at me blankly. People often do this to me.

'Like, urmm...Japanese music' I trailed off into a tiny voice.

'Foreign music?' He raised an eyebrow. Here it comes. I decided to quickly question him instead.

'What are you doing for yours?' He stopped thinking about my odd music taste and considered his blank page.

'I dunno' It kind of ended there. As Sasuke started to talk to Naruto, two seats down. Apparently Naruto had chosen to do all that N-Dubz techno stuff. Sasuke was still unsure of what to do.

Itachi walked around the room examining everyone's work so far. He stopped next to Sasuke and frowned at the blank page.

'Why haven't you done any work urm...?'


'Why haven't you even started Sasuke?'

'I don't know what to do' He slouched back in his chair and chewed on his pen.

'Well, if you're unsure, why don't you ask your partner for some ideas or something' Great teaching going on here. He walked away to other students. Sasuke sat up and turned completely towards me.

'Hey Sakura'


'Can I do that visual kei thing as well? I don't have any ideas' although my face was placid and calm, the inside of me was doing back flips. OH GOD NOOOO! Sasuke can't find about visual kei and all that. It's strictly for me and my little friend group. Mind you, why would he even take a liking to it. It hasn't got a Nike Symbol on it.

'Yeah, sure'

'Cheers babe' He winked and laughed at the grimace I pulled straight after he said it. I really don't like Sasuke, he's so arrogant and patronising . He looked at my page full of notes and attempted at coping some of them down.

'How much do you write?' I didn't reply. I didn't see then need to.

After a few minutes of sitting there watching the oaf write down about and eighth of my notes I decided we should go to a computer to print them out and so some research. Normally, I would have gone to see Ino, and we would have done it together, but seeing as I was on babysitting service Sasuke and I had to share a computer.

'What are we doing now?' He asked, his head in his hands, leaning on the desk.

'Writing this up and researching some existing CD cases' I logged on to the computer.

He groaned and looked around for someone to talk to. As Kiba was next to us, Sasuke started talking to him.

'Oi! Kiba' Kiba drew his eyes away from the computer towards Sasuke.

'Why're you working with Sakura?'

'Teacher told me to, as I couldn't think of any ideas' they both laughed, I felt invisible. Sasuke turned back round to face me and we both (well me) started working. I typed in CD designs on Google images and printed out some pictures, and then I started typing up notes on Word. Sasuke, as short as his attention span was, kept on pressing random keys while I was typing. I got more and more agitated before I started to try and punch his hand. He laughed at my attempts, until I hit him that is. I have always been told I can really pack a punch, I guess I was right.

Sasuke shouted out in pain, and looked at his now red hand. I couldn't help but smirk.

The game continued of me typing and punching his hand, and him trying to press keys and type out stupid words and then getting injured by my iron fist.

The lesson came to a close and the end of the day was finally here!. As I waited for Ino outside the classroom, Sasuke walked past and I gave him a small smile, but he didn't smile back. There were quite a lot of people waiting for him outside, most of them were members of Karin's army.

Sasuke linked arms with several girls, all covered in make up with incredibly short skirts, and walked off. I raised an eyebrow. Ino came out of the classroom and said to me,

'Shall we go now?'

'Yeah I guess'

'You okay?'

'Yeah...' I trailed off. I felt all weird; I think I was just knocked off the spot when Sasuke didn't even return a simple gesture. Well, it didn't surprise me. He was one of them.

The trip home was the usual, talking to some other kids on the bus briefly, but mainly sitting by myself, staring out the grimy windows blankly, listening to my iPod. I got off at my stop and walked home. After an evening of discussing how my first day back was, I had no other reason to stay up, so I simply went to bed. I sat on my bed in my pink hello kitty pyjamas and stared at the wall. I put my stereo headphones on and leaned back, letting out a deep breath.

My thoughts drifted to school and my recent 'friendship' with Sasuke Uchiha. It wouldn't last. Those people like him wouldn't come within a mile of people like me unless they had to. They wouldn't put effort into making friends with social outcasts like me unless they had a reason to...which he didn't. He and his friends are boys who like girls who all look the same, with no brains or thoughts, with plastic faces. Whereas me, I have pink hair. That says enough really. I have two personalities at school. One being loud and funny when I am with my friends, and another being all silent and loserish when I am by myself. I groaned. I need to get a hold of myself; maybe I should try to be more 'social'. Though not that I would want to be social with people like that anyway.

I took out my headphones and turned off the light. I wrapped my duvet around me like a cocoon and fell asleep, my mind still buzzing.

Woooo! First chapter finished xD

REVIEW! Tell me what you think ;) any ideas would be welcome and all of you get cyber cookies for reading the first chapter of my story.

lurve from cup o noodle xxx

Oh, by the way, I do not own the iPod or iPhone, nor Google or Word, definitely not Nike or N-dubz, and not Smarties either :P

Though, it would be good if I did, because i would be stinking rich :D