I've been pondering about this mental image I've had for awhile... So I thought I'd do this one little one-shot! Reviews and critiques will be greatly appreciated!

Disclaimer: I don't own Trauma Team or its characters.

Haunted -

Staring At The Face Of Death

Agent Navel stood with his back against the wall. He wanted to end this now. To pull that bloody trigger and to get it over with, but there was one thing that stopped him from fulfilling his orders and that was two things. One; He too had the cool, metal end of a gun touching his forehead and the second was the woman he was ordered to kill; Dr. Naomi Kimishima on his end of his gun.

Mesmerising blue met with ice-blue for what seemed to be an eternity. The only sounds that echoed within their ears were their heartbeats and steady breaths. Agent Navel risked a glance to his right and caught sight of the 11 year old, screaming and begging to be let go. Navel could tell that the poor girl's heart was breaking into more and more finer shards each minute he and Naomi were stood like this. The girl screamed for her mother once more, but she didn't look her way, her eyes were glued to mine.

Navel felt a small pang of guilt and realisation. If he carried out his order, then...She would have to go to an Orphanage and live with the fact that one of the nicest people she had met had killed her adoptive-mother. Navel's gaze returned to Naomi's. He was certain that if either of them spoke, it'd be all over in an instant.

The cold, metal of the gun pressed harder into his flesh. His breath hitched in his throat, as he met with a cold glare from the Corpse Whisperer. If her gaze was going to send a message it possibly could've been "You dare shoot at Alyssa and I'll kill you in an instant..."

My order wasn't to kill Alyssa. It was to kill her. I pushed my gun further into her forehead. He could remember the hostile conversation that took place, before they reached this point.

"Alyssa?" Naomi's panicked voice entered the room.

"N-naomi!" She wailed, rustling her chains, "Naomi! Don't come in! H-he...tricked us *sob*"

"What do you mean?" She asked, her footsteps drawing her closer to her fate. Navel glanced at the woman he used to love. Her long, curly, silver hair was illuminated by the light seeping through the windows. Her perfect physique and sweet, silky voice that would've had him drooling over her in seconds and made him want to obey every command of hers and lastly, her spellbinding sapphire eyes that would freeze him in an instant. Ignoring those thoughts, Navel loaded the only bullet he had into his pistol and took steady aim.

"He's going to kill you! RUN!" Alyssa screamed, desperately trying to free herself from the chains that bounded her wrists to the wall.

Naomi looked at her daughter full of fear and saw a shadow rise up, she whipped out her pistol and aimed for the shadow's chest. She gasped and lowered her gun, when she saw who it was. The man's combed back, sandy, blonde locks, his icy-blue eyes that could kill and that unmistakeable black suit, rimmed with orange. The chain around his neck clanked, when he emerged from the shadows.

"Looks like...It's come down to this, Weaver." The male sneered, revealing his weapon and taking aim at her head.

"Navel..." Naomi gasped in horror. Her facial expression hardened, as she took aim with her gun. The two walked towards one another, until the ends of their guns met each other's foreheads.

Naomi kept her cool gaze on the man she used to care deeply about. She didn't know what was going on and why he was doing this... Then it dawned on her. Once a Delphian member, always a Delphian member. She remembered that saying, when Kenneth Blackwell first warned her about the dangers of joining the Delphi, almost five years ago. She could feel her hands beginning to shake. She had faced death once and she wasn't afraid to do it again.

Alyssa looked at her mother in horror. All she had remembered was entering Little Guy's Office to get something for Naomi and felt a sharp pain in the back of her head. Only to find, that when she came to, her wrists were tied together and connected to the wall via a rusty chain and a figure that looked too familiar. Little Guy was there, polishing his gun and telling her the truth about her mother and him. Alyssa remembered yelling and cussing at the Agent and denying all the lies that he was feeding her. She remembered coming face to face with him and then feeling him strike her across the sensitive side of her face that had been permanently branded by a bomb meant for her mother three years ago. Tears were continuously streaming from her green eyes and her copper hair covered the side she was struck across.

Her heart was in her throat, every time she wanted to scream, a sob was released from her throat. If Agent Navel was going to kill Naomi, then she'd never be able to forgive him. She would want to kill him. Right now, she hated him. He had led them both to believe he was one of the nice guys like Joshua is. Shaking with fear, Alyssa shut her eyes and turned away from the scene, repeatedly telling herself that it was a horrible, vivid nightmare.

A gunshot rang throughout the room.

"NAOMI!" Alyssa's screams followed, as she ran towards her mother and collapsed into her hip and began wailing loudly. Naomi stroked the young girl's hair, as she felt her eyes gather with tears. Naomi crouched down to the younger girl's height and held her tightly. She looked up at Navel who was staring at her dumbfounded. Then he smirked.

"That was your last bullet, Weaver." He sneered, pressing the cold metal against Naomi's forehead once again, "Say your prayers."

"Agent..." She began softly, "You should know that...I'm not afraid to die. I've face death before...And I'm not afraid to face it again, because I know..." Her voice began to tremble, as tears started to silently pour down her ghostly face, "I know that I would've died...To protect A-Alyssa." The older woman bowed her head and began to weep into her daughter's shoulder.

Navel tried to control his trembling, trigger-happy hand, but failed...

And fired his gun.

An eerie silence echoed through the room. Agent Navel collapsed onto his knees and began to weep. His heart full of guilt for what he had just done. He wanted to have never joined the Delphi in the first place. Oh, God...He never wanted to be put into that position ever again.

Naomi hesitantly opened her eyes. She had felt the bullet whistled through the air and past her hair and through the window. Alyssa was crying harder, her sobs progressively getting louder each minute. She ushered the small child and whispered to her, to let her know that she was still alive.

"G-Go..." Navel sobbed, "L-Leave, before they...Find out I've failed."

Naomi shakily rose to her feet and picked up Alyssa. She smiled softly at her Agent.

"Thank you..." She whispered, before taking her leave.

Navel knew that Naomi wasn't going to forgive her that easily. He wasn't sure what had made him change his mind at the last second and he wasn't sure why Naomi had let him go so easily. He couldn't help that the ache in his heart was growing larger and larger every time he thought of her. Navel had understood why the Delphi wanted her gone. But he didn't understand why his heart wanted her to stay...

I think we can class this as a "Dark-Fic"... This was my first time writing one of those too...

Let me know if anything doesn't make much sense or if your confused and I'll change it ^^