OK! Here's the break down.

Ed still has both automail limbs. I don't know why, but I love his automail so much. Its fun to write about.

Al is human now. Because I just love Al in everyway and hate writing about the armor. It's a pain in the ass.

Hughes is still alive, because we all love him, and I can't kill him off. No matter how hard I try. But I might make a Ed - blames- himself - for - Hughes's - death - Fic- even - thought - it's - cliche.

Oh real quick... . Yeah... It would be my first so don't bug me, please!

Spellcheck is being a bitch so DON'T EVEN...

When a large, golden cat with black speckles came stumbling into Roy Mustang's office, The Flame Alchemist knew all hell was about to break loose.

This cat, resembling a cheeta, had a pair of fangs that dipped just below it's chin. Sharp, and looking ready to snap someone's neck if they came too close. It's small paws had claws much too large for it's self. Thin, long, pitch black and sharp. What was really off setting about it's paws was that while the left foreleg and the right hindleg was covered with fur, shifting with muscels and cracking with bones, the right foreleg and left hindleg were covered with sleek metal, and clicking with steel plates. It had a lithe, golden body, and it's back was dotted with night black speckles, all the way down to it's long, soft tail, which twitched with anger, but was hidden underneath it's owner in fear.

And those eyes... those golden orbs seemed to peirce through Roy's onyx ones and see the wall behind him. They shone and swam with emotion. Despair. Confusion. Horror. Fear. Sadness. Anything but happiness and determination. No good feeling came from those eyes. None at all. But they flashed with a screeching plee Roy could not just simply ignore.

'Help me. Help me. Help me.'

When a familar young boy ran into the office behind the feline, Roy just continued to stare at the creature before him. When he looked up at Alphonse, he was surprised to find tears streaming from his eyes and dripping off his chin. When he spoke, it was high pitched, soft, and just packed with sorrow.

"Colonel..." And that was all he said before collapsing, sobbing into his palms. The golden cat noticed this, and instantly padded to his side, prodding Al with his muzzle, rubbing against his arms. A vain attempt of comfort, Roy thought.

"Colonel... The cat... I-it's a c-chimera..." Al started shakily, " A-a-and...H-he's..." He trailed off miserably.

"He's what, Alphonse? What is he?" Roy asked, scrunching his face in confusion. This is very important, he thought, life threatening, but not quite.

"H-he's... B-brother..."

The feline looked up at Roy, sadness brimming his golden eyes. And Roy insantly saw it. It was Ed. The eyes, the automail... and he just now saw the pocket watch hanging from his thin neck... It's Ed!

"WHAT! What happened? How...!"

"I-it was another a-alchemist! Like T-Tucker! H-he turned b-brother into a chimera!" Alphonse half sobbed, half screamed. Edward, in his new chimera form, nudged Al again, trying to get his attention. When Al lifted his head out of his hands, Ed moved and placed his small head into Al's lap. He blinked up at him.

Al sniffed and placed a hand on Ed's furry head, rubbing down his neck and just past his shoulders, before picking his hand up and repeating the sequence. This seemed to calm the both of them.

Roy now noticed that Ed's fur was sticking up in every direction. No matter how hard Al tried to smooth it out, it stayed, bristling. His tail lashed from side to side. Anger at this alchemist, no doubt.

No matter how much Roy wanted to try and help. Try to make this better, he couldn't. He knew he couldn't. If Ed had been turned into a chimera... It was just like Nina. There was no way he could turn back. Ever...

Ok! So this was just the opening to a new story. I should get back to Fullmetal Oneshots... And Transformation Alchemy... AND finsh off Death By Books... AND do more on Hypothermia... AND do some more FMATOD... Damn... I need to stay on one thing, dammit! Oh well...

Review and tell me what you think! I won't continue this if no one likes it! Its a waste of time then!