Nauto and Kyuubi: Fox Summoning Scroll

In short, I decided to write this story for the hell of it. My account on here, wouldn't let me upload any stories, so I decided to write a new one to pass the time. It's a Naruto story and takes place around the time that he is 12, right after he graduated from Konoha academy. The basic idea is that he finds a scroll for summoning foxes and gets caught. The villagers attack him and he gets kicked out of the village. Now, on his own, he must train himself and lear to become a better ninja.

Pairings: Naruto x Kyuubi (maybe harem later, but not now), Sasuke x Sakura

Disclaimer: Is it not obvious? I most certainly do not own Naruto, no matter how much I want to. *sigh*

"Human talking"

'Human thinking'

"Biiju talking"

'Biiju thinking'

Chapter 1: Escape the Masks

Konoha, on most days, was a beautiful town. With its high walls, and bright sunlight illuminating the village, most were struck by its natural beauty. Trees were plentiful, and birds chirping in the soft breeze that would occasionaly flow through. The place was large, with high building structures, most a light tan colored, and busy markets. People overflowed the place, and shouts could be heard as marketers bargained for the best prices. On the outskirts of the town was several training grounds, with large fields, and blooming trres surrounding them. On the very back wall stood a tall cliff, with a building jutting out of the side. The cliff contained faces of four men, the great hokages. On top of one of these stood a boy wearing an orange jumpsuit, and a paint can in hand. Around him stood two cloaked men, both wearing dark cloaks and animal masks. On of these animal masks was of a badger, while the other one of a hawk.

The boy stood there, rubbing the back of his neck and leaning back with a somewhat sheepish expression on his face as he stared at the two men. The young boy's hair was a bright blond, and he had tan skin that seemed sunkissed by the sun god himself. The oddest thing about him however, was the three whisker marks that adorned his cheeks, along with his bright blue eyes that were the color of the ocean.

"Hey," the boy said to the two masked men, his voice high pitched. "I haven't done anything wrong yet. How can I be in trouble if I haven't done anything?"

The two men looked at each other before badger face spoke. "Uzumaki Naruto, you have pulled this prank before and you are the only one stupid enough to do it AGAIN. Why would you disgrace the Hokages' faces, with paint, and still expect to get away with it?"

"Well, you see," the boy countered, his voice becoming more and more high pitched by the second, simply out of nervousness. "I think it would look better with a splash of orange. Their too bland, and boring to look at. No color besides the dirt brown."

Hawk face sighed before quickly reaching over and grabbing the paint and brushes from Naruto. "Come with us to the Hokage's office, Uzumaki," he said before the blond boy could interrupt him.

With much grumbling from Naruto, they climbed down the cliffside, and made their way through the busy streets with Naruto in front of the two Anbu. The crowd bustled around the three and people shouted over other people to be heard. The two Anbu soon lost sight of Naruto and ran around searching for him for a minute or two.

They soon caught sight of him standing near the Hokage tower with a smirk on his face. The entrance behind him, Naruto turned to the two masked ninja and his grin widened. "What are you smiling about?" Badger face asked, curious as to what the boy was happy about. That grin was sly, almost like a fox's and sent shivers up the man's spine. He was trained to be without fear, without emotion, and yet that smirk was too much like the Kyuubi's for his liking.

"Oh, nothing," Naruto said as he examined his nails in a show of boredom. "Just that a Kage Buunshin (Shadow Clone) could fool you so easily." And with that, he dissapeared in a puff of white smoke.

The two turned around and started their frantic search once more for the ninja known as Naruto Uzumaki. Meanwhile, sitting in a ramen stand known as Ichiraku's Ramen, was said boy, with a bowl of 'the Naruto spacial' ramen in front of him. He chugged it down, barely using the chopsticks at all as he drained the entire bowl. Loud slurping noises could be heard as he finished the bowl of food and turned to the waitress (and daughter of the owner of the stand). "Ayame-chan, can I get another bowl of your finest ramen, please?" He begged of the beautiful and nice girl in front of him.

She shook with laughter and tried to controlled it. "Naruto-kun, no need to ask for more. My dad's already in the back preparing another ten bowls as we speak. We know how you are." Her voice tinkled like an airy bell as she talked to the younger boy in front of her.

"Sorry," he said, wiping his face off from all of the ramen juice.

"No need to be sorry, Naruto-kun, you bring us the most business in town. We've made a small fortune off of the people you have brought in here so far, and that's not even counting you, so no. There's no need to be sorry," she retorted, a smile on her face as her laughter had faded off.

"She's right, Naruto," Her father said as he peeked his head out from the kitchen. "You're our biggest customer here."

"Thanks, Old Man Ichiraku! You too Ayame-" he started, but was cut off by the entrance of another customer.

"Uzumaki, it's time for your visit with the Hokage," said a voice that Naruto instantly recognized as the hawk masked Anbu. The boy whirled around in his seat to see the ninja staring at him. "And this time, you're not getting away." He added on.

"Sorry, Ayame, Old man, but I gotta run. Put this on Iruka sensei's tab for me, will ya?" He said before forming the ram symbol with his hands, and before the Anbu could do anything, ten Narutos started running out of the entrance and in opposite directions. Several of them were immediately cut off by Hawk Face, and several more by Badger Face, who was not far behind, but three shadow clones remained.

One of the Anbus ran after a clone, while the other ran after a clone that was headed to the stadium. The third clone ran towards the training grounds freely. After a minute of chase, Hawk face finally grabbed the clone, and it vanished in a poof of smoke. The other was taken down by a kunai from Badger Face. The third clone made it to the training ground, and hid in the nearby brush.

Naruto backed further into the tree-line, hoping to hide himself from the Anbu, but ecstatic that he was able to pull this off. Anbu were some of the highest trained ninje, the ninja elite, and he had just escaped two of them, not once, but twice. 'Wow', he thought to himself. 'I must have the best luck in the whole village.' Unluckily however, his foot chose that exact moment to trip over something that was half buried in the ground. He felt himself fall back, and awaited impact on the hard ground, but it never came. He opened his clenched eyes to see the strangest sight.

He was knee deep in water, and he seemed to be in a sewer of sorts. "Hello," he called out only to have it echo around the tunnel he was in. 'What is this place?' he thought to himself, only to hear a loud growl come from the end of the tunnel. The growl was fierce, like that of a caged animal, and he wondered what could make that kind of sound. "Where am I?" he called out to the darkness around him. Again the growl sounded, but this time louder. He turned away from the end of the tunnel from which the growl was coming, only to meet with a dead end.

Sighing to himself, he headed couragesly to the source of the growling noise. He could feel the water moving around him, seemingly pushing him to the noise, and could hear the splashing sound from his movements, but oddly enough, didn't feel the water's chill.

As he was nearing the tunnel's end, he could hear an inhuman chuckle reverberate from the walls around him. "Silly human," a distinctly feminine, yet cold and evil voice said from only a few yards away. "You dare wander onto myterritory. The territory of the greatest biiju to ever live. The territory of the Kyuubu no Kitsune, the nine tailed fox."

Naruto felt a chill run up his spine at that name, but he knew that he couldn't back out now. Still the thought registered in his mind. 'Maybe I can just wake myself up. That'll work out! I bet this is a nightmare! I know I fell and hit my head on the ground so maybe this is a dream that I'll wake up from here soon!' But a smarter voice registered itself in his head and its voice rang loud and clear. 'If this is a nightmare, why not investigate the noise? After all, nothing can hurt you in your dreams, right?'

His feet unconsciously pulled him forward, unknowingly. He looked up, expecting to see the end of the tunnel, only to be dissapointed at the great hall he was in. The room was bare, with the knee length water in it, and ceilings and walls that seemed to stretch on endlessy before giving in to the darkness around them. There was barely any light at all, making the possibility of seeing anything else impossible, except for the sight right in front of him.

On the far wall was a giant iron cage. No doors, no gates, no way to get out. A single piece of paper binded to the middle of the giant cage was the only thing holding it together. Behind the cage, naruto got the feeling that evil was lurking, not helped by the giant red eyes glaring down at him. The eyes were cold, the color of blood, and seemingly endless; a murderer's eyes.

"Insolent human, how dare you aproach the great kyuubi in such a manner?" The feminine voice rang out yet again, coming from behind the bars of the cage.

"Oh, yeah. Well if you're so great, then why are you stuck in a cage?" Naruto replied, gathering courage and strength from the idea that this was a dream.

Suddenly, the creature struck out, jumping forward and lashing out between the bars with a giant orange paw. Deep growls and curses came from the fox as it tried to attack Naruto. For a moment, light shined through the bars and a scary sight was saw. A giant orange fox, easily the size of Konoha, with nine tails behind it whipping out. Each tail was extremely long, longer than Naruto could comprehend as he fell back on his rear trying to escape from the beast. He thought he may have been dreaming before, but this eliminated any idea of such a thing now. There was no way a dream could inspire such fear in him. And the wind he felt off of the paw; wind he actually felt coming from the creature trying to get to him! It was unreal! If it wasn't for this cage, then this creature would be devastatingly destructive. He had no doubt that it could bring Konoha to its knees, much less the rest of the great nations.

"Where am I?" He said as he stood up, mere feet from the giant paw trying to swipe at him.

An evil chuckle was heard as the paw retracted to its owner and the Kuubi sat on its haunches with a gleeful look in its eye. "Your mind, insolent human. You are in your own mind."

"My mind?" Naruto replied, glaring daggers at the fox, his voice seething. "Number one: Why would my mind be a sewer? And number two: If it's my mind, what the hell are you doing here, you crazy demon?" Anger was building up in him at this outrageous thoughts.

"If it were my choice, boy," the fox sneered as it continued. "I would not be stuck inside the stomach of a human. But this is thanks to that damn Yondaime Hokage, and stupid shinigami. If it were not for them, your village would be leveled and everybody in it dead! And as for your other question," the fox snorted. "This is your mindscape, boy, not mine. I do not fathom the simple workings of your impudent brain, nor do I wish to."

"Well, whatever," Naruto harrumphed as he sat, rather unceremoniously, on his rear and crossed his arms. He avoided the fox's eyes as he sat thinking to himself.

'What the hell am I supposed to do now,' he thought to himself.

"I do not know, child, but as it is, you are getting on my nerves." Kyuubi looked at Naruto's stunned expression, before explaining. "This is a minscape, so your thoughts are automatically projected outward."

"In other words..." Naruto trailed off.

"You have no private thoughts while here. Everything you think will be heard as clears as if you had shouted it," the fox finished for him, a smirk playing upon its lips, showing razor sharp fangs.

The boy turned so his back was to the fox and sat thinking nothing to himself while Kyuubi relaxed, getting into a more comfortable position, and then swinging its paw through the gate, trying to reach Naruto. The paw would get only an inch away, before it could reach no more, and the fox would start all over again. The only sounds heard were Kyuubi's paw hitting the water, and the drip drip of water droplets.

This continued for several more minutes, which to the extremely bored pair, seemed like hours. Finally Naruto spoke up. "Hey, fox?"


"When can I get out of here?"

"I do not know, boy, but it seems to be taking a while. Maybe if you moved an inch or so back, I could claw you up enough that you would wake up. That or I'd kill you. Either way, I win." The fox spoke, a grin stretching its way onto her face.

"Yeah, right. Hey, since we're stuck here, can I ask you a question?"

"Why not, boy?" Kyuubi replied, curious as to what the boy wanted to know.

"Everyone said that the Kyuubi no Kitsune was a boy, not a girl-" The great fox cut him off.

"And what? You all think that it has to be a man that is strong, not a female? I could cut your head off for such insolence." The it spoke harshly, the words themselves were meaningless, and they bothe knew it.

"Fine," Naruto said, waving his hand. "But what was that thing I tripped on?"

"Child, I do not know. But if my guess is right, I want you to take it and hide it-" The fox was cut off as a sucking noise was heard and the boy vanished from sight. Kyuubi sighed and layed back, ready to take a nap and be done with the whole ordeal, and hope that when it woke up, it would have realized this was all a dream. Unfortunately for him, this was not to be as he heard a loud noise sounding like... Naruto.

As Naruto layed on the ground panting, he pondered over what the fox had been saying. 'What did he mean when he said he wanted me to hide it? What is it in the first place?' Finally, after a few minutes, he had had enough of laying around doing nothing, and decided to see what it was that he had tripped over. Climbing to his feet, he walked a couple of yards over and looked at what was buried in the ground.

His curiosity got the better of him as he got down on his hands and knees to get a good look. The top half that was sticking out of the ground was shaped like a cylinder, and made of thick paper. In the center of the rolled up paper was a black piece of wood. With a start, he realized that it was some type of scroll. Quickly, he used his hands to start digging the rest of the scroll out.

After a few minutes, his nails bloody and torn, but quickly healing, he pulled the scroll out the rest of the way. As it came out of the ground he saw that it had red markings going around the side of it, with symbols he couldn't make out, and some he could. He recognized the Kanji for 'death', 'destruction', and not least of all, 'foxes'.

Excitement in him, he started to unroll the scroll and saw even stranger Kanji on the inside of it. "What the heck kind of scroll is this?" He spoke out loud, not really expecting an answer.

"It's a summoning scroll, brat," a voice snarled inside his head. He turned around, half expecting seomeone to be playing a trick on him. However, there was no one in sight.

'I must be going crazy,' he thought, and then jumped when the voice sounded again.

"Brat, you are a pure lunatic if you do not recognize my voice after having just spoke to me mere moments ago."

"Kyuubi?" He whispered, half hoping that this was now some trick and that he did not have to deal with a bloodthirsty fox inside his head.

"Quiet brat! Do you not understand that this village still trembles at my name, and that a mere utterance of it, and the villagers would be trying to hunt you down once more?" The harsh voice of the fox sounded. "I can hear your thoughts, boy, so there is no need for you to speak out loud and cause us both trouble."

'Fine then, Kyuubi,' he spat the name of the fox. 'What the hell kind of scroll is this?'

The fox seemed to ponder for a few moments, actually keeping quiet, before coming to a conclusion. "My guess would be that it is a summoning scroll, and if I'm not mistaken, a fox summoning scroll. Not to be taken lightly, child, so I suggest you tread on water here." Naruto observed this, before finally opening the scroll all the way and looking at it. In the center was a spiral shape, with fox tails pointing outward from it, too many to count.

Naruto stared at the picture, his mouth drooling, and eyes glazed. No matter how hard he tried he couldn't look away. The fox tails seemed to move the more he stared at it, and he wondered what was going on. "Snap out of it, kit! This has a genjutsu on it!"

Even with that knowledge in his mind, Naruto still couldn't look away. He stared on, and the spiral in the center semed to twirl and grow. Remembering something he had learned in class, he pulled out a kunai and sliced his own arm open. The stinging pain brought him back to reality as he examined his self inflicted wound. Within a second or two more, it closed up, but blood still leaked down and his eyes followed the trail it made.

The blood poured out down directly onto the scroll and it quivered for a few seconds, before rolling together into the center of the scroll. It traced the outline of the spiral, and made it glow in a red color. "Well," he heard the fox say with a sigh. "At least you broke out of the genjutsu, kid. And, since you already made a blood sacrifice, you might as well sign it and be done with it."

'What am I supposed to sign it with? I don't have a pen or anything.'

"With your blood, kit." The eerire feeling of a blood contract sent shivers down his spine, but he knew that this would make him more powerful and he needed that. If he ever wanted to be a Hokage, he needed to be able to protect the village, and to do that you have to be the most powerful ninja there. This was just one more step in the ladder.

He reached down and squeezed his arm for a minute, letting the blood drop before using his finger to write his name in it. His finger bloodsoaked, and the contract signed, he wondered what he was supposed to do now. He moved his arm, and wiped it on the grass. It wasn't the most sanitary thing, but it would do for now. "Now," Kyuubi chose this moment to answer the boy's question. "You go home and get ready for training. This may be your day off, but you need to go outside the village to practice your summoning skills."

'Ram, horse, dog,' Naruto repeated to himself as a mantra as he tried for the summoning. He placed his hand on the ground, and in a puff of smoke there sat a small fox the size of his hand. It immediately started crying and Naruto covered his ears for protection against the wailing.

In a few more seconds though, the little fox vanished. "Damn it," Naruto cursed. "Why the hell can't I get this right?"

"You need my chakra, fool, if you want to summon more than those small creatures," the fox told him once more. This had been going on for an hour and so far, Naruto had yet to summon more than the small kit that had appeared every time. Kyuubi would try to get Naruto to use her chakra, but Naruto would always refuse, saying he would do this on his own, and without any help.

'The answer is still no.'

The Kyuubi settled itself in for a nap, knowing this would take a very long while without its help. "Whatever, kit, but wake me when you finally decide you need help or summon anything else besides these small rodents not even worthy of the energy it takes."

'Whatever, fox.'

Again, Naruto tried to summon the foxes from the contract, biting the finger on his right hand and froming the hand seals. He threw his hand to the ground and small black marks spread out, and in a puff of smoke, there stood a fox, only about a foot tall, with two tails waving around on it. It was black, with a white streak running down its forehead, and red tips on the ends of its tails.

Naruto could barely move at the fact that he finally summoned something, but when he did, he jumped up in the air and punched his fist upwards. "Yes," he shouted out. "I finally did it. I told that stupid fox I would and I was right. Wahoo!"

The fox on the ground turned to Naruto. "What did you say about a stupid fox?" It hissed out at him. "I am not a stupid fox. I am the son of Zerelda, the great six tails, and you would do well to remember that."

"What?" Naruto asked, turning to the creature in front of him. "No, I wasn't talking about you. I was talking about Kyuubi."

"Kyuubi? As in the great Kyuubi?"

"Uhm, yeah," Naruto told the fox. "Although I wouldn't call her so great."

"Shut up you fool!" Kyuubi told Naruto. "I am great, and you would do well to remember that." The small fox's eyes in front of Naruto widened in disbelief. It looked at Naruto for a few moments and bowed down in front of him.

"What are you doing?" Naruto asked the fox. "Wait- did you just hear her?" The fox nodded his head in acknowledgement. "How?"

"Kit, he can hear me because I am Kyuubi. I started the clan you know as foxes. And- did you say you are Zerelda's son?" Kyuubi adressed the quivering fox. Again the fox nodded, and Naruto had to wonder if it was even capable of speech at this point. "Then, child, you would know me as your grandmother."