Genesis – 20

Hi everyone! This chapter will bring "Genesis" to a close. It has almost reached the point of "Putting it All Together" so this is a good place to come to an end, and I've done what I set out to do, give my idea of how they became L's heirs, and how they dealt with L bringing Light back home with him. I hope you enjoyed it!

"What do you mean you're moving to Japan? What the hell?" Mello spoke for all three of the heirs when he questioned the news that had just been given to them. It had been over a year since L had returned to them after the Kira case, bringing Light Yagami with him it had taken a while for them to warm up to him, accept him for who he was and not who he used to be, and trust that he indeed loved L and wasn't going to try to destroy him and everything around him.

And now that they considered him part of the family, now that they all felt everything was settled, their studies were going well, and it seemed everything was just short of perfect, L had just told them that he and Light had decided to move back to Japan so that Light could finish his schooling and join the NPA as he had always planned to do before finding the Death Note.

They were all gathered in L's apartment as usual for case studies, but L had told them he needed to speak to them as soon as their studies were over. As they had sat on the floor in front of him, he gently told them of his and Light's plans, meeting with the opposition he had expected. Wammy sat at the other end of the room silently sipping a cup of tea. Although he said nothing, his support of L's decision was obvious.

"I know this is a great surprise to all of you," L said calmly, "But we both believe that would be the best place for us. We have discovered that this isn't the best place for Light, it doesn't afford him opportunities for his future, and I believe it would be better for us as a couple to have more private surroundings. Now it's not going to be right away, there's so many things that have to get done, including renovating our floor of the building we're going to move into so its still months away."

"But all the way to fucking Japan?" Mello asked and then turned to Light, "You can finish your schooling here, Oxford isn't that far away from here, and you could become a police officer here!" he told him.

"While all of that is true," Light said, "If I'm going to finish my schooling, I'd rather finish where I began without having to deal with shipping records, redoing classes, making amends for the differences in language and methods of teaching. And being a member of the NPA has been something I always planned for, from the time I was a child. Although it was L's idea to do this, I can't say that I'm not excited about it and really looking forward to it. I am sorry that it involves hurting you three, I wish there were another way."

"But what about your work, L? Your base is here!" Matt said and L nodded.

"And it will always be here, but I can work anywhere, which I've done from locations all over the world." L told him, Mello got up and walked over to the couch where L was sitting, placing his hands on the detective's knees, staring at him with tear filled eyes.

"You're willing to just leave us…forever…because Light wants to be a policeman? You're choosing him over us?" he asked and L sighed and shook his head.

"I'm not leaving you forever, I could never do that, you all mean too much to me. Once we get settled I will send for you to visit, and we will come back here to visit, especially on holidays. Mello, I am not choosing Light over you, that would be impossible for me to do, choose one over the other because you are in different places in my life. What I am choosing is to do what I can to nurture a relationship I never imagined I would have, to do whatever it is I need to do to make this work but please don't think this is easy for me either."

"We could come with you! If we're not with you L, how can we continue to learn to be you?" Matt asked, his eyes also filling with tears. L moved from Mello to the redhead.

"I will not physically be here every day, but you can talk to me any time you need to, ask me anything at any time. I must now do what I think is best for my life with Light, the three of you are fine, you have your entire futures ahead of you, and it doesn't all involve being my heirs. You still have your studies and I will continue to send you casework to solve and study. Nothing will change, except I will not physically be here all the time, which in reality I really wasn't anyway. We will communicate via computer and phone; and I repeat I will still be available to you any time you need me, I promise you." He turned to Near who had said nothing, but was twirling his fingers furiously in his hair, his eyes cast downward as he listened, sitting with one leg under him and the other outstretched on the floor. L moved from Matt over to where the white-haired genius sat and squatted in front of him.

"I have heard nothing from you Near, it is important I also hear your feelings on this," he said and Near looked up at him. L stared into large dark eyes that were mirrors of his own, giving him no clue as to how he felt.

"You must do what is best for you and Light," he said, "I understand the reasoning, of course. " he stood up and walked towards the door, "It doesn't mean, however, that I like it anymore than Matt and Mello do." He finished and opened the door. L stood up and walked behind him.

"Near…" he began and the boy turned and ran into him, throwing his arms around the startled detective. The other two also ran to him, wrapping their arms around him as well.

Light watched for a few moments and then stood up and went to them. He felt guilty that all of this was because of him; he had begun to care for the boys as well and it also bothered him that they were leaving them, but he did also really believe it would be better for their relationship if they left and really began to live on their own as well, and nothing meant more to him than that. He needed to know that they didn't hold it against him, so he reached down and touched Mello's shoulder.

Mello turned and looked at him, and at first shrugged his shoulders so that Light's hand fell from him. He stared at L's partner with a mixture of hurt and anger and Light sighed and lowered his head, not surprised that Mello was angry with him.

"It's your fault he's leaving us," Mello yelled at him, "L wouldn't go anywhere if you weren't here!"

"Mello…" L began and Light shook his head, and looked at Mello, his hands clenched in fists, tears still running down his face. Light leaned down, making sure his eyes were locked with Mello before he spoke.

"You're right, it is because of me that he 's leaving and because this hurts you I'm really very sorry. This was a gift from L to me, and even though I'm also sorry to have to leave you guys, I'm not sorry about us leaving here and making a life together. L means more to me than anything in this entire world and I want to do everything I can to make him happy. Yes, the original reason was to allow me to continue with my life the way I had planned it before…everything happened, but it's also for L too. You know he's lived his entire life in service to others and alone, and he will continue to do his work, but this is the first time he's actually doing something for himself, something that makes him happy other than his work, and he's not alone. He wants to build a new life with me, it's not going to be easy and it will be better if we're in our own place. I know you're sad to see us leave, but can't you also be glad for L being happy?"

Although Mello really wanted to blame the young man for taking L away from him, he really couldn't when he saw the sadness in Light's eyes as he stared into his own, the desire to be understood. Mello couldn't deny that he had also begun to care for L's partner, especially after he had risked his own life to save him from the ice. He admitted to himself that was also part of the problem, his caring about Light and now he was leaving. He turned and looked at L who was looking at him, his eyes wide as he waited for his response, and he realized that Light was right. L had been alone all his life; he certainly deserved someone to make him happy. Then he looked at Near and Matt who were also looking at him, waiting to see which way he was going to go. He turned his gaze back to Light who was waiting patiently for his answer, and he nodded slowly.

"Yea, I guess I can be glad for L," he said, "And for you." He then wrapped his arms around Light's neck.

Matt and Near also moved from L after a few moments and went to a very surprised but grateful Light as well. L watched for a moment, then looked at Light with a relieved smile, that Light returned. This had been difficult, but he felt that the boys understood, and would accept it. For someone who had accepted that his entire life would be spent alone, he now had a family and their happiness meant everything to him. L turned to Wammy who had stayed out of it; letting both young men handle the boys on their own and was glad to see an approving nod from him. Wammy finished his tea and stood, walking over to where the boys and Light were.

"I think it is time we all retired for the evening," he said after giving them time to bond again with Light. The boys nodded and then turned back to L, all three hugging him again. After a few minutes they wished them all goodnight and left the apartment.

"That actually went a little better than I thought it would," Light said as he watched L move towards the bedroom; worry still etched on his face.

"Yes, perhaps," he said then turned to Light, "What you said to Mello probably helped the most, thank you for that." Wammy nodded his agreement.

"I agree, Light. You made them realize that it wasn't simply a decision for your benefit, but also for L's. I am going to retire for the evening myself, good-night." He said and as he walked past Light, he gently squeezed the young man's should with a warm smile, and left the apartment. Light followed L into the bedroom and watched with concern as L climbed on their bed, but sat curled in a ball, worrying at his thumb with his teeth. Light sat down next to him and gently rubbed his back, trying to relax him.

"What's wrong?" he asked, "Don't you feel it went okay, that they understand?" L nodded but then released a deep sigh.

"Although I believe that, I am plagued by the past, afraid that one or more of them are not truly dealing with it well, that I have hurt them more than I realize. It has happened before, the results being…the worst possible scenario."

"I know something happened to your first heirs, but you've never told me exactly what happened. Maybe if you told me I could help…" L shook his head and leaned against Light's shoulder, relaxing his legs and stretching them out on the bed.

"I am not sure I will ever be able to tell you exactly what happened, it is nearly impossible for me to voice what happened; I'm sorry." He apologized and Light kissed the top of his head.

"I understand; but whatever happened L, it appears to me that they're fine. They are disappointed, they are upset and understandably so, but I don't see that they are in such despair that you need to worry about them. We've got time before we leave, months I'm sure, and we'll keep an eye on them. We should spend a lot more time with them, and be aware of how they're behaving then, and if you see anything suspicious you can address it right away. How does that sound?" L nodded again and then wrapped his arms around Light's neck.

"Thank you," he said then leaned up and kissed the teen, "I love you, Light." Light smiled down at him, glad to see his features smooth out as he relaxed.

"I love you too," he answered then gently pushed L away from him and onto the bed.

"Now I know exactly what to do to relax you even further." He said lying on top of him and kissing him deeply. L moaned softly into the kiss, allowing Light complete dominance of it, sucking his tongue into his mouth greedily. Light released him from the kiss and ran a hand through the raven hair.

"Trust me, they're going to be fine," he said again then slid his hand under L's shirt, "And so will we." He kissed the detective again, and then sat up, pulling the shirt up and over L's head, and then leaned back down, raining kisses on the porcelain skin.

Once back in their room, all three threw themselves on their beds, Matt lying next to Mello on his.. All of them were quiet for a while; quietly releasing what tears they had left.

"This really fucking sucks," Mello said finally and the other two agreed.

"Just as we were getting used to him being here all the time he hits us with this," Matt said.

"Well, he did say it would be months before they actually left," Near reminded them, "It's not as if they're going to leave tomorrow. We still have plenty of time…"

"Thanks Mary Sunshine, I remember what he said," Mello said sitting up, "It doesn't make it any better."

"No, but at least he gave us enough warning. He could have just waited until they were ready to go and said "sayonara" like he does when he leaves on cases," Matt added and Near snorted.

"Ironic you used the Japanese word," he said and in spite of themselves they all laughed.

"It's gonna be just like when he was gone for the Kira case all over again, only this time he's never coming back," Mello complained, "What was the point of bringing Light here and getting us to like him if he was just going to leave anyway?"

"No it's not going to be anything like that," Matt told him," "And they didn't know it wasn't going to work for Light being here, but I guess I can understand how it would be boring for him. For him to be Kira and almost getting away with it he has to be brilliant, and what good is it doing him here surrounded by a bunch of kids? Besides L said we could talk to him anytime we want and if we use the computer we can see him. He said he'd send for us when they're settled, and that he and Light will come back and visit on holidays. I hate it too; I like being able to run upstairs and see him, but it's better than it was when he was fighting Kira and we never knew if he were alive or dead." Mello nodded and then laughed.

"Yea, now he's fucking Kira instead of fighting him," he said and they all laughed. Matt watched Mello carefully as the laughter subsided. He had been pleasantly surprised when Mello had agreed with Light instead of fighting with him, showing that he was learning to curb his outbursts and think before he acted. They all loved L, but he knew for Mello it was so much deeper than for he and Near. Although he and Near would be upset when L did finally leave, he was concerned at how Mello would really deal with it when L finally walked out of that door. He leaned over and quickly kissed Mello's cheek, much to the blonde's surprise. Mello leaned up on his elbows and attacked Matt's mouth.

"Oh come on," Near groaned from his bed and covered his head with his pillow.

"Keep watching you might learn something," Mello said laughing at his discomfort then kissed Matt again. In answer, Near pulled all the blankets over his head along with the pillow, causing the other two to break into new peals of laughter.

The next several months were filled with long hours in L's apartment after regular classes. Not only because there was so much to work on, but because they knew their time with his constant company was growing shorter. Both L and Light took some of that time when they were supposed to be working as time to have fun; there were overnights in L's living room as if they were camping, complete with tents made from blankets and s'mores made in the fireplace.

As the weather got warmer, there were more excursions outside the walls of the Wammy's House, including trips to London to Scotland Yard, The Tower of London, The National Museum and even Madame Tussaud's…with L coming up with reasons as to why these places were related to cases in the beginning, and then just allowing them to enjoy themselves.

During this period, L refused any case that would take him away from Wammy's, not wanting to leave the boys any sooner than necessary, something he had talked over with Wammy and he was in complete agreement. He continued to worry that if he didn't do this properly, another situation such as what happened with his original heirs could arise, despite Wammy's assurances that it would not. He reminded the worried detective that none of the trio had any of the emotional or mental problems A and BB had, and that he had nurtured their relationship so well that it just wasn't a feasible outcome. But his assurances did little to assuage L's worry, and he continued to be concerned, watching each boy carefully for any signs of possible distress.

L made sure that each of their birthdays were major occasions, including L's on Halloween; and as they prepared for Christmas, Wammy returned from the last of several trips to Tokyo over the past months to assess the progress of their apartment and told them everything was finally ready.

When the boys came up for the evening, they immediately knew the departure was imminent as there were boxes throughout the apartment along with several pieces of luggage. L was obviously waiting for them, as he stood from his desk as soon as they walked into the room. They made their way towards him, continuing to look around.

"The apartment is ready?" Near asked looking around and L nodded.

"Yes and we will be leaving as soon as Watari can get my plane ready, which should be within 48 hours," he answered

"I see," he answered quietly and nodded. Matt grabbed Mello's hand and squeezed it, as the blonde continued to look around the room.

"But you haven't packed your computer and the other equipment," he asked confused and L smiled.

"That is because I am leaving them here for you three to use," he said, "I am only taking my laptop, information that is pertinent to the cases I am working on is there. But I wanted to leave the rest here for you to continue to use in your studies, and for me to be able to contact you and you to contact me. Also, you will need these things when I ask you to assist me." The three of them stared up at him in surprise.

"Assist you?" Mello asked, "You're going to ask our help?" L nodded with a smile.

"You are at a level now where I feel you are perfectly capable of doing things for me. I will call and ask you to work on certain aspects of certain cases, to garner information or run diagrams and plans. It will be easier for you if you do it with equipment you are already familiar with. It will also add to your education if you continue to be in the environment you 're used to. Watari will connect with you, send you the information you need and you will continue to work with him as you have before, and I will do the same when necessary and when I am able. You will graduate soon, and I expect you to begin working on your own cases soon." The boys exchanged excited looks and then looked back at the equipment.

"L…this is so cool!" Mello finally said and then hugged him. Light came out of the bedroom with another piece of luggage and smiled at what he saw.

"I take it you told them your plans of leaving everything here?" he asked and L nodded.

"It appears to have gone over well," he answered with a laugh, "They appear pleased now, but after the work starts coming in, they will wish I had taken it all with me!" Matt sat at the main keyboard, flexing his fingers over it.

"I can't wait to get into this," he said, "I know you have software that others don't even know exist!"

"Which is why we will spend the rest of my time before I leave making sure you are up to speed with everything here; beginning now." L answered moving out of the way so the other two could get to the desk.

Light smiled as he watched them eagerly examine everything as L pointed out what the functions were; the sadness that had been on their faces replaced with the excitement of knowing they would be still working with L and on his equipment. When L had brought up the possibility of doing this, he knew the boys would love it, and possibly lessen the pain of their leaving, and was glad to see he was correct. He went back into the bedroom to finish packing.

Two days later they had shipped the boxes on ahead of them, along with the Mercedes by ship. They were loading their luggage into the rental car Wammy had procured to take them to the airport as the boys watched from the steps of the building.

"We're not going to cry, right?" Matt asked as they watched them load the car, "It's not gonna help anything and it's only gonna make them feel worse."

"Doesn't do any good anyway, they're still leaving us," Mello answered and Near nodded slowly, holding a favorite robot tightly against his chest.

"They're allowed to have a life without an orphanage full of children around them all the time," he said and Matt nodded his agreement as he lit a cigarette.

"You know they can only act like a couple when they're in L's apartment, there's always kids everywhere else." He said and Mello looked at him.

"Never stopped us," he said and Matt laughed. "That's coz we're assholes and don't give a fuck," he said and they both laughed.

"It appears they're done loading the car," Near said and stood up making his way over to where L and Light stood. L turned and watched them walk to them, struggling to keep control of his own emotions. He felt Light grab his hand and squeeze it gently, silently letting him know he was right there with him.

"Thank you for helping us bring the luggage down," he said when they were facing him, "We had more than I imagined we did." Mello laughed.

"Yea, two huge bags were just your white shirts and jeans," he said, "you could open a store with all of those!" They laughed, and then watched as Wammy walked over to the boys himself.

"Now, simply because I am not here does not mean you shirk you studies, or set fire to Roger's office," he said and the three of them laughed again.

"Come on Wammy, Roger's such a twat," Matt said lighting a cigarette, "He makes it too easy to terrorize him, he always deserves what he gets."

"Nonetheless I don't wish to get phone calls about your behaviour, at least keep it at a minimum." He said then reached out and ruffled Matt's hair. Matt reached around and hugged him; he was like a grandfather to him, to all of them, and he would miss him almost as much as he would miss L. Wammy received hugs from the other two as well, then smiled at them and went to the driver's side of the car.

"When we are airborne and at the right altitude, I will contact you so make sure you're in my office in a couple of hours," L told them, "If I don't reach you I'll call your cell phones, and remember no cell phones during school hours." He said and they all nodded, "I wish to get you started on something so you don't think you can just slack off now that I am not here to crack the whip."

"We'll be there Ryuzaki," Near said quietly and L nodded. Light went to them and hugged each one to him.

"Try not to hate me for this," he said to Mello when he got to him.

"I don't hate you Light, we understand even if we don't like it. It must be hard being around all these kids all the time," Mello answered.

"Well, sometimes," he answered, "But it's never hard being around you guys. I will miss you, but we'll talk on the phone and we'll visit," he turned to L, "I'll wait for you in the car." He said, then turned and slid inside.

L gazed at them for a few moments and then walked back towards the building, gesturing for them to follow. He sat down on the steps and they all sat around him.

"You all know how I feel, and know that it is difficult for me to express it," he said finally and they nodded.

"Yea, we know," Matt said, "We just wish you didn't have to leave so close to Christmas." L sighed and nodded.

"Yes, I realize this is a difficult time. But I have missed many Christmases due to cases, and we did have last Christmas together," he sighed again and looked at them all, "I have asked so much of all of you and you have never disappointed me, nor do I expect that you ever will. I have told you that I am doing this for Light, and also for us as a couple; and I have asked you to accept this as well, and I am the most grateful for this."

"It's okay, we just want you to be happy," Mello said and then grinned, "But you better send us something fucking awesome from Japan for Christmas!" he added and they all laughed.

"I promise to find something…awesome to send you," L answered and then stood, "Our take off time is soon, so I must go," He looked up at the building and then back at them, "Roger is in a meeting of some type now, so I was unable to wish him good-bye," he grinned slyly, "Perhaps you could convey that message to him for me." The three looked at each other and wide grins spread across their faces.

"We'll be glad to tell him for you," Matt said finishing his cigarette and dropped it on the stair, the hastily picking it up and sticking it in his pocket when L frowned at him.

"Don't forget, two hours I expect you be ready for me," L said as he began to walk away. He stuck his hands in his pockets and moved towards the car, the untied strings of his sneakers slapping against the concrete of the walkway as he did. The boys watched him, could see by the way he was walking the internal pain he was feeling. They all got up and ran to him, surrounding him and encompassing him in a group hug. He hugged them back, patted each one on their heads and climbed into the car, sliding into Light's waiting arms. He watched out of the window, as they and the building he had always considered home grew smaller behind him. Light could see unshed tears sparkling in those huge eyes. He held him close, kissing the top of his head.

"They will be fine," he reiterated and L nodded with a smile.

"I know," L answered then smiled, "But Roger won't," he added then laughed as Light stared at him confused.

Matt reached for another cigarette quickly, taking a long drag to keep himself from crying. Mello watched the car disappear then turned and looked at Matt as he fought tears. He leaned forward and kissed him gently, squeezing his hand and then grinned.

"Come on, we have something to do," he said blinking rapidly to stop the tears.

"What do we have to do?" Near asked, his eyes shining as well.

"We have to deliver L's message," he said and watched as realization dawned on Matt's face.

"But he's still in the meeting…" Near began and then his own face twisted into an almost evil smile.

"And I have just the way to deliver it," Matt said, "Let's stop by the room first, I have to pick up a few items. Near, you'll be lookout, okay?" Near nodded happily, the sadness forgotten in the excitement of what was to come. Mello reached into his pocket and pulled out a candy bar.

"Let's get started, we don't want Roger thinking L didn't want to say good-bye," he said and took a vicious bite out of the candy. He turned one last time and stared at the now empty driveway, nodded, and followed the other two back into the building.

The End.