A/N This just popped into my head the other day and I thought I'd share with you readers out there.

Part 1- 7th grade


I may not be the skinniest but I am not the fattest I'm not even overweight, I may not be the smartest but I'm not the dumbest, I may not be the fastest but I'm not the slowest, I may not be the tallest but I'm not the shortest, I may not be the toughest but that doesn't mean I'm not tough, I may not be the most popular but I do have friends, I may be a red head but I don't have a high temper, we may or may not no what to make of each other but I know yours won't be good, I may not be the strongest but I'm not the weakest , you may be the strongest but I am stronger. Yes I am stronger maybe not fiscally but I am mentally. I have to be to survive this messed up place we call earth.

Part 2 - 5 years later senior year


I've had to be even stronger because in 8th grade I found out I was a demigod. A daughter of Hades no less. I started to ware more black so I was always marked as the emo/goth girl who had no friends but the truth is I have friends. At camp. But the mortals don't no about camp or who I am. I am tempted at times to tell them but I know it would only make things worse. But it doesn't mean I can't wish that they knew. Honestly I'd rather be feared then bullied cause when your feared the bullies will be afraid to well, bully you. How I wish it was easy to make the mortals at my school afraid of me when I've known most of them sense Pre-K. With demigods, satyrs, nymphs ect. All I have to do is tell them who my dad is and their afraid and sometimes they turn and run. I've had a lonely life. A life with troubles, pain, sadness. But one thing I know is that bullies will never stop, go away, and will never ever cease to exist.

Part 3- 16 years later 33 years old


Now I just have to be strong sure I'm still the strongest but I have to be strongmy 12 year old daughter. Yes I found someone. We met when we were 19, dated for a year then he asked me to marry him. I said yes. A baby came soon after. But when are daughter was 2 he died from a monster attack. Yes he was a demigod a son of Nyx. I do not regret marring him. But now are daughter is going through what I went through at her age and I cant help her like my mother couldn't help me. I plan on telling her at spring break about the gods then she'll go to camp in the summer. I hope she'll have more friends then I did. I haven't told anyone at camp about her I would have told my siblings but I don't have any. So we'll just be showing up. Even thou I swore to never come back there, but I'll just be dropping her off and showing her around.

Part 4 - 20 years late 53 years old

Strongest, Stronger, Strong

I have lived the fullest life I could have. My daughter now has 3 of her own kids. She ended up becoming the sword instructor at camp half-blood. She settled down with a son of Demeter. I know I'm still shocked. I am one of the oldest demigods in history, but I can feel my life slipping away. I have been for a couple of weeks. I haven't told anyone because they'll try to stop it but I know its my time to live with my parents and husband forever. I never remarried. I loved my husband to much. I know he would have wanted me to be happy, remarry. But I couldn't bring myself to even date anyone longer then our first date. I don't have any regrets either. My life is almost up now. I wrote this down and will leave it under my mattress at camp for anyone to find. I will not tell you who I am. You'll just have to find out somehow are wonder for the rest of your life. Please put it back were you found it after your done reading so others may read what you are reading. I only have the strength to say. Good-bye. From the Strongest, Stronger, and Strong.


A Daughter of Hades.

Good-bye for now ;)

A/N So how did you like it? ReViEw! And tell me what you think!