Another one in the line of highly unlikely crossovers is here. Even the ponies can't escape this author's warped, yet delightfully bizarre mind. It's Postal, mixed with ponies! Oh dear Lord!

Thus, it's obvious that this fic contains very harsh language and excessive violence, even though it may seem relatively tame at first. You have been warned. Do not read this if you are easily disturbed, can't handle violence or naughty words, or if you are a butthurt conservative soccer mom or politician. Also, don't give me the same old flak like you ponies did with Cupcakes (not that this fic is inspired by Cupcakes in any way). If the thought of ultraviolence and cussing mixed with ponies makes you cry, then simply don't read (but maybe, just give it a shot anyway?) Wata doesn't want to hear any of your shit unless it's constructive criticism. The first chapter is relatively clean though.

Now that that's out of the way...

The same author that brought you Biological Nightmare and...some other stuff, now brings you yet another idea nopony(?) ever thought of. My Little Postal is a crossover of My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic and the highly controversial videogame Postal 2. It combines elements of both franchises, and if you think that's impossible, bullshit! Wata can do anything I tell you!

Here's what some ponies had to say about this masterpiece!

Pinkie Pie said: I'm the mane character! That makes me so excited, almost as excited as that time I ate twelve cupcakes in a row and left an entire schoolyard stained red *maniacal smile*

Rainbow Dash said: At least 20% cooler than all fics since I'm in it, but my character in this is largely exaggerated.

Twilight Sparkle said: Dear Princess Celestia: today, for the first time in my life, I truly wished I couldn't read.

Fluttershy said:'s...nice...

Rarity said: Well I never, what kind of ruffian wrote this? *keeps reading*

Applejack said: Well buck me! That's sum mighty fine literature right there!

The Postal Dude said: This is fucking awesome! BUTTSAUCE!

Jack Thompson said: Ban it! Ban it! BAN IT!

Uwe Boll said : I vill make ze movie out of zis!

Oderus Urungus said: Yeah, it's probably the best thing I ever read. I whack my giant herpes infested ding-dong to it every evening.


Nathan Explosion said: Wow, this is *guitar screech*ing Brutal!

Trollinfortehlulz101 said: Yiff in Hell, FurFag!

Random FFN reader: The author can kiss his reputation goodbye with this shit.

So there. And without further ado, I give you:

My Little Postal!


*Edit* I made a terrible mistake. Rainbow Dash obviously has purple eyes, not green eyes. Already fixed. Must have been an AppleDash confusion...

Chapter 1: It's Not Easy Being Pink



Such a dreaded sound so early in the morning. If there is something sent from the deepest pits of Hell, alarm clocks would probably be it. Everypony hates them. Nopony says "gee, thank you so much for waking me up, mr. alarm clock! I was getting so sick of this sleeping shit", unless they were being sarcastic, of course.


Alright, shut up already! Luckily, a pink hoof quickly took care of the problem. The alarm clock cracked on its foundation as it smacked down on the STFU button. The devilish contraption went silent, and the hoof retreated underneath the pillow, back to its snug and comfortable position.

"Ouchie… My head…," the owner of said hoof groaned drowsily.

In bed was a pony that's as pink as you could imagine. So pink that the homosexual community sees green with envy. Her body is pink, her mane is pink, her tail is pink, even her name contains the word pink. Pinkie Pie. If that is not the happiest name you've ever heard… But Pinkie Pie is having what most ponies would call "a bad mane day".

With a groggy look on her face and two very bloodshot eyes, she rolled out of bed. While moaning something under her breath, she dragged herself to the kitchen.

"Maybe I shouldn't have stayed up that late… Need coffee…"

Pinkie stayed up until the deepest depths of the night partying, cause that's just what she does. It's all clean though, no alcohol, no drugs or any of that filthy stuff, cause that's not according to the Pinkie Pie style. Balloons, streamers, cake and games, that's what she likes. Oh, and laughter. That's because Pinkie Pie represents the element of Laughter, one of the Elements Of Harmony. Pinkie Pie has managed to keep up this mentality, but it hasn't been easy lately.

That's because, quite frankly, life's a BITCH! Ponies are not spared from this fact either. Once you reach that certain age of responsibility, the dark side of society shows its ugly face, but you better be prepared to play this cruel game.

Pinkie Pie lives in an apartment. It ain't much, but a place to stay is a place to stay. But when you live in an apartment, you gotta pay rent. To get the money to pay for the rent, you need a job. Thus, Pinkie Pie has a job, and that's why she had to get up so early. It was a fun weekend, but playtime's over now. She stumbled into the kitchen and headed straight for the coffee machine. After pouring in some water and waiting impatiently for the beverage to be done, she added several lumps of sugar to make it nice and sweet and took a big gulp.

Immediately, Pinkie's hair puffed up and an incredible surge of pure energy raced through her, making every fibre in her body vibrate. She was temporarily lifted from the ground, and with that she was rejuvenated.

"WOOOOOOHOOOOO! Much better! Pinkie Pie is back in action!" she exclaimed in glee with a gigantic smile on her face.

Pinkie opened the curtains to let the sunshine in. It looked like it was going to be a great day already. After washing up, she gathered all her stuff for her job at the videogame company. It's not that she was running late, but when she got this enthusiastic, she couldn't wait to get going. That's what the Element Of Laughter was all about. Also, arriving early makes you look good with the boss. Pinkie Pie was extra excited today, because she was gonna receive her pay check, just in time for pay day. And with the leftovers, she was gonna treat herself to something nice. She looked in the mirror one last time to see if her mane looked alright, then again her mane never seems to be wrong, and then she galloped out.

Just outside the apartment building was a giant billboard with the town's name on it in big letters; Paradise. Underneath it was the town's slogan; What? Were you expecting another pony pun?

Yes, this town is called Paradise, but that's just a name. This place is far from an actual paradise. It is nice and quiet and all, but Pinkie Pie's tendency to know every pony from the neighbourhood revealed that a lot of the ponies here are dickheads. The kind that you just wanna whack across the cranium the moment they open their mouths. The kind that would call you a piece of shit just for accidentally bumping into them on the street. The kind that Pinkie would never invite to one of her parties. Sadly, she hasn't found many that she would yet, but she remained optimistic. There's sure to be some ponies out there that are a lot of fun to hang out with. She just has to find them. For now, off to work she went.

While humming a happy song, Pinkie trotted through the streets of Paradise under the shining sun, pushing in a few of her trademark hops in between. Some of the residents had already risen and slowly crowded the sidewalks. Along the way, she passed a billboard for a new Krotchy toy, one that said something about an oncoming alien invasion, and a curious warning sign that said "Watch for psycho flankholes", just to name a few of the oddities this town has to offer. Pinkie didn't pay attention to them though. She was too far into her own happy world for that. They only confused her if she did anyway. A good 5 minutes of trotting is what took her to reach her destination. The videogame company called "Swimming With Pliers", where she worked. Filled with enthusiasm, she scaled the stairs and entered the building through the automated doors.

"Good morniiing!" she chirped. "Pinkie Pie here, ready for duty!"

The receptionist, a young filly with a blue body and orange mane, appeared from behind her desk. "Oh, good morning Miss Pie," she said with a smile. That's the thing with being a receptionist, you always gotta be friendly. "The boss told me he wanted to see you as soon as you arrived."

Pinkie paused for a second. "The boss?"

"Yes, so if you please. You know the way, right?" she said while nodding.

"Okie dokie lokie!" Pinkie said in an excited tone. "I'm on my way!"

With that, Pinkie hopped through the corridors on the way to the boss pony's office. "Ooh, ooh, I wonder what he has to say! Is it time for a bonus already? Or am I being declared employee of the month?" Pinkie Pie fantasized out loud. She then gasped, "Or, or maybe, a promotion? "Oh Pinkie Pie, you are such a fantastic employee, please take my seat as the leader of this company!" Hee hee, I couldn't accept that! Or wait, yes I could!" she giggled. "Me, being the boss of this company, can you imagine that?"

Just a few hallways later and she was at the door of the boss' office. "Okay, play it cool Pinkie, here we go!"

She knocked on the door with her hoof and just a second later a reply came from the other side. "Come in."

So she did, and there sat the boss pony behind his desk, busy counting his money and smoking a cigar. He looked like a total schmuck, with a dark grey body and a dollar sign as a cutie mark, and dollars aren't even the currency in Paradise.

"You wanted to see me, boss?" she said, and blinked her eyes rapidly.

"Ah, yes, Pinkie Pie. Pinkamena Diane Pie," he said in a very suspicious tone while placing his cigar in the ashtray. "Take a seat."

Pinkie looked around the room confused. "Ehm… There's no chairs…," she said.

"You're a pony," he retorted. "just sit on the floor!"

"Oh, right…" she chuckled.

Boss pony leaned back in his desk chair, brought his hoofs together and looked the still brightly smiling Pinkie Pie in the eye. "You are quite the pony, aren't you, Miss Pie?"

Pinkie laughed a little nervously. "Oh, you know, I try."

"Uhuh… Tell me, Pinkie, can I call you Pinkie?"


"Okay, Pinkie, how long have you been working here?"

"A week!" she immediately answered.

"Oh, really? What a coincidence…," he murmured. "Because I've been looking at some statistics from the past week. Are you aware that our production suddenly went down 30%?"

Pinkie stayed quiet.

"Why do you think that is, Pinkie?"

"Ooh, is this some kind of quiz?" she squealed. "Uhm, is it because somepony has been lazy?"

"Not particularly," he said, rolling his eyes.

"Is it because of those protestors last week that thought your videogames were too naughty?"

"No," he sighed. "I don't think you're seeing it…"

"Seeing it?" she asked puzzled. "Oh, I know! It's because of you!" she exclaimed while pointing her hoof.

"NO!" he yelled with a facehoof. "You don't get it! You're fired, Pinkie!"

Hearing that, Pinkie's body froze, with that wide smile stuck to her face. The only thing about her that was moving was an occasional eye twitch. "F…fired…?"

"Yes, I'm kicking you out of the company. Ever since I hired you, the production of Swimming With Pliers has gone down the shitter, and that's your fault! You annoy the other ponies with your loudmouth attitude, you barely get any work done around here, and you seem to think this whole thing is just a game. Not to mention, the snack vending machine had to be refilled not once, not twice, but three times since you got here! You're costing the company money, you're costing me money, everypony keeps complaining to me about you and it's driving me crazy! You are the single worst employee I've ever had the displeasure of hiring!"

Pinkie Pie was still nailed to the ground. But the more it all sunk in, the more the smile on her face turned around into a frown.

Fired…annoying…loudmouth…worst employee ever…worst employee ever…fired…worst ever…fired…annoying…


And Pinkie's hair deflated on the spot and became completely straight instead of the usual curls, and her lower lip started trembling. "R…really…?" she said near the verge of crying.

"Yes, but don't worry, we've already found someone to fill in your spot," he said while leaning back.


The pink filly was interrupted by a sudden knock on the door. "Ah, that'll be him right now. Come one in!"

The door opened and in came this colt, buffed up on steroids with a beige coloured body and yellow mane and a cutie mark that looked like a computer. As he trotted in, he looked down at Pinkie with an extreme look of contempt in his face. He was actually looking down on her, mocking her as she sat there breaking down.

"Haha, is this the pony I've heard so much about? The worst employee ever, or something like that," he grinned.

Pinkie Pie looked away from him, then looked the boss straight in the eyes.

"Please, don't fire me! I'll try harder from now on!" she pleaded, practically on her knees.

"Sorry, but no. As the boss of this fine company, I have to ensure its future. I don't need no weak links working here," he said while shrugging.

"But I need the money," Pinkie cried, "I have to pay the rent and the owner will kick me out if I don't! I'm already a month behind!"

"None of my concern," the boss gloated. "Your pay check is on my desk, but don't expect too much. Take it and get out!"

The broken Pinkie Pie let her head and tail hang low and let out a deep sigh. "Okie…dokie…lokie…"

She slowly walked up the desk, took the check in her mouth, turned around and left the office.

"Don't let the door hit you in the flank on the way out, loser!" the bastard colt laughed.

Pinkie looked behind one last time and closed the door. A few seconds after, she heard the boss' voice from inside.

"Congratulations, you're hired! I'm expecting great results from you after the mess that other one made. Please sign here."

"Owwwww," Pinkie sighed depressed, and slowly walked away with her tail between her legs.

A few moments later, Pinkie was sitting on the front porch of the Swimming With Pliers headquarters, her ex-workplace since a few minutes. She was constantly sighing, and she never felt as hurt as she did now. Worst employee ever? That's harsh no matter how you look at it.

"I don't get it. Was I doing that bad?" Pinkie wondered. "And I could have sworn I was doing my best. Does everypony really think I'm annoying?"

She held the pay check she received in front of her face. "I sure hope this is enough…"

She heard the sound of the automated doors opening behind her, so she quickly looked over her shoulder. Much to her surprise, it was the boss pony.

"Oh, you're still here!" he said. "Good. I forgot to give you something."

"What's that?" Pinkie asked somewhat curiously.

The boss pulled out some kind of canteen partially filled with some liquid and placed it in front of here. Pinkie looked at it with a big question mark over her head. "Ehh, what's that?"

"Gasoline of course. It's to compensate for the transportation expenses. It's the special service we provide," he answered very matter of factly.

"Couldn't you just pay me? I don't even have a car," Pinkie replied.

"Are you saying you don't want it?" he grunted.

"No, it's okay, I'll take it!" she said hastily. "Thanks…"

"That's better. Here, take this too."

The boss threw a small cardboard box her way. When she looked closer, she noticed that it was a box of matches.

"Your complimentary box of matches. Because you got fired. Haha, get it, fired?" he yukked.

"Hehe, yeah, fired… Heh, funny…" Pinkie mumbled with a forced smile.

"I know, I've got a million of them. Now leave this place and don't come back. You're bringing down our morale. Geez, even when fired you drag us down…," he grumbled while he went back inside.

Pinkie Pie's eye twitched again, and for the first time ever, she snapped. She got up on her hooves and waved her front legs around. "Oh yeah? Well I played your games! They suck! The graphics are horrible, the controls are awful, and the load times? I nearly starved to death while trying to load a level! And don't get me started on the AI, I've seen smarter bricks! It wasn't even worth the illegal download! So…so there, Meany McMeany Pants!" she yelled from the top of her lungs.

After her outburst, she plopped down on her behind and sighed yet again. She looked at the matches, then at the gasoline, back at the matches, back at the gasoline. "What am I supposed to do with these?"

She continued to look back and forth for a while, then brought her gaze at the building in front of her. She stared intensely for several seconds.

"I guess I'll just get my check cashed now…," she slowly said to herself. She placed the matches and the check on the gasoline canister, grabbed the handle with her mouth and walked off.

On the way to the bank, Pinkie got lost in thoughts. By now, her mane and tail were slowly returning to their original volume.

Was I thinking what I think I was thinking? Nah, couldn't be, that's not the Pinkie Pie style. I guess I'll just forget about the whole thing. I mean, it's not THAT bad, I'm sure I can find another job that I'm good at. Yeah, cheer up, Pinkie Pie. At least I got some Bits out of it.

"HALT! Stop right there!"

A voice came out of nowhere which shook Pinkie out of her thoughts. She looked around to find the source, but couldn't see anypony.

"Up here, you moron!"

Up in the sky was a blue bodied Pegasus filly with purple eyes and a multicoloured mane and tail. All the colours of the rainbow to be exact. Her cutie mark was that of a cloud with a rainbow coloured lightning bolt erupting out of it. What's more, she was wearing a police uniform. Pinkie, as dumbfounded as she was, pointed at herself in confusion.

"Yeah, you, the pink one with the balloons on your flank! What are you doing with those things? Are you a Pyro?" she asked stringent.

"Hmfm mfmmmf?"

"Take that canister out of your mouth before you talk, you idiot," the Pegasus growled as she landed.

Pinkie put the can on the ground and repeated herself. "A Pyro?"

"Yeah, as in Pyromaniac! You know, someone who sets things on fire for fun."

"Me? No! This is compensation because I just got fired!" she laughed.

The winged pony rolled her eyes. "Very clever pun. Consider your flank arrested."

"Arrested?" Pinkie yelped.

The Pegasus grabbed her radio. "This is officer Rainbow Dash, I ran into a potentially dangerous individual. I'm detaining her now."

As soon as she was done, Rainbow Dash tackled Pinkie Pie and forcefully pushed her to the ground. Pinkie was laying face down while Dash cuffed her front legs behind her back.

"You have the right to remain silent, yadda yadda, just shut up or I'll be forced to beat the shit outta you."

"Argh, no, you don't understand! I really did just lose my job! I worked at Swimming With Pliers! They gave me this as compensation or something! Ask them!" Pinkie coughed with a knee lodged in her back.

"Did you just say Swimming With Pliers?"


Rainbow Dash clacked her tongue. "Tch, figures," she huffed, then proceeded to take off the cuffs. "Officer Dash here, false alarm. Just an ex-Swimming With Pliers employee."

"Copy that."

Pinkie collected herself from the ground and rubbed the sore spot on her back. This new pony that was in front of her sure was strong.

"Sorry about that and all, Miss…"

"Pinkie Pie."

"Miss Pie. Look, since it's time for my break anyway, how about I buy you some doughnuts and we forget this ever happened. Whaddaya say?"

Pinkie's face lightened up like a thousand suns and she started hopping up and down excited. "Oh, oh, DEAL!"

"Alright, alright, you don't have to get that excited."

A little while later, at the doughnut shop.

"I haven't seen you around yet. Officer Dash, right?" Pinkie asked as she gobbled up another doughnut.

"That's right, Rainbow Dash for the friends. Only the fastest pony in all of Paradise and far beyond," she said proudly with a big boast in her voice. "So, you worked at that bogus game company, did you?"

"Yeah, only for a week though," Pinkie replied sadly. "The boss called me the worst employee ever."

"Hah, don't let that prick get you down. I know him, a real corporate scum sucker. If he's not making money, he's fucking ponies over. And just between you and me, a lot of his reasons for laying ponies off are pulled straight from his flankhole."

"Ahah, I knew it! I knew I wasn't doing as bad as he told me I was! What a jerk," Pinkie rambled as she knocked her hoof on the table. "Well, maybe it's good I got fired, maybe I don't wanna work for that big ol' Meany McMeany Pants!"

"There, ya see?" Dash laughed. "There's plenty of jobs here in Paradise. I'm sure you'll be fine. And when you see that boss pony again, just kick him in the nuts and say "hey, you cock, I'm glad I ain't working for you anymore!". You have my permission," she winked.

"Thanks," Pinkie giggled, "but I think it's fine just like this."

"If you say so. But hey, I gotta get going. Got some more baddies to cap," Dash announced as she finished her coffee. "I'll be seeing you around, okay?"

"Okie dokie lokie! Oh, hey, Rainbow Dash!"


"I just want you to know," Pinkie stumbled, "that you're the nicest pony I've met in Paradise yet. If I give another party, will you come?"

Rainbow Dash smiled and gave a salute. "Just sent me an invitation and I'll be there! See ya!"

And with that, the blue Pegasus flew off, leaving Pinkie behind quite content.

"She really was nice," she smiled widely. "But that was kinda weird. What was that about calling my ex-boss a rooster?"

With her spirits lifted, Pinkie Pie resumed her quest to the local bank. She left the gasoline and matches at the entrance, since she didn't want to cause another ruckus. It's not like she cared if they got stolen anyway. She went through the revolving door and was greeted by some calm and soothing music running in the background, which reminded her of elevator music. There were three teller windows to her right, but it appeared that only one of them was open, and in front of it was a huge queue. There was no choice but to wait in line. So there she stood, in front of at least 15 ponies, and the teller sure was taking her sweet time. While Pinkie was tapping her hoof on the ground just to stay busy, she was suddenly pushed out of the way. The check fell from her mouth because of the shock, and to her disbelief, standing before her was that beige coloured colt from before. The same one that stole her job.

"H-hey! What the…," Pinkie snapped.

"Move it, Loser Pie, I'm taking your spot," he said with that familiar grin.

The nerve of this pony! First he steals Pinkie's job, and now he cuts him in line. Any normal pony would have lost their mind by now. Pinkie looked around looking for a referee or something like that. A police officer standing by the window keeping guard caught her attention, so she called out to him.

"Officer, officer, this pony cut me in line!" she yelled waving her hoof around.

But the cop just looked at her with a dumb face, shrugged it off and continued to ignore her. The bastard colt grabbed Pinkie by the neck and pressed his nose against hers. Pinkie was looking straight into his hate filled, threatening eyes.

"If you squeal on me one more time, I'll seriously hurt you. Got that?"

The colt let go and turned around with a vile laugh. Pinkie rubbed her neck and frowned. But inside her head, she was raging.

Your cutie mark should have been a penis, because you're very good at being a dick. If Rainbow Dash was here, she'd show you a few things about getting hurt, you fucking colt cuddler.

As the line went on, Pinkie received several sneak kicks from the bastard colt in front of her. They hurt like hell, but she bit through it and didn't budge. When she nearly reached the window, her legs were looking all blue from the abuse. Finally after all that shit, it was her turn. Without wasting time, she placed the check on the counter.

"Hi, I would like to have this cashed please," she said exhausted, but with a polite tone.

But the teller, without missing a beat, looked at her and said "I'm sorry ma'am, but you'll have to move to the back of the line."

(Now, this might not make any sense to you, but if you've ever played Postal 2, you'll get it…)

Pinkie's eyes went wide open in confusion and she shook her head quickly. "Uh…I…but…whu? Why?" she rambled dumbfounded, and gave her an intruding stare. "I've been waiting in line just like everypony else!"

"I'm sorry, but move to the back of the line," she repeated casually.

Pinkie looked behind her. Another 15 ponies had filled up the line in the meantime. She then turned back to the teller. "Is it because I'm pink?" But the teller didn't answer that. Disgruntled, Pinkie took the check back in her mouth and angrily stomped to the back of the line again.

This is horseshit! Bunch of racist bastards!

Another 25 minutes passed, and Pinkie was second in line. Again, several ponies had gathered up behind her. When the filly in front of her moved and gave her goodbyes, she approached the window, only to see it getting closed.

"I'm sorry, but this window is closed now. Please move to the one to the right, they will help you further," she said.

Pinkie's jaw fell open and the check twirled to the ground. "You gotta be kidding me!"

And at the middle window, of course, all the ponies that were once behind her had already moved, and they line was even bigger than before. Pinkie was standing alone before the closed window. Her eyelid twitched again and again. Finally, a small giggle escaped her that bordered on insanity. "Eheheheh… Keep cool now, Pinkie. Don't lose your temper. It's fine. I'll just take my check and…move to the back of this line here. It's only, like, 25 ponies. How long could that take? A half an hour? I'll just have to forget about the pain in my legs. How about I sing a song? Lalala…"

40 minutes passed, and it was almost closing time. All the employees were busy wrapping things up for the day, and the last customers were on their way out. The last customer of the day was a severely pissed off Pinkie Pie. She appeared in front of the teller, her hair straight down again, with a vicious death glare in her eyes. She slapped the check on the counter.

"Cash this!" she growled.

"Excuse me?"

"Look, I've been waiting in line for almost two hours. I would like to get my money now, thank you very much!"

"Oh, okay," the teller responded with a smile. "I'll take a look at it for you."


She scanned the check in her computer, then tapped on some keys. "Okay, that looks to be in order." She then reached down the desk and came back up with a few bills in her hoof. "Here you go, 200 bits. Thank you and come again."

"200?" Pinkie exclaimed confounded. "That's it? Just 200 bits? Are you sure?"

"Yes, no doubt about it. Is there some kind of problem?" she inquired.

"Heh, no, no problem… It's not like I expected otherwise. I waited for two hours for 200 bits I got from my lousy ex-boss for a whole week of work. Maybe I can rent a cardboard box somewhere next to the freeway," Pinkie rambled frustrated.

"Ma'am, I'm just doing my job. Please leave now, we're closing," the teller retorted.

"Oh yeah, and I have a few things to say about your service, but I'd hate for you to lose sleep over that. Please don't think about me tonight in your comfy bed while I'm sleeping under a bridge. Good day to you, lady!"

With that, Pinkie left the building, grabbed the gasoline and matches that were miraculously still standing there, and headed home.

200 bits, what a cruel joke. 200, for a whole week. How am I gonna pay for my two months worth rent?

That night.

"1000 bits. I had to pay 1000 bits…"

The owner of the apartment wasn't very happy with Pinkie's offering. 200 wasn't nearly enough to give her another month, so she was forced to pack her bags and get out. Where was Pinkie now?

"I guess this bridge is my new home now…," she sobbed.

Pinkie laid down on the cold concrete, staring forward aimlessly. A deep sigh escaped from her. The only entertainment she had was listening to the symphony of raindrops from the storm that was raging. She was cold, hungry and lonely.

"Pinkie Pie, you're not doing well," she said to herself. "What am I going to do now?"

She curled up in a ball in an effort to warm herself up. She could just use the gasoline and matches to start a fire, but that would just get her into trouble again. This whole damned town has spat in her face. Just earlier, she became so angry that she was on the verge of snapping, but now depression has taken over. Paradise, my flank.

Poor Pinkie cried herself to sleep.