Eternal Bond

Fai smiled as he sat tying back his hair. Once spring had finally set in, the sickness that had spread throughout the village left with the cold and Fai's worries. In a way it still bothered him, but he knew better now. He had finally been able to let go of his fears that the past would repeat itself and thus had become stronger.

"Otou, Otou!" Toshihiko shouted, standing close to Fai. Just as Kurogane and everyone else had tried to reassure Fai back then, the boy was fully healthy and back to his old self. Tsumebe certainly had a point – the toughness ran in the family.

"What is it?" Fai asked with laughter in his voice. He finished tying the ribbon in his hair and stood up. "Shouldn't you be getting ready too?"

"I…don't know…" the boy sheepishly said. He couldn't quite put a word to his feeling of excitement.

"Silly, I put your clothes out on the bed." Fai chuckled as he pointed at the small formal clothing that had been put aside.

"Do I have to?" Toshihiko whined with a pout.

"It's a big day today and you have to look nice for everyone," Fai explained as he gathered his son's new clothes. "Come on, I'll help."

The boy playfully crossed his arms, which just made Fai laugh as he went over to help his son change. "Your face will stick that way if you do it too much. Just look at Kuro-daddy," Fai told his son as he dressed him in the robe Tsumebe had made for him to wear for today.

"Chechu…scary." Toshihiko shuddered, suddenly remembering seeing his other father angry one day.

"Hyuu~ Toshi looks handsome!" Fai clapped his hands as he cooed at how cute his son looked in the simple clothing marked with the dragon of Suwa. The boy tugged at his sleeves and looked at Fai who was all dressed up in his pale blue kimono. A large golden phoenix wounded its way around Fai's torso. The obi tied around his waist was a darker blue with gold thread woven in the stitching as well, making a nice contrast.

"Otou …hand…soum."

Picking up Toshihiko Fai kissed a round cheek. "And a charmer too."

There was a knock on their door. "Are you ready, young priest?" one of the servants humbly asked.

"I am," he called back and after looking over Toshihiko to makes sure he was clean, Fai headed out with the toddler. Instead of the usual warm summer day as it normally was supposed to be, the weather was fair. The sakura trees had finally bloomed and the courtyards were covered with the pink petals. The air was fragrant because of it and Toshihiko pointed and tried to pluck flowers off the low lying branches they passed under.

It was truly a beautiful day, Fai thought. A beautiful day for his and Kurogane's wedding ceremony.

When they arrived at the garden in the back of the grounds, Fai saw everyone sitting on pillows, waiting no doubt for his arrival. He set Toshihiko down with a smile. "Go to your grandparents. They're waiting on you."

"Hai!" Toshihiko waddled off to Toriho and Tsumebe who were sitting in the front, naturally. They were in their formal outfits as the Lord and Lady of Suwa and they both beamed, happily letting Toshihiko sit with them. Fai watched as Toshihiko frowned at having his hair ruffled by his grandfather, but paid no attention to it as he walked to the front underneath a large tree.

Just then Kurogane made his entrance to the front of the tree where Fai was standing. He was dressed in the colors of Suwa - deep red and black with a serpentine dragon curling upwards against the stark red. Fai thought it suited him rather well. It was tradition for the lord-in-waiting to wear the Dragon of Suwa on his wedding ceremony while his soon-to-be spouse wore the phoenix. In the world of Nihon, the dragon and phoenix pair represented an eternal bond with their qualities befitting each other like puzzle pieces melded together.

Fai smiled as Kurogane stood in front of him and he couldn't help but think the other must be a little embarrassed at being the center of attention. Meanwhile Tsumebe and Toriho were beaming with happiness on the sidelines. They were truly happy to see their son and Fai to enter in this bond for life after watching them grow up over the course of the last sixteen years.

In front of them stood Tomoyo who had grown into a beautiful woman while Souma, her devoted bodyguard, was among the audience. She had insisted on being the one to perform the ceremony of sorts and help as much as she could. Like many people that knew both Fai and Kurogane well, she was happy for them. It was her decision after all to send Fai to live with the Suwa Family. Tomoyo smiled brightly, glad that all those years ago her dreams had culminated into this. The miko princess eyed both Fai and Kurogane. At last, it was time to open the ceremony.

"Now that everyone's here we can get things underway. All of us have gathered here to witness the joining of Suwa's next lord and his lord consort."

Fai barely listened as she went on. While they weren't technically getting married, their union would hold the same meaning. He smiled as he heard Toshihiko ask one of his grandparents something in a loud whisper.

"Today, we also call upon the gods to witness this union," she continued. A wind seemed to pick up, scattering blossoms in the air and around the small group that was gathered there. "And now for the ritual to be performed by these two."

With that said, Tomoyo procured a lacquered box with the land's moon insignia on the cover. She opened it to reveal a neat and long red string folded and tucked on its silky cushion. "This thread symbolizes your connection to each other and that your fates are intertwined," Tomoyo informed them as Fai watched curiously. He hadn't been told exactly what would happen.

"Fai-san, Kurogane-san," she formally addressed them. "If you will, please hold out your hands."

Fai glanced at Kurogane before he nodded and stretched his hand out towards Tomoyo. Kurogane likewise placed out one of his hands. The others around them watched intently as the miko princess proceeded to tie the fine red ribbon around each of the men's fingers. Fai looked down at their connected hands curiously, thinking perhaps he should have listened a little more closely.

The princess finished tying the knots of the string around each of Fai and Kurogane's fingers. She then let go and held out her blessed prayer branch, much like the one Tsumebe used in the shrine. Fai watched as he felt magic from Tomoyo spread out over the string and he could feel something warm pouring over him because of it.

"Hear me, Gods of Nihon and protector of Suwa, Dragon of Water who soars through the heaven. I thank you for watching over and protecting these two all this time. Now on behalf of them I ask you to grant your blessings again as they form an eternal bond with their hands tied together by fate," Tomoyo said, running a course of magic in the strings.

Kurogane, along with the audience, had his eyes closed with his head bent as the strongest miko in the land issued a blessing for them both. It took only moments, but Fai felt the magic eventually fade away, telling them it was finished.

"Now that that's done, you two can kiss to seal the deal as it were," Tomoyo said, giving them a too innocent looking smile. Kurogane blinked as if he was thinking the miko princess was pulling another prank on them, notably him. Tomoyo did look rather amused as she closed the lacquered box in her hands. "Well, go on, we're waiting."

Before any of the men could react, they heard a pint-sized voice wailing. "Nooooo, don't kiss Chechu, Otou!"

All heads turned to Toshihiko who was grimacing and clasping his hands over his eyes in horror, including Tomoyo. Seizing the chance while no one was actually bothering to look, Kurogane grabbed Fai close to him and planted a very quick kiss. There, he would make sure to personally thank the boy somehow later.

"Very smooth, Kuro-tan," Fai teased as he smiled over towards their son who pouted. Toriho laughed and ruffled his grandson's hair to quiet him.

"Can't believe it," Kurogane huffed. "Tomoyo's still like that."

Tomoyo pouted at having missed her chance to see them kissing. "I suppose we can all go into the hall now to eat and celebrate. You two are to lead the rest of us."

The lady of Suwa laughed, knowing how embarrassed her son still was to be demanded to kiss Fai in front of them all and yet how he was able to do so sneakily like a true ninja. After everybody murmured their congratulations out in the open courtyard, both Fai and Kurogane led the party to the hall. Fai hooked his arm with Kurogane's own as they went into the dining hall which had already been prepared for them.

A variety of platters and dishes were filled with various foods as they took their seats at the center of the table. After everyone filed down on the table that was beautifully arranged for the very special occasion, Toriho quieted the table and held up his glass.

"To Kurogane and Fai."

There were repeats from everyone else, ranging from "To the young lord and young priest" to "Oto and Chechu!" As tradition went, Fai and Kurogane took a sip of sake from the same ceremonial goblet. After everyone took their sip following the couple's drink, the lord resumed as his wife beamed alongside him. "I wish you prosperity, good health, but most of them all, happiness."

Fai listened with a smile as he gathered Toshihiko up from his grandmother to sit with him. They served themselves and when everyone was eating, Toriho coughed to gain the table's attention.

"I think," the lord began, "now is a good time to share stories and fond memories of them." Kurogane was groaning, not liking where this was going.

"That sounds like a wonderful idea." Tomoyo looked far too enthusiastic about the idea as Suwa's lady and retainer smiled.

"If I may, I would like to start." Nobody disagreed. Not even Kurogane had the heart to stop his father from embarrassing him big time. "There were many times the people had wondered and asked me if Kurogane and Fai were destined for each other. And I admit, Lady Suwa and I had pondered about it for a very long time too. But do you know what convinced me when they could have fallen in love?"

Tsumebe could barely contain her laughter as Toshihiko ate, only half listening. "And what was that, my dear lord?"

"It was late afternoon when we brought Fai back home with us," the lord continued, clearly enjoying himself while the party was listening with rapt attention as well. "I had told Kurogane to help our guest off of the horse. Which he did, but alas Fai slipped off and fell on the poor lad."


Fai remembered that. It had been embarrassing at the time, but now it was a fond memory. "Otou really fell?" Toshihiko asked around a mouthful of cake.

"Yes he did," Toriho answered his grandson. "But I was joking. It was these things – little and big. Both of them got gravely injured at one point in their lifetime and well, it was not easy for either of them."

Toshihiko asked Fai questions then, which he gladly answered, which in turn teased Kurogane.

"That's really, really sweet," Tomoyo said.

"They were joined at the hip as children," Tsumebe informed them all with a warm smile.

"Yes, that is exactly what he and I were hoping for," Tomoyo said with a nod. And by "he", she was referring to the king of the last world Fai was forced to leave behind. Fai gave a bitter smile at the thought. Ashura had done all he could for him even after his death.

"It was what I always told them," the priestess spoke. "I always believe the two needed each other."

"Everything worked out in the end," Suwa's lord added as Fai simply listened to their guests' chat.

"Yes," the princess agreed. "It was what Yuuko-san had informed us. Hitsuzen."

"Oh not that again," Kurogane said with a sigh.

Souma sighed and pressed her hand on her forehead. "Kurogane. Even though you no longer serve Tomoyo-hime-sama, you still dare treat her like that?" Tomoyo merely laughed and told her bodyguard that it was fine while Souma still frowned.

"It's nothing to mock, Kuro-rin," Fai chided while feeding Toshihiko.

"So," Kurogane argued back, amusing pretty much everyone else in the room. "Whatever happened to choosing? Both you and I know we chose to do this."

The room was silent for a bit. "That…,"Tomoyo nearly whispered, "is the most romantic thing I had ever heard from you."

Kurogane sat there, turning as red as his kimono.

"We did, but we were given a little push here and there." Fai chuckled as he poked Kurogane's cheek. "Hyuu~ look Toshi, your Kuro-papa is blushing."

"There, there," the boy said, patting his bashful father on his elbow. Everybody except for Kurogane and him laughed at the adorable sight.

Hugging his son, Fai cooed and tickled him. "Toshi is so considerate."

"Toshihiko-kun seems very well," Tomoyo mused. "I have been speaking to the person who shares the same soul as I have in the other world and she is happy for you all as well."

"Once he got over his cold he's been as hyper as ever." Smiling, Fai brushed his fingers through his son's hair.

"I told you he would be fine," Kurogane said.

"I know. But he had a fever for days." He was just glad Toshihiko had survived the whole ordeal.

"He's a kid, that's why," the other reasoned.

"Regardless. Toshi got better." Toshihiko grumbled as he was being coddled by his father, trying to wriggle free so he could continue eating. Pretty much everyone nodded as they all looked at the youngest member at the celebration.

"He's so feisty," Tomoyo grinned. "Maybe someday he would train at Shirasagi, too?"

"Let's hope not…" Kurogane said with a smirk.

"Toshi will be trained by his Kuro-papa and me," Fai said as he relented and let Toshihiko go back to his food.

"I see then." She beamed at the boy. "And if I ever have someone who comes to Nihon again, I'll be sure to send that person over to you," she teased.

"Toshi could be like me and Kuro-tan then~" Fai cooed and the boy frowned at the idea.

"I don't want to Otou…"

"Don't want to what?" Kurogane patiently asked his son.

"To mwu mwu!" Toshihiko huffed, sticking his tongue out in disgust.

"You like it when your grandmother gives you a kiss," Fai teased and poked the toddler's stomach.

"No!" the boy whined. "Here," Toshihiko pointed to his lips. "Bleh!"

"When you're older, you'll like it," Fai replied with a chuckle.


"That's what your Chichiue said all the time," his grandfather pointed out. "But now…he does it whenever he can." So people were still spying on them, eh? Great, Kurogane thought, just… great.

All of them talked and told stories about the couple, mostly teasing Kurogane in the process. And as usual, the young lord grumbled away. All of them remarked how it will never go away and how he was very much like that as a boy, always getting flustered so easily. Fai admitted he always found that part charming, which flustered Kurogane even more. After that adorable confession, the princess grinned. Her violet eyes were twinkling dangerously again and Kurogane was prepared for any incoming disaster.

"So Kurogane," Tomoyo giggled. "What do you like the most about Fai?"

Kurogane scowled. "I never understood that question. I just…do…"

"Such a Kurogane answer," his father said with a sigh before turning back to talk the others.

Things were beginning to wind down for them now. Toshihiko had even calmed down and settled against Fai to doze. The dinner went on for a few more hours and as it became late he thanked their guests, feeling happier than he had in months. The gathering lasted for several hours total and Fai finally had to end it, at least for them when Toshihiko fell asleep in his lap. It was indeed getting late. It was arranged that Tomoyo would stay in a spare room along with Souma before setting back for the castle in the morning. Once the table was eventually disbanded, Fai and Kurogane took Toshihiko off to bed.

To the lord and lady's bedroom that was.

It seemed the boy's futon had already been set out and Fai was glad they didn't have to bother with it themselves. He tucked their son in, handing him his toy as well before he stood back up and grinned at Kurogane.

"That toy…" Kurogane said for the umpteenth time. Had been there the whole time of course. It was there since the beginning and now the two childhood friends were officially bonded for eternity under the witness of Suwa's guardian and the gods of the land.

"You'll wake him. And you're oddly sentimental, Kuro-sama." Fai grabbed Kurogane's hand and pulled him out of the room. Smirking, the blonde led the ninja towards their room. "Now it's just me and Kuro-tan."

"Finally," the other said. "No wait, I'm supposed to…"

Double checking that no one was really lurking around, he halted Fai and gingerly lifted his new lord-consort into his arms.

Fai chuckled as he wrapped his arms around the other's neck. "How romantic, carrying me to our room. You've become a gentleman in your old age~"

"I'll give you gentleman," Kurogane snarled lustfully in Fai's ear as he carried Fai bridal style into their room.

A shiver ran down the blond's spine at the way Kurogane sounded. Fai gave the taller man a playful look. "I wouldn't expect anything less, Kuro-sama."

"Do you think you could put a, you know…" Kurogane nudged his head around the perimeters of the room. He wanted to ask Fai to cast a muffling spell so no one outside could hear them. It would really give him a peace of mind.

Laughing, Fai nodded. Raising one hand his magic sprang forth in blue runes and spread out to hit the walls they were melded into them. "There, now no one can hear Kuro-chan."

"Don't you mean you?" Kurogane playfully said with a large smirk.

"Oh my, Kuro-brute~" Fai put a hand to his cheek as he feigned embarrassment.

In response, the most three wonderful words to ever grace Fai's ears tumbled out of his lover's mouth.

"Shut up, idiot." And with that, Kurogane silenced Fai once again with his lips.

Closing his eyes, Fai returned the kiss and slid his arm back around Kurogane. To think he would have someone care so much for him, it was hard for him to fathom even now. Kurogane slid Fai off of him and placed the blond on their bed, soon joining the other while their mouths were still locked together. Smiling into the kiss, the blonde moved to undo the obi around Kurogane's waist. His mind ran over the day's events, feeling light hearted and happy that he was now officially Kurogane's and Kurogane was officially his.

Bit by bit the men removed each other's clothing for the grand occasion. Discarding Fai's hair ribbon aside, Kurogane found it strange that the two went through the ceremony at all. Sure it was formality as he was the lord-in-waiting and it was important that Fai would officially become his lord-consort. But everything they had between them seemed natural from the start, even before tonight.

"Kuro-rinta looked very handsome in his clothes today." Fai smiled as he looked up into red eyes. His fingers traced lightly over tanned skin, thinking this felt almost new.

The young lord played with Fai's blonde lock, twirling it in his fingers. "And your point is…" What he meant to saw was, "You too."

"Point was, Kuro-tan looked dashing." Fai smiled warmly at the other, relaxed and comfortable.

"Right," Kurogane said, feeling rather stupid.

"Now you're just being cute, but enough talking. I'm sure you didn't ask me to put a silence charm on the room to keep people overhearing us chat," Fai said with a cheeky smile.

"Nope," Kurogane flashed a half grin, half smirk, sinking back down against Fai's body.

"Good," Fai purred, wrapping his arms around Kurogane. He could only hope the years they spent together after this were as good as they were now.

They had found each other through events that had been out of their hands as children. Fate had thrown them together from different worlds and as such Fai and Kurogane had found what they needed in each other. They had made the other happy and for Fai he had found the family he had always needed.

From childhood tragedies to finding happiness, the moment they had accepted the other from the beginning became an eternal bond.

~ And 'til the end...

It has been quite a journey of sorts for them over the last sixteen years, but of course it doesn't stop there for them. Even though this is the final conclusion for From the Beginning, there are still several short stories in a collection called And Until the End, which could be found under Tsubasa-fan's account, plus several more to come.

As for that "missing chapter" that I talked about in regards to their first time, that is still in progress. Real life unexpectedly produced conflicts, but of course I still intend to continue working on it and publish it separately.

We certainly enjoyed writing this together and we hoped you enjoy it. So thank you for reading, for following, and for the reviews.