Bellatrix sighed, ripping up the parchment before throwing it away. There really wasn't any use in writing to her family back home. Who would she write to, anyway? Andromeda didn't care for letters, or so Bellatrix assumed, because she hadn't bothered sending one to her older sister for three years. Narcissa was a horrible correspondent. All of Cissy's letters would concern the newest boy she planned to marry, despite the fact that she was only nine years old. Never once did they ask how Bellatrix was doing –quite well, thank you-, if she had made any friends- she hadn't- or if she was nervous about her Charms paper- of course not. Her parents? Why in the name of Merlin would Bellatrix write to her parents? There was only so many times she could read their uninterested replies that consisted of two sentences.

Still, it wouldn't do to just sit in the dungeons and mope. Bellatrix Black had better things to do with her time than be homesick. And it didn't make sense, either, that she should be homesick. It wasn't like she particularly liked her family. Andy always insisted that Bellatrix was acting too wild, and would rather read than throw rocks at the neighboring family of cats. Cissy used to followed Bellatrix around blindly in adoration, but once she had reached eight years old, she became more interested in being her mother's clone- the perfect, pureblood mother and wife, who cared less about magic and spells than staring at her nails in boredom.

But no matter how much she tried, Bellatrix couldn't get rid of the twinge in her stomach that came whenever she remembered her sisters. For Merlin's sake, she was even growing sad at the thought of Regulus! Regulus Black, the little twit of a three year old who delighted in vomiting all over her schoolbooks when she wasn't looking! Next thing you knew, Bellatrix would find herself pining over everyone in her family, even Sirius. And it was ridiculous to miss a five year old who would rather play with the muggle boys across the street than talk to his cousin for a few minutes.

So why should she be homesick? Andy didn't care about her, Cissy was a fool, and her parents cared more for their money than their oldest daughter. And, even worse, her cousins were complete idiots who disgraced the very Black name- an impressive feat for a three and five year old. No, this feeling was most certainly not homesickness. It was hunger, or maybe she had a headache, or perhaps it was her mind telling her that it was time to go pick on some Hufflepuff first years.

Two hours later, Bellatrix had eaten dinner, taken a potion to get rid of any potential headache, and had hexed some mudblood of a first year; yet that feeling was still there, never once going away and only growing stronger when Bellatrix returned to her room and saw Lucy Davis, a short blonde first year, gossiping about boys in a manner that just screamed 'Narcissa Black'. Bellatrix shook her head and growled quietly. What was the matter with her? She was acting weak and foolish. Those two words had never been used to describe her before, and there was no reason why they should be used now. A few twinges in her stomach did not have the right to make her act so ridiculously. Nobody had the right to make her act that way. Unfortunately, being angry did nothing to make the twinges and feelings of sadness go away, so Bellatrix sighed and decided there was only one thing to do.

Every good Slytherin knew that the one sure way to feel better was to insult other people. And if Bellatrix's family was making her feel upset, she had every right to insult them. They would feel worse, and she would be her normal, uncaring and spiteful self again.

Dear Andromeda and Narcissa,

I would like to let you know that you both are fools. Andromeda for not bothering to send me one bloody letter, and for caring more about her mystery books than her own family. Cissy, you're a fool for thinking that every good-looking boy wants to marry you just because you know how to flip your hair better than most nine-year olds can and should be. Maybe if you ignored your feelings of disturbing lust for a minute, you could notice that I honestly don't want to hear your pathetic ramblings once a week. Also, my dearest Narcissa, following mother and attempting to be the perfect pureblood woman will get you nowhere but chained up to a pathetic excuse for a man whose only good traits are that he is filthy rich and went to Slytherin in his schooldays. And Andy, since you're going to Hogwarts next year, you'd better get used to being bullied and outcast. Most Slytherins don't like little twits like you.

Kick Sirius and Regulus for me.


Your loving and caring sister Bellatrix.

Bellatrix read her letter over again and promptly threw it in the fireplace. Taking out a quill, she tried again.

Dear Cissy,

Glad to know that you're getting along well with the Malfoy boy. Yes, I'm sure he'd be willing to marry you. No, don't worry, Andy doesn't hate you because you because you threw her books in the fireplace because she wasn't paying attention to you. No, you're not a brat. Yes, I think you're prettier than Leila Zabini. Yes, mother will buy you a new dress if you ask.



She frowned. Now this letter wouldn't do either, seeing as almost every sentence was an absolute lie.

A few seconds later, Bellatrix watched the ashes of what had been her two letters burn. Three pieces of parchment wasted, one potion consumed for no apparent reason, and she had grown into a worrying little fool who missed her family. What a delightful birthday this had been.


Here's the first chapter! I hope you enjoyed this one-shot, as there will be two more to come- Andromeda and then Sirius. Please review and tell me what you thought of this! I update faster when I get reviews, and they improve my writing. Oh, and this was part of RootsOfAHotelWindow's "Homesickness" challenge.

Until next time.


ItsOnMars :)