Plot bunnies ahead!

Title: Puck: The Vampire Slayer
Rating: PG-13/T
Genre: Crossover between Buffy: The Vampire Slayer and Glee
Characters: Glee Cast Ensemble, Angel, Darla, The Master
Summary: What if the Angel/Buffy Drama never was. What if the second Hellmouth was in Lima instead of Cleveland? What if Noah Puckerman was the Slayer and he and his Glee Club friends were all that stood between the world…and total destruction? Will Angel be able to aid Noah's cause? Or will he be too late?
Warnings: Slash, Violence, Swearing, Character Death, and Sexual References

Puck: The Vampire Slayer
Episode: One
Part 4

Sam wasn't the smartest of kids.

Everyone knew this, hell, even Sam himself knew this.

But did that mean that Sam took an extra few minutes to evaluate a situation to compensate for his lack of intelligence?

No, never.

Remember, Sam Evans was not the smartest of kids; and when it came to impulses, he reacted to them impulsively. Which is why he is walking down the hallway of his school, in the dead of night, with the pretty blonde girl named Darla he met at The Bronze – The Bronze is the only teen hangout in the area, they made do.

Should he be there? No.

Is he there anyway? Yes.

Why? Because this chic has a great rack, looked like the love of his life, and liked his impersonations. Simple as.

"Sooo…" he drawls, trying to get closer to her, "this is McKinley."

Darla sent a sexy smirk his way. "You were so brave bashing in that window to get us in here."

Sam puffed himself up a bit. Yeah, he was wasn't he? And the fact that girl dug it? Bonus! "Well, you know," he said trying to flex his biceps without being too obvious, "these guns come in handy from time to time."

"Hmm, I'm sure," she practically groans out and stops in the middle of the walkway to turn to him and lick her lips slowly, lustfully.

Sam's eyes follow that questing tongue, yeah, that was hawt.

"But my real question is, what other parts of you come in handy?" She asks innocently, slowly walking towards him.

Sam swallows. Damn, she was good, even if this was minorly cheesy. It was like his every fantasy rolled into one. If only she would act like this for him. "I got a lot of stuff that's pretty handy."

Darla played with hem of her short Catholic school girl skirt, continuing her pace. Once she gets right next to his ear she moans lowly, "Show me."

Sam bites his lip and leans down to capture hers in a passionate kiss, not bothering to fight her as she backs him up against a row of lockers.

Sam wasn't the smartest of kids, but after that decision, it really didn't matter anymore…

"What-What are you?" he gasps when she pulls back with heavy lidded eyes. When he hears a hiss they open wide. "Oh. My. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!"


"Ahhhhhhhh!" Rachel screeches in a way Puck is sure does damage to her vocal chords.

He rolls his eyes, today was only the second day of school in this Podunk hellhole (literally), and he was already putting up with girly moments. His Slayer duties from the night before had been rather uneventful. He counted it as a blessing. The gravyards were almost entirely empty of fledglings and no other things were popping up to challenge him. It had been a nice switch. One even Mr. Shuester commented on in relief. So was really all that terrible of him to hope for the zen to continue into the next morning?

But Rachel was reading what appeared to be the paper and looked as if she were going to pass out. Okay, so that was different. He walks a little quicker to her locker and stands against the ones on her right.

"Hey, Rach," he greets cautiously. "What's uh, what's going on?"

She turns devastated and teary eyes his way. Well that makes his stomach do something weird, which immediately makes him frown. He's getting attached to the mousy girl in front of him with no friends. The next thing that's going to happen is he's going to care about her. Which, come on, all things considered was hard not to do. She was like an abandoned pet; she craved attention with big doe eyes and will love you unconditionally in return once you stroke her head. She was just so open and trusting. Noah liked to think, for a moment, that's how his sister would turn out.

His sister.

That's why he can't get attached. His sole focus is protecting his sister, not finding a best friend. What was wrong with him?

"Noah," she breathes as the tears begin to fall, "it's…" she hands him the paper, unable to speak.

He takes it and reads over the paragraph. Oh.

"Sam's dead?" he questions, turning his eyes back to Rachel. She's sniffling and tryin to compose herself. "I'm so sorry, Rach. I know he was your friend."

She nods and wipes her tears, "It's gonna be even worse for Finn. They grew up together. They were like brothers."

Noah reads the description of Sam's body a little more closely. No obvious signs violence besides two pinpricks in his neck near his artery.


It had to be. Sam was killed by a vampire.


On school grounds. Shit.

He was already failing at his job. It had been a quiet night, right. Quiet in the form of a seventeen year old boy getting murdered on his watch. And isn't that just the thought he needed to drive the metaphorical knife a little deeper?

"It says here it must have happened sometime after midnight," he mumbles to himself. And when he turns to Rachel he notices her confused stare, he clears his throat. "That's just, uh, pretty late don't you think? For him to be here?"

Rachel nods slowly, as if she's thinking, 'That's all he has to say?'

"It's, umm…strange?" he finishes dumbly.

Rachel sighs, taking the paper back. "It's just all so sad. Sam wasn't the nicest of guys, sure; and he had this rather odd obsession with Quinn, but he was still one of us, you know?"

"One of you?" he asks, watching as she puts the paper in her locker and pulls out her American Government text.

"Gleeks. Glee kids," she explains and shuts the door with a resounding slam. Keeping her eyes trained forward, she starts walking and Noah feels a little weird to be in the reverse role from yesterday. Following her around as if he doesn't better things to do. "We don't always get along, but we're a family. And now that he's gone, not only have we lost another member and are down even more than before, but we lost a friend." She stops and so does Noah. He swallows as she turns to him, eyes full of sadness. "I just wish there was something I could have done."

"Hey, Rachel," he says in a kind voice, "you couldn't have known. Don't start that, okay?" She sniffles. "Shit happens. And," he pauses, trying to figure out where he's going with that particular thought, before finally letting it drop. "And, I'm sure the cops are on it." Changing the subject, he clears his throat, "Look, you said he had an obsession with, Quinn was it?"

She nods. "Everyone knew he liked her. Even Finn, and he's her boyfriend; but they were okay with each other about it. Sam would have never overstepped his bounds. He might have been a jerk, at times, but his friendship with Finn was important to him. And I was always convinced it all had more to do with the fact that Quinn was head cheerio, and Sam was attracted to power." She stops and sniffles again. "But I guess none of that matters now. I have to go; I will see you at lunch."

Standing in deep thought he just agrees with her.

Huh. So there was a lot going on behind the scenes here at McKinley. Finn the star quarterback's best friend just got his neck munched on by a vampire, but said best friend was crushing on – maybe even cheating with – star quarterback's girlfriend. All the while moonlighting as a Gleek (what a strange turn of phrase) trying to appear as a bad boy that's been tamed. Something told Puck there was even more than that, and this story was about to get really ugly.

First order of business, find Finn and corner him into talking about Sam. Then, find Quinn and figure out what is really going on.

She's a cheerio. That means she pays attention to people who are cool. So do something to get her attention and pull the answers out of her.

Finally, talk to Mr. Shue about the new developments. Something's buzzing in the air even more than before. And was definitely something not good, but also definately his job to fix.

Looks like Puck: The Vampire Slayer just got his first order of Hellmouth business.

Thank you to all have been reading! I love you comments, let me know what you think of this chapter! So sorry to make Sam leave us, but as is cannon to Buffy, it had to be done. Besides, just because he's dead doesn't mean he's done. And believe me, long after this episode his character will showing up in some capacity. But next up, we meet Angel and the storyline continues to snowball. Uh-oh. LOL