Title: Someone Like You
Rating: M
Genre: Slash, Romance/Angst/Tragedy
Characters: Puck/Finn and Finn/Quinn
Summary: "Don't forget me, I beg. 'I'll remember,' you said…Sometimes it lasts in love, but sometimes it hurts instead."
Warnings: Sex, Slash, Sadness…anything Dramatic Romance Movie Related (lol)
Disclaimer: I don't own jack, simple as that.
Author's Note: Sorry this is short, but next up it will be longer. Thanks to all who have reviewed and been reading this story! I love comments and to hear what everyone thinks!

Chapter 3 ~Going Back to Where it Started
Part 1

People say that time heals the broken heart.

Well, when driving through the familiar streets of Lima, Noah wonders why that doesn't apply to him. There had been plenty of time. Ten years, in fact. And yet he still feels the wound so deep one would think it happened yesterday.

Blaine sits beside him in the passenger seat, quiet. No doubt pondering something similar, however, since he and Kurt parted on amicable terms Noah doesn't think the smaller man understands the pain in which he's carried for so long.

Lima is the same as it was ten years ago.

No real surprise there.

Same ugly houses. Same white picket fences. Same William McKinley school grounds. Probably same people and teachers.

Distantly, Noah wonders what happened to Mr. Shuester; but he doesn't think about it very long. It wasn't like Shue made an effort to keep up with him either. Which made sense, cause Mr. Shue only liked Finn.


He shakes his head and clears his throat. All of this was truly unfair.

It was cruel and intolerable punishment. He blamed Kurt for bringing him here. For luring him here. The little bastard knew that he would come. It was Finn for fuck's sake, of course he would.

But it didn't make it any it didn't make him feel any less guilty for thinking so horribly of Kurt. None of it was his fault, he was just…angry.

Pulling into their old high school, Blaine shoots him a curios look. "What are we…?" he starts but Puck's already out of the car.

Stepping onto the grass of the football field feels like a premonition. A premonition of things long since passed, and Noah is struck by the force of which it all comes rolling back to him. The games, the jokes, the side-ways secretive glances, the tears, the disappointment, the anguish…the anguish.

It all rips through him as he walks to the bleachers, tears welling in the corners of his eyes.

Blaine follows him, obviously confused. "What are we doing here? I thought we were going to the hospital?"

Noah breathes deeply, filling his lungs with the warm air, settling himself. "I needed to do this first," he whispers, eyes closing.

"Do what exactly?" his friend asks cautiously, while taking a seat beside him.

Noah looks over at him. And from the light in the paler man's eyes, he can tell he's caught on, "It all happened here, Blaine. Everything. From start to fucking finish."

They're silent for a moment, letting the wind blow. Blaine watching Noah as Noah watches the sea of green as if it were happening again. "I never really told you all of what went down, did I?" and both know it's isn't really a question. Blaine knew enough to know Finn cut their relationship off without so much as an explanation. Knew enough to know that Noah doesn't talk about it, and that was enough to know that it cut deeper than even a stab wound ever could.

"No, not really, dude," He says anyway, playing along.

Puck sighs and looks to his feet, trying to take Blaine's intense stare as nothing more than friendly comfort. "Finn and I we – " he stops, and bites his lip. Another deep breath, "We were sleeping together behind everyone's backs. He was fresh off of another break up with Rachel, and I was looking for someone to make the loneliness go away."

Blaine nods his head, but doesn't say anything.

"At first," Noah continues, "we would just meet up and get the lust out of our systems. It was nice – well – more than nice." He blushes, "It was incredible. Finn was incredible. When we were together, I felt like I had found a part of me that was…missing, you know?" He looks over, not really asking for an answer. "I didn't tell him how I felt for a while. I kept convincing myself he would leave me and what little I had of him if I did. And, realistically, I'm only ever chosen for sex anyway. I knew I had like, no chance I'd ever be good enough to be like a…boyfriend."

"You're worth a hell of a lot, Noah," Blaine said softly.

Noah's eyes welled up and he looked away. "One day," he pressed on without acknowledging that statement, "I uh, I got hurt. From football. It was during a big game and this, like, monster, of a guy tackled me from outta nowhere and I was just out of it."

"Oh my god," Blaine says, "what happened?"

"I don't really know. Like I said, the dude came from like nowhere and then suddenly I was on the ground. I remember a lot of screaming and feeling my helmet being taken off…and my head aching like an SOB, but after that it's still a blur for me." Noah takes in a ragged breath and Blaine sits transfixed. "I woke up in the hospital. Bright, white light and all the clichés of not knowing where the fuck I am, but the biggest one being Finn."

Blaine could hear the pain in his voice as he continued to speak. He felt his heart breaking for this poor guy that's been his best friend for so many years.

"He had been sitting there, apparently, a really long time. He had been the one to get to me first and travelled with me to the hospital. My mom was out of town and I was alone at the house, as usual, so there had been no one else. I remember asking Finn if I was still beautiful and he confessed his feelings for me…right there. In the hospital room."

A few tears escaped as he looked back down at his sneaker clad feet. "It was the second happiest day of my life. First being the day Beth was born."

Blaine could understand that. The birth of your child would be the happiest day of your life for anyone.

"So after that, we did more than just have sex all the time; but it still wasn't enough. I wanted everyone to be as excited as I was about my boyfriend. I wanted to be able to kiss him in the hall, or at least in Glee club…but Finn didn't want that." He says bitterly, "And I never understood why, you know? If you're happy, why shouldn't you let your friends be happy with you? I only pushed him on it once, but he told me in no uncertain terms we were not going public. Period." He sniffles, "I just learned to accept it. I mean, I loved Finn. Why wouldn't I just learn to adapt to what he wanted. He promised that after high school we'd be together for real. Went on about our safety. My safety. And like a sucker for love, I tried to believe him."

"You weren't a sucker, Noah," Blaine tries.

"Oh yes, I was," Noah snorts angrily. Biting his lip and taking a deep breath to settle his rising tears. "I really was. Graduation day came, and I thought that I would finally be able to tell everyone about us. Kurt already knew because he caught us making out in Finn's room, but nobody else did. And I thought our lives together were just about to start." More tears escaped and Noah cursed as he wiped them away. "I mean, fuck, it was a scene out of a tragic love story. Finn pulls a box out of his pocket, and my hopes and dreams shot up and then suddenly he's down on one knee in front of Quinn and my whole world is falling down at my feet."

Blaine gasps.

Noah lets off a sob, "He didn't even look at me." He cries. "He wouldn't answer my calls when I asked him why. Why he would choose her. He wouldn't tell me what-what I did wrong."

Blaine comes forward and wraps his arms around Noah from the side, offering what little comfort he could.

"I've never forgiven him for it," Noah says after sitting in silence for a while. "I know that's probably wrong, but I did nothing but try to love him. "

"I understand, Puck. I do. You didn't do anything wrong," Blaine soothed.

"I feel like I should have tried harder though. Like if I had just maybe not asked him to come out for me, then he would have – "

"No!" Blaine says forcefully, pulling him back and looking into the wet dark depths filled with pain and sadness. "You didn't do anything wrong."

Noah shook his head miserably and sat up. "Then why am I never enough?"

Blaine went to answer but then stopped. He didn't know the answer to that, because he couldn't answer it for himself either. Why Kurt would break them up when everything seemed okay. It wasn't exactly the same as Noah's story, because at least Kurt did it face-to-face, but he still understood the pain.

They sat in silence for a few more minutes, until they saw a door open and a groundskeeper step out pushing a cart.

"I guess we should probably go, huh?" Blaine asks.

Noah nodded silently, but sat still.

The ex-Warbler sighs, "Look, Noah," he says gently, "No matter what, I'm going to be with you every step of the way. Okay? Best friends, remember?"

Noah looked into the sincere face and wiped the rest of his tears away. He could do this. He had to. He owed it to himself to find some peace.