Disclaimer: I Do not own Devil May Cry, Capcom does. I only own my OC character, Alexa, as well as the plot.

Within Temptation

1. Phantom of the Opera

You're the Phantom of the Opera, you're the devil, you're just out to scare…

The rancid smell violated Vergil's nostrils as he approached further and further into the man's demonic sanctuary. What the bald headed man did in these quarters was a spiteful thing. It was beginning to irritate the elder son of Sparda. He pulled his eyebrows together in a hateful scowl. If it wasn't for the information Arkham held for him, he would have had the man's head by now, rolling in a puddle of his own blood and decomposing flesh.

Vergil ran a stiff hand through his hair, setting it in its style of messy spikes. He stood where he was in the middle of the room. Both his arms were at his side, one hand held nothing as the other clutched his father's keepsake, Yamato.

He ran a single finger along the edge of a poorly structured desk, the top filthy with dust and other smears of unidentified substances. He traced a clear line upward until he paused at the border of a book. Vergil, with a swift move with his hand, cleared the top portion of the book revealing the title: 'Soul of a Necromancer.' He touched the rough texture of the lettering before opening it up. As he did so, papers from a folder beside it fluttered to the ground, and a photograph, that was yet to be revealed, fell along with it.

Vergil eyed the photo, the blank side facing him. He bent down to pick it up, using his two fingers to do so and held it steadily between them before flipping it over. The photo was black and white, taken at a distance of a girl. Her hood was up, but the shot was taken at angle where her face was visible. She was a mere teenager, looking around the age of eighteen, with a round face and thin lips, but her fine, high cheekbones gave that edgy look to her tough image.

The photographer, who had taken the shot, didn't do a very great job of concealing himself because the girl's eyes glared back at him, dark and full of hatred.

"Pretty girl, is she not?"

Vergil dropped the photo, letting it settle with papers on the floor as he stood up. He frowned at the devilish man who appeared behind him. Vergil ignored his question, staying silent.

"She may look merely human…" The blue and red eyed man picked up the photo, "…But she has extraordinary powers, quite unique at that."

"I assume you're the one who developed this photo."

"I am no fool. I wouldn't throw myself where I could be seen. I sent one of my handymen to take this shot…a shot to die for."

Vergil stared at Arkham intently. "He's dead."

Arkham sighed, "Yes, indeed. The girl, she killed him. She isn't your typical mundane, her powers are like those of a witch…black magic." Arkham said almost passionately. Vergil shared no dying interest though. His poker face didn't falter, not one bit. He kept his character as apathetic and lukewarm as its omniscient to be.

"Your discovery does not amuse me."

Arkham's expression turned to stone. "I should apologize to you then for bringing such absurd knowledge to your ears." He proclaimed sternly.

Vergil scowled at Arkham, who began snaking through several other documents with his ugly hands. Vergil made a quick glance at the photo on the floor before taking a step forward. He suppressed the snapshot with his foot, so there appeared to be nothing known. According to everything else, he did not acknowledge it like he had seconds ago.

"What you are up to is none of my concern, but understand this, Arkham, you get in my way of my real intentions and the last thing you'll see is your life flash before your eyes." With that, Vergil marched out of Arkham's morbid crypt, leaving the photograph in the dust.

After shutting the metal door behind him, Vergil stomped up the concrete corridor, his boots clicking with each step. He spiraled upward until he got to the other entrance leading to the outside world. He cracked it open slightly, letting the breeze of the cold night air slide through. With his hand on the doorknob, he pushed the door open and took in the atmosphere of the world around him.

This filthy world, Vergil loathed. With nothing but greedy humans, and powerless men, the earth meant nothing to him. He could kill everyone on this planet if he wanted too, but he wouldn't waste his time doing so. He had bigger beasts to fry, ones that would make him powerful, and be the most superior man alive. Power, his ultimate goal and no one would dare stand in his way.

Darkness swallowed him as he walked onto the pavement and away from the flickering lights above his head. With his faithful companion held by his side, he wandered through the shadows of dusk.


Vergil glanced to his left. Frowning, he watched a lonely adolescent emerge from behind a trashcan. Thinking nothing of it, he proceeded to walk, not taking another look at her.

"Hey, wait! Don't leave me here, mister!" She skipped to him, grabbing a strong hold on the sleeve of his coat. He pushed her away, shoving her to the ground. "Owie!" The girl landed on her butt. She looked up at him with her big saddened eyes, her light hair masking one side of her dirty face.

"That wasn't very nice." She pouted.

"Don't touch me, you filthy tramp." Vergil glared at her, his eyes as bitter as a coldblooded murderer. He turned his back on her and advanced forward.

The girl, hurt by his harsh words, picked up a small metal pipe. Her fingers grazed the cold object before she tightly gripped it in her hands. She pierced a tight glare into his back and got on her feet. She took a stance ready to chuck it at him, but as she soon as she raised the pipe above her head, she found herself choking for her life.

"Ah!" Vergil had his hand at her throat. Her back pressed roughly against the brick wall behind her, and it scrapped her skin as she struggled.

"What do you think you are doing?" Vergil inquired darkly. He grasped the pipe in her hand and threw it to the side. It struck the pavement multiple times with a loud continuous rattle.

The girl seemed to be gasping for words. She sucked in some air before screaming out, "ANZU!"

A swirling portal materialized behind Vergil. From its murky, menacing appearance, a fairly massive demon revealed itself.

Vergil released the poor girl, dropping her to the ground. The girl, shaking with fear, ran for her life.

"I thought I smelled something foul." Vergil stood in front of the beast, its broad body shadowing his entire figure. New portals formed open surrounding Vergil on all sides. At the smell of fear demons appeared, and the starving hellions ran after the petrified girl. Some stayed behind, circling the son of Sparda.

"Not one of you stands a chance against me."

Vergil gripped Yamato's hilt, and the streak of his power shimmered from his blade. Dark, raven whirlpools surged like countless knifes, penetrating through the demons.

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