Yo! You dudes and dudettes may know me as the author of Whispered Pains. If not, then I suggest you read it! :) Well, this is a simple one-shot. I do not own Ghost Hunt, nor it's characters. The only thing I actually own is...my ipod? haha Anyways...on with the show!


Mai's POV:

"Why are you guys forcing me to come with you to your annual drunkfest at "Yoko's?" I don't wanna come." I annoyingly moaned while my two friends dragged me to their favorite bar in Tokyo. The cold winter air blew bitterly in my hair and stung my face and ears.

"Its not just our annual drunkfest. Its also Christmas stupid!" Michiru cheered as we turned onto another block.

"Its not Christmas yet. Its still 3 days away. Come on guys, I really need to get my homework done. Not to mention my job."

"Don't worry Mai! We called Erika-san and told her that we were stealing you for a Christmas party," Rina chimed in as she started skipping.

I sighed as I thought about my job. I work at a restaurant not too far from "Yoko's Bar and grill." "Yoko's Bar and Grill" was downtown and kinda runned down but it was pretty cool none the less. I'm waitress there, its not the best job but, its not the worst. I'm also 21 years old this year. It has been almost five years since I saw Naru-Kazuya Shibuya-Oliver Davis.

"N-Naru I-I love you," I stated, my head down, my shaky hands twisting the fabric of my skirt and my feet scuffed the cement. The sun started to rise, the morning darkness was disappearing and, so was Naru it felt like. I could tell my face was really red so I just continued to look at my fumbling hands. There was silence, if I hadn't seen his shoes in my peripheral vision I would have thought he left. I suddenly heard a frustrated sigh escape from his lips.

"Why are you so stupid Mai," my hands and feet stopped in their tracks. My eyes were bulging out of my head as I heard his words, "its obviously not me whom you love but, my brother...idiot. I'm leaving, goodbye Taniyama-san."

My heart hurt as the memory of that day flashed in my head like a movie. I suddenly felt more depressed than what I was already feeling. Michiru opened the door with a slam and pulled me and Rina to the bar.

"Swing a couple 'o' martinis this why my friend! We got ourselves a Scrooge princess here!" Michiru smiled a big dopey smile as the bartender looked from her to me and shrugged and started to prepare our drinks.

"Here ya go Scrooge," the bartender said with a cigarette tipped out of the side of his mouth. I nodded and smiled as I looked for a bathroom. I told Michiru and Rina that I was going and headed on my way. I walked towards the sign hanging from the ceiling saying "Restrooms This Way." The sign pointed to a narrow hallway with two doors, "men" and "women."

As I was walking down the hallway I kept an eye on the ground to make sure I wasn't going to trip on something like I always do.

My concentration was wavered as I bumped into a man, "oh, I'm sorry sir."

I look up to see a rather tall man, he wore a black suit with a black fedora on his head, making it impossible to see his face even though I was rather close to him. I didn't mean to be a creep but, when I inhaled I smelled his obviously expansive cologne. It was very intoxicating, and familiar.

The man just nodded and shimmied past me. Remember this hallway was narrow. Like Alice in Wonderland narrow. I shook my head as one simple thought ghosted into my mind.


One hour later.

I sat at the bar with my two stupidly drunk friends who were laughing and trying to hit on an old lady and her dog. I sighed in embarrassment. All I had was two drinks and I was perfectly fine. Them on the other hand, drank like sailors.

"Okay guys, I think its time to go. Come on, lets go," I say after Michiru tried to kiss the old woman's dog and Rina fell asleep on the woman, almost sophisticating her and taking her to the floor. I pushed Michiru and Rina to the floor and apologized to the woman. In return the woman hit me and stalked off. I angrily recovered and turned to the two drunks I called friends. Michiru was trying to get up and Rina was passed out cold. The bartender offered to help me with them but I refused and politely thanked him and payed him, all the while with Michiru singing in the background, "Mai and bartender sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N...tree. First comes baby, then...chair...wall..."

"Michiru, lets try to get Rina home okay," I say to Michiru as I start to pick her up. She just mumbled something and nodded and headed to Rina. I just agreed and picked Rina's head up, not trusting a drunk Michiru to do it knowing she would drop her head. I directed Michiru to helping me bring Rina out of the bar, which took about thirty minutes and some bruises on Rina's body...and maybe some on me too.

We rested Rina on the side of the building as I tried to find a taxi.

"Dammit. They all keep flying by! Hey, Michiru do you kno-" I turn around to see Michiru passed out next to Rina. I sigh as I kept trying to flag down a cab.

Out of no where a hand appeared over my mouth. Another hand snaked around my waist and pulled me to the side of the building and pushed me against it, my captor moved in front of me.

"Hey cutie. You got any money? If not, that's okay. You can just pay with your- OW!" I bit his hand and started to thrash around. Kicking, punching, screaming. Anything. Anything that will get someone's, anyone's attention. I felt an exploding pain to my head as my head fell down. My vision became dizzy and I couldn't think right. All I heard was a, "that's enough of that. dumb bitch."

I regained my senses a bit to feel a blade put to my neck and that he started to kiss my neck. I looked around. Help. No one is even trying to help me. People are looking but, no one is lifting a finger. Why aren't they helping? Why aren't they trying? Help! Bou-san!Ayako! John! Yasu! ANYONE! HELP ME! NARU!

The weight of my attacker was lifted and I fell to the cold ground. Tears rolled down my face as I curled up and held my hands to my neck. I couldn't see what was happening but, I knew someone was beating the man up. Someone...helped me...finally...thank you...


I opened my eyes a bit to see...light. Ow... I closed them again and notcied I was cold anymore. I actually was really warm. I curled into the soft fabric and inhaled. The scent was extremely familiar. I started to wonder where I had smelled it before. Then it hit me. The man I passed on my way to the restroom. But it seemed more...intense than that. My eyes popped open. I looked around, I was in a bedroom with white walls and black furniture. I sat up, I was in a bed. A black bed. I still had my clothed on but my coat, scarf, hat,gloves and boots were gone. A cup of hot tea was on the nightstand with a book and a little black notebook on top of the book by it. The book had a bookmark halfway through it, it was a rather large book. I picked up the cup of tea and sipped. I gagged a bit and set it back. That tea is atrocious! I then looked at the book. I gently pushed the notebook off of it and picked it up.

"" The world of Psychoanalyzing of a medium." What normal would read this," I said as I looked around to find the reader. I placed the book back onto the nightstand and got out of the bed. I walked towards the door closest with my shoes next to it, thinking it was the door out of this room. I leaned against it and heard nothing but a clock ticking the seconds. Good, its the right door.

I turned the knob and gently pushed the door open. I peeked out. No one. I opened the door fully and walked out. It was a narrow hallway, kinda like the one at the bar only nice white walls were on either side of you. There were no pictures or anything, just...wall. The floor was black wood through out the house..or condo...or apartment or whatever this place is.

I walked out of the room and looked around this was two doors through out the hallway. A bathroom and a closet I presume. I walk further down the hallway until I reached the end, where it split into a kitchen and a small living room. I look around the living room, not seeing a person but a picture on the other side of the room. I couldn't see it right but, it looked like a group of people, and one of them looked like me. I walk into the living room while keeping my eyes glued to the picture.

"You know, its rude to walk around someone's house without saying good morning to them," A voice said. I turn around.

"N-Nar-ru?" I scream. He was sitting in a chair against the wall next to the hallway I just entered from. He stood up. He was taller and still as handsome but, he had a hint of maturity to his features. He still wore a black suit but he had black socks on. His eyes were as blue as I remembered. His eyes held no emotion except interest I think.

"Hello, Mai."

He walked over to me and towered over me. I couldn't help but, stare at him in amazement and confusion. I could feel tears building up. No one spoke but, instead we just stared at each other until he broke the silence.

"I know I'm very good looking but, its very rude to stare, Mai." His eyes shimmered with amusement and mischief. All the emotions I held in for the past five years broke.

"YOU JERK ASSHOLE!" I scream and push him away finally noticing how close he was actually standing. I quickly march into the room I woke up in all the while yelling how much I hate him and how rude he was for come back.

He followed me, clearly surprised by my reaction. He walked into the room as I swoop up and grab my shoes angrily. I sit on the bed and put on my shoes, still yelling at him. His eyebrows were furrowed as he listened to my rant. I get my shoes on finally and march past him.


I march to the living room and looked fervently around, "WHERE THE HELL IS THE FRONT DOOR?" I looked at the dining room and see the door with my coat, hat, scarf, and gloves on a coat rack. I start to put on my stuff. As I do, Naru comes walking up without a word.

I continue to yell but at the end I say, "I appreciate you helping me last night. Goodbye Mr. Davis."

I open the door and walk out.

"Ma-" I slam the door. I walk quickly down the driveway. A couple of his neighbors I presume start chuckling.

"Did he pick up a pissed ex-girlfriend," one said, teasing me as they cracked up. I walked over to them and without even thinking twice I punched him with everything I had. I continued on my way, not even knowing where I was.

Naru's POV:

I stood dumbfounded by the door. That wasn't Mai. That couldn't have been. It was her. Shit, I seriously screwed things up. Dammit. I walk over to the window and watched her march down the snow covered driveway. My two idiot neighbors started to laugh as one said something. I watched as Mai without stopping just punched the one right in the mouth and walking off.

Damn, well they finally got what they deserve. This honestly can't be my Mai. She wouldn't nor couldn't hurt a fly.

I turned around and saw her neon blue hat. Forgetful idiot. I sigh as I thought of what would happened it I returned it to her.

Mai's POV:

I stormed off down the street, whipping the freezing tears off my cheek. The only thoughts running through my head was the repeating phrase "I HATE HIM!"

I finally made it to my house after an hour of walking and I go to my phone and call Michiru.


"Hey, its me, Mai. Michiru, are you alright? Are you hurt?"

"Oh, hey Mai. I'm perfectly fine besides my killer headache. Why?"

"Are you at home? Are you being stalked? Did you get attacked? Is your room mate home?"

"Whoa, whoa, calm down Mai. Yeah I'm home. Wh-what? No! I'm not being stalked! No! I didn't get attacked! My room mate? Yeah, shes home. Shes sleeping. Why? Whats going on? Are you okay?"

I sighed, "Good, good. Yeah I'm fine. I was just worried about you that's all."


"Say Michiru, how did you get home?"

"I don't know! I was drunk remember? Didn't you bring me home?"

"Oh, um...yeah I did. Sorry, I forgot. Hehehe."

"Um...yeah. Whatever. I'm going back to bed."

"Yeah, okay, night!"


I hung up and dialed Rina's number.


"Nah, this is Rina's boyfriend. Who's this?"

"This is Mai. Hey Sano. Is Rina there?"

"Hey Mai. Uh, yeah shes here."

"Oh, can I talk to her please?"

"Sorry, no. She doesn't want to get up. Shes lying on the couch."

"What? why? Is she okay? Did she get hurt?"

"Easy Mai! Shes fine! Shes okay! She just has one hell of a hangover. Thats all. Are you okay?"

"Thats good. I was just worried. What? Yeah, I'm fine. Hehehe."

"...What babe?...Oh, okay. Mai?"


"Rina says she had a good time and not to worry k?"

"Okay, thanks Sano."

"Yep, see ya Mai. Merry Christmas."

"Yep, bye-bye. Merry Christmas to you too Sano. Oh, and Rina."

"Thanks. Bye."

I hung up and stood there for a minute. Good, they're both okay. Thank God. Naru must'vebrought them home after he helped me.

I started to think how nice Naru was then shook my head. Naru is a horrible person. And he always will be.

I took off my clothes and took a shower. I put a towel on afterwards and was about to go to my room when the door bell rang.

"Who could that be?" I put my bra and underwear on and a robe and walked to the door. I opened it to see Naru standing there. I quickly shut the door or at least I tried. Naru caught the door with his foot between it and the door frame. I looked down and pressed on the door, hoping he would draw back his foot and go away forever.

"Go away Naru! Leave my alone! I hate you!" I yelled as I turned around and pressed on the door with my hands and knee. Instead of leaving he opened the door with ease. He stood in my doorway and just stared at me.

"Its rude to not invite someone into your home, Mai." His hands were in his pockets and he kicked the door closed with his foot. He then kick his shoes of very gracefully and moved to sit down on my couch. I just watched him, holding my hips the whole time.

"Yeah, well its rude to just barge into someone's home, ya know!" I yell. He didn't even turn around he just reached into his pocket and held something blue up.

"Yeah but, I was just trying to return a possession of your's." I gasp and go to reach for it. But instead of succeeding of grabbing it. I fell on the arm of the couch and he moved it so it was above his head.

"Ah, ah, ah. What do you say?" He shook his finger and looked at me in amusement. I growled a "thank you" out and lunged for it again. Failing in grabbing it again because he moved it again. Only this time I wasn't on the arm of the couch. I was more or less on Naru. On of his legs on between mine and his face was on my neck. I was flush up against him. I stopped reaching for the damn hat when he lifted an eyebrow.

I noticed our position then flushed bright red.

"P-Pervert," I mumbled as I tried to move away. As I tried to move I felt an arm snake around my waist and pull me closer to Naru's body. Naru's eyes were glowing with mischief and something else.

"Wh-whhhat are y-you d-doing? I-I hate y-you! You're a big lousy jerk you know that? How could you do this to someone? To me? Tell them they don't love you but, your dead brother. Not answer their confession then appear after five years and do this! You're horrible! I-I hate you so much!" I began to cry, even though I really didn't want to, I did. I looked down, not wanting to look at him anymore. Then I felt his arm press me closer to him until my head fell on the spot between his shoulder and neck.

His hands rubbed my back soothingly. I couldn't help but, to think this weird but cute. I rubbed my eyes.

"I hate you, you know that?" I said looking up at him. He chuckled and a smile broke out.

"Yes, I know. But I don't hate you. I actually am quite fond of you. I may say I so much as as love you, Mai Taniyama." I felt like I couldn't breathe, more tears rolled down my cheeks. Finally, I hear those words come from you.

I leaned in and kissed him on the lips. His lips were quite soft and invitingly warm. we broke apart, both breathing heavily.

"I love you too Naru." I smile as we continue to kiss.

Well? How was that? I know I know. It started to get a little R-rated towards the end but its OK now haha! :D Unless you guys want an R-rated version 'o' this...? haha well anyways review please! Thank you for reading! Adieu!