Thanks so much for the reviews, some made me laugh for about twenty minutes. I never realized how many people don't like Yamcha. Where did you all come from? LOL. So without any further ado's here's Chapter 11! ENJOY!

Chapter Eleven: Big Mistake!

"Hey Cosmo, do you happen to know where Gohan is?" Videl asked as she walked over toward his locker. It was about ten minutes to eight, and usually Gohan would be there by now but surprisingly, he wasn't. Cosmo backed away from his locker and looked up at Videl. She was taller than him and he had to squint to make sure he was staring at her. "I'm sorry, what did you say Videl? I lost my glasses and oh, geez, I need to find them. You see, they're a prescription and I can't see without them. I think I left them in my room, but I'm positive I left them in here." He said with a very high-pitched squeaky voice that caused Videl to cringe from the sound of it.

He had all of his books scattered everywhere on the floor and his locker was very junky. It looked like a zoo in there. Cosmo pulled some books out and began going through them. Shoving folders back in and taking various notebooks out. She stood there in silence, patiently waiting for him to answer her question. "Well, Cosmo?" She asked and he looked up as if realizing she was still there.

"Huh? Oh, I saw him earlier with Erasa and Sharpener. Why?" Videl shook her head. "No reason. I guess he's probably by Erasa's locker." He just nodded and continued going through his locker.

"Cosmo, your change purse is on the ground." She pointed to a small brown bag on the floor as she stepped over it. "…also, your glasses are on top of your head." Cosmo looked up crossed eyed and happily reached up to grab his purple-looking glasses. "Oh, here they are! Thanks Videl!" She only nodded and walked down the hall toward Erasa's locker. On her way there, she spotted Dr. Gero, another dean at their school. Vegeta too is also a dean, but besides him there are two other deans. When Mr. Scofield left, they needed someone to replace him and that's how Vegeta got the job. Of course, the other deans aren't as scary and fearful as Vegeta.

Dr. Gero was probably known throughout the school as the crazy dean. He was known for doing crazy and saying crazy things. Some say he has a dead body buried in his backyard because a few years back, his wife mysteriously disappeared without a trace. Some say those are just rumors while others think she just left him. Whatever happened, no one knows for sure that is, and to add on to this weird rumor is that the cops found some blood on his carpet. It looked like it was bleached as if someone made an effort to clean it up. Of course, there wasn't enough evidence to lead it back to him. So the case is now cold in the grave, like probably where his wife is.

Another odd thing about Dr. Gero is that he said crazy things. He never forgets a face or name. Literally. If you asked him a question about a kid he grew up in high school with, he would remember his middle name and everything and how he acted like and if he was alive or not. Talk about creepy. To make this an even odder person, he happened to be related 18 and 17. But they won't say how he is, saying its just a secret between them. So Krillin was probably the most uncomfortable person he ever worked with. The other dean was a short man named Supreme Kai. At least, that's the name he told everybody to call him by.

Dean Kai to be exact. He was a little less crazy than Dr. Gero. Most students tower over him including Gohan himself. But he had proved over the years that size doesn't matter when it comes to a job like his. He may be small, but he has the loudest voice in the building and takes pride in his work. Besides that about him, he has a assistant named Kibito. Kibito is bigger than him and is rarely seen without Dean Kai beside him. Why he needed a assistant, no one knew. He made it seem like he was the president the way he acted around most people, but despite this he was a very nice guy. Though they are rumors about the two.

Like some people think they're having a 'secret love affair'. They always spend a lot of time together, even after work. They never gossip about each other and seem to get along well. Of course these are just rumors. No one knows if they're true. Just like the rest of the staff here, there's probably dozens of lies out there. The reason why Videl is just now seeing Dr. Gero is because he just got back from Sliver Star High School. Him, along with Supreme Kai, were taking over for another dean there whose wife just had a baby, which caused him to leave for the first three weeks of school. Now they're back, and the fun has just ended.

"Hello, Dr. Dean Gero." Videl quickly said as she skidded past him. "Stop, little girl." He ordered and she obeyed, stopping dead in her tracks. He placed a hand out as he motioned for her to come closer to him. She hesitated before looking at him like he was crazy and stepped closer to him. "Do you know anything about Mr. Goku Son?" That caused her eyebrows to perk up. "What? I don't understand Dr. Gero, what do you mean?" He was about to answer her when he quickly backed up and said, "Forget it."

He turned to his right and was practically speed walking down the hallway. Videl looked confused when she suddenly felt strong arms wrap around her. "Hiya Videl! How ya been?" Goku asked as he tighten his grip on the small girl. She struggled in his arms before managing to say, "Oh, god. Mr. Son…my spine…" He looked at her before releasing his grip and Videl nearly collapsed to the ground if it hadn't been for quick thinking to stop herself. "There you are Goku." Chichi said as she walked next to her husband. She looked at Videl and asked, "Goku please don't tell me you hugged her. I thought I told you not to hug people. How do you think our puppy died, huh?"

"Its okay, Mrs. Son. I was looking for Gohan when I ran into Dr. Gero."

"You did? Aw, I forgot he comes back today. Great, he's not gonna be happy when he sees me."

"Why Mr. Son?"

"Well, it happened a few years ago when Gohan was a freshmen. It's a pretty long story but all I gotta say is that he might try and get even with me. Whatever you do, don't say a word to him about me. He's after me Videl. Don't let him win." Goku's face looked serious. He spun on his heel and walked toward his Honor's class. Chichi just shrugged and followed him while Videl spotted Gohan leaning against a locker talking to Erasa. His arms were crossed and he looked happy? What for?

"Hey Gohan, I didn't see ya yesterday." He looked up and gave a sheepish smile. "Oh, remember I had to tutor Gwen? That's why. Where were you?"

"I had a date with Kyle. Remember the football guy I told you about at the Pep Rally? That's who." His eyes widen with fear. "You did? Did you enjoy it?" She shifted her books to her left hand and shook her head. "Nope. Turns out the guy is a loser. So arrogant and rude." Erasa slammed her locker. "Oh, Videl tell me in AP English okay? I have so much gossip to tell you." She allowed Erasa to pull her down the hall to 17's class while Gohan followed behind with Sharpener.

"…I'm telling you something is up between those two 17." 18 said as she watched 17 lean on the door to his classroom. "18 there's nothing going on. You're just saying that so you could win the bet. It won't be long before Bulma comes storming down that hallway yelling her head off at Vegeta. Case closed and you better get ready to pay my bills."

18 shook her head. "I haven't seen Bulma at all. Do you think she called in sick?"

"I doubt it. For as long as I worked here, Bulma only called off once when Trunks came home and gave her that flu he caught from Goten, who caught it from someone in his class."

"Oh yeah, and he gave it to Chichi who gave it to Goku who gave it to Gohan."

"Talk about germs spreading. Dr. Gero and Supreme Kai are back. They're probably gonna compete with Vegeta to be the top Dean or something. I guess its time to quit." They both laughed at that and a few boys walked past to go inside the classroom. "Have you seen Vegeta? I need to fax him this stupid paperwork Broly gave me."

"Who knows 17, they might be in the janitor closet making out somewhere." He shrugged at that and Piccolo and Krillin approached them. "Hey guys. Did you hear the news?" Krillin asked and they both shook their heads. "A assembly is coming up for all the honors students." That triggered them to all sigh. Nothings more worst than another assembly. Just a way to get a group of kids in a very small room that happened to be hot at the same time. Some luck they had. "That sucks. I think I might say I'm sick or something and go home early, you with me Krillin?"

"Sorry 18, but I got a couple of honor students in my class. Can't ditch this thing."

"Aw, you suck Krillin. What about you Piccolo? You gonna ditch that day?" He shook his head and 17 smirked. "I think this is one thing we'll have to go to 18. Only time teachers can ditch these things are…actually we can't."

"I hate being a teacher." She muttered and saw Gohan., Videl, Erasa, and Sharpener go into 17's classroom. The bell rung a few seconds after that he said, "Well talk to you at third period. Until then, I got a class to teach." He slammed the door behind him and the trio separated going different ways.

"I thought I gave you the money…when you called me yesterday I did." Vegeta said as he sat down in his computer chair. In his right hand, was his cell phone while in the other hand was a sheet of paper. He looked at his phone in annoyed way and sighed very loudly for the other person on the line to hear. "Yes I'm sure. I sent it to you with my name on it…No, I'm not crazy! You're the one that's crazy because I was the one that gave it to you!" He leaned back in his chair and rubbed his temples. He had been arguing with this person for nearly thirty minutes and it seemed they wouldn't listen to him.

If they didn't listen to him, then he wouldn't listen to them and that's why they've been arguing like. "I did it and stop calling me! If you don't, I'll change this number and you can forget about me!" Vegeta paused and waited for they're answer. When he only received silence, he angrily closed his phone up. The door opened and Bulma quickly stepped in, closing the door behind her in the process. "Hi…" She said in a low voice and walked toward Vegeta. He looked up and walked toward her, and he didn't stop until his body was pressing up against hers and Bulma's back was against the wall. Both of his hands on either side of her head.

"…Listen Vegeta…we need to talk. I have to tell you something."

"Well, talk. I'm not stopping you."

"You kinda are…" She slid down from underneath him and backed away from Vegeta. She placed both of her hands on her chest and looked at him with tear-filled eyes. "V-Vegeta…what we did the other day…it was a mistake. I didn't mean to sleep with you. I was so angry and confused and I wasn't thinking. I was stupid and…" She shook her head. "We can't do this again. I know it was great and all, but its gonna be hard for me work with you after that happen. I can't do that again Vegeta."

"What are you talking about? Don't tell me you're still with that moron? I thought you were gonna break up with him because he cheated on you-"

"No, Vegeta, he didn't. I was wrong and it was all a big misunderstanding…he wasn't cheating. He…" She lifted her hand up to him to reveal the ring Yamcha gave her. His eyes widen at that. "…proposed to me…and I said yes. I'm going to marry him, Vegeta." The world seemed to stop at that specific moment. She wasn't serious, was she? Bulma was going to marry Yamcha? Why? Did she tell him what she did? The ground beneath Vegeta seemed to be spinning around and he suddenly felt dizzy. Very dizzy. He backed up and searched her facial expression. She was serious.

"If that's the case, then why are you telling me this? You'd think I care?"

Bulma left her hand in mid-air. "Yes, I think you would. I'm just telling you now so nothing like that won't happen to us again. It was wrong and we will never speak about it to any living soul. It was a stupid fling, and flings are meant to forget about. This is something to forget about." The door flung open, and Bulma and Vegeta's heads snapped to the intruder that cause the disturbance. Tarble's head poked through the doorway and he happily waved to his brother.

"Hey, 'Geta. What's going on?" Bulma hurriedly let her hand drop back down to her side, where she hid it behind her from Tarble's view. "Tarble! What…are you doing here?" They both asked and he looked confused. "I came to visit you guys, what else?" He slithered into the room and cracked the door behind him. He looked from Bulma to Vegeta, and back to Bulma. She looked like she was sad for some odd reason and Vegeta too looked unhappy. What was going on?

"Is this a bad time?" Vegeta was going to say something, but Bulma interrupted and said, "No…its not." She walked over and sat down in a chair in front of Vegeta's desk. Shrugging, he followed and sat next to her, while Vegeta sat in his computer chair. The three of them just sat there staring at each other for a few minutes. It was dead silent and it seemed that the only sounds were coming from the clock hanging up on the wall. Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.



"I wanted to tell you something."

"What is it?"

"You guys do know that you left your box in my attic, right?"

"What box?"

Bulma watched as he shifted his hands from his lap to the arms on the chair. "Well, before you guys broke up, you both left a box in my house and it has some of your stuff in it. I was cleaning it out a few days ago when I spotted it, and I didn't know if you wanted me to keep it or get rid of it."

"What was in it?" Bulma asked as she braced herself for the answer. "Some of your photo albums and a couple of baby photos. It had a few things in there for you Vegeta, like a few of your trophies and some of your jewelry Bulma. Do you guys want it back or should I get rid of it?"

"I don't recall leaving such a thing. Why, I mean, how did you get it?"

"I dunno. All I know is that its you guys."

"Are you positive its ours?" He nodded and leaned back in his seat. "Its really old based off the dust. If you want, I can drop it off at your house Bulma? It on my way back to my house."

"…I guess. Its really weird how you found that. I guess you could say, its paranormal activity."

"No such things as ghosts."

"In my head, there are."

Vegeta just rolled his eyes and rolled his chair over toward his computer. He began typing very fast as Bulma and Tarble continued their conversation. From talking about sports to about stupid things they saw on T.V. They really knew how to bore people. Vegeta snorted when he heard Tarble say, "So I walked up to this guy and you know what he did? He grabbed my hand and happily sang 'shake my hand, you're my friend because I just dug in the garbage can.' That was totally uncool. I washed my hands with bleach after hearing that. I was about to snap."

Bulma laughed. "Well, why did you let him shake your hand?" He shrugged. "Well, I gotta head back to work. This is my lunch break." He stood up and walked toward the door.

"This early? That's not even lunch, its basically breakfast."

"I know. I gotta go. Bye 'Geta, see ya Bulma." He waved and left the room with a loud BANG! Bulma looked up and saw Vegeta still typing. Curiously, she stood up and leaned over the desk to get a peek at what he was doing. "Whatcha typing Vegeta?" He ignored her and shrugged. "Aww, come on. Answer me."

"I'm doing work, Bulma. If you can possibly see that. Go away. I'm busy." He said it more like and order than a statement and that caused her to frown. "What's with the sudden attitude? Are you mad Vegeta?" He looked up from his computer at her. "No, I'm not. I am busy. Don't you have a class to teach?"

"Not till nine. I have to let the student-teacher teach my Biology class right now. I teach Chemistry at nine."

"Well, go pester someone else, okay?" She leaned over some more and before she could speak, Vegeta said, "Why did you hide the ring Bulma? When Tarble came in, you quickly hid it, why? You didn't want him to find out did you?" Bulma closed her mouth and blinked. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Cut the crap, you do know what I'm talking about. If you are engaged, then why hide it from Tarble? He is your brother-in-law."

"Correction, my ex brother-in-law. Vegeta why are you so angry? I didn't want Tarble to know, okay?"

"Bulma, I need to work. Please get out of my face, okay?"

Before turning toward the door and leaving, she gave Vegeta the meanest glare she ever gave to anyone else, and then slammed the door. Vegeta just shook his head and placed it on his desk. He sat there for a few minutes as his mind flashbacked to what Bulma said, "He…proposed to me…and I said yes. I'm going to marry him, Vegeta." How could she do this to Vegeta? Of course, he clearly remembered saying to her that it was a fling if he wasn't cheating, but the part Vegeta was sad about was because he hoped Yamcha was cheating on Bulma.

At least she would come to her senses and realize it was a mistake, right? To say yes to him? Didn't she have a conscience? Did she really think she could keep such a thing from Yamcha? This was too confusing to him. If Bulma was playing some kind of trick, then it wasn't funny, nor was it right. Now as he sat there letting his thoughts race through his head, he couldn't help but think, Maybe…she'll be more happier with him than with me…I already ruined her life as she already claims…

"Sign this." Bulma said as she threw a brownish-looking envelope in front of Vegeta. When it landed, it caused Vegeta to jump from the noise. He stared at it for a minute before asking, "What is this?" She crossed her arms across her chest and glared at him. "Its what you told me you wanted. So I got it anyway. Sign it." Vegeta picked it up and pulled out a bunch of papers that had lots of typing on it. "So you finally did it." He placed it down on the table and pointed to it. "I always wanted to file for divorce…but for you to do it on your own…that's a shocker."

"Shut up, Vegeta and sign the stupid thing. The quicker I get you to do that, then the quicker I can get you out of my life. You've screwed it up enough already." She pulled a chair out and sat down still staring at him. He began going through the thick packet and signing his name where it told him to. This process took about five minutes to do and Bulma sat there patiently watching. He finished and slid it across the table in front of her.

"Now, its your turn." He handed Bulma the pen and she picked the packet up. Her gaze looked at Vegeta and then back at the packet, as if she were trying to decide something in her mind. She sat still for awhile and Vegeta impatiently said, "Are you gonna sign the stupid thing or not?"

"I am…just give me time." She stared at it and muttered, "I'm signing this for a reason. I'm doing this for the future of Trunks. I don't want him to know about this."

"We're gonna have to tell him sooner or later."

"I know. I already explained to him about this stupid divorce crap. He understands…I just hope he doesn't get upset over this. He is only about seven. He might think…that we're playing a game together."

Bulma looked up at Vegeta and she ran a hand through her bushy blue hair. "I hope…I'm making a good choice. Considering the fact that you are the reason WHY I'm doing this."

"Bulma don't start this again. You know why we're doing this. I don't want you to start crying if I bring up THAT again. We are gonna keep this secret with us until we die. No one will EVER find out why we did this. I don't want to relive the past."

She nodded and then her big blue eyes filled up with tears. She looked up as if that'll stop them from running out of her eyes, but of course it didn't. Tears ran down her cheeks and before she knew it, she couldn't control herself from crying. Just why did he have to say that? He knew good and well that Bulma wasn't over it yet, and still that didn't stop him from speaking. He was about to reach over to comfort Bulma but she quickly put her hands up to stop him. "I-I'm fine…its best for me to get use to this…considering the fact that I'm going to be alone for awhile now."

"You know what the psychiatrist said. You can't keep beating yourself up over this. We're gonna have to get pass this."

"You don't get it Vegeta…this will probably not be something I, or even you, can get pass. I'm surprised your not crying."

"Men don't cry. It shows your weak and that you can't do anything on your own."

"So you're not upset over us doing this? Did our marriage mean nothing to you? Do you even care about this Vegeta? Do you even realize what we are about to do? Our family is breaking up and all you can care about is not crying?"

"I did not say I don't care. I'm just…" He messed his hair up (which it already is) and looked up at the ceiling as if hoping that the answer was up there. Sad to say it wasn't. What was he suppose to say? He wasn't good with these types of things. It wasn't in his nature to do and say a lot of things he's done already in the past. It was too much for him to take. Bulma finally brought herself to sign the paper and she nearly started crying again. The two stood up and Vegeta said in a low voice, "I'll call the lawyer so we can hurry up and get through this."

He looked up at the clock on the wall which read 8:13 and he shook his head. Vegeta suddenly felt angry. He didn't know why, but he was. He was angry at a lot of people, Yamcha, Bulma, himself. He just felt like punching a wall so hard that his knuckles would ache and bleed from pain. Maybe that'll help cease the pain from inside his heart. He felt very weird on the inside as well. A voice kept telling him, If you hate her so much, then why did you sleep with her? Why are you sad that's she is gone? You can't stand the site of her and yet you feel so deeply for her?

"I really shouldn't listen to this stupid voice. It doesn't know what I'm thinking right now. I'm not going to be sad over a stupid woman. If she chose Yamcha, then maybe it's the right choice. I only brought pain and hate into her world since we've been together and here I am sad that she doesn't miss or want me? Have I lost my mind? Of course I have! I don't care for that stupid woman at all! I don't care, I don't!"

Do you? You know you do. You're just saying that to deny your true feelings. Its okay to admit to your true feelings. No one will know besides yourself. Vegeta leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes. He dug into his pocket and still with eyes closed, he dialed a number on his phone and waited a moment until he heard on the other end, "Hello?"

Bulma walked into the teacher's lounge to spot no other than Dean Kai. He leaned on the counter with his arms crossed and his eyes half closed. He made himself look so cool for someone so short. "Hello Bulma, long time no see." He said in a low voice that sounded very soft. She walked past him and opened the refrigerator door. "Hello Kai. Welcome back, any students getting on your nerves yet?" He chuckled lightly at that and shook his head. "Surprisingly, no. I met the new dean, I believe his name is Vegeta, am I correct?" She nodded and grabbed a glass out of the cabinet.

"He has done amazing work for the time he's been here, and I'm really glad he had. Most students fear him and there hasn't been but two suspensions since this year started. I guess they were right about him being the new dean, and I guess you can say its an honor working with him. Although, from what I heard…" He watched Bulma turn the sink on. Her back was to him and he couldn't see her facial expression.

When she did not respond, he continued his sentence. "…you and Vegeta use to be married and now you guys are not…why?" Bulma jumped from that question. How did he find out about that? He comes back for one day and now he knows? Who told him, and why does he care? Bulma, who was holding a knife at the time, turned around and began clutching onto it very tightly. She was tempting to grab Kai by his Mohawk and slam his head into the cabinet. That'll teach him to mess with her. She placed the knife behind her back and continued to squeeze it very tightly. Even though her hand ached, her face didn't show it.

She looked at him and tried her best to speak as calmly and politely as she could. "W-why would you ask me something like? Don't you have any respect? I can never walk through this damn building without some fool walking up to me and asking me that. I try my best to forget that, but no, I can't. You stupid, ignorant people keep bringing it up. What will you possibly gain by knowing something like that, huh? There are too many people in here that have too much free time to stick their nose in other people's business."

He backed up a bit and put his hands up in defense. "I'm sorry Bulma. I-I didn't mean to offend you of any kind. I was just wanting to know because that seems to be the only thing everybody here is talking about. Its kinda like irony, you know. You and Vegeta break up and now your working together. Very ironic if you ask me."

"Well, no one asked you."

He sighed. "I'm sorry Bulma, I'll leave you alone, okay?" He didn't wait for her to reply and quickly rushed out of the lounge. Bulma let go of the knife and was surprised to see blood on the other end of it. Her blood, of course. What surprised her was that she was squeezing it very tightly and she didn't expect to cut herself that deep. She lifted up her left hand and saw a deep slash with tons of blood oozing out. She couldn't help but admire the slash. It seemed like someone tried to cut her fingers off, and if she didn't stop then they would probably be on the floor by now.

"Oh my gosh, Bulma! Are you okay?" Came Launch's high-pitched squeaky voice. She placed her stack of books down on the counter top and rushed to her side with a sad look on her face. "What happened? Did someone do this to you?"

"No…I was going to put this back into the cabinet when it slipped out of my hand…and I cut myself, on accident." It sounded very stupid, but Launch believed her. She would believe anything, even if you told her you tap-dance with an elephant and did the waltz with a gorilla. That's how naïve, or stupid you could say she was. She grabbed Bulma's hand and forced it under the water trying her hardest to wipe off the blood. It was a lot and it seemed it would never stop coming out, until it finally did. "We gotta take you to a hospital."

"Don't! I mean…don't. I'm fine. Its nothing serious. Really, it isn't. Thanks anyway Launch."

"Are you sure? I don't mind taking you."

"I'm positive. Thanks again." She kept her hand wrapped up in a lot of paper towels that Launch found on the table, saying that when she goes on her lunch break she could go to a hospital. Of course, when she left the teacher's lounge, Bulma walked straight into the bathroom and ripped it off. Only a fool would walk around like that. Bulma walked up to the mirror and said to herself, "I'm the most terrible person in the world. I hate myself so much. I hate what I've become these past years. I got so tired of being walked on and taking advantage of, that I gone and did that to Yamcha. I feel so awful. I do not deserve to live any more. I really don't.

"I only care about me and that's something nobody likes. Yamcha has done so much for me and here I am just playing with his heart. He will never forgive me for what I've done. I have this pain in my chest that won't go away and I can never look him in the eye ever again. I guess I don't have a conscience because I don't hear anymore voices telling me to do the right thing. But…what is the right thing? Am I doing the right thing, or am I doing something wrong? I wish I could just tell him…maybe if I do it now then he'll probably forgive me. I can't go through with another divorce. I just can't."

"He completely ignored me throughout the entire date, and then he asked me am I gonna pay? Could you believe that jerk? I just got up and left after that." Videl announced as she grabbed her soda can and began slurping from it. She sat at the lunch table with Erasa on her right, and Gohan and Sharpener across the table from them. Sharpener ran hand through his hair and smirked at Videl. "I told you should probably go out with me instead of that loser. Hell, I think me and you would last longer than you and Gohan."

Gohan blushed and quickly shook his head. "Look Sharpener, I really didn't want to go out with Videl in the first place…I-I…"

"Already have a girlfriend, right? You and Gwen have been seeing a lot of each other lately. Care to explain that?"

Gohan had an outrageous look on his face. He never been so embarrassed in his life. He stood up from the table and placed his hands on it. "I-I don't have a girlfriend! Why would you think of something like that?" Erasa laughed as Gohan stormed away to a vending machine and Sharpener following behind him saying, "Admit it! Admit it!" Videl crossed her arms across her chest. "He's so lying. We all know Gohan likes her…its just, I thought she liked him. Guess I was wrong."

"Are you getting an honor's award, today?"

"Yep, I know Gohan is getting about four of them, you?"

"Oh, god no. I'm not that smart!"

"Erasa its not really that hard."

"In my head it is."

Videl raised a brow at that and ran a hand through her bushy black ponytail. "I bet I'm the only senior around here with pigtails. I need a new hairstyle, think I should wear it down?"

"No, why not leave it the way it is?"

"I really want to look pretty. We are having a prom near the end of March, remember?"

"Well that's like six months away, leave it the way it is until then."

Cosmo came over toward their table and sat down with a tray of food. He reached into his pocket and happily pulled out a bottle of pills. He put three in his mouth and began gulping them down with a bottle of water. "Oh, cheese on crackers! I found out that today I've gotta get braces put into my mouth, because my dentist kept complaining about my teeth not being so straight. So I gotta go after school today. I really don't want them because my sister had them and she always told me her gums were swore and that it was hard to eat with them and that she got made fun of because of that. I really don't think they could be so bad, right?

I would love to get some green or blue ones that way I can wear matching shoes with them and that way I'll look cool, right? I mean, seriously, who loves to laugh at someone else's pain, right? I didn't want them, and its not like I asked for them, but to make it harder on someone than it already is…can be so rude and annoying. Just plain mean in my opinion. Oh, my! I've been talking for awhile now and now my throat is getting dry." He began to drink from his water bottle while Erasa and Videl watched. He dug into his fanny pack, which was pink by the way, and pulled out some Kettle Chips and placed the bag in front of Videl.

"Want one?" Videl was about to reach out to grab one when a awful smell came oozing out. It smelled like dirty gym socks mixed with a cat's litter box, mixed with rotten eggs, and spoiled milk. She placed a hand on her nose. "Oh, god! What is that nasty smell?" It didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out it was coming from that bag. Videl scooted away from him as Erasa looked at her confused. "Hey what's the matter Videl?" The nasty smell then floated near the blue-eyed girl causing her to also cover her nose. "Ewww! What the heck are you eating?" They got up from the table and backed away from him.

"What do you mean? Kettle Chips are awesome!" He began munching on them and Videl had the sudden urge to puke. She clutched her stomach and ran out of the lunch room with Erasa behind her. "Videl are you going to be okay?" She called as they left Cosmo sitting there enjoying his lunch. On their way there, they ran pass Vegeta, Dr. Gero, and Supreme Kai. "Stop running while in this hallway!" Vegeta ordered but the two ignored him and disappeared into the girl's bathroom.

"To think I was worried about the way this school is. As it turns out Vegeta, you did good for the first couple of weeks of school without us. I guess you can say your better, but…I'm the best." Dr. Gero said as Vegeta rolled his eyes. "I can't stand the site of all these teenagers. Walking down the hallway, complaining about work and relationships. Its repulsive." Supreme Kai laughed at that. "If you hate it so much, then why not quit?"

"Give me a break. I want to have a job where I can boss people around and not give a damn about it. That's the perfect job for me."

"Well, I have to say it can be annoying. Having to get here on time. That's very stressful."

"Where's Kibito by the way?"

They watched his dark eyes light up at the sound of his name. "Aw, Kibito went to go get me and him some lunch. Why do you care Gero?"

"No reason." He looked and saw Bulma come out of the girl's bathroom. She was too busy looking down at her hand to notice the three in the hallway. "There you are Bulma. Where have you been all morning?" Gero asked and she looked alarmed at his voice. Her eyes shot from Vegeta to Kai and back to Gero. "What are you guys doing here? Ditching class?" She joked.

"No, we're discussing something important. Beat it." Vegeta answered rudely. She ignored him and said, "I don't have time to play with amateurs, Vegeta. Unlike most people, I'm pretty smart for my age."

"Don't you mean pretty big for your age?"

Dr. Gero and Supreme Kai laughed as Bulma and Vegeta both glared at each other. They both looked like they were going to strangle the other. Why couldn't they just stop and listened to each other? Why did everything have to be so difficult? Couldn't they just work something out? Bulma had it with Vegeta. She angrily stormed away from him and when she was out of sight, Gero said, "Why are you so rude to her? I can tell its gonna be a long year with you two working here."

"Shut up old man. Who gave you the right to said anything about me? Stay out of our business before you end up in a coffin." Dr. Gero looked at him and shrugged as if his insult didn't affect him. He just simply turned on his heel and quickly said, "Don't worry, I've buried someone before and I don't mind doing it again." He said it so low that before they could hear him finish his sentence the bell rung, and lots of students emerged into the hallway, blocking out everything in the process. "What did he say?" Kai asked and Vegeta just shrugged. "Like I should really care. The man is obviously crazy and paranoid. I got things to do."

Trunks walked into the house and threw his backpack down on the floor. He entered into the living room and spotted an average-sized white and black box sitting on the coffee table. It looked very dusty and old. He looked into the kitchen to where he saw Bulma and Yamcha discussing something about financial things and then carefully walked toward the box. It wasn't in his nature to just go through other people's things but…well he always did this without permission. He got on his knees and reached out to grab the lid. Then he heard,

"I'm telling you Yamcha, I don't think we should jump into something this big yet. We still haven't paid off that loan from the other guy yet and now you want to buy this?" That was his mom, Bulma obviously. He then heard an odd sound as if Yamcha had swore under his breath very loudly, but inaudible for him to hear. "Bulma, I think we should at least start thinking about our wedding by now. We can pay the loans off later. Let's just think about us right now."

"I am. But I'm also thinking about Trunks too."

Trunks sat there for a moment and then quickly got bored after realizing that they weren't gonna bring him up anymore and proceeded with his current action. He lifted the lid up and his eyes widen when he realized how heavy it was, and it took most of his strength to get the top off. He gently placed it on the floor and stared at it in disbelief as how an average box was so heavy. Shaking it off, Trunks then peered down into the box and to his disappointment found only old photo albums. "I wasted five minutes of my life for this crap? What a rip-off."

Not bothering to cover it back up, Trunks went upstairs announcing, "Mom! I'll be on Facebook!" Yamcha looked up and heard rumbling above them and Bulma sighed. "We'll talk later, I gotta do something." She left out of the kitchen with Yamcha on her heels. "Where are you going?" She walked into the living room and was surprised to see the top of the box off. Trunks must've done that. Yamcha watched as Bulma curiously rummaged through the box. "Wow, I haven't seen this in awhile."

"Where'd the box come from?"

"Tarble's house. He had this in there for awhile."

"How'd it get there?"

"I honestly don't know."

She pulled out a white and blue long photo album and she carelessly flipped through the pages. Pictures of Trunks as a baby and lots of old wedding photos were in there. She couldn't believe what she had forgotten such a thing. "I'll look through this later…I gotta grade some papers." She dropped it on the table and when she did this, a small photo fell out. Bulma looked down and she was surprised to see such a thing. Yamcha saw the odd look on her face and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Nothing! I-I…got to go." She leaned down and quickly scooped up the picture along with the box and left the room. She sure is acting weird. He thought and quickly shrugged it off. Bulma went into her study with the box and sat it down on a table. She plopped down in the chair and stared at the picture. It was of her and Vegeta's wedding. She wore a long, white, silky wedding dress and her hair was down her back. Vegeta dressed elegantly in a black tux and the two were arm in arm, smiling happily at each other. As if they were the only perfect couple in the world, and they are unaware of each other getting a divorce.

"Some perfect couple…that was a stupid marriage…" She lazily sat it down on the desk and on accident, flipped the box over. The items on the inside spilled out on the floor and she cursed as she reached over to retrieve them. Some of Vegeta's trophies from high school were in there and seeing his name made her angry. She managed to place them back inside and what she saw next made time stop. "It…it…can't be…"

HOW did this get in here? I swear I thought I got rid of this! How…why, I thought… She reached out and grabbed the item and stared at it in horror. It felt like she was in a daze. A daze she tried her hardest to break out from but her mind wouldn't let her. Bulma tried to pull her eyes away from the item but it felt like her body was paralyzed. Her legs stopped working and so did her arms. Her body said run while her mind said look at it. If she did keep looking at then she'll eventually start crying, and it seems that's all that she has been doing lately.

"Hey mom, when is dinner gonna be ready?" Trunks asked from behind her, causing Bulma to jump and quickly jump up. He stood in the doorway holding his laptop and had a confused look on his face. Bulma threw the item back in the box and looked at him with anger in her eyes. "Trunks, what have I told you about not knocking before entering my study?"

"Sorry 'bout that. I was just asking."

She grabbed the box and walked over toward the closet in the room and placed it up on the high shelf. "Come on…we'll go see what we got downstairs." She rushed the small boy out of the room and closed it behind her as if in fear something bad will happen if he saw what she had.

A/N: Yay! That's the end of Chapter11! How was that? Good or what? I have a bad habit of leaving chapters with big cliffhangers and stuff like that. I guess that's what I'm good at! Sorry for not updating as quickly as I usually do, I've been busy lately and can barely find time to get to computer. I'll try to get the next chapter up ASAP! Thanks and please R&R!