Alright, someone asked for a Shizuo POV, and I was thinking of making one, had some stuff typed up,

so, here it is. I really hope it isn't a dissapointment to the previous chapter because that one was really

good. I didn't really want to copy the previous chapter, per say, so, I did this one with a slightly different

feel, or, at least it has come out like that. I hope you enjoy it and it isn't falling short of expectation.

I'll probably end up editing this like a million times, but for now, here you go.

Disclaimer: Don't own, Durarara! at all, seriously, it would just be so cool, but I don't.

Would you care if I said for you to get out of Ikebukuro only because I knew you'd deliberately come and visit?

Would you care that I never intended to kill you?

Would you care that I knew I'd break that promise I made to kill you?

Would you care if I intended to break it?

Would you care if I said I didn't really want to kill you?

Would you care that I knew you'd probably laugh at me for it?

Would you care that inside I'd be hurt?

Would you care that you're the only one close to me?

Would you care that I was more human than you think?

Would you care that I felt hurt every time you said you hated me?

Would you care that I felt slightly hopeful when you call me that ridiculous nickname?

Would you care that I learnt my hope was false?

Would you care that my punches were kisses?

Would you care that I missed on purpose?

Would you care that I let you get away only so that you could come back the next day?

Would you care that I kind of feel excited about seeing you again?

Would you care that I would never admit that...ever?

Would you care that I never really want to hurt you?

Would you care that you're the only person who isn't scared of me, at all?

Would you care if you knew you were the only person who treated me, somewhat, like a normal person?

Would you care that, even if you annoy me I can't bring myself to completely hate you?

Would you care that even if you're a manipulative flea I still care about you?

Would you care that I love you?

Heh, a manipulative bastard like you probably wouldn't. After all, you only love your 'precious humans', so, I doubt there would be any room left for me, would there? Although, if you found out you'd probably just use it to mess with me just like all those other people who you like to toy with. I'm only a form of entertainment for you, aren't I? That's all I am to you, isn't it!

I'm just a toy that you play with, admittedly a more interesting one than all the others, but, a toy all the same. Your's to play with until you grow bored or break me. I know that day won't come soon; I make sure to prevent that. I keep you back, keep you guessing, hold you off from coming too close, from playing too much because I don't want to just be used and then thrown away, it would break me more than anything.

I don't even know why I feel this way! My emotions are so confusing! You're a terrible person, horrible, manipulative and just plain evil! You parade around; ruining the lives of anyone you can get a hand on, including and especially mine. You framed me for a crime I didn't commit, made me go to jail, loose countless numbers of jobs, use violence even if I hate it, constantly harass me and make me more in debt than anyone could possibly be. How could anyone in their right mind love someone who did all that to them and more too! It's not normal! It doesn't make sense, and yet, I do. I can't bring myself to hate you, well, completely anyway. There's just something about you, something that, despite how many times you get up after injuries, you seem so frail. You'd be so easy to kill, my whole hand practically reaches around your neck, it would be so easy, and yet, I can't find myself finishing you off. When you look at me, once I finally have you cornered and you know it, that look in your eye and the honesty of the emotion through it, it makes me hesitate.

Maybe you're more human than you put out. You claim that you're above 'your precious humans', but, at times like that you just seem so defenceless and even a little scared. It's moments like those that stop me from finishing the job, allowing you to leave and live for another day. We've been like this for a while now; eight years, not that I've been counting. Admittedly I couldn't imagine how life would be without you, it's almost like I'd have no purpose. You're all I really think about, you're constantly plaguing my mind like the blood sucking vermin you are; causing me torment without even realizing or being there. It drives me mad, you do, and yet, if you were gone, I'd probably still be thinking off you, and yet, not about trying to kill you, but, of missing you. Of feeling guilty that it was my fault and my fault alone that you were gone and no longer there. I wouldn't know what to do with myself, you're the only one who treats me as if I were normal, even if it's for your own entertainment, even because I'm only some piece in your elaborate game.

I can't think of my life without you present, it would be too empty, too lonely, even with my friends, they aren't like you. It's almost as if we were made for each other, in a way. I guess if one of us exists the other would have to as well. Just like with light and dark, got to have both otherwise neither would exist; just like us.

So, accept my punches but not as punches and know that I miss on purpose. Find that I let you get away just so I hope you come around again because I can't exist without you and you can't without me. We balance each other out and I hope you know that I care, but, I can't bring myself to ever admit it, because, despite my feelings I still don't trust you, I still feel that you'll just smirk or laugh at me, mock me and call me a protozoan and that the only people worthy enough for your love is 'your precious humans'. So, I won't say anything, I'll carry on as I do, but, I know you're smart, you're an informant, so, maybe, you might start to understand over time and figure it out.

Ok, there you go, hope you enjoyed it. Reviews, comments, constructive critisim is loved, always.

Let me just thank everyone who reviewed, faved and read it, I'm so glad so many people liked it, it

really makes my day seeing someone happy when they've read my work and liked it, it's all I ask for!
