To anyone still reading:-

I'm so sorry.

I know the fandom is dead, but sobs, I love this two so much ;-; I finish all my stories even if everyone else has moved on :)

It's no excuse, but the reason I've been gone so long was due to irl, and the stupid ff who used to only store stories for 90 days? Sometimes if I remembered, I'd renew the expiry period, but I've got so busy with irl once, all my progress left forgotten...well, and they all got purged. I just gave up after that.

Ffs. Now they've gone and extend the expiry of each editable chapter to 365 days. Ffs! I'm fuming! What took them so long to implement this feature?!

Please accept my sincerest apologies. -insert nonomura crying-

Disclaimer: 'Uh... they is treating us good. Uh we are chilling and shit. I'd like to give a shout out to Ray-Ray an Big Steve and uh, send some Newports!'

31 Mar 2019

"Something good happen?" Kaito's voice broke Len out of his reverie.

"Hmm? Why'd you ask?" Len replied without turning towards his colleague as he removed the clean plates from the dishwasher.

Today, in his opinion, was mediocre. Nothing to write home about. He and Rin had morning classes and they both left home early today. He did enjoy his job, but frankly, he was just counting down the minutes till he gets off work to get some sleep and nice snuggling time with Rin.

…No, just the normal sort of snuggling. Len was utterly exhausted and he would give his left arm for some normal snuggling and sleep. But with Rin, it always became naughty snuggling. Ah. That's where all his energy went. That energy thief! As if overtime at his workplace wasn't enough, she just had to come along and make him overtime after his overtime.

Len shook his head. He couldn't remember the last time he felt so lethargic. Oh right, maybe it was comparable to the time he joined Kaito for rock climbing, sprained his upper torso muscles, and still went to work the next day. His body was still sore for the whole week after. Okay, maybe he was exaggerating. Today wasn't as bad as that, he was just really tired.

Len grabbed a white teacup off the cabinet hooks and walked towards the coffee machine. There weren't many people at the café during after lunch hours and he could afford to use some caffeine. Len breathed in deeply and tried to suppress another yawn that threatened to surface.

"Well, you've been smiling ever since you started work just now," Kaito leaned against the counter.

"I wasn't smiling, senpai," Len rolled his eyes.

"Suuuure you weren't," Kaito snickered, "Oh, could I get a latte please?"

Speaking of lattes, Len remembered the evening when he brought Rin a latte. That energy gremlin claimed that the caffeine kept her up when he was awoken sporadically throughout the night to find her lips around on his dick.

It was fun, but for the love of god, he had classes to attend, and not to mention, work!

Len then caught his reflection on the silver surface of the machine while he operated it. He blinked, a bit surprised at his own expression. He didn't even realize his lips were slightly upturned the whole time. Len feigned a cough and relaxed his face muscles. He recomposed himself before facing Kaito to pour the steaming milk into a heart shaped latte art.

"Here. Some imaginary hearts from your Meiko-san," Len teased.

"He-hey!" Kaito pouted as he sipped the frothy drink, but smiled contentedly. Kaito finally asked Meiko out and she agreed. Despite her being aggressive and harsh towards him, she actually likes his blue haired senpai. Who knew? A true tsundere, that girlfriend of Kaito's.

He has also started helping out at the store to flirt with his girlfriend more often.

Well, good job to Kaito for being so observant.

Len didn't mean to alert everyone of his chipper mood. But there was no denying that Rin was the cause.

He doesn't even remember the last time he felt, truly, happy. After leaving the family home, he became depressed and focused on his studies to distract himself. There were a few times he almost gave in and gone home but he deliberately starved himself in order to stop himself from returning to see Rin.

Len lost so much weight and his demeanour changed so drastically that one of his seniors decided to drag him into a taxi, and into a clinic. The senior also bought a weeks worth of groceries and got him a job at the cafe.

Yep. That guy was Kaito.

Len winked at Kaito. His senpai really was a great guy and too kind for his own good.

He considers Kaito some what of a best friend.

Kaito smiled back and gave an upward nod of the head, as if waiting for his answer.

Best friends or not, Len couldn't possibly share with Kaito the reason he was so tired or the reason why he was smiling to himself. Well, he can't exactly trot in to the store donning a top hat, a walking stick, a nice tailcoat and white slacks, and his tippity tappity dance shoes and announce that he spent a good portion of the week boning his sister, can he?

"It is the greaaaaatest, most increeeedible sex I've eeeeeeever had!" he would sing to the patrons of the cafe. And his jazz hands would shower attention to his nether regions while the customers would also break into a jig while linking their arms.

Greatest, most incredible.

Well, not like he had any other…experiences to compare it to.

The last…time was, when he was 20. He remembered one of his classmates (Ajinomoto or Burrito or Cinccino or whatever her name was) inviting him out for a drink after their group project had ended. He accepted since he wanted to discuss the topic further. They soon got very drunk and she brought him back to her apartment since it was closest. He had just intended to borrow her couch for the night, but it was obvious she had other ideas when she asked him out. She crawled on top of his body when he was dozing off and pulled his pants down. Her mouth was so skillful and Len was too aroused and sleepy to push her away. When she positioned herself over his body and proceeded to rub herself over his erection, Len frantically pushed her away like the plague as he came on her couch. When he left her apartment, she was already sleeping on her floor. Of course, he wiped his fluids to the best he could before removing himself as quickly as possible.

The walk back to his apartment was the most sobering and most humiliating thing he ever felt in his life. How dare he think about Rin even when he was with another woman. He cried the whole journey until he arrived at his doorstep.

It was after a few weeks of being smothered in that bog of self loathing, only did he realize he was also angry for getting assaulted in his sleep.

Suffice to say, that was the first and last time…and the only experience he wanted. He had rejected every girl who asked him out after that.

Ever since Rin came, uh, over to his apartment, not uh, during sex, but both were welcome anyway, Len felt like a changed person. He looked forward to waking up before she did and seeing her sleepy eyelids flutter open, then going in to give her a light peck near her eye. She would always instinctively close her eyes and protest, "You're kissing my eyesss, Lennn." Which reminded him why he always did it.

He had always dreaded coming back to his empty apartment, or waking up from his dreamless sleep to find himself in an empty room, void of her laughter. And now he can't wait to head home to her cheerful smile. Menial chores became enjoyable when they were together. He was thankful, even, to have her discarded clothes lying all over his bedroom floor, or her empty cups on the kitchen table. It was a sign that she was living there, and his love for cleanliness couldn't even begin to compare to the love and happiness he felt in her company.

It was as if she was reaching for his hand from within the abyss and pulling him out into the sun, over and over again; a reason for living.

He didn't name her "the reason" for nothing, eh?

Most of the time they were always bickering like siblings as if they had to compete for their parents' affections. It was nothing serious, and their verbal spats were nothing more than teasing and trying to one up the other.

Their arguments always ended up in the bedroom, or the couch, or the kitchen table, or that one time on the balcony where they were sure everyone was fast asleep, except for that one staggering, drunk guy who probably saw them scuttling away from the balcony. And who is Len to complain when the both of them thoroughly enjoyed play fighting. This must be how they came up with the proverb 'good things come in pairs'. Or something like that.

You know. Pairs as in two, as in twins. Heh.

Len mentally groaned. That was hella lame.

"Mm. You know those bath bombs with those colours?" to which Kaito nodded, prompting Len to continue, "I had a good soak last night. It was very relaxing," Len explained as he monitored the coffee machine dripping the last drops of his coffee into the cup placed under the nozzle.

He wasn't exactly lying to Kaito though. Rin ordered some unicorn colored bubble bath when she was browsing those fancy online sites, and it arrived yesterday. They both had a good soak after the sweaty bed tango, in which Rin decided to initiate sex, again.

Len shifted his weight from one leg to another. Even now, he is well aware of the bruises on his body, courtesy of Rin's fingernails and teeth, and it didn't help that his body was a little sore from the amount of exercise they both did. In all those positions. The fucking bathtub barely fit the both of them; they had to think of something.

Len couldn't help but gleam with pride when he remembered Rin complaining that her vagina was going to rip open from the amount of pounding he did.

Well, he can't wait to go home to do more of that. After a well deserved nap anyway.

Len gulped down his black coffee, hoping the caffeine would kick in soon.

His shift ends in less than two hours anyway.

Finishing work on a Friday evening.

That was a first.

His work shifts were temporarily rescheduled when Meiko announced that she had to go overseas for training. They also hired two more part timers who were also students at his university to help around the store, so now they had a roster set up to cater to all their timetables and tuition time slots.

Now he works at the library on Monday and Wednesday evenings after his school, and at the cafe from 8am to 5pm on Thursday, Fridays, and Saturdays. Tuesdays and Sundays were Len's free days.

His boss at the library, Hiyama Kiyoteru, just shrugged when Len informed him of the change in work time table.

"It was time for a reshuffling anyway," Hiyama replied, typing away at the new schedule on his computer.

Since he doesn't need to work at the library today, and he was, absolved of his duties cometh the next two hours, there was plenty of time to catch some shut eye before Rin gets home.

And when she does… fuck yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.

Len caught himself in the act this time, and he glanced around discreetly to see if Kaito saw him grinning to himself.

Said person was still oblivious; lapping up the last of his latte before setting the cup down onto the saucer.

Just then, the café doorbell tinkled.

Ah. Customer. Serious face, serious face. Len willed his mouth from curling upwards.

Len quickly put his cup of coffee into the sink and turned to greet the patron.

"What can we get for you today–Rin?" Len was surprised to see her at his work place.

She had a light blue cardigan on as the weather was a bit chilly, but she was still wearing a skirt with stockings. Women always complained about the cold, but yet when it comes to their dressing

"Len, I need your help," Rin sounded anxious; her large sunglasses couldn't really hide the obvious and pained expressions on her face.

"What's wrong? Can it wait till after work? I finish in two hours." Len was still trying to figure out what to say if Kaito asks who she was. She's my girlfriend…no. She's my sister? She's both…? She's the reason for my smiling like an We're fucking...NO! What the hell was he supposed to say?!

Upon further inspection, her face was flushed, and she was breathing heavily, as if she just ran here. What was so important that she needed to discuss with him now?

"Who's this, Len? Someone you know?" Kaito gave Rin a bright smile she almost went blind.

Rin cleared her throat and crossed her arms.

"What? Baby Len-kun here didn't tell you about his sister?" She pointed at herself and stood upright, both her thighs firm together, "Well, I'm that sister."

Okay, that works too. Simple and sweet.

"Sister? Really? Aww Len, why didn't tell me you had such a pretty sister!" Kaito replied, nudging Len with his elbow, "I'm Kaito. Len's senior at school, heh heh," Kaito nudged him again.

Stop nudging me, you turd! Len narrowed his eyes at Kaito.

"Nice to meet you, Ms…"

"Rin, my name is Rin. Nice to see that my twin brother is utterly ashamed of his own sister," Rin tsked alongside Kaito's disapproving shake of his head.

Len yelled mentally but gave a big smile. Are you guys best friends now?! The main reason he didn't bother to tell Kaito that he actually had a sister because it was difficult to explain, well, everything!

"Oh what? Wow! I couldn't tell you were twins! But I think see it now! Yes! Twins!" Rin gave Kaito a smile equivalent to his own.

"Anyway, Kaito, sorry to bother. Can I borrow him for a while? Family business," she pushed her sunglasses to look at Len through her half lidded eyes, "And I need your help. Pronto."

He shivered as he was reminded of her lewd acts the night prior.

Len didn't need to be told twice as he restrained his treacherous dick to ask his colleague politely, "Kaito, could you take over for a while? Just need to sort out some things with my…sis."

Kaito nodded, "Ah okay, Len. Sounds serious. Family stuff always is."

"I'll be quick."

"Take your time. It's not even busy now. Use the storage room. I'm just going to clean the tables in the front so you get some privacy, alright?" Kaito nodded over to a customer preparing to leave.

Len mouthed a thank you to him and Kaito gave a thumbs up before resuming his work.

Len removed his apron then took her by her wrist and pulled her, more like dragged her, towards the storage room. She was having a hard time walking, as if she had just sprained her ankle.

"Slo-slow down, Len," Rin whispered harshly.

"That's not what you said last night," he countered, earning him a small laugh, followed by a groan.

He looked back at her to find her bent forward, breathing labored.

"What's wrong? Did you hurt yourself?" Len quickly wrapped his arms around her shoulders to keep her steady and found that she was trembling.

She shook her head, removing her sunglasses, "We need to talk somewhere private. I'll explain."

He nodded and unlocked the storage room, slowly ushering her in. He propped her against the racks for support before going to lock the door. He then turned back to find her crouched over.

"Oh god, Rin. Are you okay?" Len immediately rushed and knelt before her, trying to see if there was any wound on her. He tried not to panic when he asked, "Did you hurt your foot? Do you need to go to a hospital?"

"I'm suffering so much, Len," Rin bunched up her skirt to her chest and he could see her arms trembling, "Help me remove my stockings...!"

Feeling anxious that it was more serious than she let on, Len pulled down her stockings to her ankles in one swift motion, only to reveal the cord connecting her vibrating egg to the remote control strap on her thigh.

Rin rested her upper back on the shelf behind her as she gripped her skirt tighter and spread her legs wider.

"Len...! I'm on the verge, but you fucked my pussy so raw last night that I fucking want you in me nowww."


Len's mouth gaped open in disbelief for a second but soon felt his lips moving upwards.

"The. Fuck. Rin," Len shook his head. Fucking hell, Rin.

He bit his lip to stop himself from laughing his head off, "You came here to come? The fuck, hahaha. Don't you have classes now? Fuck, Rin, you're really killing me haha."

"Morning tuition yes. But the lecture was cancelled, so I took the liberty of playing with my new toy–nnh," Rin mewled, squeezing her eyes shut as Len's mouth sucked on her inner thigh.

He hooked his fingers onto the cotton fabric and pulled it slowly down her thighs, his lips grazing her skin as if pursuing the descent of her underwear.

Len then removed the vibrating egg that was taped to her clit and slipped it in her after pulling off the tape that was coated in her fluids.

"Hmmmnnnh! Fuck me now!" Len slipped his finger out and gently rubbed her clit with her slick.

"Why don't you just play with your new toy then, hmm?"

"Fuck! You're my new toy. But I bought this before I met you, and I never had a chance to use…–ahh—Ah!" Len's tongue gave quick flicks to her sensitive clit before moving his hands to grab her ass to push his face closer, harder, towards her.

"You're so wet," he mouthed against her skin as he looked up to see her staring down at him; cheeks flushed and eyes glossy. He held her gaze as he went back to dragging his tongue on her pink, moist, lips, coaxing out her orgasm.

He knew he hit the right spot when Rin squeezed her eyes shut.

"Oh—godd," she whispered, feeling the heat spread up her body from where Len's lips came into contact with her skin.

She grabbed hold of his blond locks as she grind herself onto his open mouth. Between the vibrations caused by the egg and his sucking, she was near. But she didn't want to come without him being in her.

"Stop– Sto–Ah— Kiss me, no, Len—now, " her voice trembling, urgent. Rin tugged on his shirt and brought him up to press her lips onto his, her fingers curling into the gray fabric.

Without breaking their lips, Len's fingers crawled lower and lower, past her navel, between her legs, and rubbed in swift, pressured, circles.

Rin squealed into the kiss as she tightened her fingers on his shirt, pulling him closer. He obliged by pushing his body tightly against hers.

Despite being on the edge, Rin was extremely aware of him pressed against her thigh. In her dazed state, she manages enough strength to make some space between them.

"No, please, in me. Now. Please fuck me, Len," Rin whined as she pulled his tucked shirt upwards and tried to undo his belt, her trembling fingers going all over the place.

"Sec, let me get that," Len removed his hands from her and worked on his belt. Rin took the opportunity to hold his cock over his pants, moving her grip up and down. Len was so pent up, he had to take in deep breaths to calm himself down.

"Rin, you're going have to be quiet for me," Len stroked himself as he turned her body around, his hand guiding hers to grip the shelf before her, "The door is sturdy enough to keep in noises, but I don't want you having too much fun…"

She nodded her head impatiently and softly whimpered, "Please, fuck me now—"

He wasted no time in burying himself deep within her, his palms gripping the front of her thighs as he rut into her rough and hard.

Rin gave a quiet hnn as her head hung low on her shoulders, the curtain of her hair jerking with his movements.

She was so slick that it created wet, lewd sounds every time his hips connected with hers.

She wiggled and pushed herself against his hips, thoroughly savouring the feeling of the vibrations by the egg hitting her insides whenever Len thrust into her.

"Fuck, Rin. I can't believe," he rasped softly by her ear, "You and your fucking horny ass."

"When I'm done with you here, go home, and wait for me to come home and punish you," Len's hand moved up her body and squeezed her breasts tightly.

Rin's body tensed up and a moan started rumbling up her throat but Len quickly cupped her mouth to warn her before she could alert anyone else of the noises coming from the storage room.

He slammed into her a few more times before continuing, "I'm not going to risk getting caught just because you can't come without me. Understand?"

Rin mewled, but did not give an answer.

He bit the lobe of her ear and repeated his question, "Understand, Rin?"


She nodded her head as he circled both his arms over her waist tightly, rocking rapidly into her. She wanted to yell for him not to stop, but her voice only came out as a muted cry.

Len pressed his lips on the back of her left shoulder and sucked on her skin to mark her when Rin breathed out an almost voiceless moan.

"Ahh—ah—!" Rin clamped down on her lips as her orgasm vibrated through her body.

Her fingers tightened its curl on the large sack of lemons that she managed to grab a hold of on the racks when she felt the hot breath from Len's mouth by her neck.

She only heard him whisper a terse fuck before she felt him coming inside her.

"So…," Rin watched Len as he buttoned his clothes, "What are the lemons for?"

"Hmm. Lemon ginger tea, lemon infused water, and our secret ingredient for our fruit tea specialty. Now I've revealed the secret ingredient for the recipe, I'd have to kill you," Len smiled, giving her a sideway glance as he tucked his shirt into his brown chinos, "By the way, you better not run away from your punishment."

"Wouldn't dream of it, dear brother," Rin giggled, "What's my punishment? Death by fucking? I'd enjoy it, you know..."

Len snorted.

After showing her out through the back exit, Len headed to the washroom to clean himself up.

He told Kaito that Rin had to leave in a hurry and asked Kaito if he heard any sort of "argument" noises coming from the storage room.

"No, I couldn't hear the both of you arguing. But, just so you know the back room could even block out noises if you and your girlfriend had sex in it!" Len gave Kaito his best poker face.

Kaito laughed and continued, "I remembered the last time one of Meiko's employees was fired because he was sneaking his girlfriend in every week! I mean once is okay, but not every week! She told me that they didn't even find out until he left the door open by accident!"

All the cafe workers shared this story so many times that Len knew it by heart, but had to confirm it again anyway.

"The moral of the story is, if you're going to bring a girlfriend, well, don't be too obvious, haha!"

"...Yeah, like you and Meiko-san," Len laughed.

"H-hey, Len!" Kaito blushed, but continued in hushed tones, "Not yet, anyway! Some day she'll sneak me in, hehe. She's so wild."

"You sly dog, senpai. I'll tell her you said that."

"Nooo! Pleaseeee, she'll kill me!" Kaito begged.

"Haha! I won't. Thanks for covering for me," Len said, redoing his apron.

"No worries. Family comes first. I hope the both of you managed to solve the problem."

Len paused before smiling, "…We did. Thanks."

Rin lay in Len's bed as she thought of her trip to Len's work place.

The way he spoke to her was so hot, Rin wanted to put her fingers down her panties again.

In the month that she moved in with Len, her desire for him only grew stronger.

His words, his actions, his gaze, his body, his touches, his kisses, his everything. The intensity of their lovemaking. It just wasn't enough. She wanted more. She needed more. She needed to drown in it, with his hands wrapped around her neck, submerging her beneath the water.

And the best part was that she knew he was the exact same.

They were fucking like teenagers who had just discovered the opposite sex. Everything was a race to the finish. None of them willing to yield to the other, but only to both admit defeat in the end.

Well, that was a given, since they were both deprived of such pleasure.

If only he had fucking grew balls to actually rape her every time he thought she was asleep, she would have opened her legs and let him, and they would have fucked like rabbits already, avoiding this whole moving out mess.

But, everything worked out eventually.

She looked at the clock on the bedside table. That Len was being super late.

She had made a simple dinner and was just waiting for him to get back to eat with her.

Just then, Rin heard the keys unlocking the front door and she jumped out of bed to greet him.

"Leeeeeen, I thought you finish at fiveeee!" She whined as he walked into the apartment.

He smiled and leaned down to give her a quick peck on her lips, "Sorry, had to go into town to get this," Len unzipped his bag and pulled out a long rope, a blindfold, and a leather flog.

"Oh god, you were serious about punishing me, haha!" Rin took the flog and ripped open the plastic packaging, "You naughty brother. Trying to torture your poor sister, huh? What about the fucking to death thing?"

"Rin, for fucks sake. I've been so fucking sleepy because you seem to like pushing me to my limits after work, and you don't even go to work yourself!"

"Awww, but I'm paying you back with my body..." Rin gave her cutest smile and batted her eyelashes.

"Fuck. I have a job, Rin! I'm always doing all the work for the both of us!"

"Okaaay, next time I'll be on top, jeeez, " Rin put her arms on his neck and nibbled on his chin, "And because I'm being especially nice, I'll let you fuck me tonight...just lay back and relax, Len."

"Rin, you say as if I wasn't fucking you every other day already," he stopped her hands from roaming down his body.

Don't. Give. In. To. Her.

"Aww, teehee, don't be mad?" She pouted and tiptoed to give him quick, chaste kisses on his lips.

"Just shut up and take off your clothes," Len replied as he fetched the rope lying on the floor.

A/N: :D seme Len so moe! Cafe chapter! Woo!

A/N2: Let me know if mistakes, because lazy, thank.

A/N3: K bye!