Disclaimer: I do not own Supernatural or the characters thereof.

Warning: Established Wincest, lots of PWP at times but as Vampires. Lots of graphic language and imagery. Don't like please don't read. It gets really smutty so if this bothers you, please don't read it. I don't mean to offend anyone.

I just had to write one where our boys were vampires. I hope it came out okay. There is established Wincest in this one, so please don't read if this isn't what you're used to. It can get graphic so beware of that!

Plot: The boys are turned on a hunt and now have to adjust to life as vampires. They still want to hunt and be there for their Nest: Bobby and the others. Enter Gordon, you do remember what kind of hunter he is right? Between Sam being the AntiChrist and a Vampire, I can't help but wonder which one he'll hate more?

Please read on, it gets really interesting from here on out.


The boys were in Nebraska, a Nest of vamps. The night had not went well, the boys still had not found them yet, but they had a couple leads. It was late when they returned and cuddled together. They were too tired to make love but not too tired to kiss goodnight; falling asleep holding each other.

"We'll get them, Dean. Don't you worry." Sam said, knowing Dean was feeling frustrated with the hunt already. A Nest this large should be more obvious to find really. These bastards were nomads, kept moving and avoiding Hunters with ease. They'd killed most of the Hunters that had gone after them. The boys were the fifth set of Hunters to go after them. All the others had died so far. This scared them, but also made them more determined to kill them and destroy that Nest.

"I know. We'll call Bobby in the morning. He might be able to help with narrowing down the kill zone." Dean said, "Sleep, Sammy, it's late and we got a Hunt tomorrow to finish."

"Okay, goodnight, Dean." Sam said and closed his eyes, holding onto to Dean's arms as they wrapped tighter around them. "Night, Sammy." Dean said. Sam's warmth easing him into sleep as it always had.

It was their last night as humans.

They just didn't know it.


The vamps broke the lock quietly and stealthily approached the sleeping men. A mated pair, the Head vamp noticed. Good. They'd be a good feed, considered turning them, as well. As Hunters went, this was a rare relationship for them and as brothers, too. But Stark did not see this as an impediment to his plan. He was building an army and needed more lead vamps, these two would work nicely for the job.

They grabbed them and the men woke up, fighting them. So the vampire had no choice. He held the taller one and said, "Stay still, young one, or I'll kill him."

"If you do what I think you're going to do, it'll kill him anyway, so what's the point in not fighting?" Dean said scared and angry for Sam and himself, reaching for a weapon, any weapon. They were out of reach now; the vamps had removed them so the Hunters couldn't get to them in time.

"I meant I won't kill him painfully, sorry I wasn't clear there." Stark said, looking into the man's frantic and angry face. "You will be a good addition to our family." He touched Dean's face and turned it to examine it, smiling, fangs down already. "Him, too."

He ignored Dean's angry threats and struggles, approaching Sam now. Sam fought them hard and they finally had to restrain him, completely immobilizing him now. "Relax, Sam, this will only hurt for a moment, promise."

He ignored Sam's threats, too. Dean fought harder now but to no avail, Stark sank his teeth into Sam's neck and drank him deep, didn't stop until he was almost gone and then opened the man's mouth. Sam was unconscious by then. So Stark just used his fingers to open it and then cut a wrist, letting the blood flow in and then working Sam's throat forcing it down his throat then.

Dean watched in horror, all fight gone out of him, hate and absolute sorrow and loss filled his expressive green eyes. Stark grabbed his spiky hair and pulled his head painfully to the side, sinking teeth in and draining him now. Dean took longer than Stark had expected to pass out, once he was close to death and passed out though, Stark poured blood down his throat as well and worked it down the man's throat.

Then they carried the men out and drove off with them, leaving the door open, the bed bloody and in disarray, and the Impala sitting there abandoned, waiting for her owners. Owners now gone and not human much longer.

Morning came and Bobby got no call, so he called them, and called them. They weren't answering their phones, either of them. It wasn't like them. They knew he'd be expecting a call from them this morning. His gut twisted and his Hunter senses screamed something was wrong. He called up the stairs and the others ran down, worried.

"Something's wrong with the boys' hunt; something went wrong. We have to go!" Bobby had his weapons bag in his hand already. The others rushed upstairs dressing quickly and grabbing their already packed weapon bags, running out to the cars. Bobby locked the door and got into his car now. They roared out of the yard and headed to Nebraska, speeding down the road and not caring about getting a ticket. They just had to save those boys!

They were too late.


Sam and Dean woke up, feeling strange, fuzzy. They were hanging from chains and surrounded by people, humans. They felt a thirst they had never felt before, an overwhelming urge to…drink the others. No! They felt stronger, powerful, and so very thirsty, burning their throats now. They could hear the others heartbeats but not each other's. Their eyes met and they wanted to die as they now knew what had happened; remembering it vaguely.

Men grabbed them, cold hands. They bit them and then nothing. A cage and hanging from chains now, eyes different but the same.

"Sammy, you okay?" Dean asked and flinched as fangs hit his lip, poking it. Vampire, he was a vampire.

"No, no, I'm not. Think we've been Turned, baby." Sam said sadly, "I don't want to die…well, again." Sam cried a little now, "Don't feel evil, Dean. Still want to save these people, except…so thirsty…want to drink them, too."

"Can you fight it, Sammy? We can fight it together, still save them. Can you?" Dean asked, fighting his thirst as well. "Please, Sammy, we don't have to be evil, we don't. Fight it!"

"I can fight it. Need blood soon though. You, too. Still got that phone in your boot?" Sam asked.

"Yeah, fucker's been vibrating for an hour now. Think it's Bobby." Dean said and eyed the others. "Stay back! You stay back and we can avoid the whole drinking thing and we can save you. Get close, we'll kill you whether we want to or not. Okay? Please stay back, away from us?" Dean begged, and they nodded fearfully, going to the far corners of the cage now. Dean kicked his boot where the phone was vibrating again and it stopped suddenly, he prayed that meant that Bobby was listening now.

"Bobby, it's us. We've…fuck…been Turned but not feeding, please don't kill us!" Dean pleaded, "Plumfeld's Farm, State Road 60. Please hurry, we're chained here, don't see the others, sense about 10 of them though, head bastard is named Stark. We'll try to get unchained but I think it would be better if we stayed this way for now, so thirsty…need blood packs soon…so sorry, Bobby. Should have been more careful…still love you guys…our Nest now." Dean looked at Sam lovingly, "Mate, Sam's my Mate now, Vampire Mate. Please hurry, all the missing people are here, not Turned or hurt…yet."

He stopped talking now as he heard the vamp approaching.

Stark opened the door and saw the two new vampires hanging there, looking at him with hate and thirst; thirst they were fighting rather well, actually. Stark sighed, damn Hunters! Some were stronger than others and he just had to get the stubborn kind, just great! He unhooked them now and they stood rubbing their wrists, biding their time and fighting their thirst at the same time. The humans, true to their word, stayed far away from them now. Both boys waited as the vamp went to leave and then pounced, fighting him for all they were worth. They pulled the vamp out of the cage and managed to rip his head off all together, working together to do it. Then they tore into the other vamps and stayed in front of the cage door so the vamps couldn't get to the humans as they killed the vampires now.

They were going to pay for Turning them!


Bobby and the others found their worst fears confirmed when they got to the room. The blood alone worried them and Dean would never just leave his room open this way, their stuff was still there and the car, Dean would never abandon the Impala this way! So he dialed the phone again and again, hoping against hope they weren't hurt or worse…dead or turned, essentially the same thing really.

Bobby got the surprise of his life when he heard, "Bobby, it's us. We've…fuck…been Turned but not feeding, please don't kill us!" Dean pleaded, "Plumfeld's Farm, State Road 60. Please hurry, we're chained here, don't see the others, sense about 10 of them though, head bastard is named Stark. We'll try to get unchained but think it would be better if we stayed this way for now, so thirsty…need blood packs soon…so sorry, Bobby. Should have been more careful…still love you guys…our Nest now." Dean looked at Sam lovingly, "Mate, Sam's my Mate now, Vampire Mate. Please hurry, all the missing people are here, not Turned or hurt…yet."

They grabbed the map from their bags and searched for Plumfeld's Farm. It was marked on the map and Bobby grinned, maybe the boys weren't lost to them forever after all, Turned or not. Not feeding must take a lot of will power, something those two did not lack, not to mention the whole 'Nest' thing. They must have bonded with Bobby and them as they Turned, not to the Nest that had Turned them, impressive to say the least actually. They'd need to revise their living situation and habits but Bobby was willing to work with them; if they could hold out.

They hurried out to the farm and Bobby explained their situation to the others now. "We don't have to kill them if they stay good this way. Right?"

"Right, we should get there soon though, they may have abundant Will power and be stubborn as sin but it won't last forever. They will have to feed soon. It's the way it works." Ellen agreed, the others nodded, worried now.

They drove much faster now and prayed they got there in time.


The boys stood over the bloody corpses of the vamps and sighed, all dead but yet that left another problem…the humans were still in there. So they locked the cage and tossed the key to the people. Then headed outside to wait, hoping Bobby had gotten their message.

They sat on a tire and huddled together in thirst and pain. They searched each other for differences now and found none. They looked the same, eyes and all, eyes were a bit darker, an off-shade of black/brown because of their thirst they presumed, but otherwise they looked the same. The sun didn't burn at all. Strange, sun had no effect on them at all and their eyes felt fine. Their other senses were enhanced though; smell, hearing, and their eyesight was a hell of a lot better, too. They bet they could see in the dark now as well.

Bobby and the others pulled in soon after and ran to them, worried.

"Humans are in the cage. We locked it and gave them the key so we wouldn't be tempted to…you know." Sam explained then moaned as their smells hit him. "Fuck, you should stay away from us, too…you smell way too good not to drink. What the hell do we do now?" He sighed then shook his head. "Maybe we should just let them kill us. It's only a matter of time before drink someone. The thirst is so strong…we'll have to drink sometime and when we do, we probably will drain them dry and kill them."

"No, Sam. We can fight this. They are our Nest. We don't harm our Nest. Keep fighting it, baby…we'll make it. Trust them, I do…but you do smell really good, so maybe you really should stay away from us until we get some blood packs in us or something."

They smelled so good his teeth dropped. He breathed through his nose and forced himself to relax, mentally meditating until they went up again. He peeked at Dean to see him doing the same. Then they looked up at Bobby again. "We're fine, won't hurt you. You're our home, our Nest. No one hurts you." Dean promised solemnly, meaning every word. "Love you all."

Sam moved closer to Dean and cuddled, needing him closer for some reason. Both vampires clung together, fighting thirsts together, winning for the moment. "Mate, my Mate." Sam said softly, kissing Dean deeply, Dean returned the kiss with fervor, more than he had when they had been human brothers and lovers, "Mate, Sammy, my Mate!" Dean responded smiling.

"You boys okay? You do know you're brothers, right?" Rufus asked confused, did Vampires distinguish between brotherly love or not?

"We were lovers before this, Rufus. For several years now actually. But you're right, the brotherly stuff is fading now, can't really remember our human lives much now either. It's all blurry and fading fast but we remember you guys. You feel like ours, feel like…you are loved and belong to us, with us. Know vaguely who you are to us but not much. We just know we have to protect you, that you are our Nest." Dean said sadly, Bobby hugging him now then backing quickly off so as to not tempt their control over their thirst too much.

"It's okay, Dean. We love you boys, too. We'll be your Nest." Bobby agreed gently, the worried looks on their faces breaking his heart now. "Can you last until we get to my house? I got blood packs there."

The boys flinched as the humans came out and did their level bests to run and hide in the Impala. The smells of the Impala soothed them for some reason, Home, felt like Home. The smells of sweat, sex, stale cologne, leather seats, and gunpowder, and blood, their own mostly, soothed them like nothing else had so far. This car was their home…strangely enough. This helped them find more control. Vague recollections of childhood hit them now. They held them close, trying to hold onto what they could. Not wanting to lose everything they once knew and loved.

"Love this car." Dean said and Sam nodded in agreement, "Me, too." Sam responded back, nuzzling Dean's neck submissively and rubbing hands over his shoulders, then under his shirt to touch skin. Needing the contact, craving his Mate's closeness.

"Home." Sam said softly, and said, "Home, our Home."

"Bobby, Ellen, Jo, Ash, Rufus, Missouri. Our family, Our Nest." Sam said softly, "We love and protect them!"

"Yes, but first, we should do something else, Sammy." Dean said, laying him down in the backseat, pulling at his clothes. Neither felt anything but desire for each other now, saw no reason not to make love right now. Sam lay back on the seat, submitting to every touch while also returning them. Arching his neck for Dean to scent and claim him with his bite. "Dean…Mate…need you." Sam moaned and closed his eyes as Dean's tongue licked a line up his leg. "Yes…"

Dean kissed up his Mate's naked body now, licking and nipping with his teeth, working to his neck, stroking his dick hard. Sam lifted his hips and Dean thrust in, taking him slow then fast, biting his Mate's shoulder, marking him. Sam tilted his head and sank his own fangs into Dean's shoulder, marking him as well.

The pleasure and sensations were nothing like they had ever felt when they were together before; these were overwhelming and all-compassing, taking them over now. They fucked into and against each other, so lost in each other that they never saw the others watching them and walking away, leaving them to it.

An hour later, they emerged from the car and held hands as they approached their other Nest members. "The humans are gone, right?" Sam asked. Scenting the air to pick up their scents, he was relieved when he only smelled his Nest, no others now. He also sensed no other vamps or demons near. They were safe.

The others watched the two boys scent the air like animals, using their senses to detect threats before checking over each and every one of them; checking to make sure they were unharmed and safe. "We're okay, don't worry. Let's head home, shall we?" Ellen asked gently. The boys looked at them and seemed anxious. Eyes shifting nervously, seeking out threats, always seeking out threats. They were the Masters of the Nest; the others were trying to be the way a Nest worked for them. The boys needed them to do this for the moment.

"Yes, Home. You are Home. Impala is Home. Where is Home?" Dean asked confused, jumbled images floated to the surface and threatened to go away. He forced himself to cling to them desperately until they stopped floating away. Holding onto them for all he was worth, knowing Sam was doing the same thing. "Is that where we lived before this?" His green eyes looked confused. The others saw this and mourned all that this had cost them. They had forgotten everything but them, so much lost those boys would miss.

"Yes, I am taking you there. It was your home before…this happened." Bobby said gently, daring to approach them now. "Do you remember who I was to you?" His brown eyes searched theirs to see if they did.

The boys forced themselves to go through what they knew. He was important, special to them. For some reason. "You're Special, more important." They fought to recall him more. Him holding them, as kids. Love, felt love from him. 'Love you boys, my sons.' Floated up and they looked at him confused. "You were our Father. You loved us."

"Do you know who John Winchester is? Mary?" Bobby asked and he wanted to cry for their lost parents when the boys struggled to recall them and were unable to.

"No, who are they? Should we?" Dean asked. The names stirred nothing in them. They did not know them anymore.

"Jessica? Sam. Do you remember her?" Bobby asked Sam, Sam thought about this then shook his head.

"Should I?" He looked at Bobby for confirmation of this. Bobby shook his head.

"No, she isn't important. Do you know whose car the Impala used to be?" Bobby asked. Both boys shook their heads.

"She is mine." Dean said smugly, proudly, like the old Dean in fact. "Was always mine. She feels like Home, too…smells like she belongs to us. We belong to her."

Bobby had to admit that was true. Even when she had been John's, she had always seemed to belong to Dean. Even then.

They could remember none but those in their Nest. Even then they only knew they were important somehow, loved, but not why for the most part. Knew they had been friends; that was it. Didn't remember being Hunters at all. Everything but some basics left, all else was just gone.

"You were our…friends. Loved. Loyal to you. Know that much, not why or what we did before this." Dean explained, hating this, feeling like they were missing something. Something important. "You are our family now…our Nest. Home."

"We were Hunters, still are, so were you. We hunted together." Bobby explained.

"Hunters…humans who will try to kill us. See us a demons." Sam said, "We were like that?"

"Well, yeah, vampires are demons, Sam. They are, well, you are. We only Hunt the bad ones, like those in there. They Turn humans to bad ones, like them. They hurt people, innocent people. We protect others. You used to, too. You still do, apparently. You saved those others." Bobby said gently, the boys looked sad again.

"Not true…we didn't hurt or Turn anyone. We fought our thirst and locked them in a cage so we wouldn't drink them." Sam said sadly, "But…then again, that's not saving anyone."

"You saved them from yourselves and killed the vamps that hurt you. They would have hurt them, too, in the end. You're still Hunters, see?" Bobby said gently, trying to help them remember this part; he knew it was important they find this good part of themselves again. "You can still be Hunters. Just hide your vampirism from them. Sunlight has no effect on you apparently, so that's good. You look the same. Your eyes are a bit darker but that could be because of you being thirsty and all but your skin is warm, feels like our temperature, not cold like theirs, which is unusual but will help hide you. You don't have to be like them…you can be like you were, more or less."

"How would we hunt as vampires? We have to feed and it's not exactly steak and potatoes anymore that we eat." Dean pointed out and looked at Sam, "I would like to Hunt, do this Hunting. We could do this. Be good, help people. Don't have to be like those vamps that Turned us at all. Just have to fight drinking the humans, use blood packs and animals, can we try it?"

"I would like that." Sam said nodding but looked worried, holding their and John's journals that he had found in the trunk. "These might have information on things we would hunt." He held them out to Dean who took them, heading to the Impala now. He looked at Bobby, eyes resolute. "You stay with us, Bobby. The others follow." He was brooking no argument here. "You need to tell us where to go. We need you to tell us where to go to get to the Nest Home."

It broke their hearts that the boys could not find their way back to the place they used to be able to find with their eyes closed. It used to be the place they ran to, now they needed to be guided there, like a blind man through unfamiliar terrain. Damn vampires had taken it from them!

The drive back was tense. Both boys' eyes bled to even darker brown now, nearly black and were stiffly sitting the whole time; doing their damndest not to breathe at all. Bobby knew why and stopped the car. The others stopped as well and approached them.

"Drink. Come on. Just a little. Until we can get you home. One bite don't Turn us, we know that. We can feed you until we get home." Bobby got close to them, "Take a little from each of us for now. Just enough to take the edge off until we get you more. Maybe we'll find some cattle or something on the way. It is a day's trip after all. Just take some, please? You need it." Dean approached and sighed.

"You sure?" Dean asked, he loved these people, wouldn't it hurt them?

"We're sure. Drink a little." Bobby said and Dean nodded. Very carefully, he let his second set of teeth fall down and gently touched his neck with them. Sam approached Ellen, who bared her neck, too. The others did the same, all offering to help them.

"Be very Still. I'll try not to take too much. You move, it will make me hungrier. Please don't move?" Dean pleaded and Bobby nodded. Dean let his fangs sink in and warm blood filled his mouth, such a Heavenly taste. He'd never tasted anything so good and addictive before. He let go quickly, making himself stop before he drank enough to be tempted to want more. Then he moved onto Rufus, only taking enough to take the edge off but not fully feed at all.

Sam did the same with Ellen and Jo. No one dared move as they fed, fearing it would drive their hunger higher. Soon they stopped and the others watched their eyes bleed back to hazel and green again. Their pupils were still larger than normal but not too much so, not as noticeable as before.

Now they looked at them all and smiled, wiping their mouths off with tissues that were offered and weren't as tense as before and got back in their cars, heading to Bobby's again.

Stopping once more to feed only on a couple cattle but only for a few moments then heading out again; finally a little less thirsty now. The animal blood tasted horrible and pretty bland but they felt better and could drink more of it so they took what they could get. Two cattle mutilations to be blamed on wild animals again; they could live with that. And even if other hunters showed up to investigate it, they wouldn't be there to blame it on. That comforted them.

Soon they pulled into the yard and the boys got out. The others watched them to see how they reacted to it.

"This…this is our Home?" Dean asked, looking around. Curious and in wonder. He didn't remember it but he liked the place. "I like it." He pulled Sam close and kissed him softly, arm around his waist now, "What do you think, Sammy?" Sam looked around, too. Smiling. "I like it, too. Feels like…it could be Home now."

Neither remembered it but that was okay, too. They could make new memories now, the rest didn't matter. They let the hope of remembering more of their past lives go now. There was no more for them now. What they had now, what they remembered. This was all they had left, each other and their Nest.

They were fine with that.

Bobby let them try to get in, to see if the Vampire Wards would keep them out. They didn't. The boys walked right through them, through every trap he had like they weren't even there.

He had them try holy water, nothing happened. Dead Man's blood had no effect. Salt did nothing, per usual with Vampires. The demon knife did squat, just cut and then they healed it instantly, faster than most vamps usually did. So they did deeper cuts and damned if they didn't heal just as fast. Days passed, they tested the boys' strength and found them stronger than any vampire had ever been before; faster, too. They were vampiric but different than the other vampires as well. None of their weaknesses but all of their strengths; just magnified to the nth degree.

The boys now had to relearn a lot of what they once knew.

The others helped teach them about demons and such, using Bobby's extensive library and the journals. Which the boys read from front to back, even John's and cried, reading about their father and growing up had been rough on them, so much forgotten. The knowledge was known again once they read about something, it was retained somewhat, but the emotion for it was gone now. Lost. Confused, they accepted this fact.

Bobby started teaching them to work on the car again. Which it turns out, they had a natural inclination to, a talent really. Bobby had known this already and merely smiled when Dean told him to move and he had it now. Sam jumped in on his own and figured it out easily, too.

Weapons training was the same way. They may not have remembered the weapons but damned if they hadn't caught on quick. Their natural talents within them kicked in and they got used to them. Now they used them with practiced ease, flowing together as they sparred, like they always had. Two halves of the coin, partners in the Hunt. They may not remember Hunting but they sure hadn't lost the skill to do it. They would be okay with it now. They accepted this, too.

They however made Bobby switch bedrooms with them, taking the downstairs one and giving him their old room. This enabled them to protect the entrance to the house better, protect the Nest.
Bobby grumbled in annoyance but went along with it. It was their job to protect the Nest in their minds. He knew he couldn't change their minds so he didn't even try.

Working on their Hunting skills so that they would know when to use their new Vampire powers, and when not to, was trickier. They didn't see why they couldn't and the others had to explain that if Hunters saw them using them, they'd hunt them, and no one wanted that. So they learned to tone down their abilities at times and to use them in a hunt as well. Glad that they would save theirs and others' lives as well.

However, the only lives they really could find themselves truly caring about were their Nest members.

So they tried to teach the boys empathy and sympathy and all the others they used to have. Failing miserably in the process.

"So if we're fighting a demon and he has an innocent tied up, what would you do?" Rufus asked one day, a test of their thinking processes.

"We save you, kill the demon, then untie the innocent, of course." Sam said firmly, looking at Dean proudly. He had thought he was right on that part. He wasn't.

"No, you save the innocent then come back to help." Rufus corrected him.

"But our Nest comes first, always!" Sam said confused, the Nest was the only thing that mattered!

"Well, um, yes, we matter…not saying that. Just saying the thing could kill the person if it got through us. It's best to get them out of reach, out of harm's way." Rufus explained. They weren't getting it, he could tell.

"Got through you, as in…" Dean asked and Rufus explained again, "If it killed us or hurt us enough to get past us."

"NO!" Both boys cried out in rage, teeth falling, tensing already. "Nest! Loved ones don't die! Protect them, protect the Nest!"

Now he soothed them, explaining that was what Hunters did, risked their lives fighting monsters so innocents would live, even dying in the process. It's what they did. It did not have the effect he had intended. Clearly.

"No, save others, yes, of course. But no dying or getting hurt; we kill what hurts you!" Dean said overprotectively; apparently that was multiplied to the nth power, too. Awesome! The others groaned. "We go with you when you hunt. All of us stay together. Safer that way."

Bobby could just picture that caravan and the six of them in a cramped motel room and did not like the idea one little bit!

"We can't do that! I have my research stuff I do and the phones. I have others that call on the phones and need me to confirm their cover stories. I can't just up and leave every time one of us gets a hunt. I can't." Bobby said adamantly and added, "I'm well warded here, the only ones who can walk through my wards and traps are you two, and that's because…you're different than normal vamps, that's why."

"No." Sam said worried now. Eyes on them, "No hunting without us."

The others nodded and looked at Bobby.

"When vamps are first turned, they are Uber protective of their Nest. It gets better eventually and the members eventually move apart easier then. It's just for a few months." He apologized to the others.

"Months? We're talking Winchesters here. I get the feeling it isn't going away. They were always this way about it, especially when it came to you, Bobby." Ellen argued. She had known those boys way too well to not know this was the truth. Bobby was deluding himself again.

"Boys, others will figure out something is off about us if you do that. We can't do that." Bobby explained.

"We don't care." Dean said firmly, protective gleam in his eyes still.

He really really didn't.

Sam either.

"You have to care." Jo said sadly. She could tell they didn't; they only cared about their Nest.

"No, we don't." Sam said, just as firmly.

"Others will come after us, you, if they figured it out." Jo explained. Bobby just looked at her. He had just said that and they already knew this response.

"Then we kill them when they try to come after us." Sam said simply, as if it was as easy as that.

"No, we don't harm humans. No. Remember?" Bobby said and they looked confused, thought about that and nodded. "We remember, no hurting the humans. Don't want to hurt them but will if they hurt you." Dean said simply as well.

"Hunters are humans, Dean, we can't kill Hunters. They are our friends. Our allies. They help us." Bobby tried to explain.

"But they would try to kill us, if they knew what we were?" Dean asked, not understanding. If they were their friends and allies, how could they want to kill them? Friends and Allies didn't do that.

"Yes, to them, vampires are monsters without souls or evil souls. Most are really, you saw that for yourselves. You are the exceptions rather than the rule; you're not like them at all. It's not about if they like you; it's about the threat you'd pose in their eyes to others if they let you live. Others could be hurt if they didn't kill you, you understand?" Bobby tried to make them understand as best he could.

"But we won't, not like they think. They wouldn't even give us a chance to prove that?" Sam asked sad, upset. Dean hurried to comfort him. Bobby's heart hurt for them; it would be an even harder road for them now.

"Not most of them, no. It would be too big a risk to take." Bobby explained and the boys both looked sad. Sam walked out the door, crying a little at that; Dean followed soon after.

"Then our friends and allies are dicks and deserve to die if they come after us." Dean said softly, "That is not how friends should act toward friends; you guys know that." He headed out after that.

No one could argue with that logic. Dean was right, in his own twisted vampiric confused way, Dean was right. It just didn't change anything. Didn't make it any less true or any less unfair to them.


"Sammy, Mate, don't cry. It's okay, we're okay." Dean soothed, seething at the other Hunters a little inside. How could they be so unfair?

"I'm so monstrous now that my friends would kill me! How is that okay?" Sam asked crying in Dean's arms. "Evil! We're evil!"

"No, no, we're not. Not monsters and most definitely not evil, never that." Dean reassured him, "Evil would have slaughtered and drank the humans before, which we didn't even try to, mind you! So, no we're not evil! See?"

"But we wanted to, you know that." Sam pointed out. Okay, Dean thought, leave it up to his Mate to point out the hidden flaw in his argument on the first go. Sometimes Sammy was too smart for his own good.

"It was the thirst, not us. And we fought it, so we must be good, right?" Dean asked but got Sam's point. It was too dangerous to be around humans right now. Their thirst got out of hand around their…presences.

"I suppose. But how long can we keep doing it? What if we mess up?" Sam asked worried. Maybe they should let the others just kill them now before they did turn into monsters then.

"We won't. We'll be really careful, promise. Please, Sammy, stop crying, please?" Dean pleaded and eventually Sam did then just settled for having Dean hold him this way. It made him feel better, safer even. "We'll be careful? Promise?" Sam asked uncertainly; breathing in his Mate's scent was making him feel better already.

"Promise." Dean said in return, pulling his face up to kiss him now, showing him just how good he really was and how loved he was by Dean. "Not a monster, Sammy, could never love or desire a monster like I do you."

"Show me." Sam asked and kissed him again and again; desperate to not feel like the monster others would see him as. Needing to know he wasn't so evil that he deserved to be killed. "Please, Mate, Dean, show me I'm not evil as I feel like I am?"

"You could never be evil or monstrous, Sammy, never. Too good inside for that, even the way we are now." Dean reassured him but still kissed him until they were lying on the hood of the car. Where they quickly undressed and he kissed the man senseless again. He worked down his body, sucked him until he came. Then prepped him, lubing up with his own cum and thrusting in. He made love to Sammy as lovingly as he could manage until it got rougher, more needy and violent. The way it was now, the vampiric part making it so. They kissed harder and their bodies moved faster and deeper.

"Please, Dean…close…so close…love you!...please…fuck…touch me!" Sam moved desperately beneath him, making Dean lose it now, too. Both so close to abandoning all control and taking each other repeatedly now. Dean reached between them and stroked Sam three times, roughly tugging on his dick and then Sam was gone! Cumming with his body arching, muscles rolling, and hips thrusting up onto Dean. Sam using all his vampire strength to clamp onto Dean's dick with his body and his hands gripping his ass. Cumming harder as Dean came with him, growls and moaning loudly as they did so. Biting into each other and drinking each other as they fucked.

They lay there and soon Sam went down and sucked him again, looking up at him with those beautiful hazel eyes so full of need, "Take me again, do that to me again, please? Never stop?" Sam asked pleading. He had liked that a lot, wanted more: his body needed more right now! Dean chuckled and smiled, "Oh, Sammy, I am so going to do that!"

Then he did just that, fucking Sam for hours on their car and the others just found something else to do. Sure, they could object, and be ignored, or get confused looks as to why they had to stop to begin with. No amount of explanations would help them understand either. Vampires had sex in front of their Nests all the time. It was just the way it was. There was no changing this, so they didn't try; just found something else to do while the boys fucked the day away, uncaring who would catch them. Bobby went and locked the gate, pulling the darker gate shut behind it, too; the privacy fence he kept for the property when he wanted to keep others from seeing into it. Then headed back in to make supper for the humans and bringing up some blood for the boys in the process as well.

They heard Sam shout Dean's name again, and again, and they smiled.

Then ignored it as best they could.

At least they weren't upset or confused anymore, at least for a little while.


A showered and naked Sam sat on the lap of an equally naked and showered Dean later, kissing and lustfully eyeing each other. Getting ready for another round of marathon sex; the others could tell.

"So, I was thinking, as opposed to Hunting like we used to, that we need to change it." Bobby said, eyes not looking at them; definitely not seeing Dean's hand creeping lower on Sam's body already and not needing to see where it was going.

"To what?" Dean asked curiously. He still kissed Sam harder and stroked him hard again, wanting to suck him but deciding to wait until Bobby finished speaking. Sam still moaned pornographically as Dean sank fangs in as he stroked Sam's dick the way he liked best.

"Troubleshooting. We go in when we are needed, and only then. That way you can stay here and be safe, guard us to your heart's content, then we all go with you if called in. Or you two could split for a few, one stay here with me and the other goes with the others, that way you can still watch us. Like other vampires do. Their Nest members come and go all the time, too. You can do it, too." Bobby explained; thinking it solved both their problems.

"But…fuck, don't stop!...don't stop doing that…sexy bastard…we have more…damn that feels so…enemies than…keep that up and I'm going to fuck you right nowdon't you fucking dare stop that!...they do." Sam managed between moaning, eyes rolling back into his head, and body writhing already underneath Dean's expert attentions.

"True. But still…you can do this. This allows you and us to still hunt. I get to do my research and phone work and everyone is happy. It could work." Bobby pointed out and noticed the boys had switched places. Dean was on Sam's lap now, straddling it. His hand going to Sam's…okay, not looking anymore. Loud moans followed as he looked up to see Dean riding Sam and they both looked at him with those calm vampiric stares.

"Okay, we'll try it. It's a good idea. Let the others know." Dean said and then moaned again as Sam pulled his hips down again, impaling Dean onto his dick now. Dean's head fell back and he moaned louder now as Sam and he moved deeper and faster against each other now.

Bobby fled the study and shut the door behind him, keeping it cracked so the boys could still see them if they got paranoid about it. Which he knew they would so he was being careful. He heard a crash and a thud and now he heard loud cries of pleasure, too. He peeked in to make sure they were okay.

Sam had Dean's arms pinned over his head with one hand, working his dick and body with the other; pounding the hell out of the man's body with his own. Dean writhed and arched under him, kissing him and they drank each other's blood freely now through bites to their necks and shoulders. Bloody, Violent sex, on his study floor; that was what they were doing. Bobby quickly moved from the door and fled to the living room, turning up the TV to block some of the sounds of their sex…again.

"Sammy, gah, Sammy, yeah, yeah! Right there! Fuck me good!" Echoed from the study and through the house, and Bobby groaned, giving up on drowning them out. So he settled for ignoring them again and playing poker with the others until the lovebirds were done.

Sadly, this plan had one flaw.

One major crippling flaw.

These boys had stamina. Stamina that made rabbits flee in shame.

They fucked all night, and most of the morning, mostly Sam fucking Dean; then later in the morning, Dean fucking Sam…over and over!

They eventually gave up trying to ignore them and started placing bets on the number of orgasms they would have and began to actually keep count, or how many times Dean called out Sam's name or Sam called out Dean's, or any number of things they were currently doing. They made it a game and soon it didn't faze them that the boys were having sex this way; pretty much shamelessly fucking in front of them now. It would be normal now; they just had to desensitize themselves to it. Which, by that afternoon, they had finally managed to do just that. Even the nudity didn't bother them that much; they just didn't look at them when they were like that. They were sure they would get used to that, too… eventually.

In the meantime, they did their jobs. Research and phone work.

The Hunters in the group itched to go on a hunt but decided to wait. No one wanted to pull the whole Nest with them right now. So others got the jobs and they waited until they were called in for emergency help.

Later that afternoon, the boys went to their room and slept, cuddling close and smiling contentedly.

With the door open, of course, to hear and see everything that was going on, even as they slept, their senses on high alert at all times now. "Love you, Dean. My Mate." Sam said sleepily.

"Love you, too, Sammy, my Mate." Dean said and they became lethargic and slept their vampiric sleep now; their souls still so light under their dark curses now; keeping them good and not letting them be monsters.

The others looked at them fondly and went back to doing what they were doing.

The house was quiet now.

And Bobby counted his I.O.U's. He'd known them boys too well so he'd won most of the betting earlier.

He also was the only one that had known they had been lovers for years now; not just brothers.

He had just kept that little secret to himself over the years; it was nobody's business what those boys did in private. At least they had been happy. Still were and would stay that way; if he had a say in it.

Those boys may have been Turned into vampires.

But they weren't monsters.

They were still good vampires.


Somewhere in a bar, the black man went over his findings. A fire, omens, deaths, atmospheric disturbances. All there.

Samuel Winchester. At the middle of it all.

It had to be him.


Was he the AntiChrist?

Gordon had to find out.

But first…he had to find him.

He knew just where to start, too.


(A few days later)

Bobby cringed as the boys went from cuddling to ready to attack whatever was outside the door in one second flat. Bobby opened the door a crack and looked.

It was Gordon. With a grin on his face. A very evil grin.

Bobby had to wonder what the psychotic Hunter was doing here since he'd long been banned by Bobby from his property; at gunpoint, of course. He also considered throwing open the door and letting the boys kill the bastard.

Gordon hated Sam. Bobby knew that. Thought he was the Antichrist. So he probably was looking for where they might be by coming here. Probably willing to torture to get it, too. Gordon had that look in his eyes. He was probably looking for Sam.

Who was currently on the other side of the door; ready to kill the man.

Gordon was a Vampire Hunter and the boys were Vampires. Hence Bobby realized he had a dilemma on his hands. Not a huge one really. He had an idea how to fix it. He palmed the gun in his waistband and opened the door; holding a hand out for the boys to hold off. Ellen tugged them to the kitchen and shut the doors to a crack to keep an eye out. The boys let her and still thought they should kill the Human, since he smelled of a danger to them and their home, to their Nest, but knew they weren't supposed to; unless he threatened their Nest. They just got ready to do it if that happened.

Gordon walked in, looking around, looking for the boys. Bobby stepped back and held the gun on the man. Gordon looked at him and grinned wider; rather like a shark. Bobby itched to shoot the guy.

"Whoa, whoa, just looking for the Winchesters, Bobby. Need their help with a case. That's all. And you say I'm paranoid." Gordon said good-naturedly. "Seen them?"

'Sure, they're right on the other side of that door, ready to kill you.' sprang to mind but Bobby didn't say it. Instead he said, "Heard they were in Idaho. Haven't heard from them for days now. They should be calling soon enough, I'll tell them you were looking for their help and have them call you."

Gordon didn't buy the lie but Bobby didn't really care. He wanted him off his property right now.

Gordon approached him and Bobby thumbed back the hammer on his gun and pressed it firmly to his chest over his heart. Gordon stopped. Bobby thumbed back the other one now, too. The shotgun didn't waver from the man's chest.

"You sure? You see, I can read people and I can tell you know exactly where they are." Gordon said but didn't move closer. He knew better. Bobby was in protector mode, guarding his sons. He'd kill Gordon without blinking right now. Gordon's eyes slid upstairs and to the kitchen doors.

'Yep, I know where they are, bet I do. Ought to let them kill you, too, Asshole.' Bobby thought and growled in rage. "You should leave, Gordon; you know I won't help you. You aren't welcome here."

"Hmm, pity. I'll find them. They have to leave here eventually then I'll get them. Sam is evil, you know that. He's got you fooled, all of you. Blinded you with his 'I'm a good man!' act. Don't worry, you'll see." Gordon was backing up now. "I'll get him. You can't hide him forever."

"Why wait?" Sam said bursting through the door of the kitchen and Gordon smiled; Bobby never once lowered his gun. "Why not settle this now?"

Sam fought his thirst and hid it. He also fought to keep his teeth up. He was naked and didn't care at all. He was tired of this man bugging Bobby already. He read his torturous thoughts and knew the man would never leave them alone. Dean came up beside him and he too sensed the man's thoughts. Both wanted him dead right now.

"Go back in the kitchen, boys, I got this." Bobby said, not taking his eyes off the black man. His tone warning them it wasn't safe right now. The boys got closer and he groaned.

"You aren't leaving this place alive, Hunter." Sam said, and Bobby reluctantly backed off. Scanning the man; no weapons showing, none in his hands. He knew this was no comfort. He could still get a weapon quickly; he always had been sneaky that way.

"Hmm…something's different about you, Samuel. What is it?" Gordon said suspiciously.

Bobby saw no choice here. Gordon would know in seconds that Sam was a vampire. He shot the man in the chest and once in the head. The boys lost control and descended on the body. Drinking his blood as it poured from his body, licking it off him and catching it as it spurted out, growling and moaning as they drank him dry; covering themselves with it in the process and not minding it at all; growling like animals as they devoured every last drop he had in him. Needing it!

The others saw this and looked sad but didn't fault them. They were vampires and he was bleeding out on the floor. Add it together and they got to feed. So they stood waiting for them to finish. Once they were done, when they had stopped drinking and licking then and biting his body for more blood, they picked up his body. "What do we do with it?" Dean said, his eyes were cold and Bobby nodded.

"We burn him. That should do it." Bobby said softly.

"Sorry, Bobby, he was going to torture you and kill the others. We saw it in his mind. He would never have left us alone. We had to protect the Nest." Sam said, "Human, I know but we didn't kill him; so it was okay. Right?" Dean and Sam looked at him as if looking for confirmation here. They saw this as okay; not having killed the man themselves.

"Fine, but just him. No others, understood? It's wrong to kill others. To drink from any humans but us…understand? It's not safe! Hunters will find us if you do. Humans are not prey; you should remember that. Gordon was different; he was about to figure out what you were. I couldn't let him know that. He'd have really have hunted you then. So I had to shoot him." Bobby said feeling guilty.

The boys looked at him worried. Not understanding what he had to feel guilty about. He'd done nothing wrong in their eyes.

"You killed him to save us. So why is that wrong?" Sam asked and actually looked confused as he looked at Bobby, then began looking proudly at him. "You protected the Nest, like we do. It was your duty."

Put like that it made perfect sense really. Bobby reflected and shrugged. The man had been dead, why waste his blood?

"Just don't drink from other humans, okay? Not anymore, okay?" Bobby said hesitantly, worried this altered their former resistance to it now.

"Of course not! Bobby, we wouldn't do that." Dean said looking hurt that Bobby would even consider they would let one feeding change that. "We promised not to!"

"I'm sorry, not used to dealing with the vampire stuff. Didn't mean to hurt you; just had to be sure." Bobby apologized and the boys shrugged. "I'm sorry; I shouldn't have assumed."

"It's okay." Dean said and looked at the corpse they held in their hands. "What do we do with this?"

They already were letting the argument go, so unWinchester-like. They really had lost a lot of their old selves; although this was one flaw Bobby was glad to see gone. They were much easier to work with this way.

"We burn him, pyre." Bobby said and they set about doing it. Soon the pyre was set up and ready to go. The body was laid on it and salted. Then oiled. They all watched it burn and then scattered the ashes.

The humans slept easier knowing Gordon was dead and would never bother them again.

And the Vampires just didn't care.

They made love and slept.

Celebrating the fact that their Nest was safe once more.
