A.N. And now I'm back to my homeverse, Narnia!

Disclaimer: The OFU ideas all belong to Miss Cam and Narnia belongs to the great C.S. Lewis.


Chapter 1

Smiling, Rachel typed the last sentence of the first chapter of her newest story. High King Peter took Ker'lisse into his arms and gently carried her inside his majestic castle. She saved the document and uploaded it onto her account.

Pausing over the title box, she asked herself, "What should I call it? A love never to be broken? By Aslan's blessing? Oh, I know! Foredestined by the stars!" Satisfied with this title, she typed this in and clicked Publish New Story, having already come up with a summary.

Just before Rachel could select the document for the chapter, she heard a sound behind her. She spun around in her swivel chair, only to see nothing. She heard the sound again, and heart pounding, she scanned the room frantically. Still nothing.

"Ahem. Down HERE." Startled, she followed the voice down to the floor and saw a huge mouse, the size of a cat, wearing a sword!

Rachel screamed. "Eeek! What's a mouse doing in my room?"

Deciding to ignore her, the mouse took out some papers from who-knows-where and handed them to her. "My name's Peepiceek, and I'm from the enrollment department of the Official Fanfiction University of Narnia, or OFUN for short. These," he indicated the papers she was holding, "are your enrollment papers."

Rachel stuttered, "But I…I'm only a freshman!"

"A freshman?" Peepiceek asked himself, confused. Then he shook his head decisively. "Oh, never mind what that is. Just fill out those papers and we'll be on our way."

Sighing, Rachel glanced through the small packet. As she read the description of OFUN (A school where you can learn to write good Narnian Fanfiction with you favorite characters as teachers!) she started to smile. "This must be a dream," she told herself, "which means that I'm going to have as much fun with this as I can!"

"A…HEM." Peepiceek cleared his throuat again. When Rachel glanced down at him in surprise, he said, "Get to it. We haven't all day."

Grumbling to herself, Rachel found the beginning of the enrollment form. She grabbed a silver gel pen and began to fill it out.


She automatically wrote "Rachel Torrens" before checking herself and crossing out out, writing instead "Ker'lisse Destynye Petra Aslansdaughter".

Species (circle one): Son of Adam/Daughter of Eve, mermaid, faun, centaur, dryad, naiad, unicorn, other (please specify_)

She circled "dryad" and went on to the next one.

If you circled dryad, which species of tree are you?

Thinking for a second at this, she finally put down "Rowan" because it sounded pretty. On to the next one.

Gender (circle one): Male, Female

She circled Female, noting in the margin "Can't you tell by the name?"

Hair color:

She mulled over this item for a bit before writing "Silk-and-gold-colored"

Eye color:




Distinguishing marks:

She referred back to the first chapter of her newest story and wrote down "Crown-shaped birthmark on left shoulder".

Age range:

"Late teens"

Bookverse or Movieverse?

"Movieverse." And then she muttered to herself, "Duh! Where else can I stare at William Moseley?"

Who is your Narnian lust object?

She wrote "Peter, duh!" and then proceeded to draw sparkly hearts all around his super-hot name.

"AHEM!" Startled, she looked down again at Peepiceek, who was tapping his paw in impatience. "Please refrain from drawing on the form."

Rachel sighed and went back to filling said form out.

Have you ever written Slash/Femslash?

"No, and I never will."

Have you ever written a story in which an OC falls in love with your lust object? If so, how many?

She had to go back onto her account to answer this question, finally coming up with "Yes, ten."

Any favorite pairings besides OCs X your lust object?

"Susan x Caspian! They're so cute together!"

Why do you write Narnian fanfiction?

Thinking for a while, she finally wrote, "Because Peter really needs to get a girlfriend and my characters are perfect matches for him! Matches made in Aslan's Country!"

Have you ever been flamed?

"Yes." And then she drew a lot of sad faces around it.

Peepiceek cleared his throat again, and she quickly continued.

Have you ever had a beta?

"My friend Lori is my beta."

What is your opinion on your OCs?

"They're my children, and I love them! If anybody is mean to them, I have to protect them, don't I? And on the side, I also have to find the perfect person for them to spend the rest of their lives with, namely, Peter!"

This was the end of the form, and she skimmed over the ten pages of fine print and finally located the "Sign here" line. She carefully wrote "Ker'lisse Destynye Petra Aslansdaughter" in cursive on said line.

Blowing on the ink to help it dry, Rachel closed the packet and handed it to Peepiceek, who stowed it in the same place he had taken it from, i.e. who-knows-where. "All right then," he said briskly, "the carriage will come along soon to take you to the university!" With a cliché bang and cloud of smoke, Peepiceek vanished.

Rachel shrugged and went back to her computer. She brushed the mouse to clear the screensaver, chose the document for Chapter 1 of Foredestined by the stars, and clicked Publish New Story. She sat back in satisfaction as her newest masterpiece was sent out to the world.

And screamed as her back sank into plush upholstery, not the leather back of her swivel chair like she had expected.

All right then, my first humor fic. Please review!

On another note, the OFUN is accepting new students. Here's the form again, for easy enrollment!


Species (circle one): Son of Adam/Daughter of Eve, mermaid, faun, centaur, dryad, naiad, unicorn, other (please specify_)

If you circled dryad, which species of tree are you?

Gender (circle one): Male, Female

Hair color:

Eye color:


Distinguishing marks:

Age range:

Bookverse or Movieverse? Who is your Narnian lust object? Have you ever written Slash/Femslash?

Have you ever written a story in which an OC falls in love with your lust object? If so, how many?

Any favorite pairings besides OCs X your lust object?

Why do you write Narnian fanfiction? Have you ever been flamed? Have you ever had a beta? What is your opinion on your OCs?

Please note that I will accept only one character per person. But I WILL accept one character from every person who enrolls. And please tell me if your character will be an extremist in any way (i.e. extreme book/movieverser, extreme shipper, extremely protective of OCs, etc.)

~Warriormaid (aka Miss Sara)

Peepiceek proceeds to take your enrollment form in the shape of a review, stow it who-knows-where, clear his throat one last time, and vanish in that cliché bang and cloud of smoke.