So, I get grounded and have to clean the basement. I find this hidden door that has stairs. I'm going to be like those baka people in movies and check it out. What a mistake, because now I have no idea where I'm at and I've been kidnapped. What's next?


Chapter 1

Finally it is the weekend. No more having to sit through a boring class. Well with the exception of English, because that is my favorite class.

"Dear Weekend, how I have missed you so," I yell out running home from my bus stop.

The sooner I get home, the sooner I can go back to feeding my addiction. Don't worry my precious, I will be home soon. Then we can be together for a long time.

A few moments later I see my brightly painted ugly yellow house. That house is better looking than you are, says the voice of my boyfriend Fukatemono.

"Whatever," I mumble in reply.

I really hate my boyfriend, even if what he says about me is true. Seriously, a guy should not make you feel like a piece of crap. When I see him Monday, I am so breaking up with him. Then yet again, if he calls me tonight like he is supposed to I will do it then.

"I'm home," I call out as I walk into the house and the smell of cookies hits my nose.

"Welcome home," my mom calls out.

I shut the door and drop my backpack. On the table I see that y new book that I ordered has finally arrived. A smile appears on my face, and I jump across the room and over the couch to get to it.

"My precious," I say picking up the book and rubbing my cheek on it. "You're home with mommy now."

The book title is called The Iron Queen, by Julie Kagawa is part of the amazing iron fae series. Sitting down on the couch, I open the book. It is time to get lost in another world. I'm not saying my life sucks and that's why I read a lot to get away from it. The truth is completely opposite. My life seems…well not perfect because nothing is actually perfect, but too mundane. I want something new and exciting and that is what reading gives me. Being able to dive into another world and get lost in the adventures.

"Do you want any cookies," my mother asks just before I start reading.

"Maybe after dinner," I reply then start reading.

-Time skip 2 hours later-

I'm sitting at the table with my parents. My dad had to pull me away from my book. Literally, he pulled me away. I was so caught up in my reading.

Mother starts placing the food in the middle of the table. My eyes wander in the direction to the living room. Already I am feeling the effects of my withdrawal. My fingers itch to be holding the book in my hands, flipping the pages. I can hear the book calling for me.

"So, Ayano," my dad's voice calls for my attention. I turn and look at him. "Tomorrow your report card will be coming in the mail. I'm expecting good grades."

I only nod in reply. My father expects a lot out of me. He is going to be disappointed though. I don't need to see my report card to know what I got.

"Eat up," my mother says once finished with putting all the food on the table.

I pile up steak, baked potatoes, and salad onto my plate. The food smells delicious. Before I can dig into the food, my father gives me a stern look, his green eyes slightly narrowing at my aqua eyes. Mentally I roll my eyes and hold out me hand. Seriously, I don't like praying unless I absolutely have to. Do I believe in God? Yes, but praying to him isn't going to do anything.

"Ayano, will you do the honors," my father says. It isn't a question, more like a demand. I only nod in reply then start the prayer.

"Dear Lord, thank you for this food. Bless the hands that prepared it. Bless it to our use and us to your service, and make us ever mindful of the needs of others. Through Christ our Lord we pray. Amen."

I let go of my father ad mother's hand and open my eyes. My mother smiles at me and I smile back. My father on the other hand doesn't see so impressed. Whatever, I don't really care. After dinner, I'm running off to feed my addiction again.

After about fifteen minutes, I get seconds on my plate. My mother is happy to see me going for more. She knows my father won't get seconds; he thinks once you eat everything on your first plate then you shouldn't get more. I don't care though because I am totally hungry and loving the food. It's like it melts in your mouth it is so good.

About halfway through my second plate I can feel my father's eyes on me. I look up at him and he is shaking his head. He looks like he is…slightly disgusted.

"Must you really eat like a pig," he asks. "It is disgusting and un-lady like. Back in my day girls ate a lot less than you did. Are you trying to become fat?"

My fork stops midway to my mouth. I can hear my boyfriend's…soon to be ex-boyfriend's voice in my head. See even your father agrees with me. You eat too damn much. You're so ugly and fat.

"No sir," I reply lowering my fork to my plate.

"Atsushi times have changed," my mother speaks up trying to defend me.

"Maybe so, but she eats more than many girls her age."

"I'm full," I lie, pushing my plate away. "I'm going to go exercise."

No amount of exercise you do will help you. Shut up, I yell back at his voice. Pushing myself away from the table I go to my room. I try ignoring the feeling of shame and disgust. No longer do I feel like reading.

Changing out of my school uniform, I change into blue jean shorts and a sleeveless black tank top. Going back to the living room I pull on my running shoes and walk outside. Putting my headphones on, I turn on my mp3 player and start running.

After running for about a little over six kilometers, I head back home. As soon as I'm home I go to the kitchen and get a banana. You go straight to food like the fat ass you are after you finish exercising. You epically fail at everything.

I throw the banana back and run upstairs to the bathroom. I will show my stupid boyfriend. Turning the water on in the sink, I force myself to throw up. That will show Fukatemono that I don't fail.

I rinse out my mouth and turn the water on. I refuse to look in the mirror and take a shower. Afterwards, I get ready for bed. I don't bother with saying goodnight to my parents. I just go straight to bed. Tomorrow I'll do nothing but read.

-Time skip to the next day-

"Ayano," my father's voice yells pulling me out of my book.

Marking my spot with my finger, I close my book. I then proceed to look up at my father. He is standing looking down at me. His eyes narrowed in a glare. In his hands is my report card.

"You only have one A, and that is in English. Why is that when all of your other classes you have an F?"

"Because I like English," I reply.

I am speaking the total truth. In English we actually get to read and other things, which is why I like it so much. In all my other classes, it's all boring stuff that I will never really apply in my life. So, I don't do any of my classwork or homework from those classes and just read my books.

"That is your reason?"

"Yes," I reply, restraining myself from rolling my eyes. I just told him the truth.

"I think it's because of your reading. All you ever do is read. Back when I was younger, we had to do work. Guess what young lady; you're grounded from reading until you can bring these grades up."

"You've got to be kidding me," I say sitting up straighter. I can't have my precious books taken away from me.

"I am not kidding. Also, you are going to go clean the basement. Now hand over the book."


"No buts, hand over that book now."

"Fine," I almost shout while pouting.

I hand him my book keeping myself from glaring at my father. He is out of his mind if he doesn't think I'm not going to find some way to sneak my book back. Books/reading is my drug, my lifeline.

"Now, go and clean the basement."

I walk away stomping my feet. I hope I'm irritating him. Going to my room I grab my small black and purple duffle back. I quickly fill it up with some of my books. Then I leave my room and head to the kitchen. I put in water and soda bottles as well as chips, energy bars and other junk food.

Before I go to the basement I look into the living room. My dad is walking out the front door. That's good that means he is leaving for work. Placing my bag next to the basement door I run upstairs to his bedroom. In his bedroom I search for my Iron Queen book. I'm almost finished with it and he tried to take it away from me. Yeah right, totally not happening, so over my dead body.

I find my book…in his sock drawer. Okay, weird place to hide it, but that doesn't matter. I got my book back. I hide it under my shirt and run back out all the way to the basement. I place it in the duffle bag with a huge grin.

"I'm going to go clean the basement," I yell out to my mother who is somewhere in the house.

I make my way down into the basement. Turning the light on I almost shudder seeing all the dust over everything, along with cobwebs. I seriously hope there aren't any spiders or rats down here.

I place down my duffle bag and scan the room. Seriously, this will take all weekend to clean. Might as well start cleaning for a little bit, then after a while I can actually go back to reading.

Hours later I only have a very small portion of the basement done. I'm hungry but refuse to eat. My stupid boyfriend –yes he didn't call at all last night I had asked my mother during breakfast- won't be saying anything to me about my weight.

I lift up a lamp to put it in another pile of lamps. Seriously, I wonder why we have so many lamps down here. I feel something on my hand and ignore it thinking it cobweb or dust. I'll just wipe it off on my black tattered jeans and green spaghetti strap top that kind of look like a mini dress. They are both covered in dust.

Okay, now I'm starting to feel that weird thing on my arm. Putting down the lamp I look down. Oh my Lord, there is a freaking huge spider crawling on me. I scream as I move backwards trying to brush it off.

"Get it off," I scream as if anyone is in the basement with me.

I trip over one of the lamp plugs and go sprawling backward. My back hit something solid. The next thing I know I have a ton of boxes falling down all around me. I cover my head trying to protect myself.

The boxes stop falling and I scream some more quickly standing up. I try brushing off spiders. After about a few minutes of hopping around trying to get spiders off me, I realize there aren't any. Yeah, now I feel like a baka. Seriously though, anyone else would have done the same thing…I hope. You never know of more spiders had fallen on you if you didn't.

Looking around, I see the new mess created because of me. Well, I blame the spider for this mess. Know what forget it, I'm done with cleaning. Turning around, I try to find a way out of the box mess when I see a door. My aqua eyes narrow in confusion. I brush my light coppery brown hair out of my face. I am positive that door wasn't there before. Well, it is time to explore then.

I make my way through the mess over to the door. Opening it up a damp earthy smell assaults my nose. Complete darkness greets me. Okay…so I can be smart and leave now…or I could be like those baka people on movies and explore. I choose option two. Now, time to find a flashlight. Forget that I'll just go upstairs and get it.

I rush upstairs almost knocking into my mom. She catches me while laughing. I grin at her and she smiles back, her blue eyes crinkle up at the corners.

"Where are you off to in such a hurry?" She asks, tucking her blonde hair behind her ear.

"To get a flashlight," I reply.

"Well can it wait until after you eat something?"

"Not really, besides I'm not hungry at this moment of time."

"Are you sure?"

"Positive," I reply trying to keep my stomach growling.

"Okay, then just stay here and I'll get you the flashlight."

I nod in reply as she walks away. I keep bouncing up and down my feet wanting to know what is behind the door. It takes my mother a few minutes but she finally shows up with what I need.

"Arigato," I say as she hands it to me.

"You be careful," she replies, almost as if she knows what I'm going to do.

I smile then run back down into the basement. I pick up my duffle bag and make my way back to the mysterious door. Turning the flashlight on, I shine it into the room to find a pair of stairs. Well, time be a baka and explore.

I start climbing down the stone stairs. A cold breeze blows by making me shiver. Where the hell did that breeze come from? I wonder how far down this goes. Maybe I should have figured that out before I started walking.

Okay, today must not be my day because once again I have tripped. I go to grab onto a rail only to find out there isn't any. I scream as I start rolling down the stairs. I wince in pain as my body keeps rolling as if it is a sack of potatoes…or a ball.

When I finally stop rolling around like a freaking pinball, I feel…grass and leaves beneath me. Sitting up I open my eyes and look around. I'm at the edge of a forest and not too far away I see a mountain. Okay…that is weird. I wonder if I still have my duffle bag.

Looking around I find it stuck in the tree above me. How in the world did it end up there? Argh, this sucks, now I got to climb the tree. No, forget that, I'll just throw things at it.

Gathering as many sticks and rocks I throw them all at my duffle bag. You seriously think your fat ass can make that fall. You're too damn fat and lazy to actually climb the tree.

"Shut up you good for nothing punk."

I drop everything as I glare at the tree. Fine, I will climb the stupid tree. It will be a little hard since I have no shoes on but I think I can do it.

I jump a few times until I grab hold of the first bottom branch. Pulling myself up, I pray that it doesn't break. Thankfully it doesn't and I continue onward with my climb. When I reach my duffle bag, the branch I'm standing on snaps. Quickly, I grab my duffle bag as I start falling down screaming.

Some branches break as I fall. Other branches just change my straight down course to 'let's make Ayano a pinball again.' I let out a loud groan when I hit the ground with a thud. Not only do I fall down stone stairs but I also fall out of a tree. I just know I'm going to have bruises.

Well, if you weren't such a fat ass, none of it would happen. Stop eating so damn much and you might lose weight. It would help if you didn't just sit around and read all day either.

"Fuck you," I yell out.

"Excuse me, un," says a voice from behind me.

I turn to look to see a guy…or chick, sitting on top of a giant white bird that is flying in the air. Holy fudge, I have never seen a bird that big before. The guy…or chick…I'm not sure which because it looks like a chick but they just sounded like a dude…is wearing a black cloak with red clouds. On the ground is some hunched over figure wearing the same thing.

I can't tell what the hunched figure looks like but the…he-she has long blonde hair with a finge covering its left eye. The other eye looks like it is a blue-grey type color outlined in black eyeliner. The other part of his hair is in a high ponytail while the rest isn't. A weird hairstyle, but I'm starting to think the he-she is really a girl with a manly voice.

"What do you think you are doing near the Akatsuki base," asks the thing on the ground in a gruff voice.

Whoa! This is all really weird. How the hell did those stairs bring me here? Now that I think about it, where did those stairs go? I do not like this hunched thing and Blondie.

"No idea," I reply honestly.

"Let's kill her, un," Blondie says.

No, I can't die. Screw this I'm running for it. Getting up I go to take off running. Before I even make a half-step something wraps around my waist. Looking down I see a wooden pointed tail. Okay that is just creepy.

"You are coming with us," the gruff Thing behind me says.

"Let me go," I say squirming around.

Turning around I see…that the tail is coming from the Thing. That is just creepy. Blondie's blue eye glares down at me and I just shudder. This is just freaky, no way are they taking me away.

"Do I need to blow you to smithereens, un?"

"Hell no," I reply still trying to get out from the tail. The tail just tightens around me. I glare down at it hoping it would burst into flames, but I know that it is a futile attempt.

"She may have seen something Deidara. We must take her back so leader can have her interrogated."

So the Thing has educated me on Blondie's name. Wait…what? Take me to their leader to be interrogated? Oh my Lord, are these people criminals, a gang group, or mafia. I need to get away now.

"We should just kill her and be done with it, un."

"Fuck no," I yell trying to punch the tail. Instead I end up hurting myself.

"You are getting on my nerves," the Thing says then throws me into a tree.

Instead of worrying about myself, I worry about my duffle bag with my books. I hold onto it trying to protect it. My back hits the tree hard and I can feel blood from a few scratches. I'm surprised my spine isn't broken.

"What are you doing Sasori-no-danna, un? You said we couldn't kill her, un."

I look up slightly dazed to see the pointed tip of the tail coming at me. Rolling out of the way, I sling my duffle bag onto my shoulder and take off running. No way in all of heaven am I letting them kill me. I like being alive very much. If I had known this was going to happen if I came down those stupid stairs I would have just stayed put. Okay, I'm just kidding myself. I've always wanted adventure and here I got it. This is like right out of the many books I read.

Run fat ass, run. Oh wait, that's right, I forgot. You're too damn fat to actually run fast or far. Looks like you're going to get killed. This is what you get for eating so damn much.

"Shut the fuck up I'm trying to run for my life," I hiss out.

Do you actually think your fat ass is going to get far? You fail at life. Just let them end your life now and stop trying to let the inevitable from happening.

I ignore the baka voice of my boyfriend. What does that baka even know? Nothing, there is a chance I can live.

There is a loud boom that goes off in front of me. Flames shoot up in the sky then start spreading out from the shock wave. Holy fudge, I run behind a tree and duck, covering my head. Hot air rushes by me and I pray to God that I live through this.

"It was a futile attempt for you to run," says the Thing right next to my ear.

I scream in surprise and push away from the tree. Something slices my arm and I hiss as a burning sensation starts spreading through it. Within seconds it starts going numb. Suddenly I get hit on the back of my head and my vision starts going black.

"Do you have her Sasori-no-danna, un," is the last thing I hear before I go unconscious.

That is where I'm ending the first chapter. I want to clear up one thing. Her boyfriend Fukatemono's voice that she hears in her head represents her conscious. Kind of like the voice you hear that tells you what is right and wrong. Ayano's name means my color or my design in case anyone wanted to know. Her boyfriend's name has no meaning.

Also, eventually I will put a poll up for this on whom in the Akatsuki all you readers would like Ayano to end up with.

Masashi Kishimoto owns the Akatsuki. I own the characters I created and the plot. Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed the first chapter. Please review and stay tuned for the next update. Until next time. ^.^