They're kept in the Normandy's comm. room. Shepard sits, Commander Williams paces, Miranda stands. A floor below, a Human doctor and a Salarian scientist are saving Garrus.

Or trying to.

The scent of coffee wafts over Shepard before she notices Jacob Taylor, holding a white mug before her. She accepts and takes a moment to inhale the aroma. It's the real stuff, made from real beans. Not that instant stuff the Terminus systems get. A gulp of the strong brew scalds her tongue but also brings feeling back into her body.

"I wanted to apologize for earlier," he says. The tone is brusque, at odds with the kinder words. Probably doesn't realize how he sounds. "When I vetoed bringing you on. It was nothing personal and we would have made sure you were safe-"

"But it's a terrible precedent?" Shepard hazards a smile. "I get it. It wouldn't work out if your crew started bringing family."

Jacob nods, tension leaving his stern features. "Exactly. And we have other squad members to recruit. I can't say I mind how it worked out though. Hate to see a Human on Omega."

"Huh." Shepard lifts her eyebrows. "Kinda sucks for anyone there not named Aria T'loak. Not just Humans."

"Well yes. Just that-"

The door opens and she looks up, hoping for Garrus or a doctor. It's neither but the person is just as welcome.

"I almost didn't believe it," says Zaeed. He pulls her up by the shoulders and grips her tight to him, hot coffee sloshing onto the ground, just missing her hands. He lets go quick. Never one for big displays of affection, that Zaeed. "Then I heard they had the goddamn Archangel in the Med Bay."

"This is the Cerberus mission you talked about?" She laughs. What else can she do? "Well that's one helluva coincidence. Why didn't you come with Williams to save my ass?"

"No one'll tell you anything on this ship. Especially not Cerberus." He directs a glower at Miranda who just shrugs. "If I'd known…"

"Know each other?" Jacob asks. Williams stands away with Miranda, watching the exchange.

"You could say that," says Shepard. She bets Miranda knows the truth of it. If they have some kind of "dossier" on Garrus, they have one on Zaeed and all his dealings. Hard to tell if the woman will get judgmental about it. Shepard can't discern anything from the woman's closed off posture.

"They say your Turian's in bad shape." Zaeed sits down. Shepard seats herself next to him. "I hope he makes it."

"He will," she replies, the words sharp. They survive. It's what they do. And Shepard isn't facing the galaxy without Garrus.

They wait.

Shepard sets the coffee aside after a few sips. It goes cold as she sits and dozes on and off. No one else enters the room besides Jacob, who comes in and out with messages for Commander Williams. He glances at Shepard with an interest that used to mean incoming credits. It seems like a thousand years before now.

The door opens at last. Her heart lurches as Garrus steps in. His armor is chipped and charred. His right mandible, the one he always nuzzles her with, is ragged. He's never looked so damn beautiful.

"Garrus," she whispers, rushing to him. Williams, about to go to Garrus herself, pauses.

Shepard throws her arms around his neck and yanks him down into her kiss. Jacob gasps and when she pulls away, Williams' jaw is skimming the ground.

"Careful," Garrus groans. "I'm a little beat-up."

"Yeah?" She keeps her grip around him. "I didn't notice."

"Right." Garrus sighs and puts his forehead to hers. The gesture makes her chest feel like someone's crushing it. "Seriously though, how bad is it?"

"Hell Garrus," Shepard smirks and touches the scars with the edge of her fingers. The breath stills in her lungs for a moment. "Does it matter? I only ever wanted you for your body."

He laughs hard out of relief and then winces. "Ow, damnit. Don't make me laugh."

"Excuse the interruption," Miranda says, tapping her foot. They turn to her like guilty children, muffling their chuckles. "But since Garrus is up and about, we should brief you about the mission and your duties."

Williams lifts her hand. "Tomorrow, Miranda. They both deserve some rest."

"Thanks Ash." Garrus leans on Shepard and she puts an arm around him. "Mind if I bunk in the Main Battery? The guns probably need calibrating."

"Already had a cot put in there. Should I…have another put in?"

"Not necessary," Shepard smiles. "Though I'll let you know if we need two to push together. That all?"

"I suppose," says Miranda. "Though-"

"Good because I'm ready to drop. See you all soon,"

They make their stumbling escape to the elevator. Before the doors close, Shepard has her arms around him, kissing him again and then apologizing because it's still painful for his face.

He rests his chin atop her head, running his hands up and down her arms. "Let's just stay like this."

Shepard laughs into his damaged chestplate. "Ugh, look at us. We're the picture of sap."

"I like sap." Garrus nuzzles her with the unscathed side of his face. "And if telling your Turian that you love him right before running into battle isn't sap…"

"Shut up," she whacks his arm. "You said it first."

"Well, it's what I do. And what you do now, apparently."

"Learned from the best. Don't worry." She smirks. "I'll be back to normal after I get some sleep."

The elevator doors whoosh open and they step out. Like the comm. center, the crew deck is gleaming and modern. She can feel the tremor of the Normandy's workings but its running quiet. "Nice digs."

He puts a hand on her shoulder. "Hope you like it. Someday we'll go on a real vacation."

Shepard rises on tiptoes and touches her lips to his mouth. "As long as you're around, I don't give a damn where we go."

"I'm holding you to that. No joke." He slides his hand into hers and squeezes. "Ready to check out our new home?"

"Yeah," she squeezes back. "I'm ready."


Author Note: And that's a wrap! I want to thank everyone again for all the feedback and support this fic has gotten. It makes me feel really good that this has been so well received. Thank you so much!

Also there is a sequel in the works so be on the lookout.