Nightwing509, Astanely1991, Jeremy Shane, Darkfirelight, Guest: Thanks!

Kyuubi123: You know, I didn't even get it until I wrote it. I actually got lucky on that, so thank you for noticing;)

Turner child: I did, and here's another one for ya!

Madlenita: Lol. We've been over this, dear. You're English is just fine. I understand everything you say to me. It's not like I can speak another language;) Gotta give you your props there.

Dizzy78: Crap, I made you reread? Sorry about that. I'm glad you didn't mind, but it kinda makes me feel guilty a little. I'm glad you're still liking this!

The fallen sky: Wow! How long did it take you to write that review, huh? You know, I kinda expect it from you, but then when I see it, I still get surprised. I know, that makes me all kinds of retarded, but I still find it quite astonishing that you're able to pick out so many things that you like out of a 2,000 worded chapter! So thanks for that. I always get excited to read your reviews. They're always helpful, sometimes even changing the direction I want to take a story…which you've done numerous times. Well, not change the story per se, but I usually end up making my stories longer because you want to see this, or you want to read about that; Hell, I even wrote a sequel because you wanted to get to know Lizzy and Jonathan. And now you want me to do it again? Ugh, just kill me now;)

Dylboyslim: Thank you! I'm glad to hear you've been inspired to write. You'll have a great time. Just don't let any negative reviews dampen your spirits, should you get any. Trust me, I got plenty. Some can make you work hard if you chose to look at it in an objective way, and then there are some you just can't put a positive spin on because they're just rude for no reason. Just ignore those and you'll be fine. Best of luck!

Clearly am Intrigued: Lol. No worries. I'm slightly obsessed with Jenson myself. Loved him on Dark Angel. I even went to see the Bloody Valentine movie at the theaters, just because he was in it. So I completely understand. In fact, I nearly forgot Jason was played by Jenson, because of the fact that Jason's a bit unlikeable and I absolutely love Jenson;)

Hawkeyegal1995: Thank you! I'm so glad you guys are enjoying the "trust" part of the game. Chlark and Chloe had an amazing friendship on the series. If they had ever gotten together, like really gotten together, I don't think Clois would've been able to happen believably. Not without killing off Chloe or something extremely drastic like that.


There's enough time for one more game, which is more than fine by Lana by the way. She can't say that she hasn't had a good time at this fair, because she has.


The best part has been seeing her friends together. It seems to her that Clark and Chloe are finally together as a couple, and she's happy for them. Chloe especially. Her friend has been in love with Clark for forever. That's how long it's felt anyway, maybe even longer than that and Lana's often felt sorry for her when Clark didn't seem to notice; or worse, when he'd finally catch on for a second, but only long enough to remind Chloe that he only thought of her as a friend.

So yeah, that part of the fair has been fun; but Jason, he's working her last nerves. Oh, he started out okay. He's a football, well, ex-football coach, so she expected a little competitiveness from him; but then he just went overboard with it. Quite frankly, it was a major turn off.

In that respect, she can't help but to be relieved that the couple's fair is coming to an end. Who knew it would also be the end of her relationship as well? Because Lana most definitely can no longer be Jason's girlfriend after this. There's just no way in hell.

Everyone's heading the same direction; her, Jason, Clark, Chloe, Doug, Myra and a whole bunch of other couple's. They're all being ushered toward the west end of Chandler's field, toward the last event. It's called Eye of the Beholder, but that's all Lana really knows about it. In fact, no one is exactly sure how to play it as everyone who's played is no longer out here. They've all been escorted to the stage that was assembled within the last couple of hours. That's where the awards will take place. So this really is the last game of the fair. And if anyone doesn't want to play, they just skip it and head straight for the makeshift concert hall.

Abruptly, Lana's bumped in the shoulder by a woman walking by.

"Excuse me, dear." A woman with red hair apologizes, a woman that Lana recognizes after a few seconds.

"Hi Mrs. Kent." She smiles back.

The woman does a double take, "Lana? Hello dear."

Clark and Chloe turn around abruptly.

They thought they just heard….

They did. Their ears weren't deceiving them. They really did here correctly.

Mr. and Mrs. Kent are here at the couple's fair.

"Mom, dad, what are you guys doing here?" Clark asks; he's the first out of the couple to speak.

Martha raises her eyebrows in surprise. "We are a couple, your father and I," she unnecessarily reminds her son.

He reddens a little, realizing he came off sounding much harsher than he intended. He didn't even ask the right question. What he really wanted to know was, "How long have you guys been here?"

"We've been here all day, son." Jonathan smiles from Clark to Chloe, then back to Clark again.

It makes Chloe very conscious of the fact that they're holding hands. Again. But Clark doesn't seem to feel any apprehension whatsoever. "We didn't see you." He interrogates his parents further, eyes narrowing in suspicion.

"Oh, but we saw you two. Plenty of times, in fact." Jonathan smiles while wrapping an arm around Martha's waist.

"So why didn't you guys say anything to us when you saw us?" Clark asks.

"Oh, you guys were a little busy…all the time." Martha winks again.

"Oh God, kill me now." Chloe mumbles while burying her head in Clark's arm.

"So what do you two think of Clark and Chloe as a couple?" Jason butts in.

Lana rolls her eyes. God, he's still on this? She'll admit, at first she wasn't sure they were a real couple either, but you don't even have to spend a whole five minutes with the two before realizing they adore one another.

And honestly, what would be the big deal if they weren't a real couple. If anything, they should be no real threat if that were the case. Or in Chloe and Clark's case, it could be embarrassing, getting beat out by two people who aren't a couple…

Oh…Lana's eyes widen with realization and she actually smiles while shaking her head back and forth. She gets it now. Why Jason has been such a huge pain in the…toosh. He doesn't understand how a couple, who is not a couple, seem to fare better than all the rest of the real couples…and that's while losing majority of the games they participate in!

"We knew it would happen, so we weren't surprised." Martha answers Jason, but it's Chloe who's on the receiving end of her warm smile.

Chloe blushes. And Martha gives her a small wink.

"You really do make a nice couple." Martha reiterates, successfully getting Chloe's blush to darken about three shades.

"So when's the wedding?" Jonathan asks with that good natured grin he's well known for before clapping Clark on the back in that fatherly way dads clap their sons on the back.

"Soon." Clark smiles

"Clark!" Chloe protests. She's already embarrassed. Why's he making it worse?

"Hey, you signed. I have it right…" he pulls a soggy bit of paper out and frowns. "Dang it, it got all wet."

Chloe gasps as the realization dawns on her. "The fine print?" she squeaks. "That's what it was!?"

"Yes ma'am." Clark smirks at Chloe.

She punches him in the arm and pouts a little. Not that she's upset over maybe marrying Clark someday, it's just…a girl wants to be proposed to in more or less a traditional manner, not sign a contract over something kinda silly and bam, there it is in the fine print.

"Clark, stop embarrassing the girl. It'll save you a lot off nights off the sofa." Jonathan winks.

Oh God. Did he really just….

"So what's this game called again?" Chloe changes the subject.

"Eye of the beholder." Lana pipes up. She feels a little bad for laughing along with everyone at her friend's expense, but it was funny. Well, to everyone but Jason. He's genuinely pouting because of Clark and Chloe's couple-ness not only being accepted by the older Kents, but expected as well.

Man she can't wait to dump him.

Unfortunately for Chloe, her attempt to change the subject doesn't really work. Somehow, Mr. and Mrs. Kent have managed to derail themselves back onto the conversation about the supposed upcoming wedding and the perks as well as the downside of life as a married couple.

It really picks up when Clark mentions kids. Something about a little Clark, or a little Chloe. Poor Chloe, her face is pepperoni red as Martha wistfully mentions how she'd love to be a grandmother.

"Alright, ladies here, gentlemen over there," a few assistants call to everyone. Everyone looks up. They'd been walking and talking without really paying much attention to where they've been walking or what's in front of them. It seems they're the only ones who are just noticing the two, well they're not exactly rooms or buildings; they look more or less like port-a-potties, except they're big enough to house at least fifty people each. They're standing adjacent to each other, the one on the right marked gentlemen and the one on the left is marked ladies. There's a gate on either side that leads straight to the award ceremony should you chose to skip this last game.

"Oh thank God!" Chloe exclaims as she practically runs over to the room side for ladies. Lana runs after her, just as quickly. Myra and Mrs. Kent follow behind them as well, but at a much slower pace. They're not the ones trying to escape a bit of embarrassment.

It's extremely crowded inside. There's got to be at least thirty assistants in here. All female, which makes Chloe a little nervous. She hopes to God she's not gonna have to take off any clothes or anything.

"Come to the sinks and wash your hands, put your jewelry in this pouch." One of the assistants announces. Chloe and Lana do as they're told. Along with dozens of other ladies who manage to cram inside.

When the doors are closed, cutting off the rest of approaching contestants, the the rules of the game are explained.

They're not allowed to talk, at all, or they'll be disqualified. Each contestant will have an assistant who will stick by their side and make sure that the ladies stay muted.

Chloe's assistant is a woman named Bernadette. She doesn't look friendly at all and Chloe knows that if she so much as gasps too loud Bernadette will make sure she's disqualified.

First things first though. They're told they have to read the number on their jewelry pouch, go over to the right side of the room where the wall is numbered, one through thirty, and find their number.

Chloe looks down at her pouch. She's number nineteen.

Once they find their number on the wall, they're to stick their right hand through the hole underneath it. Once they've done that, their assistant will tighten this dark plastic looking ring surrounding the hole around their wrist until nothing is showing on the other side but the ladies' hands. Then their partners will come around and look at the hands.

"If they think you're their lady, they'll hold your hand. If you agree, you squeeze back. If you don't agree with anyone who's squeezed your hand by the time the game is over, signal to your assistant, she'll untighten your wrist and you can step back." The head assistant contains to explain.

"Once your gentleman finds you, for all of you ladies who stayed put, we'll lift the wall and you're to kiss your fella." She winks.

Chloe frowns once she finally understands how this game is played. Clark's supposed to identify her by her hand, and only her hand? Among a few dozen other hands?


"Ready?" Bernadette asks.

Chloe nods her head and heads for hole number nineteen. When she puts her hand in, she learns she can't stretch her fingers. There's something blocking her hand and Chloe assumes it's some kind of removable barrier put there so that the gentlemen won't get the slightest peek into the ladies' room.


Suddenly, there's a shrill whistle and the barrier disappears. It's time for Clark to find her.

Chloe feels a hand slide into hers a minute later. It doesn't feel right. Even if Chloe hadn't been holding hands with Clark all day, she'd know it. His hand. And this isn't it.

She shakes the man's hand loose.

Two other suitors come by and Chloe rejects them before finally, finally she feels it, him. Clark. Before she even mentally comes to terms with whom she's holding hands with, she's squeezing back and gives her assistant the thumbs up. She'd know Clark, and any piece of him, anywhere.

"Alright, has everyone found their ladies?" Chloe hears on the other side. No one answers verbally. So Chloe assumes the thumbs up are given all around.

"Alright, you may kiss your ladies."

The wall is retacted a bit slowly for anyone who's a bit anxious, wondering who they're about to kiss. But Chloe knows for sure.

The walls barely cleared his chest when she steps into him. He ducks down to meet her, pressing his lips to hers.

Chloe smiles into the kiss. It doesn't bother her that her first kiss with Clark is so very public and a part of a silly game because honestly. It wasn't just a silly game. Clark found her, and when he did, he grabbed her hand with so much confidence Chloe knew she'd been her first pick. Unlike those three other guys who tentatively grabbed her hand before Clark showed up.

"I'd know you anywhere." Clark smiles when he pulls back.

Thankfully no one's paying much attention to them. There's too much chaos. Too many gentlemen who kissed the wrong lady, too many guys who didn't recognize their ladies' hands, too many ladies who didn't recognize their partners….

Chloe welcomes the chaos because finally, a moment of their own when no one is fawning over just how cute they are.

"I'd know you anywhere too, Clark."

"Alright, everyone through these doors. It's time for the awards!" One of the assistants yell, not caring in the least that some people are angry enough to shoot the people who thought up such a stupid game. You can guess those are the people who couldn't find their supposed loved ones.

"Come on," Clark grins. "I wonder what award we'll win."

"Probably the silliest couple." Chloe laughs.

"Or the most adorable," Myra chimes in, coming out of nowhere.

"Most likely to marry," Lana tries, she too has come out of nowhere.

Clark looks around for a second and spots his parents. Then he waves them over so they can go into the awards together. That's when Chloe realizes someone's missing.

"Where's Jason?"

Lana smiles. "He's pouting. He didn't find me, another guy did though."

"You had to kiss another guy?" Myra asks, sympathy oozing out of her eye sockets.


She doesn't seem too bummed by that, which makes Chloe a bit suspicious.

"Did you know the other guy wasn't Jason?"

"Maybe," she shrugs, "let's sit here. There's enough room for all of us."

"Except for Jason." Chloe observes.

"Exactly." Lana mutters.

It's another hour before the awards start. A man gets on stage, introduces himself as the head of the awards. He's the guy who has the final say so in who wins what award. Then he clears his throat and announces that he doesn't wanna waste everyone's time any longer. That he knows why everyone's here and it's not to listen to an old fart talk about himself and how important he is.

Everyone in the audience laughs a little.

"First award goes to the hardest working couple. Now ladies and gentlemen, this award goes to the couple our watchers feel have tried their best at every event they attempted. They may not have won, but they sure as heck gave it their all!"

Chloe has to admit, if there's an award she and Clark have a chance at winning, it's that one. They won one game, well two counting the last one they just played, but no one can say they didn't try.

"Samantha Tate and Byron Woodstyne!"

Everyone claps and cheers for the couple. It's loud, but not because of the excitement or energy. It's a loud applause because there's just a lot of people here.

"Go ahead and stand on this side," the host says while ushering them to the right side of the stage. That's weird. You'd think that once everyone's gotten their award, they could sit back down immediately.

Next award goes to the laziest couple." Everyone gasps and then lets out a nervous laugh. No one was expecting those kinds of rewards. "This couple didn't try so much at the games, but they sure found the food stands, and they sure watched others participate. That's no way to play at a couple's fair guys!" he tsks, waggling his index to and fro. "And the laziest couple award goes to….Virginia Mckall and Brian Philips!"

For some reason, Chloe was expecting an overweight couple in their late forties. No, Virginia and Brian are thin, young, and good looking. They're also pretty good natured. They take their time getting up on stage, dragging their feet and leaning heavily on one another. They're totally doing it to capitalize on their laziness. It's entertaining. Maybe they figure it's better to get award than to not be noticed at all.

They're made to stand to the left. And Chloe immediately figures that's where the negative awards go; the right is for the positive awards.

"Next award, the Best dressed!"

Chloe looks down at her clothes, jeans and a t-shirt. Nope, she's and Clark aren't gonna win that one.

"Melanie Sands and Steven Gray!"

The whole audience laughs when they get a good look at Melanie and Steven. They're not dressed fancy at all. But they are dressed somewhat similar. Both wearing leather cowboy boots, blue jeans, though Melanie's are considerably shorter than Steven's, showing off some sinfully long legs. Both have on a red flannel top, and a cowboy hat. They're extremely cute.

Once up on stage, Steve gives Melanie a little twirl to show her off. Everyone cat calls and wolf whistles.

"Next award, goes to the worst dressed couple! This couple did not dress to get their hands dirty at all." Again, everyone laughs nervously, hoping to God it isn't them. These awards are so unpredictable. And it shows when the next couple is called up. "Sara Fora and John Orden."

Chloe sees what the announcer is talking about straight away. Sara's wearing a dress, A super tight black dress. She looks like she can barely walk; her heels are three inches too high for running. And John, he's in a suit. Seriously? It's completely ruined. He's got sweat and mud all over it.

"Next award goes to the cutest couple. What can I say guys. This one's pretty self-explanatory, huh? This award goes out to that couple that just has that "aw factor.""

Again, Chloe's not expecting to win any awards, but this is another award she could see her and Clark winning. She's lost count of how many times people have aw'd over them.

But neither her nor Clark's names were called. And Chloe sees why as soon as Gianna Herera and Max Kelly get up on stage. They seriously are the cutest people on earth and Chloe finds herself awing along with the crowd when two freshman, clearly in puppy love, accept their award with a bright smile and a red face.

"Aw, next award goes to the most awkward couple. This couple, well, we'll just let you guys see for yourselves. Will Brandy Thorne and Christopher Jude come to the stage please?"

Chloe literally hears the couple before she can see them. They both take turns sneezing. Both are extremely sick, holding napkins up to their noses.

Gross. She imagines any display of affection would indeed be awkward. And again, gross.

"Next award goes to the funniest couple! Another self-explanatory one guys, this couple just brought tears of laughter to anyone around them. Liam Spencer and Katy Green!"

"What!" there's a voice from the crowd, a young voice and everyone turns their head searching for it. "Oh my God, I'm not going up there!" It continues.

"Come on Liam!" a different voice shouts.

"No, Mom! Mom, make her stop!"

"Let's go get our award, bonehead!"

"No don't touch me, you got cooties! Lemme go, Katy! Mom! Mom! Make her let go!" Liam howls.

Chloe's laughing so hard at the dialogue alone. And she finds that she can't wait to actually see the "couple." It takes forever for them to get on stage and Chloe sees why when they finally appear on the steps and Katy is dragging a very stubborn Liam with her. They're young, maybe eight or nine. The girl, Katy, graciously accepts the award with an over-the-top curtsy and Liam scowls the whole time. Katy tries to hold his hand, but he snatches away from her. He does it a total of three times before Katy stomps on his foot and he finally complies with a yelp.

"The next… I'm sorry." The host says while trying to get his laughter under control. "The next award goes to the most boring couple."

Normally, Chloe would be expecting a couple in their 80's, but she's learned not to assume anything when it comes to this award ceremony. And she's right not to assume again, because Julia and Michael Blondsley are a married couple of four years with three toddlers.


"Now, for our most passionate couple," the announcer says, then pauses there to wiggle his eyebrows. The crowd laughs. "This award goes to the couple who just couldn't keep their hands off of each other…and who ducked behind the Ferris Wheel for a few moments of…passion."

Chloe shakes her head. She's so embarrassed for the couple that's going to be called. They probably thought no one saw that.

"Laura Hale and Dustin Zimmerman, will you two passionate people please come to the stage?"

Laura and Dustin should get the bravest couple award as well, because had that been Chloe and Clark, she wouldn't have had the courage to walk up on that stage. She would've made Clark zip her home, screw the risk of exposure!

"And now for our least affectionate couple award. This couple just seemed to be sick and tired of each other. It might be time to see other people." He winks. Then he calls Dorothy and Kip Wainwrights to the stage and Chloe totally gets that. They've only been together since the 60's. No one could blame them for being sick of one another.

"And for our most observant couple, will Myra Stoffer and Doug O'Neil come to the stage." Clark, Chloe, and Lana wave their friends up enthusiastically. "This award is going to the couple who is so in tuned with each other it's almost as if they're one. Congratulations!"

"Now," he pouts. "For the couple to most likely to break up…will Lana Lang and Jason Teague come to the stage?"

Chloe feels bad for her friend, but what's weird is Lana doesn't seem to be taking it bad at all. She practically runs on stage with a bright smile on her face, almost as if she-

"Actually, Dan, we just broke up." Lana announces, and the first thing on Chloe's mind is how the heck Lana knew the host's name. Then she remembers. He told everyone so during his little speech earlier. She just wasn't paying much attention. She was too nervous.

"No we haven't!" A voice, definitely Jason's rings out through the crowd.

"Oh, there you are." Lana says, putting a hand above her eyebrows to shade herself from the sun. "Jason, I think we should see other people." Then she turns back to the host, Dan. "Now, we've just broken up."

Dan clears his throat. "I did not see that coming so soon." He mutters, earning a chuckle from everyone in the audience. Again, Lana smiles brightly and heads over to the left side of the stage, holding her award as if she genuinely treasures it.

"Next award, most likely to marry. This is the last award before we announce the ultimate couple. Drumroll please…"

Everyone complies.

"Chloe Sullivan and Clark Kent!"

Chloe doesn't miss the fact that their cheers are louder than all the others have been. But she tries not to concentrate too hard on them. She'll end up blushing again…or worse. crying. But the happy tears. Not the sad ones.

"Told you" Lana mouths smugly as soon as Clark and Chloe get up on stage.

Chloe playfully scowls back at her. What does she want anyway, a cookie?

"Now for our ultimate power couple, and winner of a three day trip to the Bahamas, another drum roll please…."

And again, the audience complies.

"Martha and Jonathan Kent!"

Their applauds are the loudest of all. No one can deny that they deserve it. Except for Clark.

"You cheated." He accuses his parents once they get up on stage.

The audience gets quiet, watching curiously.

"How?" Martha asks, not the least bit offended. She knows her son. There's a reason he's doing this, something important he wants to do and in order for him to be successful, she's got to play along.

"You had a huge head start." He answers.

"You cheated yourself, son." Jonathan shrugs. "You could've been with Chloe years ago."

"You're right," Clark agrees. "But I learned from my mistakes. And we're going to win next year. What do you say to the three day trip being our honeymoon?" he asks, turning to face Chloe.

"I haven't even agreed to marry you." Is the first thing that comes tumbling out of Chloe's mouth. And no one can blame her; she is in a bit of shock.

"I knew I was forgetting something." Clark snaps; then he gets down on one knee, no ring in his hand. It's just him, Chloe, and all of Smallville.

"Chloe Sullivan, will you marry me?"

"I definitely didn't see that happening so soon." Dan mutters.
