Well here it is friends. The final chapter of my story! Thank you so much for all the support and comments about the story. I never imagined my writing to be this popular. I am planning on starting the sequel which will most likely be called Wanted. Some people have said what they want to happen in this story but I would love to hear what my fans are interested in happening to the characters. Thanks again! -lanajie20

Four months. That is what he promised her. He didn't promise that he would be done with the case completely just that he would come back in four months so they could start planning their wedding. She wanted a spring wedding, late April or early May. Four months would put him getting back around Christmas time which would give them plenty of time to take pictures and get everything finalized before the wedding. As much as she wished he would just forget about changing the discharge status, she understood why it was so important to him. She just hoped that Detective Jones had found out enough information before hand to help Finn out.

Detective Jones had already been a huge help. He had found Finn a place to stay that was right on the base and had gotten permission for Finn to review his father's file. Everyone who had been close to Christopher Hudson was more than willing to help the young man find out as much information as he could. Burt had been talking to some of the officials and trying to find out what he could about getting the status changed.

As she sat on the bed watching Finn pack, she realized that it had been a week since she had received the box from her dads. Inside it had been two new cameras, one for her and one for Finn, so they could take pictures of their adventures away from each other. There was also some money for Rachel to pick out whatever else she may need for her apartment and a new tube of her favorite lip gloss. She had been so caught up in spending as much time as she possibly could with Finn that she had almost forgotten all about calling them to thank them for their gifts. "Umm Finn, do you mind if I call my dads and out them on speaker phone while you pack? I completely forgot they wanted me to call them."

Finn barely looked up from his spot on the floor where he was attempting to get everything back into his suitcase, "Yeah sure babe whatever works for you. You don't have to put them on speaker, you can just tell me what happens after you talk to them. I'll be moving around a lot so it might be kind of distracting for you while you are talking to them."

"If only you knew how distracting you were for me," Rachel mumbled under her breath, or at least what she thought was under her breath. She turned around and saw Finn staring at her, his eyes wide.

"What did you just say? I thought I heard you say something about me being a distraction for you but I am not sure I heard you right." Finn smiled as he watched Rachel's cheeks turn completely red and she looked down. She looked up at him through her long eyelashes, which made his heart melt. She smiled shyly and replied in barely a whisper, "You weren't supposed to hear that."

Finn laughed out loud. He got up off the floor and was sitting next to her on the bed before she hardly knew what was going on. He came up close to her face and smiled his crooked smile. "Well if we are completely honest, you are a huge distraction for me. As you can see I'm supposed to be packing right now and instead I'm sitting by you." He leaned in and kissed her softly on the lips. He went to return back to his packing when he felt her come up behind him. She wrapped her arms around his neck and leaned in close to his right ear.

"Finn," she whispered. "Will you just lay here on the bed with me for a while? I just want to lay here with you holding me close. I don't want you to leave for Georgia, I just…" She couldn't hold it in any longer. She began sobbing. Finn pulled her down into his arms and leaned back on the bed.

"Shhh, baby, don't cry. It will be okay. I promised you I would only be gone till Christmas. Then I will be back and we can get married." Finn didn't know what to do to make her stop crying. He leaned down to kiss her. She reciprocated with a much rougher kiss than he was accustom to from her. He wasn't about to complain.

An hour after she had intended to, Rachel finally got around to the task at hand. She pressed send and held her breath as she waited for an answer. She heard the phone click and go straight to the voicemail. She hung up the phone and looked towards Finn as though she was about to cry. "I guess they didn't really want to talk to me," Rachel said completely defeated. Finn tried to think of something to say to make her feel better but he was interrupted by the sound of her cellphone ringing. Rachel looked at him with a very surprised look on her face. The caller id showed the number she had just called. She quickly answered the phone, "Hello?"

"Baby girl we are so sorry for hanging up on you. I am still trying to get used to this darn phone and I hit the wrong button," LeRoy Berry replied frantically.

"Oh no you are find dad! I just was a bit confused. How have you been?" As much as she didn't want to admit it, it was still kind of awkward for her to talk to her fathers.

"Well we are much better now that we can hear your beautiful voice. We have both been very busy with work. There are a lot of new things happening in the company that we are trying to get all worked out. Oh and just so you know you are on speaker phone so that we can both hear you. How was your visit with Finn? Is he still there? If he is, we would love for him to be a part of this conversation also."

Rachel smiled up at Finn, "Well daddy you were on speaker phone to start out with. The past few weeks with Finn here have been great! We did a duet for one of my workshops and everyone thought we did a great job! A lot of people were asking Finn why he didn't apply for NYADA as well. He is actually leaving to come back to Lima tonight. We are working on getting him all packed up. Their flight leaves at 8:30 tonight."

There was an awkward pause and some muffling which meant that they had covered up the speaker of the phone so they could talk about something she had said together. Rachel sighed. I might as well get this over with, she thought. "Umm dads, I just want to thank you for your letters and the things that you sent us. I really appreciate it a lot. And I also want to apologize for the way I reacted. I just couldn't believe that you had been lying to me all this time and pretending to support me. From now on, I want you both to always be completely honest with me so we don't ever have this problem again. Do you think you can do that for me?" She looked up and met Finn's eyes. He took her hand and kissed it, silently nodding his approval.

"Rachel," Hiram hesitated, "we accept your apology but it really shouldn't be you who needs to tell us you are sorry. We never should have lied to you about being supportive of your decision. We love you and all that matters is that you are happy. If you are happy, then we are happy."

Rachel couldn't help but let the tears of happiness fall. Everything was finally falling into place just the way she had imagined it.

"Promise me you won't get any crazy ideas to join the army once you get there?" Rachel was standing outside the apartment saying her good-byes to Finn, Brittney, and Blaine. They group had agreed that it would not only be extremely expensive to take a cab there and back, but they also didn't want to cause a scene when they went to say their good-byes.

Finn chuckled and pulled his fiancée into an even tighter embrace, "I'm pretty sure I couldn't even think about it after knowing what it feels like to 'live' in New York with you. Four months I promise! Speaking of four months I have something for you." He pulled a small black box out of his jacket pocket and placed it in her hand. She looked up at him questioningly before opening the box. She gasped as she saw what it was. She pulled the silver necklace out of the box to admire it. It was in the shape of the state of Georgia and had a small heart in the approximate location of Fort Benning. Finn took it from her hand and placed it around her neck. "I know most of your necklaces are gold but I wanted one that would match your engagement ring. I didn't want to force you to wear your engagement ring all the time so I figured that on the days you couldn't wear it, you could put it on this chain and know that I am thinking about you.

"I promise to call you all the time and text you whenever you aren't busy. It will be a long four months but we are going to make it through because we are destined to be together. I love you Rachel Barbra Berry!"

Rachel felt the chain around her neck and couldn't stop smiling, "This is a much better departure than the last time I found out you were going to Georgia. My heart will definitely be in Georgia for the next four months but hopefully that is all the time that it will be there!" She leaned up to kiss him.

They were interrupted by Kurt clearing his throat, "Goodness you would think by now I would know not to go anywhere you two may be without expecting a make-out session." Rachel leaned into Finn's chest as he held her close.

Blaine came up behind Kurt and put his arm around his shoulder, "You know Kurt, had they walked in your bedroom about 30 seconds ago they would have seen the same thing and I am almost positive the same thing was going on in Santana's bedroom as well. Rachel couldn't help but laugh out loud which made everyone laugh in return.

"Yeah I guess you are right," Kurt replied between laughs. The three couples all walked out to hail a cab, leaving the three travelers just enough time to make it through security.

"Promise?" Rachel looked searchingly into Finn's eyes.

"I promise," Finn replied. He kissed her and as he got into the cab he put his hand over the right side of his chest. "Remember, even though I don't wear a necklace like yours, my heart is staying here with you." He winked as he moved his hand to the left side and mouthed something to Rachel. She smiled and blew him a kiss.

As they watched the cab drive away, Kurt came up next to her. "Why did he touch the right side? Doesn't he know that his heart isn't on that side?" Rachel looked up at Kurt.

"He knows exactly what side it is on. It is just an inside thing between us. You see the first time we went on a date in the auditorium, he was talking about how he could feel my singing in his heart but he touched the wrong side. I corrected him and after that we kissed." She wasn't about to tell Kurt what Finn had mouthed to her. It's beating really hard. She felt the same exact way anytime she thought about how far the two of them had come since that day in the McKinley High auditorium.