A/N: I'm sorry people who follow me! I've been super busy with summer school, so I haven't been writing lately... but here's a Clintasha piece because I saw the Avengers and HOLY MOTHER IT WAS AMAZING. Review if you agree! ;)

Anyway, thanks for being patient and I'm sorry this is short, but I have more stories in my mind-storage!

A crystal tear traced its way down Natasha's cheek. A slow funeral march was playing in the background as the simple, wooden casket was lowered into the ground.

Clint's casket.

The redhead bit back a strangled sob. She hadn't cried since she was a baby; she hated it. Oh, but she had loved him. She still did. Gripping her elbows close to her body, the S.H.E.I.L.D. member almost subconsciously tried to curl in on herself.

The other Avengers knew not to approach her; they were grieving themselves. Tony was trying to comfort a crying Pepper as he swallowed thickly. Steve was standing stiffly with his head bowed, a faded memory running through his head of a similarly brave man falling off a train. Bruce was breathing deeply, trying so hard to keep his emotions in check. Thor was wrapped in Jane's arms, the couple sitting numbly and battling their own unpleasant thoughts as Darcy, Agent Hill, Director Fury, and other S.H.I.E.L.D. agents stood behind them and stared ahead with a variety of emotions in their eyes.

And Natasha.

The Black Widow was shaking all over; her bright eyes were wet with tears, and she had a slim hand clasped over her mouth, determined to not make any sound. She told herself it would be fine. He'd died a hero, saving innocent people's lives... and hers. She knew he'd wanted that, if he had to go.

If he had to leave her.

She told herself that they'd been together a long time; that they'd had a… a good run. She instructed herself to be strong for him. Like he was whenever she'd needed him to be for her…

But with that thought, she lost it, sinking to her knees and sobbing violently, gut-wrenchingly into her hands. The other members of S.H.E.I.L.D. cast glances toward her, most shocked, though some knowing and sad.

The Black Widow never cried.

But Natasha… Natasha cried for Clint.

A/N: So... it's depressing, but I think it's pretty good. Review PLEASE! I love you all! :D