Disclaimer: Hey, one of the homing pigeons I sent to Kazuki Takahashi has returned! Let's see what he sent back... *opens note* Tough...luck...bonehead. Bonehead?! Dang. Ah, well. I guess that means Yu- Gi-Oh doesn't belong to me. However, the edited lyrics are MINE, so do not steal them.

Seto: Yu-Gi-Oh doesn't belong to you?! Nutbunnies.

Yami: And here we were hoping we'd be yours forevermore.

Me: Really?!

Seto: No, of course not. We just like messing with your head.

Yami: The look on your face was priceless.

Me: You know, I still have time to take away your duet...


Seto: We'll be good! Honest! Just don't nix the duet!

Me: Hmmm...okay.

Yami: THANK YOU! *dances*

Seto: *takes pictures* Yami dancing. That's something you don't see often.

Author's Notes: Three-hour car rides do weird things to your brain. Already I've got ideas for about four more karaoke songs, and I learned it REALLY creeps your parents out if you suddenly start cackling from the backseat for no apparent reason, considering you're listening to music on your Discman and they can't hear a single thing you're listening to. The song I've used is called "It Was You" (I think) and it's track 3 on the Pokemon: The First Movie CD. Anywho, this is the much-anticipated SECOND Yami/Seto duet, and after this I think it'll be.well, I'll just leave you in suspense! *snickers*

Special Dedication: To Jia, aka BlackHoleSun, for never failing to provide inspiration. Even though half the time you don't realize you've done it. Huggles and Slurpees!

"--" = parts of the duet that Yami sings.

"~~" = parts of the duet that Seto sings.

"**" = parts of the duet they sing together.


A flushing noise signaled Joey's return from the bathroom. Other than that, the entire room was in dead silence.

Macavity glanced at her watch. "Three...two...one..."

Everyone held their breath.

"Zero! You did it!"

Instantly Seto and Yami leaped three feet in the air, giggling like schoolgirls. "We get to sing a duet! We get to sing a duet! We get to sing a duet! YAAAAAAAAAAY!"

Then, suddenly, they remembered that there were other people in the room and instantly regained their dignity.

"Ahem..." Seto murmured, picking at a piece of invisible lint on his trench coat.

"Agreed..." Yami said with a nod, suddenly finding the floor incredibly interesting.

Joey opened his mouth to say something, but instead burst out laughing. "You guys are crazy! Totally crazy!"

"Yes, but we get to sing. AGAIN," Seto replied snootily, turning with a flourish and stepping up to the mike. Yami followed close behind. "That's because Macavity loves us BEST."

"Liar!" Malik yelled.







"Oh, okay."

And then, grinning, Yami and Seto began their second duet...


~~When I think of what I've been through,

I can see that you've always been there for me,

To tell the truth, don't know what I'd do,

Without you, all of these dreams would not be true,~~

~~You are the one that I had sought for,

Now my life means so much more,

Now I can see our past is forever,

Just you and me...~~

~~Me here for you, you here for me...~~

~~It was you who showed me I got a friend in you,

I always knew that you'd be right here for me,

And it was you who fought by me 'till the war was through,

And it was you who stayed by my side,

It was you.~~

--Since the day you came in my life,

I knew then that you'd be my priest, right by my side.

Then you proved you're a friend to me,

In my heart, forever, you will always be...--

--You are the one that I had hoped for,

Now my life means so much more,

Now I can see our past is forever,

Just you and me, there for each other.--

--It was you who showed me I got a friend in you,

I always knew that you'd be right here for me,

And it was you who fought by me 'till the war was through,

And it was you who stood by my side,

It was you.--

**It was you who showed me I got a friend in you,

I always knew that you'd be right here for me,

And it was you who fought by me 'till the war was through,

And it was you who stood by my side,

It was you.**

--That was you, always right by my side,

When I just can't do it, you helped me through it.--

~~We're friends forever, like best friends should be,

You'll always be a special part of me...~~

~~It was you!~~

--It was you who showed me I got a friend in you,

I always knew that you'd be right here for me,

And it was you who fought by me 'till the war was through,

And it was you who stood by my side,

It was you.--

~~It was you who showed me I got a friend in you,

I always knew that you'd be right here for me,

And it was you who fought by me 'till the war was through,

And it was you who stood by my side,

It was you.~~

~~It was you, showed me I got a friend,

I always knew that you'd be right there~~

--It was you, stuck with me all through and through,

It was you, I knew that I could count on you.--

**It was you who showed me I got a friend in you,

I always knew that you'd be right here for me,

And it was you who fought by me 'till the war was through,

And it was you who stood by my side,

It was you.**

**You are a friend to me, it was you...**


As always, there was thunderous applause.

Yami pranced around the karaoke machine, chanting. "I'm the pharaoh! I'm the pharaoh! I'm the pharaoh!"

Yugi rolled his eyes. "Oh, NOW you've done it. He's NEVER going to stop crowing."

"Sure he will," Macavity said helpfully. "Just give it some time."

Unfortunately, Yami's eyes suddenly fell on Yami Bakura, who was calmly eating a chocolate-covered cherry. "TOMB ROBBER!" he screeched. "MY CHERRY! NOT YOURS!"

Seto just barely managed to grab Yami before he flying-tackled the tomb robber. "Settle, pharaoh. Settle. You don't want that one, anyway. His unworthy fingers have touched it."

Suddenly, Yami brightened. "Oh! You're right! Thank you, High Priest Seth."

"My name is Seto."

"If you say so, Seth."








"I'm glad you finally agree with me. Now go fetch me a cherry."

"Over my dead body."

"That can be arranged quite easily."

"I rephrase that. Over YUGI'S dead body."

"...I despise you, Seth."



Suddenly the sound of tiny footsteps came pitter-pattering down the hall, followed by an anguished scream from Tea. Something warm and tiny instantly tackled Seto and Yami...




Kudos to me! Kudos to me! Happy am I! Happy am I! *dances* And someone new will show up next chapter! Hurrah!

Seto: Is it Noah?

Me: Maybe.

Yami: Is it Shadi?

Me: Maybe.

Seto: Is it Tristan?

Me: Maybe.

Yami: Is it Bastet, Egyptian goddess of cats?

Me: ...Are you trying to replace me?

Yami: Never! I am aghast that you would even think such a horrible thing!

Me: That's better.

Seto: *rereads duet* HEY! How come I had to sing the soprano part?!

Me: *snickers* Because you're just SO effeminate.

Seto: *grumbles*

BWAHAHAHA! I decided to throw in the chibis, but not blatantly. Thus, they appeared, but discreetly. Maybe more of them next chapter. Maybe not. Anyway, I would like to point out that, while the song and characters do not belong to me, the revised lyrics DO. They are MINE. Do not steal them.

Also, thank you for your patience and understanding! I adore you guys. Thank you for all your suggestions, especially. They really help inspire me, even though I don't always use them outright in the story. Ten reviews would be nice, if possible. It makes me feel good to know that people are still reading my stuff, even though my posting has been erratic.

To Millennium Princess, specifically: I apologize if it seemed like I don't acknowledge your suggestions, because I really do. Every little thing I hear from my reviewers makes me think of new story twists. If it happens that I don't use a reviewed idea, it's not that I don't LIKE it, it's just that it's harder to fit or revise. Okay? ^_^ Thanks for understanding!

Finally, Joey the Flame Swordsman (whom I found eating all my candy) and Flamina, the angel minion of fire (whom I discovered staring at my angel- winged Seto picture) will torch, destroy, annihilate, wipe out, obliterate, demolish, eliminate, and eradicate any nasty reviews, complaints, and/or flames. All nice reviews will be huggled to death and smooched by my endless oceans of chibis. That said, PLEASE READ AND REVIEW!