A/N: This is the epilogue to the story. It's a shame that I couldn't really continue this, but I have severe writer's block. Please enjoy the last chapter of the story and thank you to all of those who have reviewed.

The show had just started, and it was being enjoyed by everyone, especially Carly and Freddie. But the next act shocked them both equally. "Now, for my next act, I need two volunteers from the audience." Sam and Freddie both put their hands up without noticing the other had. "Okay, those two kids down the front. Sam and Freddie looked at one another surprised. But they both got up on stage anyway. Carly looked on in interest.

"Now, you two hold hands, standing next to each other." said O'Galey, and Sam and Freddie obeyed him hesitantly. "Now, close your eyes, and when you open them, you'll be in each other's bodies." Sam and Freddie's eyes shot open at the mention of those words, and looked at Carly, who was also in complete shock. And the O'Galey said the spell. "Oh switchius, our bodius!" and when Sam and Freddie had opened their eyes, they were each other. "Oh no, not again!" said Carly from the audience. "Now, the spell will only last until midnight, unlike the spell I put on this boy and that girl in the front row of the audience, that is a permanent body swap, since they asked me for help to change their bodies back before the show. Everyone give them a huge round of applause." said O'Galey, and everyone did. Carly blushed, expecting that to remain a secret. But now there was the problem of Sam and Freddie's bodies being swapped, and she knew that they would ask her for help to cope. Boy, was this going to be a long day!

A/N: That was intended to be a funny twist, but it sounded funnier in my head. Anyway, this concludes the story. Please review! It would make my day, since my recently deceased friend was loving this story until he died, and I'd like to know that everyone else likes it as well. See you next iCarly fanfic!